Male Figure, Front View

This is a basic front view of an adult male standing upright. For this demonstration the head height will first be established at one-eighth the total height of the figure and then slightly increased, to make the head in correct proportion.


10" × 8" (25cm × 10cm) medium-texture drawing paper

2B graphite pencil

kneaded eraser

STEP 1: Place the Basic Proportions

With a 2B pencil, sketch a vertical balance line to keep the image straight. Add horizontal lines for the base of the feet, top of the head and the centerline. Sketch a horizontal line between the top line and the centerline, making up one-fourth the total height. Sketch another horizontal line between the top line and the previous line, making up one-eighth the total height. Add one more horizontal line slightly below the last line to use for the size of the head. You can use a proportioning device to check that the height of the figure is seven-and-a-half heads.

STEP 2: Add the Basic Shapes and Lines

Add the basic shape of the head and legs. Sketch horizontal lines for the shoulders and waist.

STEP 3: Add the Features

Add the torso, neck and hips. Sketch ovals for the knees. The bottoms of the knees rest approximately halfway between the centerline and the bottom line. Sketch the arms and hands with the fingers resting halfway between the centerline and the lower bottom of the knees. Add the feet. Add lines for the placement of facial features.

STEP 4: Develop the Form

Develop and refine the form and add features including the clothes and lines for the placement of facial features.

STEP 5: Add the Values

Erase unwanted lines and finish the drawing by adding the values.