The page numbers in Index represents the print page number and will differ with the eBook page numbers

Abell, John


Henstridge’s copies

keyboard notation

lute ayres

actors: choirboys

as intermediaries


Adriano in Syria (Metastasio)

Aguiari, Lucrezia

ahistorical categories


Albertus Magnus

Alcock, John Jr.

Alexander’s Feast (Handel)

“Alexis, Dear Alexis” (Blow)

amateur, concept of

men’s manuscripts

Amphion Anglicus (Blow)

“ancient music”

Andrews, Thomas

Anne, Princess

Anne, Queen

courtly modes of cultural production and

odes for

Pallas Athena compared with

panegyrics for in plays

subscription music and Britain’s Happiness

Anne Cromwell’s Virginal Book

Apology for Actors (Heywood)


Aquaviva, Claudio


memory scheme/theater. See also spatial production

Arendt, Hannah

Ariès, Philippe

“Arise Ye Subterranean Winds” (Reggio)

ars memoriae (memory arts)

The Art of Singing (Reggio)

Articles of the Musical Society, in Oxford

Aspden, Suzanne

Attey, John

Aubrey, John



for “Cries of London”

for Handel’s music

for lute music

memory and broadside ballads

for The Northern Lass

odes and

Opera House

for Udall’s plays

aural transmission

cognition and organizing systems


memorized transcription

Austern, Linda

ayres. See Campion, Thomas; lute ayres

Ayres, To Sing and Play to the Lute (Corkine)

Babell, William

Bach, J. C.

background variation

Bailey, Candace

Baines, Thomas

Baldwin, Olive

ballad partners

ballad production

ballads: gender and

lute music. See also broadside ballads

ballet des nations

Ballet lutebook

Banister, Henrietta

Banister, John

“Barbadoes Gentleman” (Clarke)

Bargrave, Isaac

Bargrave, Robert

Barksdale, Clement

Barley, William

Barre, William Jr.

bass line (ground bass)

Batcheler, Daniel

Batchelor, Jenny

Bathe, William

Bell, William


Bendish, Thomas

Benedictine Convent at Brussels

Bevin, Edward

Bevin, Elway

Bianca (Taming of the Shrew)

biblical subject matter


Birch, Colonel

Birchensha, John

Blackfriars Theatre

Blackiston, Nathaniel

Blackwell Hall factors

Blow, John

“Alexis, Dear Alexis”

Amphion Anglicus

Bludworth, Thomas

“Blundrella: or, The Impertinent. A Tale” (Carey)

Blunt, Charles

Board, Margaret

Board lutebook

body as instrument

Bold, Jane (Mordaunt)

Bold, Richard

Bolt, John

Bononcini, Giovanni

A Book of Ayres (Rosseter)

Book of Common Prayer (1552)

The Bottle Companions

boundary crossing

“amateur” and “professional” musicians

broadsides mediate

commercial reading public

coteries and commercial reading public

“Cries of London”

drama and music

between faiths

gender and

Habermasian concepts

Handel, appropriation of

Lady’s Magazine

merchants and gentry

musicians and patronage

song performance

spiritual recreation and liturgy

Stuart era

theater as locus

transformative encounters. See also domestic sphere; public sphere; public/private distinctions


Bowman, Henry

Bownde, Nicholas

Boyce, William

Brathwaite, Richard

Bremner, Robert

Brett, Philip

Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song (Bathe)

A Briefe Introductione to the True Art of Musicke (Bathe)

Britain’s Happiness (Motteux)

British Harpsichord Music, Vol. 2: History I (Harley)

Britton, Thomas

Broad, William

broadside ballads

commercial aspects


as images



theater, interaction with

tune titles

as wall decorations

Titles:: The Poor Man’s Councellor

A Warning for Wives

Tunes:: “The Batchelors Fall”

“Bragandary” (“Monstrous Women”; “O Folly Desperate Folly”)

“Doctor Faustus”

“Fair Angel of England”

“Fortune My Foe”

“The Ladies Fall”

“The Poor Man’s Comfort”

“The Superanuated Maidens Comfort”. See also memory

Brokaw, Katherine Steele

Brome, Richard

musical spaces of

Works:: The Antipodes

A Jovial Crew. See also The Northern Lass (Brome)

Brookesby, Eleanor (Vaux)

Brown, John

Bryne, Albertus

Bucholz, R. O.

