Acosta, Antonio de

Acosta Porres, José de, on Andean religions, and Aristotelian-Thomas tradition background, on barbarian typologies, on demonic activity, De Procuranda Indorum Salute, on discipline, on doctrine of creation, and economic circuit, education, on faith, health, Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, on huacas, on humanism, on idolatry, on miners, on native knowledge, on Noah’s ark animals, pedagogical imperialism of, and piety, supersessionism of, on temptation, and Toledo, ugly daughter analogy


Agency: African, and citizenship, and consumption, and displacement, racial, and theology, and translation, and whiteness

Alexander, Michael: Jazz Age Jews

Alfonso, King


Almagro, Diego de

Amo, Anton Wilhelm: De jure Maurorum in Europa, Tractatus de arte sobrie philosophandi

Amos (prophet)

Andeans, religious practices

Anderson, Benedict

Andrews, William

Anti-Semitism and racism


Appadurai, Arjun


Armstrong, Louis

Arnold, Matthew

Assimilation practices,


Athletes and skin color

Augustine, Saint,

Azurara, Gomes Eanes de. See Zurara, Gomes Eanes de

Baker, Houston

Baker, Richard

Baldwin, James

Baptism of slaves

Barbarians: typologies, woman as

Barnabas (disciple)

Barth, Karl: Church Dogmatics

Basso, Keith, Wisdom Sits in Places,

Belonging: and agency, and Christianity, and Jesus Christ

Benezet, Anthony: Some Historical Account of Guinea

Bible: as basis of Christian faith, catechisms, Christianization of, conflicting views of, cultural, Enlightenment, knowing, land ideologies in, and literacy, Scriptures as impotent, sola scripture doctrine, and space of Israel, vernacular translations. See also Scripture references

Blackness: colonial views, and curse of Ham, and exilic space, and intelligence, and Jewishness in modernity, and literary-artistic space, and racial scale, and salvific probability, and sociopolitical space, and use value, See also Skin color

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

Book of Knowledge of All Kingdoms, The,

Borja, Francisco, de

Bourdieu, Pierre

Boxer, C. R.

Brueggemann, Walter

Cabral, Francisco

Calvin, John

Campbell, Mr.

Capitein, Jacobus Elisa Johannes: Dissertatio politico-theologica, qua disquiritur …

Carretta, Vincent

Casanova, Pascale

Castro, Daniel


Catholic church: recruitment of priests, on salvation, and state, See also Christianity

Certeau, Michel de

Cetshwayo kaMpande

Chidester, David: Savage Systems

Christianity: assimilation practices, and belonging, and colonialism, on damnation, displacing vision, doctrinal logics, ecclesial failure of, as exchange network, failure of recognition of, and identity, imaginary of, intellectual identity, and intimacy, and Israel, and modernity, post-Christendom, questioning, and slave trade ritual, and supersessionism, and teaching faith, and translations, types of, and whiteness, See also Catholic church; Protestant Reformation; Theology, Christian


Citizenship, cosmopolitan

Civil rights era


Colenso, Francis Ernest

Colenso, John William: background, on comparative hermeneutic, on cultural nationalisms, on evolution, excommunication of, flight to universal, heresy charges against, influences, intellectual journey, on Jewish people, missionary work, and moralist hermeneutic, in Natal, and Ngoza, on Nicodemus, Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua, The, on religious consciousness, resistance by, response to Reade, on righteousness, and Shepstone, soteriological vision of, St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Ten Weeks in Natal, theological vision of as translator, on universalism

Colenso, Robert John

Colenso, Sarah Frances (Bunyon)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Colonialism: on blackness, and Christianity, colonial wound, and cultural intimacy, and mutual conditioning, and nationalism, and native networks, and theological imagination, and theological subjectivity, and universalism

Columbus, Christopher,


Community: building, ecclesial failure of, imagined, interconnected, and space

Connections: and Christianity, and Jesus Christ, in native anthropologies



Conversion: of Africans, capability for, and Christian identity, Gentile, of indigenous peoples

Copernicus, Nicolaus: De revolutionibus orbium caelestium

Cosmography of New World

Crafts, Hannah: Bondwoman’s Narrative, The

Creation: Christian doctrine, creatio continua, creatio ex nihilo, and order

Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah: Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery…

Culture and Industrial Revolution

Cuneo, Michele de

Curse of Ham

Darwinian evolution

Deloria, Philip

Deloria, Vine, Jr.

