
Myths surrounding the stag have existed throughout time. When used in a heraldry crest, a stag or stag’s antlers represented peace and harmony, strength and fortitude, and one who would not fight unless provoked. In many cultures, the stag represents masculinity and sexuality. Even in nature, a stag’s antlers are symbolic of their dominance within the ranks of other stags, and the bigger the rack the more virile they are thought to be.

Key Attributes

Pride, courage, protection, guardianship, beauty, dignity and majesty, athleticism, authority, connection to the seasons and renewal, and achieving one’s goals through determination and perseverance.

Chakra Interpretations


A stag can adapt to living pretty much anywhere. It is thought by some researchers that young stags stay on the move until they find a spot that they like but the older a stag becomes the less likely he is to want to move to a new territory. Most of us move around a few times when we are younger, but once we finally settle, the thought of needing to move is no longer appealing. If stag speaks to you in this chakra, you have most likely found the home you want to stay in for the long term. Another aspect of the stag in this chakra comes from the fact that he will fight vigorously with his antlers, sometimes even to the death, to show dominance and claim territory. You take great pride in protecting what you consider yours and are willing to fight to keep it, be it your home, your family, or even projects at work. It could also be that you work in the field of wildlife protection or conservation.


Stag energy is very connected to the earth. You have your feet planted firmly on the ground, and you carry yourself with pride. One not-so-flattering aspect of a stag in this chakra could be saying that sex is just a release for you and intimacy doesn’t enter the equation. As long as your partner understands and agrees to it, then no one will get hurt. Another aspect of stag speaks to the power of renewal. Just as the stag grows a new set of antlers every year, if challenges in your life have left you depleted, know that you can regrow your natural crown of power as well. Yet another aspect speaks to its athleticism. A stag can run as fast as 35 miles an hour, albeit for short distances, and is a powerful swimmer. One possible meaning for you is that you are passionate about one or even both of these activities. They could be a good way for you to release tension.

Solar Plexus

Regardless of the species, the stag projects unquestionable majesty. This means that you carry yourself with a sense of pride, dignity, and leadership that few doubt. You do this not from a place of ego, but from knowing that it is your role to be a guardian and a protector. As mentioned earlier, a stag in heraldry represented someone who would not fight unless provoked. You will try several means of conflict resolution before resorting to anything drastic, but if all other options fail, you will do whatever is necessary to defend not only yourself but those you love. Another aspect speaks to the fact that stag grows a new set of antlers each year. It is possible that your leadership roles have changed over time, but each time it has, you filled the new role with dignity.


Stags are primarily solitary creatures. It could be that you are on your own by personal choice, but if it is due to past hurts, stag in this chakra is a reminder that just like the planet, the human heart goes through seasons. We all experience periods when we feel overwhelmed by emotion, but those storms do eventually pass. Even after the coldest winter, new life sprouts and spring returns, so trust in your own renewal. The stag inspires fantasy, romance, and imagination. Not so flattering, but it might be that you are more attached to the dream of love and are not willing to put in the effort it takes for a relationship to work long-term.


A stag’s vocalizations change depending on mood and intent, but if there is no cause for alarm or need to communicate, he stays quiet. Most likely, you are a person of few words, preferring to speak only when necessary, and when you do, there is always a good reason. If a stag feels lonely he will call out for companionship. Maybe you need a guys’ night now and then, even if you don’t identify as one. A stag will make a series of rage grunts if a female refuses him. You might be prone to very vocal temper tantrums if you don’t get your way. Go ahead and stomp your feet and grunt a bit, but then get over it and move on.

Third Eye

Because his eyes are on the sides of his head, a stag sees roughly 310 degrees; however, he can’t focus on one location with both eyes at the same time, so he has poor depth perception. It could be that you are able to see the big picture of a situation but miss the details. Spiritually, the stag brings the gifts of prophecy and second sight. This combination of aspects says your mind’s eye is naturally sensitive, and you see a vast range—perhaps you are even adept at distance viewing.


A stag has an innate majesty and dignity that is without question, and those with stag energy are not only natural leaders but guardians as well. It could be that you feel called to be a teacher to those on a spiritual path that worships and honors nature. Your inborn bond to the wild places will help guide seekers so they learn how to develop their own direct connection without falling down a hypothetical rabbit hole. At the same time, this is a reminder to not lose your own connection. If you have been feeling ungrounded and a little lost, maybe it is time for a trip to the woods so you can plug back in to your source and recharge.