
Considered by many to be the noblest of all creatures, the horse evolved from a much smaller animal. It is believed horses first became domesticated in Asia about five thousand years ago, and they have been our companions ever since. In heavily wooded states like Vermont, draft horses are used to stretch cable for high-tech communication systems because they can maneuver through areas with no road access with little to no damage to the ecosystem. Therapeutic riding is used to help children and adults with special needs as wide-ranging as physical limitations, developmental issues, and PTSD. A fun fact is that while the state of Maryland (my home state) doesn’t have an individual state animal, the official state sport is jousting!

Key Attributes

Unconditional love, empathy, loyalty, freedom, mobility, collaboration with and serving others, awakening inner power, dignity, and new journeys.

Chakra Interpretations


There is a lot of debate over if horses should wear shoes or not, but many agree that it comes down to what the horse does on a regular basis (e.g., if it’s a working horse, pulling heavy weight) and what the terrain is like where it lives (e.g., if it needs shoes to protect it from wet conditions or rocks). In an ideal world, barefoot is better. You probably love to go barefoot (or sock footed) in your home, but most of us can’t do that at our jobs. It is important for you to have the correct foundation footwear as it relates to what you do for your living or what your activities involve. For some this means steel-toed boots, for others it might mean slip-resistant shoes, and some may be able to just wear what they like. What is important is to be sure that what is on your feet makes you feel grounded and gives you a firm foundation.


There has always been a connection between young girls coming into sexual maturity and horses. Then there are the stories of virgins and unicorns. Stallion is a term used not only for horses but also a sexually attractive man. The horse symbolizes power and can symbolize sexual power. You are probably very comfortable with your sexuality and your ability to express it. You enjoy riding on a wave of passion. If it isn’t physical sex that is your passion, most likely creative expression is. Everything you do and all the ways you express yourself are full of intensity—you don’t do anything halfway.

Solar Plexus

The horse is a powerful creature whose energy says you are in touch with your body’s natural rhythm, self-worth, and personal power. We have all heard the expression “If you fall off a horse, the best thing you can do is get right back on.” No matter what knocks you down, you just get back up and start again. If an obstacle is in your way, you find a way around or over it. Another lesson from the horse is to make sure to pace yourself. While horses can run within hours after being born, you may not want to charge right out of the gate without knowing what the ground underneath you is like or if you could be running full speed directly into a wall.


Horses have incredible intelligence. They understand our words, and their memory is equal to that of elephants. Like many other animals, they grieve the passing or loss of a companion. If you treat a horse kindly, it will remember you for as long as it lives and will instantly resume your friendship if it sees you again, regardless of how long you have been apart. Horses are also very social and will get lonely if left alone; they need to be part of a community. They tend to be empathetic and can be remarkably gentle. When you make a real friend, you will keep that friend for life, even if many years pass between times you see each other. In addition, you will go out of your way to help others, be it helping them move, lifting their spirits, or just being present with them in times of emotional need.


Horses express their moods and feelings through facial expressions using their ears, eyes, and nostrils. Horses also have a broad range of different vocalizations that vary depending on the situation. Most likely, people can read you like a book based on your facial expressions, and you can read theirs. You are also perfectly willing to speak your mind and will change your voice and tone depending on the situation or with whom you are talking. Miscommunication is a rare thing with you.

Third Eye

A horse’s eyes are larger than the eyes of any other mammal that lives on land. They have three eyelids—two ordinary ones and a third called the nictitating membrane that occasionally sweeps the eye, lubricating and cleaning it. A horse’s lower retina sees objects at a distance, and the upper retina is for closer viewing. Because their eyes are on the side of their head, not forward facing like ours, they can see nearly 360 degrees, but they have blind spots directly in front and behind them. You see both the distant future and the current situation but sometimes might miss what is right in front of you. It is also possible that you are easily startled if someone sneaks up behind you. Just try not to kick them if they do.


Horses are able to doze while standing up, but if they want to reach REM sleep, they need to lie down. Luckily, they don’t need a lot of deep sleep. You could be the kind of person who gets by on very little sleep, and when you do sleep it is very deep and your dreams are likely vivid. If you are having trouble getting grounded, as mentioned earlier for the heron, you may want to consider standing forms of meditation. Horses have been known to show up in dreams as spirit guides, so if one appears to you, it is an invitation to ride on its back into the spiritual realms.