‘I can’t sleep,’ Patricia said, when Arthur Randall answered the phone.

‘How did you know I wasn’t in bed?’

‘I didn’t think you’d mind me waking you up if you were.’

‘That’s very presumptuous of you,’ he laughed.

‘It’s my way,’ she replied wryly.

‘That’s the truth.’ There was a pause before Arthur prompted, ‘What’s up?’

‘You know, the usual. Too much on my mind. Were you in bed?’

‘No. Was just about to head off though. Was thinking about my girls.’

‘How are they?’

‘Apart from being the lights of my life? Good. Teresa seems to be enjoying her new job. She’s settled down. Tanya has me worried. She just broke up with that fellow she was living with.’

‘I never liked him much.’

‘I bet I liked him less than you did.’

Patricia laughed. ‘You have me there. How’s she coping?’

‘She has her moments. I went to see her today. Tony’s girl came in while I was there.’


‘Yes. She was in worse shape than Tanya,’ Arthur said with a laugh. ‘I suppose it’s not funny but it sounded as though she caught her father in a compromising position.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, I didn’t stay for the details but she said something about her father not being able to keep it in his pants.’

Patricia laughed. ‘So that’s what the young people call it these days.’

‘I guess so. Just what we called it in ours.’

‘Actually,’ Patricia said more seriously, ‘it would be hard for a daughter to see her father in a “compromising position”.’

‘I know. I told you it’s not funny.’

‘It would be less funny if Beth Ann knew.’

Arthur was silent.

‘Sorry,’ Patricia said and quickly changed the subject. ‘Hey. Thanks for being there.’

‘Anything for you. And you were always there for me when Sarah died.’

‘They were tough times.’

‘I still sleep on my side of the bed. Even after all these years, it doesn’t feel right to take up the whole bed.’

‘You always were a softie. In a good way.’

‘Well, maybe. But the good guys always finish last.’

‘That’s such a cliche,’ Patricia scoffed dismissively.

‘It’s a cliche because it’s true.’

‘Well, I’m getting tired now. Think I might be able to get some sleep at last.’