
Whether standing patiently at the edge of a pond or flying, the great blue heron is a majestic sight to behold. While flying, this bird curls its neck into an S shape, stretches its long legs out behind it in a straight line, and gracefully glides on a wingspan that can reach over six feet. Currently, there are more than sixty different species of herons, varying in size and color and inhabiting wetlands around the world. The great blue heron is the most common one in North America and is the one I use for the interpretations listed below. It is also one of the symbols for the Chesapeake Bay Trust. I spent the first fifteen years of my life near one of the rivers off the bay, so it is a place near and dear to my heart.

Key Attributes

Self-reliance and confidence, self-reflection, independence, grace, resourcefulness, introspection, being present, intuition, taking personal responsibility and accountability, achieving one’s goals through patience and planning.

Chakra Interpretations


One potential aspect of the heron says that while individually solitary, herons tend to nest in large colonies. They usually build their nests high up in trees away from potential ground predators. You might feel most at home living in a high-rise apartment setting, especially if it has a water view. You may not ever know your neighbors but still feel like there is safety in numbers. Another possibility says that while herons are carnivores and will eat anything they can grab, their preference seems to be for seafood. This could be saying that while you don’t have an aversion to eating meat, you prefer fish or shellfish in your regular diet. Herons are most active during dusk and dawn because those are the best times for fishing, as any angler will attest. Most likely, these are the times during the day that you feel the most alive and alert.


Herons are what is called seasonally monogamous, meaning they are only with one partner at a time and only for a short time; they do not find a life match. Like the heron, when you are in a relationship, it tends to be monogamous, but you are perfectly happy being alone. You aren’t someone who requires a lot of people in your life. Another behavioral trait of the heron is that it hunts by waiting patiently for its prey and then quickly striking to catch it. When it comes to pursuing your passions, nothing and no one can rush you. You do everything at your own pace. You focus your attention, letting nothing distract you, and wait until the timing is perfect before you take any decisive action. From a more humorous perspective, the heron in this chakra could mean that one of your life’s passions is fishing!

Solar Plexus

Herons are very striking birds. It could be that your physical structure is tall and slender, but even if it isn’t, you exude silent elegance like the heron. You are perfectly comfortable on your own, following your own instincts and guidance and your own path of self-determination. You have no desire or need to keep up with the material world. You stand out in a crowd because of your uniqueness. Other people may be mystified by your aloofness, so if this bothers someone you care about, it may be necessary to explain that your behavior isn’t meant to hurt them; it is just who you are. Another possible connection speaks to the heron’s patience. Because you are one to watch a situation carefully, your gut instincts are usually spot-on.


The heron acknowledges that solitude can be a healthy practice, that it’s okay to be alone. While usually solitary, both male and female herons will work together to make a nest. The heron’s lesson is that even the most independent among us admit that there are some areas of life where a partnership makes life a little easier and can work if both parties reach an agreement and respect each other’s need for independence.


One aspect of heron for you could be that words sometimes get stuck in your throat, especially if you tend to talk so fast that your thoughts get ahead of you. Heron energy can teach you the wisdom of waiting patiently before speaking. Slow down, take a deep breath, and refuse to be rushed no matter how much pressure you feel. Let the heron’s S-curved neck slow down your words so that when you do speak, it is with dignity and forethought.

Third Eye

Due to the number of the photoreceptors within a heron’s eyes, they can see more detail than we can and can also see at night. In addition to having patience, not only can you see the metaphorical forest and the tress, but you can probably see the veins in the leaves as well. This just means that nothing escapes your understanding. Most likely, your psychic perception and insight are equally sharp. If your busy life is getting in the way of you being open to your intuition, heron energy can teach you how to slow down and learn patience so you can hear what your hunches are trying to tell you.


The heron has inherent stability, balance, and grace. These elements, along with patience, show that you already do or can learn how to open your spiritual awareness through stillness. You might want to try standing meditations such as those found in qigong and yoga. Finding serenity will help you be open to any messages from the spirit realms that are trying to fly in.