
Aborigines, 212

academia, 23, 55

Afghanistan, 174, 235, 250

afterlife, 6, 13, 15, 32, 34, 35, 41, 78, 101, 107, 111, 249

induced after-death communication, 233–50

near-death experiences and, 32–51

agnosticism, 14

Aharonov, Yakir, 9

AIDS, 50

alchemy, 5–6

alcoholism, 238

aliens, 156, 159

abductions, 150

See also unidentified flying objects (UFOs)

Allen, Joseph, 160

Allen, Steve, 115–19, 130, 132, 293

Allison, Paul D., 58

“Experimental Parapsychology as a Rejected Science,” 58

Amazing Meeting, 71

Amis, Martin, 1

amygdala, 9–11, 60, 192–93, 195–96

anesthesia, 85, 86–87, 89, 93

Angelou, Maya, 163

anoxia, 39

Apollo space program, 153–57, 158, 160–62

Aridaeus of Soli, 33

Aristotle, 211

Army, U.S., 56

IADC therapy for vets, 233–35, 238–43, 246, 247–50

remote viewing experiments, 56–59, 81

art, 103, 217

artificial intelligence (AI), 89, 90, 91

Association for Space Explorers, 161

Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep (APSS), 214

Aston, Francis, 6

astrology, 67–68

astronauts, 153–75

atheism, 8, 14, 15, 16, 94, 107, 183, 186–88, 198, 263, 265

Atran, Scott, 187–88

Baltic Sea, 59

Barber, Theodore, 148

Barham, Jay and Martha, 47–50

Barrett, Deirdre, 220–21

BBC, 54, 126

Beaver, David, 171–72

behaviorism, 211, 238

belief, 14, 15, 234, 262, 263

skepticism vs., 53–81

Berger, Hans, 6

Berger, Rick E., 71

Beyond Belief Conference, 83–86, 100, 103, 108

Bigelow, Bob, 173

Bingham, Roger, 83–84

BioLogos Foundation, 200

biology, 102, 103, 127

Blackmore, Susan, 70–71

Dying to Live, 39–40

“The Elusive Open Mind: Ten Years of Negative Research in Parapsychology,” 70

Blagrove, Mark, 220

BMC Genomics, 199

Bohm, David, 9

Botkin, Allan, 234–50

Induced After-Death Communication, 242

Bowie, David, 128

BP oil spill, 163

brain, 4, 6, 9–11, 16, 24, 39–40, 41, 60–61, 89, 90, 183, 246, 262

consciousness outside the, 83–112

dreaming and, 216–24

effects of meditation and prayer on, 177–204

near-death experience and, 39–40, 41–43

perceptual illusions created by, 190–92

See also amygdala

Branson, Richard, 173, 174

British Humanist Association, 107

Britton, Willoughby, 41–43

Brown, Dan:

The Da Vinci Code, 156

The Lost Symbol, 156

Buddhism, 105, 107, 166, 179, 197, 199, 200, 209, 211–12, 262

Bush, George W., 44

Campbell, Thomas, My Big TOE, 106

cancer, 167–68, 236, 244

carbon dioxide, 44

cardiac arrest, 33

cardiac massage theory, 38, 39

Carnegie Mellon University, 159

Carter, Chris, Parapsychology and the Skeptics, 66

Catholicism, 182, 210–11, 257

Cave, Nick, “Dig, Lazarus, Dig!” 21

Center for Sleep Research, UCLA, 218

Cernan, Eugene, 160

Chalmers, David, 109–110

change blindness, 190

chemistry, 5, 99

Chen, Norbu, 166–67

Chicago, 27, 238, 244

VA Hospital, 238–40

childhood memories, 139–46

China, 127

Christianity, 29, 34, 167, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 210–11

