
It’s time to get comfortable, put your feet up and relax for this demonstration. Prop your feet up on a recliner or ottoman and follow these steps to draw them. Draw both feet at the same time, not individually. They appear symmetrical. For this demo the light source is directly from the right, so positioning a lamp on the right side of your feet would be ideal.


8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm) medium-texture drawing paper

2B graphite pencil

kneaded eraser

STEP 1: Proportion Both Feet

With a 2B pencil, sketch two horizontal lines, one for the top of the big toes and the other for the heels. Sketch four vertical lines, two for the outer sides of the feet and two for the insides of the feet.

STEP 2: Sketch the Outer Forms of the Feet and Toes

Sketch curved lines for the outer tips of the toes and for the lower sides of the feet. Add two curved lines for the alignment of where the toes meet the feet.

STEP 3: Add Lines for the Toes and Legs and Develop the Form

Add lines for the individual toes as well as lines for the legs. Develop the outer forms of the feet.

STEP 4: Add the Structural Details

Add the structural details including toenails and lines to distinguish the shadows.

STEP 5: Add the Values

Erase unwanted lines with a kneaded eraser and add the values with a 2B pencil to complete the drawing. Place the date on the back of your drawing.