For the beginner, it’s easy to misjudge the placement of the lines for a drawing, especially with so much information to comprehend. Here are a few common mistakes to watch for and avoid when drawing figures.
The eyes are too high on the face. The eyes for the average adult are approximately at the center when measuring the head from top to bottom. Drawing the eyes in the wrong place throws off the placement of the other features.
Proper proportions of the adult head have the eyes placed at the center, allowing the other facial features to be in their correct positions. Refer to Chapter 2 for more detailed information about correct head proportions.
The head and figure are proportionally incorrect at six-and-a half heads (rather than seven-and-a-half). The legs are also short legs (they should make up half of the total height). These misproportions make the adult figure look childlike.
Proper proportions of the adult figure will measure the legs to make up half of the height of the figure. Refer to the beginning of Chapter 2 for more detailed information about correct figure proportions.
When viewed as a silhouette, this subject is difficult to comprehend. The recognition of the subject relies on the details of the subject, rather than on its shape.
By changing the angle of the subject, both the drawing and its silhouette form are easier to identify. Together, the outer form and the details enhance each other to bring clarity to the drawing.