prayer, 195–96

Churchill, Winston, 3

Churchland, Patricia, 83, 102

clairvoyance, 57

climate change, 163, 173

CNN, 114

Coldea, Radu, 103

Cold War, 161

Collins, Francis, 200–201

The Language of God, 200

Collins, Michael, 160

Colvin, Barrie, 152

Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), 72

Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), 66–69, 72

compassion, 198

computers, 92, 99

consciousness, 13, 36, 83–112, 156, 167–68, 183, 211, 234

outside the brain, 83–112

Penrose-Hameroff model of, 83–112

quantum theory of, 83–112

research, 88–112

Copeland, Matt, 129

Copenhagen argument, 97–98

Copernican perspective, 162

Corcoran, Diane, 35

CPR, 32–33, 38

Crick, Francis, 217

Current Research in Social Psychology, 74

Daily Mail, 55

Dalai Lama, 17, 105, 200, 201

Dalton, Jeff, 227

Danley, July, 136

d’Aquili, Eugene, 183–84

dark matter, 8

Dateline (TV program), 157

Dawkins, Richard, 1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 83, 85, 151, 178, 183, 187, 201, 212, 265

“Time to Stand Up,” 1

death, 15, 218–19, 234

Buddhist views on, 209

fear of, 34, 38, 112

induced after-death communication, 233–50

Kübler-Ross on, 22–23, 26–32, 36–37, 45

near-death experiences and, 21–51

de Bono, Edward, 125–26, 219

Delorme, Arnaud, 110

Dement, William, 211, 212–13

Dennett, Daniel, 15, 110–11, 178, 187, 201

Consciousness Explained, 110

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, 183

Deutsch, David, 54

Discover, 42

Discovery channel, 157

Disneyland, 141–42

District Nine (film), 128

DNA, 200, 217

dreaming, 6, 205–231

lucid, 205–231, 255–66

dream yoga, 209

drugs, 26, 38, 40, 167–68, 247

D’Souza, Dinesh, 187

DuBois, Allison, 76

Dunning, Brian, 13, 123–24

“dyadic” model of the universe, 169

Dylan, Bob, “Ballad of a Thin Man,” 53

Eagleman, David, 14, 17

Easterbrook, Gregg, “Why We Shouldn’t Go to Mars,” 153

Edwards, Tim, 122–23

Einstein, Albert, 9, 95, 99, 100

electricity, 6

electro encephalogram (EEG), 6

electronic voice phenomenon, 2–3

electrooculogram (EOG), 213, 214

EMF waves, 148

Empire-Tribune, 114, 118, 129, 133

endorphins, 39

Enlightenment, 7

entanglement, 95, 101

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 161, 163

epilepsy, 41, 42

epistemology, 14

Everett, Hugh, 98

evolution, 200

evolutionary neuroscience, 83

extrasensory perception (ESP), 57

eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), 236–50

Falwell, Jerry, 198

Family Ghost, 139–46, 251–54, 266

fantasy-prone personality (FPP), 148–50

Fanthorpe, Lionel, 3

Fate magazine, 67

fear, 196, 197

Feynman, Richard, 98, 99

The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, 99

Fields, W. C., 251

fight-or-flight response, 192–93, 246

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 15

Franciscan nuns, 195, 196

French, Chris, 55, 61, 73, 151

Freud, Sigmund, 217

“fringe” journals, 66

Gaitan, Lee Roy, 113–14, 117, 133, 135

Galileo, 64

Ganzfeld tests, 60, 75

Garn, Jake, 161

Gauquelin, Michel and Francoise, 67–68

Gebser, Jean, 17, 201

Geller, Uri, 69–70, 164–66, 170

Gell-Man, Murray, 98

genetics, 198–99, 200

Gentile, Lou, 1–3, 17, 18, 152

ghosts, 3, 4, 6, 7–8, 18, 51, 139–52, 251–54, 266

childhood memories of, 139–46

skeptics, 143–44, 146–52

“giggle factor,” 173

global warming, 163

glossolalia, 184–85

Goddard, Robert, 158–59

Gödel, Kurt, 92

gold, 5

golden ratio, 103

Great Britain, 53–55, 93, 123–24, 148, 188

Greeks, ancient, 54

Green, Al, 185

Greene, Brian, The Fabric of the Cosmos, 102

Grush, Rick, 102

Guardian, 200

Haiti earthquake, 182

Halloween, 7

Hameroff, Stuart, 83–112

theory of consciousness, 83–112

Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and Nanotechnology, 89–90, 91

