These majestic beasts are the largest animals found in North America. The buffalo played an essential role in shaping the ecology of the American West. Their hooves loosened the ground, to the benefit of many plant species, and those plants in turn were eaten by many other species. The Plains Indians used every part of the buffalo to help them survive: dung for fuel; hides for clothing, blankets, and shelters; meat for food; and bones for tools and toys. Horns were used to make cups and spoons, and even the tendons were used to make thread for sewing and strings for bows. In many myths, the buffalo sacrificed itself willingly and was therefore treated with honor and respect. In 2016 the buffalo became the national mammal of the United States.
Key Attributes
Walking a sacred path, abundance and gratitude, feminine courage, deep connections with the earth, and strength of character.
Chakra Interpretations
Roaming the land in populations that numbered in the millions, the buffalo were once considered a symbol of the Great Plains. When we think about a buffalo, we rarely think of a singular individual; we think of them in the context of a herd. Most likely, you feel safest when you are in a crowd, even if it is only a few people, and probably one consisting of members of your same gender. It goes against your nature to spend any time alone. Another possibility for the buffalo in this chakra is that you have respect for all things, a gift for sharing, and an instinct to protect, defend, and honor all life. You might be an avid recycler, trying your best not to waste anything or take anything for granted.
Female buffalo lead the family groups, while bulls remain solitary or in small groups for most of the year. As mentioned above, you probably tend to spend most of your time amongst members of your same gender. When males and females do come together, the bull will become very possessive of the female he has chosen, even blocking the female’s view of competing bulls and bellowing at any male trying to get her attention. It is possible that when you are in a relationship, you become very possessive of your partner, to the point of getting angry if someone so much as looks at them. If this is the case for you, it may be time to search inside yourself to discover the source of the insecurity that makes you need to possess another person. If you are in a relationship in which your partner behaves this way, are you sure you want to stay?
Solar Plexus
The buffalo’s massive shoulders are capable of carrying large amounts of weight. This message says that you are willing to take on a great deal, including other people’s burdens. Just be sure that the burdens you carry are ones you carry by choice. Buffalo energy is a gentle reminder that it is not your job to take on the weight of the world. Another aspect of the buffalo in this chakra speaks to your awareness that we are all part of a greater whole. While you often stand out in a crowd, you understand that real strength comes from connection—to others, to the environment, and to all life.
When protecting the herd against danger, the females will form a defensive circle around the calves, and the males will form an outer circle around the females. You have a strong character and a protective nature that you use for the benefit of any who need it, particularly those you consider vulnerable. The buffalo is also a reminder that all things are interconnected and that it is not necessary to struggle to have abundance; true abundance is in the heart, not in things. It is important to have gratitude for what you have and not worry about the things you don’t.
One way a buffalo communicates is with its tail. If a buffalo is calm, its tail will be hanging straight down and swishing, but an upset buffalo will point its tail upward. Most likely, people can read your moods like a book based on your body language, so you may want to be conscious of what you are projecting. The buffalo in this chakra could also be telling you to use your voice for prayer, for honoring life, or for teaching the young. Your voice can be a tool of the sacred if used with intent. One surprising study showed that when males court a female, the quieter male seems to be the one to win her heart—a lesson that it isn’t always the loudest voice that wins, and a reminder to not use your overwhelming presence as your only form of communication.
Third Eye
Buffalo are nearsighted, which could mean you tend to be a little bull-headed when it comes to expanding your awareness beyond what is right in front of you. To compensate for their vision, buffalo have strong senses of smell and hearing. To open this chakra, it may be useful for you to use aromatherapy or essential oils, particularly something with an earthy aroma. Another way could be using music or nature soundtracks. Key here is to not rely on your visual senses.
Buffalo is a uniting force between things earthly and unearthly. Buffalo is asking you to feel your connection between the Earth Mother and Sky Father. The Lakota legend of White Buffalo Woman teaches that the earth and everything on her are sacred. The buffalo reminds you to be thankful for all that you have and that only by being humble will your relationship with Spirit stay pure. The buffalo represents walking a sacred path and honoring all life. Walking with the buffalo is a prayer. If you are willing to be open to the sacred, the buffalo will help you establish a connection with all that is and help you feel in harmony with all beings of the earth, particularly those that are endangered or threatened.