
Currently, there are thirteen species of otters living on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. There is some evidence that says the ancestor of the otter existed around twenty-three million years ago but began evolving into the animal we know today around seven million years ago. An amusing fact about the otter comes from Bangladesh, where for centuries fishermen have trained them to act as herders to chase large schools of fish into their nets. Fish herding sure was a new one on me!

Key Attributes

Primal feminine energy, gentleness, faithfulness, playfulness, joy, psychic awareness, having a light heart, sisterhood, deep connection with water, achieving goals with intelligence and clever thinking, and understanding one’s inner child.

Chakra Interpretations


Most species of otter live in dens dug into the ground, but the sea otter lives in offshore forests of giant kelp. You probably feel most at home near the water, and like an otter, you are an omnivore but may have a strong preference for seafood, especially shellfish. Otters eat anywhere from 15 to 25 percent of their body weight each day, which means they spend an enormous amount of their day just looking for food. Related to the beaver, the otter will work hard to complete a task. It could be that you work very hard for your living and sometimes feel that you are only working to keep food on the table. One of the best lessons from the otter is how to relax, go with the flow, and not be bogged down by constant work.


Otters are highly curious, and sea otters are known to be very creative with tools. This means that you too are probably very curious, and some of your creative outlets include exploration and investigation. If you run into a situation where you don’t have the equipment or tool that you need, you just design or build something yourself to do the job. In some belief systems, the otter symbolizes the power of feminine energy, playfulness, joy, and a reminder to have fun in life. This is a reminder that both men and women have their feminine side, and tapping into it can be incredibly healing emotionally. This also says that you can be very sensuous. Not only are you very affectionate with those you love, but you channel your passion into creative energy.

Solar Plexus

Otters are social creatures. Some live in large groups, while others live either alone or with just a few other otters. Either way, except for mating season, otters tend to mostly stay in groups of their own sex. You are probably a very social person but mostly associate with members of your same sex. If you connect more to the sea otter, it may be that you don’t do well if you are by yourself for any length of time; you need to be with other people. If you connect more to the river otter, you may be not only solitary but territorial as well. One trait of the otter is that it spends a lot of time grooming; this is essential to its survival. For you, this could mean you lean toward germophobia and feel the need to wash constantly, or it could simply be that you like to look “perfect” before you head out the door.


As mentioned above, otters are social creatures, but only the giant otter of South America mates for life. Otters have been observed falling asleep holding hands with their partner or with their baby on their chest. While the practical reason for this is so they don’t float away, romantically, it might be that you love to spoon with your partner or cuddle with a child while you sleep. If you are single or don’t have kids, maybe you snuggle with an animal companion. This also indicates that you are the kind of person who loves with all your heart. You take great pleasure in the success and happiness of others and will do all you can to help anyone who needs it. You can also be very protective and defensive of them.


Otters are very chatty when among other otters. You probably really enjoy a good gab session with your friends. It could also be that you are part of a big, noisy family whose holiday dinners can get quite loud with laughter and conversation. Outsiders may find it difficult to endure—to them it sounds like noise—but you don’t have any trouble keeping up with everything that is being said and wouldn’t have it any other way. Another aspect of otter energy says that you put your voice to practical use helping others, especially when it comes to bringing joy back into their lives.

Third Eye

Like cats, otters use their whiskers to sense their environment and to pick up vibrations that come from their prey. They also depend on them when they hunt when it is dark or when water is cloudy. You are one to utilize all your senses and not just your eyes to perceive what is going on around you. You might even get a tingle on your skin that tells you something is up. If this is the case, you should pay attention to it because it is a great natural skill. Another possibility for the otter in this chakra is that some of us can become so somber and bogged down by our self-inflicted limitations or beliefs during spiritual work or meditation practices that nothing can get through. Otter energy is a reminder to let go and find joy in pure exploration.


Being aquatic, the otter has a natural connection with the subconscious. Most of us have seen photos of otters holding hands while they float on their backs to sleep, but they will also wrap themselves in kelp to keep from floating out to sea. You take precautions when you are doing deep trance work. You go deep but are never in danger of drifting too far. If you connect with otter energy, you might be willing to try meditation using a floatation tank.