This eBook edition first published 2012 by The O’Brien Press Ltd,
12 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6, Ireland
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First published 2001
eBook ISBN: 978–1–84717–461–1
Copyright © text Marian Broderick 2001
Copyright for editing, typesetting, layout, design
© The O’Brien Press Ltd
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this title is available from The British Library.
Editing, typesetting, layout and design: The O’Brien Press Ltd
The author and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce visual material: Catherine McAuley courtesy of the Mercy International Centre; Sarah Curran reproduced courtesy of the Caine family, late of Ardee, County Louth; Nano Nagle courtesy of the Presentation Sisters, Monasterevin; Máire Rua O’Brien courtesy of a private collection; Lola Montez courtesy of Schloss Nymphenburg, Munich. Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlosser, Garten und Seen; Lady Gregory and Lady Mary Heath courtesy of An Post; Peig Sayers courtesy of An Roinn Béaloideasa, UCD; Maud Gonne courtesy of the National Gallery of Ireland; Constance Markievicz courtesy of the National Museum of Ireland; Mary Ann McCracken courtesy of the Ulster Museum; Mother Jones courtesy of the Library of Congress, Washington; Mary Reid & Anne Bonny, and Grace O’Malley courtesy of the Mary Evans Picture Library; Siobh*n McKenna courtesy of C Carson; Kathleen Clarke courtesy of E Clarke. The following are all reproduced by kind permission of the National Library of Ireland: Maria Edgeworth; Lady Sydney Morgan; Countess Blessington; Somerville and Ross; the Ladies of Llangollen; Charlotte Despard; Hanna Sheehy Skeffington; Lady Wilde; the Yeats sisters; Delia Larkin; Peg Woffington; Sara Allgood; Dorothy Jordan; Kitty Kiernan; Grace Gifford. Cover painting by Sarah Purser, The Blue Hat (1923), by permission of the copyright holders.