
I’d like to acknowledge and thank the many men throughout the country who are selflessly working to mentor boys. These men seldom get credit for their efforts. They are heroes but never make the headlines. They sacrifice their time, energy, and knowledge, while seldom seeing their efforts come to fruition. I shudder to think what would become of many of these boys without these men and their valiant efforts. These men are too many to mention, and I apologize in advance for those of you who I left out, but to name just a few of you . . .

Tony Rorie of Men of Honor, John Smithbaker of Fathers in the Field, Sam Mehaffie of Saving Our Boys, Kenneth Braswell of Fathers, Inc., Jeff Purkiss of Squires2Knights Ministries, Gary Randle and Noble Crawford of H.O.P.E. Farm, John Sowers of The Mentoring Project, all of the leaders in programs such as the Boy Scouts of America, and all the men who are now and have been involved in the past with our Better Dads Standing Tall mentoring programs.

Please know that all of the mothers of those boys (and perhaps even the boys themselves) have been praying to God for his help. God chose you men as answers to people’s prayers. Your work is eternal. You may not see the rewards of your gallant behavior while on earth, but someday in heaven you will be eternally blessed to meet all the people in whose lives you have made a difference. May God bless you and protect you.