Dingane kaSenzangakhona





Displacement, and agency, of Christian vision, and European imagination, and expansion of worlds, of Israel, and loss, racial patterns of, and salvation, and slave trade, spatial, and theology

Divine election,


Doran, James

Durán, Diego

Dutch Reformed School

Eagleton, Terry

Economic circuit

Eldridge, Roy


Equiano, Olaudah: background, character of, Christian faith of, conversion of, critiques of autobiography, on exchange,

Equiano, Olaudah (continued) freedom of, Interesting Narrative, and intimacy, on Jewish people comparison, and kinship, language skills, literacy of, masters, North Pole voyage, and piety, on salvation, and Scripture, slave ship story, Spain voyage, spiritual crisis of, spiritual quest of, on stages of enslavement, on taxonomies

Escalante Alvarado, Garcia de

Etherington, Norman


European expansion


Fabian, Johannes,

Faith: Bible as basis, as complex, and geography, and identities, intellectual, intuitive, risks of, teaching, and translation, and understanding, and weakness

Fanon, Frantz,

Farewell, Francis

Farmer, Thomas

Ferdinand, King

Film industry and whiteness


Foucault, Michel,

Freedom, divine

Fuze, Magema Magwaza

Fynn, Henry Francis

Geographical authority

German Idealist tradition

Ginés de Sepúlveda, Juan


God: and creatio ex nihilo, divine freedom, divine presence of, in everyone, identity of, immutability of, in Israel, righteousness of, unconditioned, as violent, as YHWH

Good and evil

Goodman, Benny

Gough, Richard

Gray, Robert

Gregory of Nazianzus

Griffiths, Paul

Grigua peoples

Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw: Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life…

Gunter, Edmund

Gutiérrez, Gustavo

Guy, Jeff,


Hammon, Briton: Narrative of the Most Uncommon Sufferings and Surprizing Deliverance…

Hastings, Adrian

Hawkyns, John

Hawkyns, William

Henderson, Fletcher

Henry, Infante of Portugal: anointed sonship of, dual role of, papal permission toward, and racial radicalism, royal chronicles, slave trade ritual,

Herder, Johann Gottfried

Holiday, Billie



Human sacrifice

Identity: African, American, and bodies, Christian, and communion, and encapsulation, of England in 19th century, ethnic, and geography, and land, loss of, national, Native American, and place, racial, and religion, of slaves, and space, theological, white



Imagination. See Social imagination; Theological imagination

Imperialism: ecclesiastical, and land survey system, and missionaries, pedagogical,


Indigenes. See Native peoples

Industrial Revolution

Intimacy: and action, and Christianity, cultural, and inner logic, and Jesus Christ, and language, and slavery, and spirit of God, white


Irving, Charles

Isabella, Queen

Isaiah (prophet)

Islam, war on

Israel: defined, and displacement, election of, as ethnic group, God in, and Jesus Christ, rebirth of, representative character of, space of, suffering of, and translation, and world

Japanese: conversion of, described


Jefferson, Thomas

Jennings, Ivory,

Jennings, Mary,

Jerónimo y Montenegro, Benito

Jesus Christ: and adoptionism, as agent of Satan and communion, crucifixion of, election of, and Gentiles, as incarnate, and Israel, Israel-centrism of, and kinship, materiality of, ministry of, as object of desire, and reconciliation, resurrection of, stories of, suffering of, and supersessionism, temptations of, and translations, and unconditional love, vicar of

Jews: anti-Semitism, and black bodies in modernity, and blood purity, on civil rights, and divine privilege, and exilic space, and identity, and indigenes, and literary-artistic space, marginalization of, and salvific probability, and sociopolitical space, suffering of, and whiteness

Jim Crow policies

Jolson, Al

Jones, Charles Colcock

Joseph Byrne Emigration and Colonization Company


Kant, Immanuel

Kilangak, Charlie

King, Robert

Kinship: destructive, global, and jazz, and Jesus Christ, Jewish, Native American, slave

Kora peoples

Kowner, Rotem

Labor, gendered

Lançarote de Freitas

Land: and animals/people, ecological imbalance, encomiendas, and identity, ideologies in Hebrew Bible, and language, loss of, and ownership, and peoples’ characteristics, and powers of whiteness, relationship with, rights, and sacred and slavery, See also Space

Landscape: and language, and racial identity, and wisdom

Land Survey System,


Language(s): and communion, and encapsulation, French, hierarchy of, indigenous, suppression of, and intimacy, and land, Latin, literary inequality of, in New World, Nguni, and preaching gospel, of slaves, Zulu, See also Literacy; Translation

