
The Dennie Hughes Experience wouldn’t be possible without:

Joe Regal—thank you so much for never letting me see you sweat! Your never-wavering support, encouragement, and belief in me enabled me to leap tall buildings in a single bound…and maneuver smaller ones in blackout situations. Joey Onion, man of many layers—I look forward to many years together.

Carol Clurman, Jack Curry, and everyone at USA WEEKEND—thank you, Jack, for bringing me onboard the greatest magazine in the country and much love to Carol, who aids and abets my RelationTips column. Carol, in a word: you rule!

Rodale Press for being 110 percent behind the Dateworthy vision—I’m ecstatic about being a new member of the Rodale family.

Jennifer Kushnier, who gets especially giant-sized hugs for being so patient, such an enthusiastic cheerleader, so darn talented—and for understanding the importance of a good giggle in between deadlining. I’m glad we were in this thing together.

Mark Liebman—my sixth grade teacher who absolutely was the guiding force behind the path that I ended up choosing…and which has ultimately taken me to where I am today.

A major standing ovation to:

Danny—for being so inspiring and full of amazing ideas, for being pushy when I needed it, for all the stress-releasing, cocktail-fueled fun, and, of course, for introducing me to the most amazing agent in the world.

Bess—my reigning Chat Princess.

Lee—for not only giving me my first column, but helping me stretch and grow into a better writer and reporter—your belief in my talents made me believe as well.

And huge hugs for:

My Enlist to Resist team—the grrlfriends who provided a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and the “you go, girl!” support, especially the in-it-for-the-long-haulers: Michele Gill Samuels, the fabulous Mz. Trinetta Love Reid, Laurie Pansini, Michele Promaulayko, and Francine Napolitano.

David Robinson—my aisle-guy—and “Team Ratweiler”—I love you guys!

Father Daly and my RCIA group at Our Lady of Peace, for helping me reestablish my relationship with Someone who has always walked beside me through every high and low.

Jaimie, personal trainer extraordinaire—I still can’t believe how he buffed the blob out of this bod!

My fabulous female team at Allure Day Spa for the relaxation—and rejuvenation.

All the incredible experts who carved time out of their busy schedules to work with me.

My readers, both at USA WEEKEND and—I’m honored to be trusted with your most important questions, thankful for your kudos, and appreciative for the criticisms and suggestions that open me up to a new way of looking at things.

And, of course…thanks to every single Good, Bad, and Salvageable Guy for providing me with some great date stories!