Bullokar, John

Burden, Michael

Burney, Charles

Burney, Fanny

Burney, Susan

Burrows, Donald

business. See merchants and businessmen

Butler, Charles

Butler, Charlotte

Butler, Judith

Byrd, William

patent for printing music

Works:: Cantiones sacrae

Gradualia I

Caccini, Giulio

Campelman, Charles

Campion, Edmund

Campion, Thomas

composer of lyrics and music

Latin poetry

Lord Hayes masque

Works:: Ad Thamesin

“Blame Not My Cheeks”

A Booke of Ayres

De puluerea conjuratione

Epigrammatum liber primus

Epigrammatum liber secundus

The Fourth Booke of Ayres

Fragmentum Umbrae

“A Hymne in Praise of Neptune”

“The Man of Life Upright”

Observations in the Art of English Poesie


Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the Untimely Death of Prince Henry

Tho. Campiani Epigrammatum Libri II Umbra Elegiarum liber unus

“Thou Art Not Faire, for All Thy Red and White”

“Thrice Tosse These Oaken Ashes in the Ayre”

Two Bookes of Ayres

“What If a Day”

“When to Her Lute Corinna Sings”. See also lute ayres

Canguilhem, Philippe


Cantica Sacra (Lawes)

Cantiones sacrae (Byrd)

Capua, Rinaldo di

Carey, Henry

Caroline period

Carvajal, Luisa de

Cary, John

Cary, Richard

Castiglione, Baldassare

cathedral musicians

Catholicism/Catholic recusants

Office of the Dead

tropes of exile and captivity. See also education; Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

Cavendish, Margaret

Cavendish, Michael

Cecilian feast

Purcell’s odes

Chaderton, Laurence

Chan, Mary

Chapel Royal

Chappell, William

Charles I

Charles II

Charlston, Terence

Chichester Cathedral

“Chide the Drowsy Spring” (Eccles)

Chiesa Nuova

Children of the Chapel

Children of the Revells of the Queene


Choice Ayres, Songs and Dialogues

Choice Psalmes (Lawes)

choirboys/choir schools


“Cries of London” and

decline in education

Christ Church


Cieraad, Irene

Ciro Riconosciuto (Walsh)

The City Lady (Dilke)

Clarges, Louisa

Clarges, Thomas

Clark, Sandra

Clarke, Jeremiah

Classical thinkers

Clifford, Henry Lord

The Close Hypocrite Discovered (Delamain)

Cobbold, William

Cocchi, Gioacchino

Coke, Lady Mary

Coleman, Catherine

Coleman, Edward

“Collection of Rules in Musicke” (Taylor)

Collection of Songs with Symphonies and a Through Bass with Six Lessons for the Harpsichord (Turner)

collective memory

The Comical Hash (Cavendish)

commercial reading public

commonplace books


harmony and social concord

community of belief

Compendium of Practicall Musick (Simpson)

Complete English Tradesman (Defoe)

composers: copyright

famous composers/less-than-exciting keyboard music. See also individual composers


women as promoters

Congreve, William

Consort Songs (Brett)

continuo parts

Cooper, Barry

Coote, John

Coperario, Giovanni

Coprario, John


opera arias and

performing traditions captured by. See also Henstridge, Daniel


Corelli, Archangelo

Corkine, William

coronation services

Corporation of Musick (Westminster)

Corpus Christi Mass

Corri, Domenico

Cosway, Richard

coterie literary practice

“Could Man His Wish Obtain”

“Country Cries” (Dering)

courtly modes of cultural production

Cox, John

Craig-McFeely, Julia

Cranmer, Thomas

“Cries of London”



audiences for

“Chandler insert”



Long Weelkes


modern performances

In nomine cantus firmus

polyphonic textures

Short Weelkes


“Winter Cries”

Cromwell, Oliver

Cromwell, Thomas

cultural memory

Cupids Muster (ballad)

Daborne, Robert

dance, gendered space and

Danyel, John

Danzi, Franziska

d’Arezzo, Guido

Dart, Thurston

D’Assigny, Marius

Davis, Walter R.

