- AA see Alcoholics Anonymous
- academic engagement with sex addiction
- Adams, Kenneth M.
- Addiction Interaction Disorder
- see also cross-addiction/multiple addictions
- addictionology
- adolescent sex addiction
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- alcoholism
- Aldrich, Curt
- Allen, Clifford
- American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychoanalytic Association
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Anger Management (comedy series)
- antidepressants
- Aronowitz, Robert
- Attwood, Feona
- Auto Focus (film)
- Baio, Scott
- Bancroft, John
- Barnes, Djuna
- Barnett, Laura
- Barry, Marion
- Berlant, Lauren
- Berlin, Fred
- Berlusconi, Silvio
- Bloch, Iwan
- Blumberg, Eric
- Boggs, Wade
- Boykin, Kelly
- Brand, Russell
- British Journal of Sexual Medicine
- Brodsky, Archie
- Brutsman, Joseph
- Burks, A. D.
- Burton, Catherine
- Californication (TV series)
- Candeo
- Cantor, James
- Capitol, Ryan
- Carnes, Patrick
- Clinical Management of Sex Addiction
- Contrary to Love
- Don't Call it Love
- A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps
- In the Shadows of the Net
- Out of the Shadows
- The Sexual Addiction see also Carnes, Patrick, Out of the Shadows
- Carnes, Stefanie
- Casanova, Corrine
- Castro, Ariel
- Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew (reality series)
- celebrity and sex addiction
- Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) programme
- Cheever, John
- Cheever, Susan
- Chelsea Lately (talk show)
- children and sex addiction
- see also adolescent sex addiction
- Choke (film)
- Choke (novel)
- Clark, LeMon
- Clinical Management of Sex Addiction (Carnes and Adams)
- Clinical Social Work Journal
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton/Lewinsky affair (1998)
- Cloud, John
- co-addiction/addicts
- codependency
- Coleman, Eli
- Columbia Journalism Review
- compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB)
- Conrad, Peter
- conservatism
- Corcoran, Maurita
- Corley, Deborah
- Crane, Bob
- cross-addiction/multiple addictions
- cybersex/cybersex addiction
- Daigle, Steven
- Davis, Lennard
- Dawson, Emma
- De Barres, Michael
- DeBusk, Dianne
- Delmonico, David
- Depo-Provera
- definitions of sex addiction
- diagnosis of sex addiction
- self-diagnosis
- see also definitions of sex addiction
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual see DSM
- Diary of a Sex Addict (film)
- Díaz, Junot
- Directions in Psychiatry (journal)
- Dirty Shame, A (film)
- Don Juanism
- Donahue (talk show)
- Donner, William
- Douglas, Michael
- Dr. Drew's Sex Rehab (reality series)
- Dr. Phil (talk show)
- drug addiction
- analogizing sex addiction with
- drug companies
- drug treatment for sex addiction
- DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual)
- Duchovny, David
- Duggan, Lisa
- dysregulated sexuality
- Earle, Ralph and Marcus
- Eisenstein, Victor
- Elliott, Don
- Ellis, Albert
- Ellis, Havelock
- Evaluation & the Health Professions (journal)
- Fassbender, Michael
- female sex addiction
- Fenichel, Otto
- Ferrara, Abel
- Ferree, Marnie
- film and sex addiction
- Fink, Jesse
- Fisher, Mark
- Ford, Gerald
- Franc, John
- Frances, Allen
- Furedi, Frank
- Gardere, Jeff
- Gay Men's Health Crisis
- gender and sexual addiction/compulsion
- general systems theory
- genetics
- genogram process
- Gentle Path Press
- Gentle Path Treatment Programs
- Geraldo (talk show)
- Girlfriends (sitcom)
- Giugliano, John
- Goodman, Aviel
- Google Ngram Viewer
- Greenberg, Gary
- Griffin-Shelley, Eric
- Groneman, Carol
- Groult, Benoîte
- Grov, Christian
- Guardian, The
- guilt
- Hacking, Ian
- Hall, Paula
- Hamilton, Nigel
- Handbook of Addictive Disorders, The
- Handbook of Clinical Sexuality for Mental Health Professionals
- Hastings, Anne
- Hatterer, Lawrence
- Herkov, Michael
- heterosexuality
- Hijuelos, Oscar
- Hirschfeld, Magnus
- homosexuality
- Hook, Joshua
- Horwitz, Allan
- Huffington Post, The
- hyperaesthesia
- hypererotism
- hypersexuality/hypersexual disorder
- I Am a Sex Addict (film)
- International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP)
- Internet
- see also cybersex/cybersex addiction
- Iowa study
- iRecovery app
- Irvine, Janice
- Isikoff, Michael
- James, Nick
- Joannides, Paul
- Jong, Erica
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
- Journal of Sex Research
- Journal of Social Work Practice
- Kafka, Martin
- Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
- Karim, Reef
- Kasl, Charlotte Davis
- Katehakis, Alexandra
- Kavka, Misha
- Keane, Helen
- Kennedy, Elizabeth
- Ketcham, Jennifer
- KeyStone Center
- Kinsey, Alfred
- Kirk, Stuart
- Klein, Marty
- Kneen, Krissy
- Kor, Ariel
- Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
- Kramer, Peter
- Kutchins, Herb
- Laaser, Mark
- Lake, Ricki
- Landers, Ann
- Lane, Christopher
- Lee, Christopher
- Letterman, David
