For this demo, to ensure the accuracy of the proportions, sketch the entire figure even though we’ll crop the image for the final drawing. The finished size is smaller than the other demos in this book because the background is dark and requires more attention with the application of graphite. The light source for this is coming from the top left. The background is darkened for the purpose of giving contrast to the person and guitar.
Paper: 12" × 9" (30cm × 23cm) medium-texture drawing paper
Pencils: 2B graphite, 4B graphite, 6B graphite
Other Supplies: kneaded eraser, slip sheet
Optional Supplies: 12" × 9" (30cm × 23cm) medium-texture sketch paper, lightbox or transfer paper, straightedge, value scale
Using a 2B pencil, sketch short horizontal lines for the top of the head and the bottom of the feet. Add a vertical line down from the pit of the neck as the line of balance. Add another horizontal line as the centerline. Add a line at the chin to establish the size of the head. Because the figure is bent over, the head size appears bigger than usual and is about one-sixth the overall height. Sketch a curved line for the shoulders, just above the line for the chin.
Sketch an oval for the shape of the head. Add lines coming down from the shoulders to form the torso, hips and upper legs.
Continuing with a 2B pencil, add lines for the arms and legs. Add circles for the placement and development of the elbows and knees. Draw a diagonal line from the head to the shoulders to indicate the neck.
Sketch the guitar with a rectangle for the body and parallel lines for the neck of the instrument. The guitar is angled, going upward at the neck.
Add basic shapes for the placement of the hands and feet. Form the shape of the guitar and add lines to the face for the placement of the features.
Add details including facial features, fingers and features to the clothing and guitar. The straightedge can be used to sketch the straight lines of the guitar neck. Add lines for the placement of the shadows. Because the drawing will be cropped, details below the knee are not necessary.
Erase unwanted lines if working directly on drawing paper. If working on sketch paper, use a 2B pencil to trace or transfer the image onto drawing paper omitting unwanted lines. Add details to the guitar and to the shadowed areas of the face and clothes.
Continuing with a 2B pencil, add the lighter values to the figure and the guitar. When adding these values, avoid going so dark that the detail lines of the structural sketch become lost in the shading.
Add more values, gradually darkening the image in the shadowed areas.
With a 6B pencil, begin darkening the background. While working, remember to rest your hand on a slip sheet to protect your drawing from unwanted smearing of the graphite.
Continue using a 6B pencil to darken the background that surrounds the figure and the guitar.
Build up the values of the figure and the guitar using both 4B and 6B pencils. You may want to use a value scale in this step to gauge the lights and darks.
Guitar Player
Graphite pencil on drawing paper
6" × 9" (15cm × 23cm)
With 2B, 4B and 6B pencils, add the darks and details throughout. You may need to lighten some areas with a kneaded eraser. Sign the front and write the date on the back of your finished drawing.