This demo is a contour drawing. After you work up the structural sketch, you will use it as the foundation for the line work, applied as a continuous line or in groups of continuous lines, to create the contour drawing. Use a lightbox to illuminate the structural sketch through the drawing paper during the entire contour drawing process. An alternative approach is to lightly work up the structural sketch on the drawing paper and then apply the contour drawing with an ink pen directly over the structural sketch. When you’ve completed the line work, erase the structural sketch to finish the drawing.
The light source is primarily coming from the upper right with a secondary light source from the upper left.
After working up the structural sketch, you may want to practice the contour drawing on a scrap of paper to get a feel for the technique before starting the actual finished drawing.
This demo can also be completed with values rather than contour line, as shown in the book introduction.
Paper: 12" × 9" (30cm × 23cm) medium-texture drawing paper, 12" × 9" (30cm × 23cm) medium-texture sketch paper
Pencils: 2B graphite
Other Supplies: kneaded eraser, lightbox, masking tape
Optional Supplies: ink pen (if not using a lightbox)
With a 2B pencil, sketch two horizontal lines on sketch paper, one for the top of the head, the other for the base of the forward shoe. Sketch a horizontal line for the base of the chin. The distance from the top of the head to the chin, which can be used as a unit of measurement, is counted about five and three-quarters of the distance from the top of the head to the base of the shoe. Sketch vertical lines, one for the placement of the lower back, the other for the placement of the distant knee.
Continuing with a 2B pencil, sketch the shape of the head. Sketch a line for the waist and lines for the shoulder, back and forearm to form the torso. Add lines to form the shape of the upper legs.
Sketch lines for the arms and legs. Add circles at the joints for the elbow and knees.
Add basic shapes for the forms of the hands and shoes. Sketch the structure of the stool. Be conscious of where the base of the stool legs line up in relation to the shoes.
Develop the overall form including sketching facial lines for the placement of the features. Begin adding details to the clothes and shoes.
Add details throughout including facial features and line work indicating shadows and folds in the clothing with a 2B pencil.
Tape the drawing paper over the structural sketch and place this over the lightbox to illuminate the structural sketch through the drawing paper. Begin following the structural sketch with a 2B pencil, keeping the pencil to the paper to follow the forms and contours as a fluid line. An alternative approach is to place the contour drawing line work directly on the structural sketch with an ink pen, without the use of the lightbox.
Continue to follow the structural sketch for the line work of the contour drawing with a 2B pencil. Darker regions may have more concentrated line work than the lighter regions.
Graphite pencil on drawing paper
12" × 9" (30cm × 23cm)
Continue using a 2B pencil to complete the contour drawing. Keep the stool simple, drawing it mostly in outline form. Erase pencil lines if you opted to draw with ink directly over the structural sketch. Sign the front and write the date on the back of the drawing.