Las Casas, Bartolomé de

Laws of Burgos of

Levenson, Jon

Liberation theology

Linklater, Andro

Linnaeus, Carolus

Lion, Alfred

Literacy: biblical, and emancipation, and forming space, and joining, laws, and legitimization, of slaves, and territoriality, See also Language(s)

Literary space: and Christian theology, and decolonization, French dominance hierarchical, world

Lockhart, James

Lombard, Peter: Libri sententiarum quatuor, Lopes, Fernão

Lopez de Gomara, Francisco: Historia general de las Indias

Loss: architecture of, of earth as identity, of land, of space, of ways of life

Love, unconditional

MacCormack, Sabine,

MacIntyre, Alasdair,

Maps of New World. See Cosmography of New World


Marrant, John: Narrative of the Lord’s Wonderful Dealings …

Marshall Thomas, Elizabeth, Old Way, The,

Martin, Calvin Luther, Way of the Human Being, The


Maurice, Frederick Denison,

McCurry, Stephanie


Melville, Elinor

Meyers, Carol

Mignolo, Walter


Military recruitment

Miller, Joseph,



Missionary work: and imperialism, and nationalism, and segregation, as translation, See also specific missionaries

Modernity: and authority, and epistemological crisis in theology, and formation of Christianity, as good, imperial, Jewish and black bodies in, and loss of space, and race conceptuality, vernacular space in

Moors and salvific probability

Moralist hermeneutic

Morrison, Toni, Playing in the Dark

Mousalimas, S. A.


Mundy, Barbara

Muslims: on blackness

Natal and Colonization Company

Natal colony

Nationalism: cultural, and literary space, and missionary work, and translation

Native Americans: on humans and animals, and identity

Native peoples: and barbarianism, and colonialism, and conversion, depopulation, inner logic of, and Jews, knowledge of, and loss of identity, moral history See also specific peoples

New Laws of 1542

Ngidi, John

Ngidi, William,

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

Nicholas V (Pope): and creatio ex nihilo, Dum diversas, on geographic authority, Romanus Pontifex


Noah’s ark, animals

Noah’s sons

Nyae Nyae

Ochs, Peter

Oda Nobunaga

Order of Christ


Pagden, Anthony: Fall of Natural Man, The

Parsonian functionalism

Pascal, Michael Henry

Pastoral power,

Paul (apostle),


Peter (apostle),

Philip (apostle)

Philip II, King

Philippa, Queen




Pizarro, Francisco



Plaza, Juan de la


Polo de Ondegardo, Juan

Porres, Ana de


Prester John

Privilege, divine

Protestant Reformation,

Providence doctrine

Queen, Daniel

Race: and agency, and difference, and displacement, and divine conditioning, and encapsulation, formation, and geography, hierarchy of, and identity; imagination of, importance of, interracial coupling, and kinship, nomenclature of, and ordering of existence, racial scale, radicalism and salvation, and space,

Race (continued)
   and struggle, See also Blackness; Whiteness

Racism: and anti-Semitism, and colonialism, and whiteness


Reade, W. Winwood


Rediker, Marcus


Relación Geográfica questionnaire

Religion: Andean, comparative hermeneutic, as identifier, and identity, and intimacy, privatized, source of truth in, Zulu, See also Christianity; Theology, Christian


Revolts, slave

Rosenfeld, Isaac

Salvation: Catholic church on, and discernment, and displacement, and ownership, possibility of, and racial radicalism, and religious consciousness, of slaves, and supersessionism, witness in word

Sancho, Ignatius: Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho

Sanneh, Lamin,

Santa Cruz, Alonso de

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, Über die Religion


Schorsch, Jonathan: Jews and Blacks in the Early Modern World

Schwartz, Stuart

Scripture references: Acts. Acts 1, Acts Acts 2:2 Acts 2: Acts 8; Acts 10; Acts 10 Acts 10; Acts 10: Acts 10: Acts 10; Acts 10; Acts 15: Acts 15 Acts 15: Acts 15; Acts 17: Acts 17; Corinthians 5; Corinthians 5: Deuteronomy 4; Ephesians 2; Ephesians 2; Ephesians 2: Exodus 21; Galatians 2: Hebrews 13; Isaiah 2; Isaiah 53: John 3: John 6: Luke 5; Luke 7; Luke 20: Malachi 3: Mark 2: Mark 3; Mark 3; Mark 15, Mark 15, Mark 15; Mark 15: Matthew 4. Matthew 4. Matthew 9: Matthew 10, Matthew 10; Matthew 15; Matthew 26; Psalm 47; Psalm 60; Psalm 61; Psalm 72; Psalm; Psalm Psalm Romans Romans Wisdom of Solomon Wisdom of Solomon. See also Bible

