
Like other marine mammals, seals were once land animals that moved into the sea millions of years ago. Seals belong to a group of animals called pinnipeds, meaning “fin-footed.” Currently, thirty-three different pinniped species can be found around the world, nineteen of which are members of the seal species. Seals are divided into two families: seals with ears, like sea lions and fur seals, and seals without ears, like the common or true seal. While seals spend most of their time in the water, they gather together on land in large, noisy social groups called colonies to sunbathe, mate, and raise their young.

Key Attributes

Lucid dreaming, protection from danger, creativity, imagination, sensuality, curiosity, intuition, and being at home in your own body.

Chakra Interpretations


As mentioned above, when they are on land, be it on rocks or the beach, seals gather in large, noisy groups. If you connect with the seal in this chakra, you are happiest and feel safest when you are around big groups of people, and the louder and more chaotic sounding the better. Since seals can be found living in both warm and cold climates (but most of them prefer the cold), it could be that you can live anywhere but prefer more northern climates. This could also mean that when you go on vacation, rather than going somewhere warm, you head for the snow. Seals are carnivores and eat mostly fish, but they will eat any meat that comes out of the water. This says it is likely that you have a fondness for any kind of seafood and possibly even for sushi.


Seals appear to struggle while they are on dry land, but in water they have total freedom of movement. Seal energy may be asking you if you struggle with being at home in your body. If you can let go of whatever is weighing you down, you’ll be able to swim through life more comfortably. Another aspect is that in the wild, males especially can quickly go from being calm to viciously fighting over a female or territory. You might have a hair-trigger temper and are not even aware of it, which can be scary and confusing to those around you. If this is the case for you, when something upsets you, before you react, practice taking a moment to breathe or just walk away from the situation. Those around you will be grateful.

Solar Plexus

Not many people know that seals shed their skin once a year, and this may be the source of the myth that seals can become a human. You enjoy changing your appearance, possibly on an annual basis, trying something like getting a new hairstyle or color, updating your wardrobe, or wearing makeup differently. If this rings true for you, doing so makes you feel like a new person who can take on the world. As mentioned above, seals, especially males, can become very territorial and will fight with others. When people see you, they may see sweet, gentle eyes, but don’t let them forget that you are perfectly willing and able to guard and protect what you value. Yet another possibility, not associated with your exterior, is that it is very likely that you have a deep connection to your inner rhythms, and you know who you are even without shedding your outer skin.


Seals are at home both on land and in the water, and they are natural-born swimmers. Most likely, you are a balanced person, in touch with your emotions but also grounded. You have a carefree outlook on life and stay joyful and playful. Even when you do get angry, you are quick to apologize and calm down rapidly from whatever upset you. Most likely, people are happy to see you and tend to smile and laugh more when you’re around. Since seals don’t stay with a mate, most likely you are devoted to a child, but not necessarily a spouse. “Child” in this case could mean an actual human child, but it could also mean a companion animal, a garden, or even a project. Point being, you give of yourself to something else and are not self-centered.


On land, a seal can hear up to four octaves of sound, but in the water, they can hear up to seven. You are the kind of person who doesn’t just rely on what you hear, but you also listen to the emotions beneath what someone is saying. When you see a group of seals on land sunning themselves, it can get very noisy. You might feel like you need to talk louder than everyone else just to be heard. It could also be that you have a group of friends or family that all talk at the same time. For you, this means home, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.

Third Eye

Seals have incredibly dark and mysterious eyes. It is easy to see why many traditions believed that a human was hiding under the seal’s skin. On land, a seal’s eyesight is not that great, but in the water it is far superior to a human’s. A seal’s whiskers, known as vibrissae, are very sensitive, can move independently, and the seal uses them to ascertain their surroundings and to detect prey. These sensitivities are telling you that you have two powerful tools to help you explore your subconscious. Not only can your mind’s eye see clearly, but your external sensors can detect changes in energy as well.


Seals can sleep either on land or in the water. So that they can continue breathing while in water, they sleep in a position called bottling, which means their whole body is underwater, but their head is exposed, like a bottle bobbing in the water. Like other marine mammals, if seals are sleeping in the water, only half their brain sleeps while the other half stays alert for danger. However, if they are sleeping on land, their whole brain rests, even reaching REM sleep. The seal in this chakra could mean that when you meditate, you fully relax even though half your brain is aware of everything going on around you.