
Researchers in Jordan opened a grave in a sixteen-thousand-year-old cemetery and found the remains of a man buried with his pet fox; the first-known human and pet dog buried together was not until about four thousand years later. While the fox is a member of the dog family (Canidae), it surprisingly has a lot in common with the cat: foxes have eyes with vertical slits, and the gray fox has semiretractable claws. They like to stalk and play with their food before eating it, and they can even climb trees.

Key Attributes

Seeing through deception, camouflage, cleverness, quick wit, alertness, agility, magic and cunning, femininity, gentleness, stealth, and keen insight.

Chakra Interpretations


Foxes may return to their mates year after year, but they may also take on other partners as well. They don’t live in packs but in a small family group with a dominant pair and several others, which may include maturing offspring or nonbreeding sisters that help with the rearing of the kits. During breeding season, a fox pair will work together to care for the cubs, and the male will support the female by bringing food for the family. Creating a warm and safe home is essential to you. You probably prefer a monogamous relationship, and you may even like living with extended family members. If you’re female, you may rely a great deal on your female relations or sisters of choice when it comes to taking care of your family. If you are male, you may follow the old-fashioned, but still honorable, belief that it is your job to put food on the table but leave the care of the family to the females.


Someone sexually attractive is often called foxy. You have no problem with sexual expression. Foxes are also known to be friendly and curious. They love to play and will often steal toys left out in a yard or golf balls from a golf course. Not only are they self-entertaining, but they love to play with other foxes and will also play with mammals such as cats and dogs. While you are perfectly happy entertaining yourself, other people think you are fun to be around, so don’t always go it alone. Because the fox is nocturnal and usually only seen at dawn or dusk, this could be the time of day when you are at your most creative.

Solar Plexus

The fox has a legendary reputation for resourcefulness, earning it a reputation for intelligence and cunning. The fox will camouflage itself in its surroundings, and gray foxes can partially retract their claws, helping them climb trees to escape predators. This combination of skills allows you to view situations with detachment and clarity, and if you don’t want people to see you, they won’t. The fox is also capable of quick action, a warning to make sure you use your cunning and intelligence so your actions don’t get you into trouble. Another trait of the fox is its uncanny sensitivity to its environment. If this applies to you, you can probably sense an incoming storm or any other shift in the weather. You may also be able to tell instantly if anything at all has changed or is “off” in your home or work environment.


As mentioned above, many foxes return to the same mate, but even those that do often sleep and hunt alone. You may be happiest when you are in a safe, monogamous relationship while maintaining your personal space. If you are married or cohabitating with a partner, you may even prefer sleeping in separate bedrooms. If you aren’t married but are in a stable relationship, it might be that both of you prefer an arrangement of living in different places and only getting together for quality time. As far as friends go, you are very loyal, and your heart is playful, which means not only are you a good friend to have, but you collect good friends around you.


Foxes have incredibly sensitive hearing: they can hear a mouse squeak from as far away as a hundred feet. You too have sensitive hearing and can probably pick up details of sound that others miss. An example is listening to complex music and being able to sort out the different instruments or being able to hear conversations clearly even when in a crowd. Foxes also have a wide variety of vocalizations, and they love to communicate with each other through play. Most likely, you have a quick wit, so much so that some people have trouble keeping up with your conversational style. You might also be strong politically. You would be a persuasive council member or community representative, particularly if it involves the environment. You probably come out the winner in any verbal debate you are involved in. This is quite valuable if your career involves arguing law of any kind.

Third Eye

Fox eyes have vertical pupils like cat eyes, helping them see well in the dark. Because you can watch a situation without being observed, this speaks to your ability to see and hear what others miss. Some researchers believe that foxes can sense the earth’s magnetic field and use it as a targeting system for pouncing on prey. The ability to sense these fields is called magnetoreception, and it is widespread in the animal kingdom. Though it is still being debated, some current research says humans also have this ability, though to a lesser degree and most aren’t aware that they do. I personally believe that we do, and those of us who are sensitive often have an uncanny sense of direction.


As mentioned above, it is thought by some that foxes can sense the earth’s magnetic fields and that they use this skill along with their remarkable hearing to catch prey. Open up to the perceptions of the fox and see what you can uncover about yourself and the world around you beyond your self-imposed limitations.