
Use these demonstration instructions to try sketching your own hand. The structural sketch of the hand starts as a simple mitten shape. Before sketching the individual fingers, block in the groupings of the knuckles. If you prefer wider pencil lines, you can sketch with a 2B pencil on medium-texture sketch paper rather than the mechanical pencil with copier paper specified in the materials list.


11" × 8 12" (28cm × 22cm) copier paper

mechanical pencil

kneaded eraser

STEP 1: Proportion the Form

With a mechanical pencil, sketch the outer proportions of the palm, index finger and thumb of the open hand.

STEP 2: Sketch the Placement Lines

Sketch curved lines for the placement of the fingertips, knuckles and skin between the fingers. The hand is relaxed, so the fingers aren’t straight.

STEP 3: Sketch the Thumb, Fingers, Palm and Wrist

Sketch lines for the individual fingers and thumb. Complete the outer form of the palm and add lines for the wrist.

STEP 4: Develop the Form

Develop the overall form and add structural details such as wrinkles and creases.

STEP 5: Add the Values

Use a kneaded eraser to erase unwanted lines, and add the values with a mechanical pencil to finish the drawing. Date the back of your drawing.

Front and Back Differences

The proportions of the front of the hand compared to the back may appear different because of visual differences that include the skin between the fingers and the form of the palm at the base of the hand.