Davison, Francis

de Mare, Heidi

De Oratore (Cicero)

declamatory style

decorations, printed music as

defensive tropes

Defoe, Daniel

Dekker, Thomas

Delamain, Richard

Delaune family

Dering, Richard


descriptive notation

devotional songs

Didone abbandonata (Metastasio)

Dieupart, Charles

Dilke, Thomas

domestic sociability

domestic sphere: Catholic liturgies in


keyboard music attributed to

musical identities and

professional/domestic division

public performance of

residential architecture

song performance reconfigures

state, analogy with

Dorset Garden Theatre

Dowland, John

book of 1597


professional aspirations

Works:: First Booke of Songes or Ayres


A Musicall Banquet. Furnished with Varietie of Delicious Ayres

Varietie of Lute Lessons

Dowland, Robert

Draghi, Giovanni Battista

Draycott, Helen

Dubrow, Heather

Duncombe, Charles

Dunhill, Rosemary

Dunn, Leslie

D’Urfey, Thomas

“The Infant Blooming Spring”

The Kings Health

Mars Now Is Arming in Wit and Mirth: Or Pills to Purge Melancholy

The Old Mode and the New

Songs Compleat

Earle, Peter

Eccles, John

1704 collection of songs

“Chide the Drowsy Spring”

Hark How the Muses Call Aloud

“They Call and Bid the Spring Appear”

While Anna with Victorious Arms

Edgeworth, Elizabeth

Edict of Nantes

Edinburgh Musical Society


for Catholic children

choir schools

in Latin and music

music instruction, Catholic

women’s use of music for spiritual instruction and recreation

Edward VI

Eikon Basilike (Lawes)

Elegeia I (Fitz-Geffry)

Elizabeth I

Ellis, William

emblem books

English ayres. See Campion, Thomas

The English Ayre (Warlock)

English Lute Manuscripts and Scribes 1530-1630 (Craig-McFeely)

Epicoene (Jonson)

Epigrammata (More)

Erismena (Cavalli)


Europe’s Revels for the Peace (Motteux)

Evans, Robert C.

Exeter House

Ezell, Margaret


Farinel, Michael

“Farinel’s Grounds”

The Favourite Songs to Zanaida

The Favourite Songs

Fellowes, Edmund

Ferrar, Basil

Fides ex auditu (“faith by hearing”)

Filmer, Robert

Filmer family

The First Booke of Ayres (Attey)

The First Booke of Ayres (Morley)

The First Booke of Songes or Ayres (Jones)

The First Booke of Songes or Ayres (Dowland)

Fischlin, Daniel

Fitz-Geffry, Charles

Flackton collection

“Flat Pavan” (Johnson)

Fludd, Robert

Folger MS

folio books

Forcer, Francis

Ford, Robert

Ford, Thomas

Foucault, Michel

14. Ayres in Tabletorie to the Lute (Cavendish)

Fox Lane, Mrs.

Francis, Earl of Cumberland

Frederick, Prince of Wales

Freeman, Graham

Fretwork (recording)

friendships, musical. See also Locke, Matthew; Taylor, Silas (Domville)

Funde flores, thura crema (Hingeston)

Gabrielli, Caterina

Gandon, James


Garnet, Henry

Garnons, Roger

Gates, Bernard

Gattolini, Signor

Geminiani, Francesco


“amateur” and “professional” musicians

categorization of “domestic” keyboard music

female body as instrument

hierarchy of difficulty

identity and

marginalization due to

music and space

musical identities and

patriarchal societal norms

silencing of women

song performance and

spatial considerations

vocal genres

voice as marker of location and identity

women as concert promoters. See also women

General History of Music (Burney)

General History of the Science and Practice of Music (Hawkins)

The Gentleman’s Journal

Gentleman’s Magazine

Gentlemen of the Musical Society

George I

George II

George of Denmark

Georgian view of music

Gerard, John

Giannina e Bernadoni (Cimarosa)

Giardini, Felice

Gibbons, Orlando

Gibbons, William

Gibson, Kirsten

Giulio Cesare (Handel)

Giulio Sabino (Sarti)

Globe Theatre

Glorious Revolution

Glushko, Robert J.

“Golden Grove” suite (Lawes)

Goldsmith, Oliver

Goodson, Anna

Goodson, Richard

Goodson, Richard Jr.

Gradualia I (Byrd)

Gray’s Inn

Grene, Sir William

Grymeston, Elizabeth (Bernye)

guided culture

Guidonian hand

Gunning, Peter

Gunpowder Plot

Habermas, Jürgen

Hamilton, Newburgh

Hamlet (Shakespeare)

Handel, George Frideric

aristocracy, relations with

in Lady’s Magazine


outdoor performances of

unpublished music obtained by music societies

Works:: Acis and Galatea

Alexander’s Feast


Giulio Cesare



Music for the Royal Fireworks


“A Song Made to a Favourite Minuet in Rodelinda”

“A Song on the Victory Obtain’d Over the Rebels by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland”

Handel’s Temple

Harding, Rosamund

Hardy, Sir William

Hare, John

Hare, Joseph

Hark How the Muses Call Aloud (Tate and Eccles)

Harley, Edward

Harley, John

harmony: matches meaning

polyphonic compositions

social concord signified by


Harris, James

Harris, Thomas

Hauser, Gerard

Hayes, William

Hayward, Charles

Heigham, Bedingfield Jr.

Heigham, Mary

Helier, Samuel

Henrietta Maria

Henry VIII

Henstridge, Daniel

autograph and partial autograph manuscripts

informal music making

Copies: “Could Man His Wish Obtain”

“Old Chiron Thus”

transcription of “Amanti fuggite”

“Why Is Your Faithful Slave Disdained”

Herbert, Sir Edward


Hereford Independents

Herissone, Rebecca

Heywood, Thomas

“High State and Honours” (Abell)

Hill, Gregory

Hill, Richard

Hill, Thomas

Hilton, John

Hingeston, John

History of Gavel-Kind (King Vortinger)

Hogwood, Christopher

Holford, Richard

Holland, Abraham

Holman, Peter

Holmes, Mathew

Holt, Henry

Houblon, James Jr.

Houblon, Sarah

“How Bonny and Brisk” (Smith)

Howard, Alan

Howard, Anne

Hudson, Robert

humanist thinkers

Hunt, Arnold

Hutchinson, Archibald

identities, musical



Impostor Magnus (Taylor)


keyboard music

lute music

In nomine cantus firmus


“The Infant Blooming Spring” (D’Urfey)



recreational psalm singing

Issipile (Metastasio)

Italian performers

J. C. Bach v. Longman and Lukey

Jacob, John

James I

James II

Jeffreys, George

Jeffreys, Jeffrey

Jeffreys, John

Jesuits (Society of Jesus)


household performances of festal liturgies

importance of education and music to

martyrdom. See also Catholicism; education

Jesus Psalter (Whitford)

Johnson, John

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Robert

Jonson, Ben

Jordan, Abraham (father and son)

Kenny, Elizabeth

Kent, William

Kew garden

keyboard music, mid-seventeenth century

categorized as “domestic”

gendered hierarchy of difficulty

practical purposes

recreational women musicians

Selosse manuscript


The Kings Health (D’Urfey)

King’s Men

King’s Private Musick

King’s Theatre

Kinsman, Rachel

Knepp, Elizabeth

Lachrimae (Dowland)

Lady’s Magazine; or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex


emergence of

music inserts

“Music Master”

song texts

Lampert, Anna

Lampugnani, Giovanni Battista

Lanier, Nicholas

Lawes, Henry

Lawes, William

Le delizie dell’opere

Le nuove musiche (Caccini)

Le Texier, Antoine

Leech, Peter

L’Epine, Margherita de

Les Sacqueboutiers (recording)

Lethieullier, Christopher

Lethieullier, John (son)

Lethieullier, Sir John

Lethieullier, William

Levant Company

Leveridge, Richard

Ligny, Charles de

Lincoln’s Inn Fields

Lindley, David

Lingam, George

Linley, Elizabeth

Lipsedge, Karen


Little, Patrick

Little Trinity church (City of London)

Loades, David

Locke, Matthew

instrumental music

Taylor’s compositions attributed to

Taylor’s support of

Works:: Melothesia

“When Death Shall Part Us from These Kids”

locus (place)

Longman and Broderip

Loscocco, Paula

Love, Harold

“Love at First Sight” (Hudson)

Lowe, Edward

lute ayres: dedications

“Farewel Deare Loue”

folio books


move from private to public consumption


public songs

read without music. See also Campion, Thomas; lute music

lute culture

The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music (Spring)

lute music

aurality, cognition, and organizing systems

Ballet lutebook

Board lutebook

Brogyntyn lutebook




Mynshall lutebook


sources in early Modern England

transmission in early modern England


working methods. See also lute ayres; manuscripts

lute performance iconography

The Lutes Apology for Her Excellency (Mathew)

The Lying Lover (Steele)

Lynn, George

Lyra Britannica (Boyce)

Mace, Thomas


“magazine music”. See also Lady’s Magazine; or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex

Mann, Horace


duodecimo format

“Mathew Holmes Lutebooks”


owned by merchants

pocket manuscripts

printed sources

scribal editions

sources for lute music

visuospatial cognition. See also keyboard music, mid-seventeenth century; lute music

Manzoli, Giovanni

Mara, Gertrud

Maravall, José Antonio

Marsh, Christopher

Mary I

Mary II

Mason, Ben


Massey, Edward

material, the

material media

Mathew, Richard

“Mathew Holmes Lutebooks”

Matteis, Nicola

Maynard, John

Mazzio, Carla

Medici, Mattias de’


memoria (mental faculty)


ars memoriae

audience and



place and


visuospatial cognition. See also broadside ballads

memory theater

men’s manuscripts. See keyboard music, mid-seventeenth century

menuet chanté

mercantile gentry

Mercers Company

merchant, as term

merchants and businessmen


dissemination of continental music

Hill and Andrews


Sherman, Wheak and Pigott

Meres, Francis

Metastasio, Pietro

Micheli, Leopoldo de

Mico, Richard

Miller, Bonny

Milsom, John

Minear, Erin

Mingotti, Regina


Miscelanea (Grymeston)


Mnemonica (Willis)


modern scholarship

on keyboard music

merchants and businessmen neglected

Modyford, James

The Monthly Mask of Vocal Musick


More, Thomas

Morelli, Cesare

Morgan, Charles

Morgan, Thomas

Morley, Thomas

Morris, Claver

motets, Latin

Motteux, Peter

Mounson, John

Mounson, Thomas

Murphy, Estelle

music clubs

music meetings

Music Society (Oxford)

The Musical Companion of 1667

Musical Magazine

Musical Society

A Musicall Banquet. Furnished with Varietie of Delicious Ayres (Dowland)

A Musicall Dreame (Jones)

Musicke of Sundrie Kindes (Ford)

Musick’s Hand-maid

Musick’s Monument (Mace)

Mychelburnes, Laurence, Edward, and Thomas

The Myrtle (Hudson)

Napier, William

national identity

A New Booke of Tabliture (Barley)

The Noble Souldier (Rowley and Dekker)

non-Western musical cultures

North, Roger

The Northern Lass (Brome)

affinities between two Constances

“As I Was Gathering Aprill Flowers”

female singing body

gender and song performance

“Hee that marries a Scold”

“place” as term in



publication in print

relocating song in

“Some Say My Love Is Butt a Man”



pitch and duration

“O cujus genio Romana Elegia debet”

Observations in the Art of English Poesie (Campion)

occupational musicians



for Queen Anne

Odes in Imitation of the Seaven Penitential Psalmes (Verstegan)

Office of the Dead

The Old Batchelor (Congreve)

“Old Chiron Thus” (Wise)

Old Jewry “Musick-Society”

The Old Mode and the New (D’Urfey)

“On Music” (Alcock)

opera arias

as affects


The Favourite Songs

London audiences

move from public to private

newness required

as objects



suitcase arias

Opera House (London)

Ophelia (Hamlet)


organ playing

organizing systems




ornamentation: in memorized transcription

in Stuart-era odes

Orpheus Britannicus (Purcell)

Oswald, James

Othello (Shakespeare)

Paget, Thomas

Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury (Meres)

panegyric mode

odes for Queen Anne

in plays

subscription music

Paraphrase on the Psalmes of David (Sandys)


Parr, Catherine

Parrott, Andrew

Pasquini, Bernardo

Paston, Edward

Paston, Margaret (Berney)

pastoral sentiments

patriarchal societal norms


by merchants and businessmen

Paul V

Pavier, Thomas

pedagogy. See also education; memory

Pelling, John

penny sheets

Pepys, Samuel

on audience copying

Beauty returne (composition)


on Great Fire

Hill and

on Locke and Taylor

merchants and

Percy, Mary

permanence, musical

Persons, Robert

Petre, Catherine

Petrucci (publisher)

Philips, James

Philips, John

Philips, Katherine

Philips, Peter

“Phillis with Her Enchanting Voice” (Turner)

Phoebus, Monarch of the Skies (D. Purcell)

Pigott, Bartholomew

Pigott, Charles

Pigott, Francis

Pigott, George

Pigott, James

Pigott, John

Pigott family

Pinnock, Andrew

Pinto, David

pitch, spatial representation of

place, memory, music, and theater as. See also space

Placebo dilexi

“place-realism” vogue

A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke (Morley)