Seabrook, Whitemarsh

Segregation: and assimilation, and Christian theology, and imperialism, spatial dimension of

Shaka Senzangakhona

Shaw, Artie

Sheehan, Jonathan

Shepstone, John William

Shepstone, Theophilus, colonialist system of, on land distribution, Zululand project,


Skin color, See also Blackness; Whiteness

Slavery: argument against, British slave trade, and Christian ritual, and death, and displacement, end of, exchange networks, exchange strategies, and identity, justification for, and land appropriation,. and language, and literacy, and revolts, and salvation, and skin color, slave ship story, Spanish slave trade, stages of enslavement, and suffering, and theodicy, violence of slave ship,

Social imagination: as diseased, and theological imagination, transformation of, and whiteness.

Society of Jesus,

Socrates,21Sola scripture doctrine

Soteriological vision. See Salvation

Space: and bodies, commodification of, of communion, and community, disruption of, and distancing, and encapsulation, exilic, Gentile, and identity, imagined, and literacy, literary-artistic, loss of, and race, and segregation, sociopolitical, and time, vernacular, See also Geographical authority; Land; Literary space

Stono Rebellion (1739)

Storytelling: and moral formation, power of, themes

Stout, Jeffrey

Struggle and race

Suffering: of Christ,. Christian, of Israel, of Jews,. of miners, of slaves

Suicide on slave ships

Supersessionism: of Acosta, and Christianization, of Christian theology, and discernment, and divine privilege, and Jesus Christ, of Las Casas, and New World, and salvation, of theology, of Valignano, of Watts, and whiteness





Theological imagination: and colonialism, on divine presence, ecclesial failure of, growth of, of missionaries, and social imagination, and whiteness

Theology, Christian: and class formation, colonial subjectivity and connections, and diseased social imagination, and displacement and distorted vision of creation, epistemological crisis in, and identity, as imperialist, insularity of, and Israel, liberation theology, and literary space in New World, and pachacuti, as queen of sciences, and socialization, and subjugation of nonwhites, and supersessionism, See also Christianity

Thomas Aquinas,

Three Native Accounts of the Visit of the Bishop of Natal … to Umpande, King of the Zulus

Time: and distancing, evolutionary, and space, spiritualized

Tin Pan Alley

Todorov, Tzvetan

Toledo y Figueroa, Francisco de,

Tordesillas treaty (1494)

Torrance, T. F.

Translation, and assimilation/differentiation, Christology of, and faith, and formation of Christianity, and joining, missionary work as, vernacularization, See also Bible

Túpac Amaru

Turner, Nat

Ugly daughter analogy


Valignano, Alessandro, background, on blackness, and loss, on salvific possibilities, Sumario, supersessionism of,

Vassa, Gustavus. See Equiano, Olaudah

Velasco, Juan López de

Vernacularization. See under Bible; Translation




Walls, Andrew

Watts, Isaac, on erasure of Israel, piety of, on salvation, supersessionism of, See also specific Psalms under Scripture references

Wheatley, Phillis: Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral

Whiteness: and agency, analyzing, as archetype, and Christian formation, and consumption, as creatio continua, formation of, and geographic expansion, as imaginary, and Jews, performance of, powers of, and race nomenclature, and racial scale, and racism,. and salvific probability, as signifier, and social imagination,. and story of Jesus Christ, and subjugation, and supersessionism, See also Skin color

White supremacy

Wideman, John Edgar

Wilberforce, William

Willliams, Francis: History of Jamaica

Williams, J. V.

Williams, Mary Lou

Williams, Raymond

Willinsky, John

Wolff, Frank

Wollstonecraft, Mary

Women as barbarian

YHWH. See under God

Yup’ik Eskimos,

Zulus religious practice, war with, Zululand project

Zurara, Gomes Eanes de: Chronicle of the Capture of Ceuta, Chronicle of the Deeds of Arms Involved in the Conquest of Guinea, on distorted vision of creation, on Portuguese expansion, on racial difference, as royal chronicler, on slaves’ suffering, theological vision of