It’s amazing how much of my life is about being in the right place at the right time. Michael Lloyd, who had worked on my first single the year before, was working very closely with Shaun Cassidy. Shaun was starring in a TV show, The Hardy Boys (which I had auditioned for). In one of the episodes, it was dictated by the network that Shaun was to sing the old Beach Boys tune “Surfin’ USA.” He did, and there was a huge reaction from the fans demanding that he release it as a record. But Shaun didn’t want to do that. He didn’t feel like it fit him. Michael Lloyd agreed, and Michael, ever the shrewd star maker, remembered my little surfer dude persona. At least, that’s what he thought of me. That’s when the idea was hatched. That was the spark of what became my teen idol career. Even though my first record had bombed, Michael now approached me again with the idea that I talk to his friends, the Scotti brothers, about doing that song and, eventually, an entire album. They were looking at me as the next teen idol. They were aware that I was still popular in the magazines, and all of a sudden, it seemed to be the perfect recipe. The perfect storm.