About the Authors

Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed poet, novelist, translator, mystical scholar, and spiritual teacher. He has written and edited more than 30 books—including the best-selling titles The Hope and The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. He has won the Christmas Humphries Prize (A Journey in Ladakh), the Nautilus Prize twice (The Hope, Light the Flame), and appeared in two recent films (Dancing in the Flames, and Ethan Hawke’s Seymour: An Introduction). He was also the subject of the 1993 BBC film documentary The Making of a Modern Mystic. He has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, The California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality as well as at various spiritual centers throughout the United States. He is the founder and director of the Institute of Sacred Activism. He is a kind-hearted rascal with a penchant for red pashminas, Maria Callas, white lions and Chicago pizza.

Chris Saade is an author, life coach, psychological and philosophical teacher, and the co-director of the Olive Branch Center with his wife Jessie Thompson. After closing his psychotherapy private practice, Saade spent 20 years training therapists, coaches, and ministers in his two models: Integra: 6 Keys for Heart-Centered Living, and Individual Authenticity and Global Solidarity.

Saade has led nearly 250 multi-day cutting-edge workshops for professionals and the general public. He continues to offer personal life-coaching.

Born in Beirut, Lebanon, he was involved in peace groups before and during the Lebanese war. Those difficult years lead him to develop a great respect for freedom, authenticity, diversity, peace, and a passion for justice, especially for children.

Saade is the author of Second Wave Spirituality: Passion for Peace, Passion for Justice; and Prayers for Peace and Justice; as well as Prayers from the Heart. The Saade-Harvey team has also created the CD set: Sacred Activism and the Epic Spirituality of Love. He resides in San Diego.


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