in What the Bleep Do We Know?, 100–101, 102, 108

Hamilton, William, 126

Harper’s, 49

Harribance, Sean, 61

Harribance Effect, 61

Harris, Sam, 15, 16, 83, 178, 187, 200, 265

End of Faith, 61

Haunt Project, 148

Hawaii, 205, 208, 218, 221, 225, 226, 231, 255, 259, 265–66

Hawking, Stephen, 98

HBO, 50

Hebard, Arthur, 70

hell, 257–58, 263–64

Hemingway, Ernest, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” 21

Henry, Joe, “Flag,” 177

Herodotus, 54

Hessler, Peter, Oracle Bones, 127

Hilprecht, Hermann, 221

Hinduism, 212

Hitchens, Christopher, 15, 178, 182, 183, 187, 201

God Is Not Great, 182

Horgan, John, The End of Science, 8

hospice movement, 23

Howe, Elias, 220

Humanist, The, 67

Hume, David, 63

Hyman, Ray, 64

“Evaluation of a Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena,” 60

hypnagogic hallucinations, 149

hypnotism, 5, 148

hysterectomy, 261–62

imaginary playmates, 148

Imara, Reverend Mwalimu, 27–32, 46, 48–49, 50, 51

Inception (film), 206

induced after-death communication (IADC), 233–50

for retired soldiers, 233–35, 238–43, 246, 247–50

infrasound, 147–48

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), 156–57, 164, 168, 169, 175

Remission Project, 168

Internet, 80, 131, 165

iPod, 99, 203

Iraq War, 174, 235, 250

Islam, 187, 212

isotope, 6

James, William:

“The Energies of Men,” 255

The Will to Believe, 233

James Randi Educational Foundation ( JREF), 72–73

Jansen, Karl, 38

Japan, 114

Jesus Christ, 29

Jewel, 121

“Stephenville, TX,” 113

Johnson, Samuel, 139

Joiner, Angelia, 114, 118–20, 129, 130, 134, 135

Jones, David, 126

Josephson, Brian, 53–55, 73

Josephson Junctions, 54

Joshi, Shaun, 6

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 185

Journal of Chemical Education, 126

Journal of Projective Techniques, 167

Kammann, Richard, 69

Kanakaredes, Melina, 50

Kekulé, Friedrich, 220

ketamine, 38

King, Rodney, 1

Kinsel, Pam, 130

Klass, Philip, 69, 124–25

knowledge, 14

Korean War, 154

Krauss, Lawrence, 85

Krebiozen, 167–68

Krippner, Stanley, 73

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 21–51, 149, 165

childhood of, 25

on death, 22–23, 26–32, 36–37, 45

fall from grace, 23–25, 45, 49–51

near-death experiences and, 23–25, 29–32, 34, 35, 40, 44–51

On Death and Dying, 22–23, 31, 36, 37, 45

Wheel of Life, 45

Kucinich, Dennis, 130–31

Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 12

Kurtz, Paul, 67, 68

LaBerge, Stephen, 205–231, 255–66

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, 206, 224

lucid dreaming and, 205–231, 255–66

Lareau, Tom, 233–34

Larry King Live (TV program), 114, 125

Lawrence, T. E., 205

Lewis, Karl, 120

Life magazine, 31, 70

life review, 34

Lincoln, Abraham, 6

Loewi, Otto, 220

logic, 126–27, 219–20

Long, Jeffrey, 33, 34, 38, 39

Lorenz, Konrad, On Aggression, 153

Los Angeles Times, 49, 132

love, 198

lucid dreaming, 205–231, 255–66

meditation and, 206, 207, 211–12, 226

Lucidity Institute, 215

Maccabee, Bruce, 123

MacLaine, Shirley, 130

Sageing While Aging, 131

Magical Ideation Scale, 150

many-worlds theory, 98–99

Margolis, Jonathan, 70

“Mars effect,” 67–68

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 159–60

materialism, 17, 34, 43, 94, 107, 174, 265

mathematics, 92

Mayer, Elizabeth, Extraordinary Knowing, 65

McDougall, Christopher, Born to Run, 197

McGaha, James, 69, 125, 132

McKenna, Terence, 41

McKinnon, Gary, 3

McMoneagle, Joe, 59

media, 8, 14, 23, 24, 34, 43, 44, 50, 152, 262–63

on lucid dreaming, 206, 210

on UFOs, 114, 117, 118–20, 128–35

See also radio; specific publications; television

meditation, 156, 177–204, 206, 261

lucid dreaming and, 206, 207, 211–12, 226

neurological effects of, 177–204

Tibetan, 179, 180, 184, 195–96, 199

mediums. See psychics

memory loss, 40

Mendeleyev, Dmitri, 220

mental telepathy. See telepathy

meta-analysis, 60

micro- and macro-worlds, 102–104

microtubules, 89–91, 93, 94, 101, 109

MILD technique, 228–29

military, 58–59, 105, 154, 159, 260

IADC therapy for vets, 233–35, 238–43, 246, 247–50

UFOs and, 113, 116, 120, 123–24, 128–29, 131, 134–35

Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, 199

mindfulness, 226, 227

Mitchell, Edgar, 153–75, 179

The Way of the Explorer, 166

Molloy, Doreen, 77–81

Moody, Raymond, 35

Life After Life, 23, 46–47

Moore, William, 124

Mousseau, M. C., 65–66

Munk, Dr. William, Euthanasia or Medical treatment in the Aid of Easy Dying, 33

Murphy, Mark, 133–34

music, 193–94

Musk, Elon, 174

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), 114, 120, 125, 132

mysticism, 11, 13, 17, 47, 199, 265

Nagel, Lynn, 212, 214

NASA, 3, 106, 156, 160, 161

near-death experiences (NDEs), 4, 21–51, 149

description of, 33–34, 39

history of, 33–34

Kübler-Ross and, 23–25, 29–32, 34, 35, 40, 44–51

in Vietnam soldiers, 35

neurons, 12, 41, 42, 43, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 109, 110

neuroplasticity, 196, 223–24

neuroscience, 6, 11–12, 16, 55, 85, 195, 201, 265

neurotheology, 178–204

New Age, 75, 94, 100, 107, 156, 173, 174

New Atheists, 15, 16, 178, 182–83, 186–88, 200, 201

Newberg, Andrew, 177–204, 207, 209, 221, 223, 226, 264

Why God Won’t Go Away, 180

Newton, Isaac, 6, 76, 92, 94, 95, 96, 154, 202

New York, 76, 183

New York Times, 14, 42

NPR, 157

Obama, Barack, 44, 177, 200

occult, 6

Oracle at Delphi, 54

Orch-OR theory, 101–102, 107

outer space, 153–75

out-of-body experience, 33–34, 39, 40, 149

overview effect, 161, 172–74

Overview Institute, 171–72

Oxford University, 93, 94, 103

oxygen, lack of, 39–40

pain, 5

Pape, Robert A.:

Cutting the Fuse, 187

Dying to Win, 187

parallel worlds, 106

paranormal, 1–19, 266

belief vs. skepticism, 53–81

definition of, 4–5

ghosts and, 139–52, 251–54

induced after-death communication and, 233–50

lucid dreaming and, 205–231, 255–66

near-death experiences, 21–51

neurotheology and, 177–204

outer space and, 153–75

quantum consciousness and, 83–112

UFOs, 113–37

Paranormal Challenge, 72–73

Paranormal Taint, 61–62, 63, 76, 212, 217, 221, 235

Parapsychological Association (PA), 55–59, 63, 71, 74

Seattle conference (2009), 55–59, 74–75

parapsychology, 55–81

Parnia, Sam, 39

What Happens When We Die?, 39–40

Pastoral Psychology, 185

peace, 198

Penrose, Roger, 84, 91–95, 100, 103, 107

The Emperor’s New Mind, 83, 91–93, 94, 103

Penrose-Hameroff theory of consciousness, 83–112

People, 49

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 214

Persinger, Michael, 61, 148

Philadelphia, 128, 144

Philadelphia Weekly, 131, 152

photons, 96, 97, 103–104

photosynthesis, 103

physics, 9, 12, 53–55, 76, 89, 92, 94–100, 106, 202. See also quantum mechanics

Piaget, Jean, Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood, 142

Pinch, Trevor, 64–65

placebo effect, 5, 12, 167–68

Planck, Max, 95

Planck Scale, 102

Plato, 6, 85

Playfair, Guy Lyon, 60, 70

Plutarch, 33

politics, 4, 14, 17, 44

poltergeists, 140–41, 146, 152, 251. See also ghosts

Popular Mechanics, 132

possibilianism, 14

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 235, 237, 238, 246

Powell, Robert, 132, 133

power of suggestion, 5

prayer, 177–204

neurological effects of, 177–204

precognition, 57

Pressman, Zev, 70

Pribram, Karl, 9

Price, Pat, 59

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), 63

probability, 59

pseudoscience, 65, 66

pseudoskeptics, 67

psi, 53–81, 168–69

remote viewing, 55–60

research, 57–81

telepathy skeptics vs. believers, 53–81

psychiatry, 26–27

psychics, 47–48, 69, 76–81, 149, 151, 163–64

psychokinesis (PK), 57, 156

psychology, 6, 211, 237, 238

Psychology Today, 44

public opinion, on paranormal activity, 74

PubMed, 214–15

Pyszczynski, Tom, 193

quantum consciousness, 83–112

quantum cryptography, 105

quantum mechanics, 9, 12, 53, 54, 57, 84, 85, 92, 94–112, 127, 202

many-worlds theory, 98–99

quantum tunneling, 54

Quincey, Thomas de, Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 33

Rabbinical Alliance of America, 198

radar, 124, 133

Radin, Dean, 60, 61, 78, 168–69, 197

radio, 54, 114, 157

Randi, James, 54, 66, 68, 69, 70–74, 151

Flim-Flam!, 70

Raub, L. David, 98

Rawlins, Dennis, 67–68, 69

religion, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 29, 34, 43, 84, 85, 206, 264, 265

fundamentalist, 182, 198

neurological effects of prayer, 177–204

outer space and, 153–75

See also specific religions

Religulous (film), 186

Remote Viewing (RV), 55–60, 63, 75, 81

REM sleep, 212, 214, 216–17, 246, 249

Rendlesham Forest case, 123–24

Robertson, Pat, 14, 182, 183, 198, 265

Roebke, Joshua, 104

Ron, Yuval, 194

Rosenblum (Bruce) and Kuttner (Fred), Quantum Enigma, 106

Ross, Colin, 6

Ross, Ken, 24, 45, 48, 50

Ross, Manny, 26, 27, 31, 48

Roswell, New Mexico, 121, 158–59

Royal Mail, 53

Russert, Tim, 130, 131

Rutan, Burt, 174

Sabom, Michael, 39

Sagan, Carl, 63

Saint-Denys, Marquis d’Hervey, Dreams and the Ways to Direct Them: Practical Observations, 212, 214

schizophrenia, 26, 46, 150, 186

Schlitz, Marilyn, 175

Schulze, Glen, 132, 133

Schwartz, Gary, 73

Schweickart, Rusty, 161, 162, 163

science, 5–6, 8–9, 11, 12–13, 17, 32, 54, 58, 64, 65, 72, 74, 81, 84, 92, 94–100, 105–106, 126, 217, 259, 260, 262, 264

