Title Page

Copyright Notice


I. I Am Here

1. The East China Sea

2. In the Karakoram Mountains

3. Cast Away

4. The Pentagon

5. Camp Pendleton, California

6. Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

II. Farther Than That I Cannot Go

7. Xinjiang

8. San Diego, California

9. Dublin

10. Eastern Maryland

11. USS The Sage Brothers Honolulu

12. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

III. My Ship Has No Rudder

13. The Karakoram Mountains

14. USS Rafael Peralta, DDG-115 The South China Sea

15. The Western Pacific

16. Long Beach, California

17. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

18. In the Tien Shan Mountains

IV. The Remotest Regions of Death

19. Laguna Beach, California

20. Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Virginia

21. The Taklimakan Desert

22. Taiwan

23. Cam Ranh, Vietnam


Previous Books by David Poyer

About the Author
