Chapter 7
Co-Create a Vision of
The Power of Co-Creation
—Chris Saade
The fifth key that sustains, nurtures, and empowers an evolutionary relationship is co-creation, in other words, the co-creative attitude.
Before we delve into how we do this, let us look at the context of the idea of co-creation. A couple does not exist in a vacuum or on an island. The privatized idea of relationship will separate the couple from the journey of the world and drain the relationship of its sacred, beautiful, and passionate energy.
An evolutionary couple exists as part of the dream of the Divine for our planet. A couple exists within the greatest epic story ever written; a story I call Project Earth. It is the dream of the Divine for developing upon the Earth a consciousness that can hold love in its full manifestation. This manifestation of love gives birth to freedom, justice, solidarity, peace, inclusion, and compassion—seeking to go to the edges of love’s possibilities. Project Earth was conceived some fourteen billion years ago and has been going full steam for the last hundred thousand years.
Today, Project Earth is greatly challenged by the forces that want to reduce this planet to a place of domination and exploitation: “Let’s make as much money as we can, as quickly as we can, and not worry about the rest.” Our planet is endangered ecologically, politically, economically, and culturally. We, as individuals, as couples, and as families, are part of the great epic journey of reclaiming Project Earth for its initial purpose, which is the development of sacred love in its full manifestation of freedom, justice, peace, and inclusion.
When a couple is co-creating with the Divine and with others of a similar heart and spirit who love freedom and justice, they are co-creating with the Divine in a vision of healing and transformation on a societal level. The couple needs to understand its place in this great big unfolding. They are, as a unit, co-creating visions that uphold love-in-action, that uphold freedom and justice in the world.
For this to be achieved, the couple has to start by consciously adopting a co-creative attitude, which is an attitude that rejects the sense that it has to be “my way.” Co-creation recognizes that if one person gets “their way,” they have lost, because it is the fusion of various energies that makes for the ultimate good, the ultimate best for the relationship and for our planet. We have to speak our authenticity yet be eager to have a co-creation happen that merges the essence of many authenticities into a higher and more potent synthesis.
The co-creative person and the co-creative couple are consciously seeking to invite and meld together the desires of their partner with those of their own. From both desires, they seek to unfold a co-creative breakthrough that can hold the essence of both, but that can also go beyond it. This allows them, within the relationship itself, to create a space that is fully respectful of the truth of each, and also fully open to the breakthrough of divine love and divine intelligence through co-creation. This is strength, openness, and flexibility joined together.
Now let us take this a bit further. From this co-creative attitude, the couple can then ask, “How can we, as a couple, co-create a vision of service for the world? What do we desire to do in the world?” Some of it they will do by themselves, independently. However, some of it can be done as a co-created vision of the couple.
To do this, a couple needs to keep on remembering they are part and parcel of the service of the world. Relationships carry within themselves not only the joys of the world, but the hopes, aspirations, and pain of the world. The world lives within us. The suffering of the world exists within us and within our relationship. Out of that brokenness we can find intelligence, energy, and the vision to develop the will to make a difference in the world. To do this is to heal and enrich ourselves as we are contributing to the world, because we and the world are never separate.
I want to share with you an exercise that can be very powerful within a relationship. The couple comes together at a time when they have the ability to create a peaceful moment in their lives. They sit together in silence and look into each other’s eyes. Each of them connects intimately with the heart of the Divine and allows themselves to have a passionate connection; a fusion of intimacy with the heart of the Divine.
After really breathing in and feeling the lover-to-lover connection with the divine Heart, the couple repeats the same exercise, but this time each enters into a passionate, intimate relationship with the soul of the world. Each feels oneness with the struggles of the world, as well as the hopes, aspirations, pain, brokenness, and the tenacity of the world. Each feels the oneness that they have as individuals with the soul of the world. They experience how they are one with every attempt from the past, present, and future to bring justice and compassion into the world. Each becomes one with the tears, prayers, and brokenness—to the breakthroughs of the world. After experiencing this intimate connection with the heart and soul of the world, they again look at each other in silence, holding hands and allowing this fusion and passionate connection to enter the heart of their connection together. Afterward they share their experience with each other and underline common issues that are calling on them both.
This exercise helps a couple create the space, energy, and co-creative vision to serve the world while realizing that their source—undying, unchangeable, and unstoppable love—is the Divine. They can pull all the power of the love from that source and pour it into the relationship.
Let us always remember that we are called to become co-creators of justice and peace as individuals, couples, families, and communities—wherever we are in relationship. We are called to join hands and hearts, and together create and implement a vision of service in the world.