neurological effects of prayer and meditation, 177–204

outer space and, 153–75

séance, 47, 48

Seattle, 2009 Parapsychological Association conference in, 55–59, 74–75

Seed magazine, 104

Sejnowski, Terrence, 85, 86, 126

September 11 terrorist attacks, 44, 183

sex, 50

Shapiro, Francine, 236–40

EMDR, 236

Sheldrake, Rupert, 72, 73

Siegel, Jerry, 218

Sightings (TV program), 122–23

Skeptical Inquirer, 65, 71

skepticism, 53–81, 141, 151, 174, 251

belief vs., 53–81

ghosts and, 143–44, 146–52

UFOs and, 123–28

Skeptiko, 13, 44, 72

Skeptoid, 13

skiing, 196, 197

sleep, 205

lucid dreaming, 205–231, 255–66

REM, 212, 214, 216–17, 246, 249

Smalley, Susan, 199

Smith, Paul H., 56–57, 70

Society for Neuroscience, 201

Society for Psychical Research, 152, 212

Solomon Islands, 4

Sony, 81

Sorrells, Ricky, 113–15, 119–20, 130, 134–35

Soviet Union, 59

space tourism, 171–74

space travel, 153–75

speaking in tongues, 184–85

SPECT scan, 180, 185

spirituality, 84, 85

Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 69, 70, 164, 165

Stanford University, 205, 211

statistical significance, 75

Stephenville Lights, 8, 113–23, 124, 133–37

Stoneham, Marshall, 109–110

stress, 197, 198, 199, 236, 237, 238, 246

suicide bombings, 187

supernatural, 4

definition of, 4–5

surgery, 86–87

Switzerland, 25

Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 126

Tamil Tigers, 187

Tart, Charles, 74–75

The End of Materialism, 74

technology, 5, 12, 23, 54

Tegmark, Max, 101, 102

telepathy, 4, 13, 53, 57, 99, 101, 156

skeptics vs. believers, 53–81

television, 4, 40, 62, 99, 114, 122, 157

terrorism, 44, 174, 183, 187, 188, 198

terror management theory (TMT), 193

Texas, 113, 114, 132

Stephenville Lights, 8, 113–23, 133–37

Thespesius, 33

Tibetan meditation, 179, 180, 184, 195–96, 199

time, 9, 17, 34

Time magazine, 49

Tollaksen, Jeff, 9

Tolle, Eckhart, 199

Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace, 109


space, 171–74

UFO, 120–22

Truzzi, Marcello, 63, 67

Tsakiris, Alex, 13–14, 44, 72

Tuszynski, Jack, 101, 111

twins, 60

UFO Magazine, 134

unidentified flying objects (UFOs), 3, 4, 8, 17, 113–37, 150

media on, 114, 117, 118–20, 128–35

Roswell, 121

skeptics, 123–28

Stephenville Lights, 113–23, 124, 128–37

tourism, 120–22

University College London, 109

University of Arizona, 86, 109

University of Chicago, 27

University of Pennsylvania, 177–78, 183, 184

Utts, Jessica, 62–63, 168–69

Seeing Through Statistics, 62

van der Kolk, Bessel, 250

van Eeden, Frederik, The Study of Dreams, 212, 214

Vanilla Sky (film), 206, 210

Veteran’s Administration (VA) Hospital, Chicago, 238–40

vets, IADC therapy for, 233–35, 238–43, 246, 247–50

Vietnam War, 35, 154, 233

IADC therapy for vets, 233–34, 238–43, 246, 247–50

Virgin Galactic, 171–74

visual perceptions, 190–92

Waggoner, Robert, 259

Waldman, Mark Robert, 194–202

Wall Street Journal, The, 131

Washington, D.C., 124, 183

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, 4

What the Bleep Do We Know? (documentary), 100–101, 102, 106, 108, 186

Wheeler, John, 97

White, Frank, 161–64, 172–73

Wilber, Ken, 17, 201

Wilson, Sheryl, 148

Windbridge Institute, 77–78

Wired, 41, 174

Wise, Jeff, 44

Wiseman, Richard, 55, 61, 72

Woerlee, G. M., 38, 39

Woolf, Nancy, 111

yoga, 209

Zeilinger, Anton, 104–105, 106, 110

Zetetic, The, 67

Zurich, 25