Thank you first of all to Ruth Knowles for being an incredible editor, as always. This, our fourth book together, has been a wonderful experience, and your ideas and guidance have been amazing at every point. Thanks to Wendy Shakespeare for everything you do to make the manuscript come together (apparently effortlessly) into an actual book. Huge thanks to Marcus Fletcher, Sarah Hall, Jennie Roman, Bella Jones and everyone else who worked on this book.
Steph Thwaites: you are the BEST agent and that is a fact.
In 2017 I went on a course in Newcastle run by the brilliant Ian Rowland. It was called ‘Anytime, Anywhere Psychic Readings’ and, alongside Ian’s book The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading, it gave Natasha and Libby lots of their street skills and entertained me enormously. Thanks to my husband, Craig, for coming on the course with me, as it was quite an intimidating prospect.
Thanks to Craig, Seb, Charlie, Lottie and Alfie for all the lovely support and distractions at home, and to Gabe, Tansy, Brendan, Agnes and Ted for giving me lots of excellent reasons to visit Winchester.