AB Anchor Bible
ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary
ANEP The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament
ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament
BA Biblical Archaeologist
BST The Bible Speaks Today
BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin
CBC Cambridge Bible Commentary
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CEV Contemporary English Version
DSBOT Daily Study Bible of the Old Testament
EBC Expositor’s Bible Commentary
FCI Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation
FOTL Forms of the Old Testament Literature
GKC Gesenius-Kautzsch-Cowley Hebrew Grammar
HAT Handbuch zum Alten Testament
ICC International Critical Commentary
IDB Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible
Interp Interpretation
ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
JPSV Jewish Publication Society Version of the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures)
JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series
KJV King James Version
MT Masoretic Text
NAC New American Commentary
NBD New Bible Dictionary
NCBC New Century Bible Commentary
NEB New English Bible
NIV New International Version
NIVAC NIV Application Commentary
NJPSV New Jerusalem Publication Society Version
NKJV New King James Version
NLT New Living Translation
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
OBT Overtures to Biblical Theology
OTL Old Testament Library
OTWSA Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika
RSV Revised Standard Version
SBLDS Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series
SBLMS Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series
TBC Torch Bible Commentaries
ThTo Theology Today
TOTC Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
TrinJ Trinity Journal
TynBul Tyndale Bulletin
VT Vetus Testamentum
VTSup Vetus Testamentum Supplement Series
WBC Word Biblical Commentary
WTJ Westminster Theological Journal
ZAW Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft