Stephanie's Blog

We Can Win This

Hi, moms!

Usually, except in cases of emergency, I’ve tried to keep the tone of this blog as sunny and bright as I can. We moms have enough stress without my adding to it by bringing up things that we would rather not dwell on. But I’ve been thinking about a problem that needs to be addressed because it affects so many moms—so many women—everywhere. And it’s one of those things that must be taken out of the shadows and looked at without secrecy or shame.

It’s the problem of domestic abuse. Every day the statistics get worse—the percentage of women abused by their husbands and boyfriends, the chances that any one of us will find herself the victim when the man who seemed so nice suddenly turns out to be a monster. When the person we thought we could trust turns out to be our enemy.

Sometimes it comes as a shock. Sometimes, looking back, we see the signs we chose to ignore. Looking back on my earlier blog posts, I have to wonder why I was so drawn to that French film about a wife, a mistress—and an abusive husband.

Sometimes we deceive ourselves into thinking that a man who abused a former wife or girlfriend will be an angel with us. Moms! Don’t be fooled! If a man does something once, he’ll do it again. And it’s not always easy to identify the serial abuser. It’s not always the guy with the tattoos and the motorcycle jacket. It’s just as likely the guy in the expensive haircut and the elegant business suit.

That is to say: any man.

Sometimes it starts early, but more often it takes a while—until we’re in so deep that we can no longer remember life without him. Or until we have kids. And we keep thinking that he’ll never do it again. He’s sorry; he loves us . . . We all know the story.

Some men lash out and leave marks, the black eyes and broken noses that send women to the emergency rooms and from there to the kindly social worker and the battered women’s shelter. But the real devils are the ones who hide the traces, who practice constant psychological abuse until the woman is all but destroyed.

It could be happening to anyone. Your coworker. Your best friend. And you have no idea. Sometimes the secret comes out too late. And sometimes just in time. A woman—a mom—may try to escape and be driven to do something extreme before she can get help.

What to do? Make your voices heard. Let our lawmakers know that women need to be protected by law. Volunteer at a shelter. Raise your sons to be men who would never mistreat a woman.

And if it’s happening to your friend?

Do anything she needs. Help her in any way you can.

Okay, moms, enough heavy stuff. I’m starting a chain so you can share your own abuse stories and let me know what you think about this subject.

