
The mouse is a very hardy creature, capable of living in a wide variety of terrains, and comes in a wide range of colors and sizes. Currently, there are close to forty known species of mice. Mice typically make burrows underground if they live out in the wild, but as everyone knows, they are perfectly happy in human attics and walls. Because they are nocturnal, we typically only hear them at night. Though stereotypically considered messy, mice are very clean and tidy, and just like humans, their homes are broken out into different rooms, including a bedroom for sleeping, a “kitchen” for storing food, and even a bathroom for doing their business. The mouse has fantastic balance and can walk along narrow pieces of rope or wire, scale rough vertical surfaces, and can slip through spaces as small as a dime.

Key Attributes

Paying attention to details, industriousness, heightened awareness, determination, cleverness, shyness, and nitpicky organization to the point of obsession.

Chakra Interpretations


A mouse is very territorial. Even a domestic mouse likes to have a place it can call its own. A female mouse will make a nest out of anything she can find, including chewed-up wires, books, papers, and insulation. Like the mouse, you are very resourceful. You can create a safe and comfortable home pretty much anywhere and with anything. You might even be the king or queen of DIY projects—taking someone else’s trash and turning it into treasure. You probably do your best work at night, making sounds that keep the neighbors guessing.


A mouse uses facial expressions to communicate their mood to others. Most likely, your friends and family can read your facial expressions like a book. You are no good at hiding your feelings. If you are tense about something, you might come across as scattered and a little hyper. You probably also have an inquisitive nature. You love to explore places you’ve never been and try things you’ve never tried. You love to try new creative things and get easily sparked by new ideas, but this may leave you with a workshop or studio filled with unfinished projects. Another passion you may have is food. Mice will eat fifteen to twenty times a day. You probably love food and tend to nibble throughout the day, but there is a good chance your body doesn’t show it because your metabolism runs high.

Solar Plexus

Not surprisingly, most wild mice are afraid of humans and other animals, but they are very social with each other. Domestic mice are very friendly toward humans they know and trust and make excellent pets for older children and adults. Have you lost your confidence, or have you been timid your whole life? You probably feel comfortable around an intimate group of close friends or family, but being out in the world terrifies you. You tend to scurry for the nearest hiding place when faced with anything new. Take a breath and try finding the stillness within. Look at the situation from a safe distance to see if you genuinely need to hide or if it’s force of habit.


A mouse’s heart can beat anywhere from just over three hundred to more than eight hundred beats per minute. This could mean that you are prone to high blood pressure or possibly have a fearful, racing heart. If this is the case, make sure you regularly visit a doctor to keep on top of it. Adding a meditation practice may help you learn calm. Just like many inherited diseases are passed on through our blood, a mouse passes its fear instinct on to its babies and grandbabies through its DNA. It is possible that you are carrying generational habits and anxieties that you picked up not by your own life experience but by the experiences of your ancestors. This is hard to determine if you don’t know your family’s history or stories. If you think this might be the case, try doing some ancestor work to heal those past traumas so you can release them. Your ancestors will thank you.


The mouse is an intelligent creature with sophisticated levels of communication, using sounds both audible and ultrasonic, beyond the range of human hearing. For you, the cliché “quiet as a mouse” could mean that you have a lot of trouble expressing yourself in any way. You know you’re smart and have a lot of creative thoughts and ideas, but you may be afraid to show them for fear of being gobbled up or attacked. It may be time for your inner mouse to become a lion and learn how to roar.

Third Eye

Mice have poor eyesight but make up for this with their exceptional hearing and smell. A mouse can also feel temperature changes through their whiskers. You have the natural-born gift of intense awareness of your surroundings. You can sense danger long before anyone else, and you may have a sensitivity to place memory. If you are feeling uneasy about something and there is no logical reason why, try removing yourself from wherever you are and see if the feeling passes. If this takes place in your home, try smudging to cleanse the area of residual emotions.


A mouse’s inherited fear could signify that connecting with your definition of a higher power terrifies you. It could be that as a young child you were taught that the unknown was evil or something to fear. You may feel like you are too small and can’t possibly connect with something so big and unknowable. Just remember another famous line—“all creatures great and small”—and know that while you may think you are insignificant, you are loved by Spirit, and it wants you to connect. Be brave—the universe isn’t going to eat you!