Playford, John



pocket manuscripts

Poetical Rapsody (Davison)

The Poor Mans Comfort (Daborne)

Porter, Walter

Poulton, Diana

prescriptive music writing


Preston, John

Price, Curtis

Price, David

Price, Matthew


printed music

ballad production


opera arias

Ralph Roister Doister

songs from The Northern Lass

privacy. See also domestic sphere; public/private distinctions

professional/domestic division


aurality, importance to


royalist use of

Psalterium Carolinum (Stanley)

public, as term

public sphere


courtly cultural production and

domestic performance of

odes and

opera arias and

singers and

public/private distinctions

broadside ballad and

Catholic recusants and

Handel’s music and

lute music and social hierarchy

magazines and

memory and

move from private to public consumption

professional/domestic division. See also amateur, concept of; domestic sphere; public sphere; spatial production

Purcell, Daniel

Purcell, Frances

Purcell, Henry

Dorset Garden Theatre and

Henstridge’s copies

Works:: Hail! Bright Cecilia

“Welcome to All the Pleasures”

Yorkshire Feast Song

Ralph Roister Doister (Udall)


choirboy actors

funeral parody

multivalent performance context

music as unproductive

religious and musical pedagogy in

Ramsey, John

Randall, Elizabeth

Randall, William

Rauzzini, Venanzio

Raylton, William


Rees, Owen

Reggio, Pietro

“Arise Ye Subterranean Winds”

religion: 1552 prayer book

denominational hybridity

polyphonic compositions



Respublica (Udall)


business community

“Revealing Their Hand: Lute Tablatures in Early Seventeenth-Century England” (Kenny)

Rinaldo (Handel)

Ritchie, Leslie

“Robert Filmer His Booke: of psalmes”

Roberts, Gabriel

Rogers, Benjamin

Rogers, John

“The Rolling Years” (Steele)

Rosseter, Philip

Rowley, Samuel

Royal Africa Company

Royal Exchange

Royal Magazine


motets, Latin


“psalmic poetic”

in Taylor’s texts

Rubinelli, Giovanni

“Rules of Composition” (Birchensha)

Russell, Elizabeth

Saint Peters Complaint (Southwell)

Salisbury Musical Society


Sanders, Julie

Sanderson, John

Sandys, George

Sarti, Giuseppe


scribal publication

Second Book of Ayres, and Dialogues (Lawes)

The Second Part of Musick’s Hand-maid (Goodson)

The Second Part of the Pleasant Musical Companion

Second Booke of Songs and Ayres (Jones)

Sedgwick, Obadiah

Sedley, Katherine

Seeger, Charles

Selosse, Antoine



Seymour, Jane

Shakespeare, William: Hamlet


Taming of the Shrew

The Tempest

Twelfth Night

Shay, Robert

Sheldon, Edward

Sheldon, Ralph

Sheppard, John

Sheridan, R. B.

Sherman, Rowland

Sherman, William

Simpson, Christopher


ownership and


“Sir John Harrington’s Poems, Written in the reign of Queen Elizabeth”

Siroe, re di Persia (Lampugnani)

Sketch of Spring-Gardens, Vaux-Hall (attr. Lockman)

Skillern and Goulding

Slaughter, Paris

Slaughter Galley

Smith, Bruce

Smith, Robert

social order

social sphere

sol-faing songs

Somerset, Edward


as marker of location and identity

melancholy, association with

as privileged mode of self-expression

social relationships constructed by. See also vocal music

“Song on Nelson’s Glorious Victory” (Hudson)

song performance

affective impact

cultural ambivalence about

elides boundaries

gender and

Songs Compleat (D’Urfey)

Songs for 12 & 3 Voyces (Bowman)

Songs for the Lute Viol and Voice (Danyel)

Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the Untimely Death of Prince Henry (Campion)

sound, space and

Southwell, Robert


location and type of music performed

misinterpretation of

sound, relationship with. See also place

spatial production

gendered function

house-state analogy

musical-spatial interplay

of Other

pitch and duration

visuospatial cognition. See also architecture

Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius)

Spring, Matthew

St. John’s College, Oxford

St. Omer school

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Stanley, Thomas


household compared with

Stationers’ Company

Steele, Richard

Steggle, Matthew

stile galant

stile nuovo

Storace v. Longman and Broderip

Stuart, Lady Arabella

Stuart era. See also Anne, Queen

subscription music


Tallis, Thomas

Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)

