
Though clothes cover the form, they are part of the overall figure and express the personality of the wearer. Whether the costume is simple or elaborate, the material is affected by the light source that illuminates the folds, causing highlights and shadows that give depth to the form.


Seldom is clothing flat and formless; instead, it is full of folds. Folds occur where the clothing gathers or is creased, creating a landscape of concave and convex forms. When added to a figure drawing, folds can create a sense of fluidity and motion to the subject.

Concave folds go inward, as recesses, whereas convex folds protrude outward. When folds are bunched up together, such as where the knee bends, the clothing may appear as waves of concave and convex material.

Concave folds, drawn with dark recesses, appear to have depth, while convex folds, drawn with highlights, cause the material to appear to be coming forward.

The Great Cover-Up

The body’s frame supports the outer covering of the clothes a person is wearing. Although affected by gravity, an article of clothing won’t just hang on a person as it would if it were on a hanger in the closet. Rather, the material molds around the shape of the figure, responding to the position or pose of the figure. Look at the arm sleeve of the clothing you are wearing at the moment you are reading this. Notice the values of the highlights and shadows. Now change the position of your arm and see those highlights and shadows change shape.

Concave and Convex

Inward folds are concave and outward folds are convex. Concave folds appear as dark, shadowed recesses. Convex folds, being forward, appear light. Simple curtain folds are an example of cloth arranged in a series of concave and convex folds.

Follow the Light

Whenever drawing, be conscious of the influence that the light source has on the subject you are observing. The light source will affect the appearance of the subject, whether it looks flat or has well-defined highlights and shadows. See Light Effects in Chapter 1.