Chewing Gum Increases Alertness

It is not determined exactly how or what is the mechanism behind the effectiveness of chewing gum when studying. Some theories say that because of the mouth activity and the effort exerted when chewing, more oxygen is pumped into the brain, thus allowing the brain to work more profusely when registering the information and when trying to recall the encoded information.

You may have heard this chewing gum advice many times before. While you may not be sure how effective is it, there is one thing that is certain: chewing gum increases alertness.

Aimed at testing whether chewing gum in itself has a correlation with memory, a study conducted in 2009[23] reports that chewing gum yields no significant effects on recalling a story and short memory tasks, but when it comes to testing performance, the subject learners who chewed gums showed a 10% increase in alertness.

It was concluded that chewing gum improved their accuracy in performing the Alice Heim intelligence test.