Two particles

I spend all of Science

trying to work out how to apologise

to Ella for not sitting beside her on the bus.

Mr Drake drones on about chemical reaction

and the possibility of fusion,

while I think about the chance

of Ella and me coming together,

like two particles

in the test tube

of Balarang Bay High School.

I wonder how long Drake

can balance those glasses

on the bridge of his nose?

Is he defying gravity

or does his nose have an unsightly bump?

I laugh, despite myself.

Everyone looks at me

and Drake asks,

‘What’s so funny about hydrogen sulphide?’

He waits for my answer,

still looking over his glasses.

Manx says, ‘Something that smelly

is no laughing matter.’

Ella wags a finger at me

as if I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t.

I’m forgiven.

I hope.