1,000,000 B.C. (approx.)…Raiel armada invades the Void. Never returns.
A.D. 1200…Prime species’ home star system and renegade Prime colony star (Dyson pair) quarantined behind force fields by the Anomine.
1900…Starflyer crash-lands on Far Away, 400 light-years from Earth.
2037…First attempted human rejuvenation, Jeff Baker.
2050…Nigel Sheldon and Ozzie Isaacs open wormhole to surface of Mars.
2057…Wormhole opened to Proxima Centuri. Start of interstellar colonization.
2100…Eight new worlds settled. Official formation of Intersolar Commonwealth Council, the “Parliament of Worlds.”
2100–onward…Massive expansion of human settlements across H-congruous planets. Rise of Big15 industrial worlds.
2102…Huxley’s Haven founded, genetic conformist constitution.
2150…Prime star disappears from Earth’s sky—unnoticed.
2222…Paula Myo born on Huxley’s Haven.
2270…Prime star pair identified as Dyson Emission Spectrum twins.
2163…High Angel discovered orbiting Icalanise.
2380…Dudley Bose observes Dyson Alpha vanish.
2381…Starship Second Chance flies to Dyson Alpha.
2381–2383…Starflyer War.
2384…First colony fleet (Brandt Dynasty) leaves to found human colony outside Commonwealth.
2545–onward…Use of large starships to establish Commonwealth “External” worlds.
2550…Commonwealth Navy Exploration Fleet founded to explore galaxy beyond External worlds.
2560…Commonwealth Navy ship Endeavor circumnavigates galaxy, captained by Wilson Kime; discovery of the Void.
2603…Navy discovers 7th High Angel–type ship.
2620…Raiel confirm their status as ancient galactic race who lost war against the Void.
2833…Completion of ANA (Advanced Neural Activity) first stage on Earth. Grand Family members begin memory download into ANA.
2867…Sheldon Dynasty gigalife project partially successful, first human body biononic supplements for regeneration and general iatrics.
2872…Start of Higher human culture, biononic enrichment allowing a society of slow-paced long life, rejection of commercial economics and old political ideologies.
2913…Earth begins absorption of “mature” humans into ANA; inward migration begins.
2984…Formation of radical Highers, who wish to convert human race to Higher culture.
3000…Sheldon Dynasty colony fleet (30 starships) leaves Commonwealth, believed to possess long-range transgalactic flight capability.
3001…Ozzie produces uniform neural entanglement effect, known as gaiafield.
3040…Commonwealth invited to join Centurion Station, the Void observation project supervised by Raiel, a joint enterprise between alien species.
3120…ANA officially becomes Earth’s government; total planetary population 50 million (activated bodies) and falling.
3126…Brandt Dynasty transgalactic colony fleet launched.
3150…External world Ellezelin settled.
3255…Kerry, radical Higher Angel, arrives on Anagaska; Inigo’s conception.
This era (time uncertain)…Edeard born in the Void.
3320…Inigo begins duty tour at Centurion star system; his first dream.
3324…Inigo settles on Ellezelin, founds Living Dream movement, begins construction of Makkathran2.
3326…Nigel Sheldon’s mission into the Void.
3328…The Void expels Bienvenido into intergalactic space.
3331…Sheldon Dynasty leaves Commonwealth.
3336…Laura Brandt opens exploratory wormhole to Ursell.
3407…Ozzie departs Commonwealth for the Spike to build “galactic dream.”
3589…Ethan elected Cleric Conservator of Living Dream, announces pilgrimage into the Void.
3590…The Void transcends.
3593…Ry Evine’s Liberty mission.