Scientists estimate there are roughly twenty thousand species of butterflies found on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Images of butterflies have been found in Egyptian frescoes that date back thousands of years. A butterfly’s life cycle is made up of four parts, which is the reason it is considered a sign of transformation, rebirth, shape-shifting, and reinventing oneself. Like bees, butterflies are very connected to the earth and susceptible to environmental changes: even small changes can be harmful to the population. One indicator of a healthy ecosystem is the presence of a large number of butterflies. In the folklore of some Native American tribes the butterfly represents change, in others short-lived beauty, and in still others conceit and thoughtless behavior. To some, the butterfly is a messenger from the spirit world. The meaning of that message is dependent on the color of the butterfly, and if a butterfly lands on your shoulder, it is there to bring you comfort.
Key Attributes
Powerful personal transformation, lightness of being, playfulness, joy, creative freedom, and a reminder to not take things too seriously.
Chakra Interpretations
Even though the butterfly is a creature of the air, it is very connected to the earth and its environment. Most likely, you like to surround yourself with color and beauty. The sense of smell is connected to this chakra. You might fill your house with flowers or at least the scent of flowers. You may love gardening as either an actual career or just have an amazing green thumb. You are also very sensitive to your personal living space, and if that seems to become corrupted or uncomfortable and you can’t fix the problem, you have no problem moving on to a more peaceful place.
When a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, it must wait to be sure its wings are dry before taking flight. You are a patient person; you don’t take any quick action when it comes to life situations until you are confident that the timing is right. If you are in the midst of significant change in your life or if you have been feeling like you are in need of change, what stage of transformation are you in, and is anything keeping you from completing the cycle? One habit of the butterfly is flitting from pretty flower to pretty flower. While this will only speak to a few, if it rings true for you, it is likely that you usually don’t stay with one partner for very long.
Solar Plexus
It may come as a surprise, but underneath the tiny colorful scales, butterfly wings are transparent. Nearly every species of butterfly is beautiful. Can you see your inner beauty clearly or do you depend on external color—be it makeup or a business suit—to feel safe in the world? Are you afraid of what others will think of you once you strip off your filters? It is also possible that these filters are what give you strength and that you love to parade your colors. What is important is for you to be true to yourself.
Butterflies are very fragile and easily hurt. If you have suffered a loss or feel like your wings are damaged, it may be healing for you to cocoon yourself for a time so that you can come back into the world transformed and beautiful. Another notable aspect of the butterfly is that it can have a flighty nature. Like the bee, the butterfly is easily distracted by the next pretty flower. As with the sacral, the butterfly in the heart chakra may indicate that you get bored easily and tend to not stay in a relationship long enough to get to know the other person. If this is true for you, could it be time to try settling down?
Butterflies can’t hear, but their wings are very sensitive, and they can feel the vibrations different sounds make. Since the butterfly experiences sound instead of hearing it, you probably are very empathetic to the feelings behind someone’s words, getting the real intention. From a real-life standpoint, it could be that you have difficulty with your hearing and need to depend on reading either lips or a person’s body language for clarity.
Third Eye
Butterflies have compound eyes made up of thousands of smaller eyes called ommatidia. When the butterfly’s brain combines the images from these eyes, they become a whole picture—much like many pixels coming together to create a digital image. You not only have the ability to see the pieces of a situation, but you can also put together the whole picture. The butterfly’s field of vision is larger than a human’s, and it can see both ultraviolet and polarized light. The ability to see in a different wavelength suggests you could have an aptitude for clairvoyant skills. It is highly likely that you are naturally psychic and may even be able to see the veil between the worlds.
A butterfly’s antennae are crucial to its survival. They are used not only for navigation but also for finding food and even for knowing what time of day it is. If their antennae get damaged, they lose these abilities. This speaks to the importance of not breaking your connection to the land or Spirit. Keeping those connections is an essential element in maintaining a balanced life. As mentioned above, butterflies can see both ultraviolet and polarized light. You have an inborn ability to journey into these higher realms of consciousness. Travel there and reconnect with beauty. The Blackfoot tribe believes that dreams are brought in sleep by a butterfly. Perhaps the butterfly has a dream for you if you are open to the message.