- Levin, Jerome
- Levine, Martin
- Levine, Stephen
- Levitt, Eugene
- Lewinsky, Monica
- Ley, David
- library catalogues
- Library of Congress
- Longstaff, Gareth
- Lowe, Rob
- McDaniel, Kelly
- McGraw, Phil
- McQueen, Steve
- Malti-Douglas, Fedwa
- Mason-Schrock, Douglas
- masturbation
- Maury (talk show)
- Means, Marsha
- media
- Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality (journal)
- medicalization
- of sex addiction
- of society
- Melinkovich, Neil
- memoirs
- mentalization-based therapy for sex addiction (MBT-SA)
- Michie, Helena
- Millet, Catherine
- Money, John
- Moorhead, Joanna
- Morand, Paul
- Morgan, Abi
- Moser, Charles
- Moskovitz, Eva
- multimodality approach
- multiple addictions see cross-addiction/multiple addictions
- Murray, Marilyn
- Myers, Wayne
- Nabokov, Vladimir
- Narain, Nicole
- neuroscience and neurobiology
- New York and Los Angeles Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
- New York Times, The
- New Zealand study on sexual behaviour (2010)
- Newsweek
- Norton, Edward
- Nurse Practitioner
- nymphomania
- Nymphomaniac (film)
- Offit, Avodah
- online sex see cybersex/cybersex addiction
- Orford, Jim
- orgasms
- origins and early references to sex addiction
- out-of-control sexual behaviour
- ‘Overcoming Sex Addiction’ app
- Özil, Mesut
- Palahniuk, Chuck
- Paltrow, Gwyneth
- Parker, Trey
- Partner Sexuality Screening test (PSS)
- Peele, Stanton
- Pelullo, Peter
- Peniche, Kari Ann
- Pfizer
- pharmaceutical companies
- Pinsky, Drew
- popular culture and sex addiction
- pornography
- Porter, Jake
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders
- Prozac
- PsychCentral.com
- Psychiatric Times
- psychopharmacy and treatment of sex addiction
- PsycINFO
- pulp fiction
- reality TV
- Reid, Rory
- Renshaw, Domeena C.
- Resnick, Rachel
- Richards, Keith
- Ricki Lake (talk show)
- Riemersma, Jennifer
- Roethlisberger, Ben
- Rogell, Greg
- Rösler, Ariel
- Rossi, Kendra Jade
- Roth, Philip
- Roy, Duncan
- Rush, Benjamin
- Ryan, Michael
- SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous)
- Sadock, Virginia
- Sagarin, Edward
- Sally Jesse Raphael (talk show)
- Saltz, Gail
- Samenow, Charles
- same-sex sexual addiction
- Sandhu, Sukhdev
- SARA (Sex Addiction Risk Assessment test)
- SAST (Sex Addiction Screening Test)
- SAST-R (SAST Revised)
- satyriasis
- SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous)
- Schaef, Anne Wilson
- Schneider, Jennifer
- Schrader, Paul
- Schwartz, L. J.
- Sealy, John
- Segal, Morey
- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
- self-tests
- Partner Sexuality Screening test (PSS)
- Sex Addiction Risk Assessment test (SARA)
- Sex Addiction Screening Test (SAST)
- Sexual Addiction Self Test
- Sex Addiction Risk Assessment test see SARA
- Sex Addiction Screening Test see SAST
- Sex Addiction Workbook, The
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)
- Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
- Sexaholics (play)
- SexHelp.com
- Sexology (magazine)
- sexology/sexologists
- sexual abuse
- Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity (journal)
- Sexual Compulsives Anonymous see SCA
- Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI)
- Sexual False Self Scale
- Sexual Recovery Institute (Los Angeles)
- Sexual and Relationship Therapy (journal)
- sexualization of culture
- sexually violent predators (SVPs)
- shame
- Shame (film)
- Shattuc, Jane
- Sheen, Charlie
- Shorter, Edward
- Siegel, Lawrence and Richard
- Silverman, Sue William
- SLAA see Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
- Smith, Amber
- Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH)
- South Park (animation)
- Spitzer, Eliot
- Springfield, Rick
- Starr Report
- Steffens, Barbara
- Stekel, Wilhelm
- Stoller, Robert
- Stone, Matt
- Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
- Sytsma, Michael
- Szasz, Thomas
- talk shows and sex addiction
- Taylor, Clark L.
- television and sex addiction
- Thanks for Sharing (film)
- therapy
- Time
- Today Show, The
- Todd, Tracy
- Toobin, Jeffrey
- Toronto study (2013)
- Travis, Trysh
- treatment
- and Twelve-Step therapy model
- use of drugs
- see also therapy
- Troiden, Richard
- Tutera, David
- Tyler, Steven
- Tyson, Mike
- Twelve-Step Model see treatment
- Varon, Jeremy
- Varone, Phil
- Vatz, Richard
- von Trier, Lars
- Vukadinovic, Zoran
- Wakefield, Jerome
- Wallace, Mike
- Walters, Barbara
- Warhol, Robyn
- Waters, John
- Weinberg, Lee
- Weiner, Anthony
- Weiss, Douglas
- Weiss, Robert
- Welcome to New York (film)
- West, Amy
- WHO (World Health Organization), ICD-10
- Williams, Linda
- Willis, Stanley
- Wilson, Marie
- Wilson, Meg
- Winters, Jason
- Witztum, Eliezer
- Womack, Stephanie
- women see female sex addiction
- Woods, Tiger
- workbooks
- World Health Organization see WHO
- Wyman, Bill
- Yant, R. L.
- Young, Kimberly
- Zahedi, Caveh
- Zuma, Jacob