Taruskin, Richard

Tate, Nahum

taverns, inns, and alehouses

oratorios in

Taylor, John (shipbuilder)

Taylor, Silas (Domville)

aspirations undermined

as composer

as controversial figure

GB-Cfm Mu MS 163 (Cfm 163)

political identity

portrays music meetings as neutral

Works:: “Dominantur in Nos Servi”

Lamentations in works of

“Non habet Sion”

Psalm 96

Psalm 137

“Revertere O Sulammittis”

Song of Songs in works of

“Vox Dilecti Mei”

“When Stormes Arise” (Psalm 27)

Writings:: “Collection of Rules in Musicke”

Impostor Magnus

Taylor, Silvanus Sr.

Taylor, Sylvanus

“Tell the World Great Caesars Come” (Clarke)

Temperley, Nicholas

Tempest, Thomas

The Tempest (Shakespeare)


as ideological construct


as memory

as monument

panegyric music in plays

as place (locus)

post-play musical entertainments

privacy, production of

Queen Anne era

silent women, depictions of. See also memory

theatre, as term

Theatre Royal (Drury Lane)


theatrum mundi



“They Call and Bid the Spring Appear” (Tate and Eccles)

Tho. Campiani Epigrammatum Libri II Umbra Elegiarum liber unus (Campion)

Thompson, Robert

thoroughbass technique

Thynne, Joan

“Thyrsis” (Hudson)

Timothean music

Topcliffe, Richard

Tory concert series

trading companies


bass part




Trevelyn, G. M.

Tribble, Evelyn

Tridentine decrees

Tudor era: audiences

courtly modes of cultural production

The Turkish Paradise or Vaux-Hall Gardens: Wrote at Vaux-Hall Last Summer (attr. Lockman)

Turner, Elizabeth

Turner, William

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)

Twelfth Night 1603

The XII. Wonders of the World (Maynard)

Two Bookes of Ayres (Campion)

Tyers, Jonathan

Udall, Nicholas


as spokesman for religion

as timeserver. See also Ralph Roister Doister

United Company

urban space

Urban VIII

Vanneschi, Francesco

Varietie of Lute Lessons (Dowland)

Vaux, Anne

Vaux, Elizabeth (Roper)

Vauxhall Gardens

Venetian opera

Verney, John

Verney, Ralph

Verstegan, Richard

vice characters

Vickery, Amanda




Vivian, Percival

vocal music: political implications

recreational psalm singing. See also singers; song; song performance

voice: as marker of location and identity

materiality and

Vortiger, King


Walker, Greg

Wallington, Benjamin

Walpole, Henry

Walpole, Michael

Walsh, John

War of the Spanish Succession

Ward, Mary

Ward’s Institute

Warlock, Peter

A Warning for Wives (broadside)

Watson, William

wax tablet metaphor

Weelkes, Thomas

Welcker, Peter

“Welcome to All the Pleasures” (Purcell)

Weldon, John

“The Welfare of All on Blest Anna Depends” (Weldon)

Wells music meetings

Wessell, Leonard

Westcott, Sebastian

Westminster Abbey

Westrup, Jack

“What If a Day” (Campion)

Wheak, Philip

“When Death Shall Part Us from These Kids” (Locke)

Whig concert series

While Anna with Victorious Arms (Eccles)

Whimzies: or, a New Cast of Characters (Brathwaite)

White, Bryan

White, Esther

White Webbs house

Whitford, Richard

Whole Booke of Psalmes (Sternhold and Hopkins)

Whole Psalmes in Foure Parts

Whythorne, Thomas

William and Mary

William III

William Raylton’s Virginal Book

Willis, Jonathan

“Willow Song” (Othello)

Wilson, John

Wilson, Thelma

Winchester College

Winn, James

Wise, Michael

Wiseman, Jane (Vaughan)

Wiseman, William

Wit and Mirth

Wombourne Wodehouse

women: female servants, music instruction for

Jesuits and

as musicians

silent, depictions of

Tridentine decrees

as tutors

use of music for spiritual instruction and recreation. See also gender

Wood, Anthony

Wood, Bruce

woodblock prints

Woolley, Andrew

Wotton, Henry

Wright and Wilkinson

Wriothesley, Charles

Yorkshire Feast Song (Purcell)

Young, William

Zanaida (Bach)

Zemira e Azore (Verazzi)