Chapter 8
Principles of Security Models, Design, and Capabilities


  • ✓ 3) Security Engineering (Engineering and Management of Security)
    • A. Implement and manage engineering processes using secure design principles
    • B. Understand the fundamental concepts of security models (e.g., Confidentiality, Integrity, and Multi-level Models)
    • C. Select controls and countermeasures based upon systems security evaluation models
    • D. Understand security capabilities of information systems (e.g., memory protection, virtualization, trusted platform module, interfaces, fault tolerance)

Understanding the philosophy behind security solutions helps to limit your search for the best controls for specific security needs. In this chapter, we discuss security models, including state machine, Bell-LaPadula, Biba, Clark-Wilson, Take-Grant, and Brewer and Nash. This chapter also describes Common Criteria and other methods governments and corporations use to evaluate information systems from a security perspective, with particular emphasis on US Department of Defense and international security evaluation criteria. Finally, we discuss commonly encountered design flaws and other issues that can make information systems susceptible to attack.

The process of determining how secure a system is can be difficult and time-consuming. In this chapter, we describe the process of evaluating a computer system’s level of security. We begin by introducing and explaining basic concepts and terminology used to describe information system security concepts and talk about secure computing, secure perimeters, security and access monitors, and kernel code. We turn to security models to explain how access and security controls can be implemented. We also briefly explain how system security may be categorized as either open or closed; describe a set of standard security techniques used to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data; discuss security controls; and introduce a standard suite of secure networking protocols.

Additional elements of this domain are discussed in various chapters: Chapter 6, “Cryptography and Symmetric Key Algorithms,” Chapter 7, “PKI and Cryptographic Applications,” Chapter 9, “Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures,” and Chapter 10, “Physical Security Requirements.” Please be sure to review all of these chapters to have a complete perspective on the topics of this domain.

Implement and Manage Engineering Processes Using Secure Design Principles

Security should be a consideration at every stage of a system’s development. Programmers should strive to build security into every application they develop, with greater levels of security provided to critical applications and those that process sensitive information. It’s extremely important to consider the security implications of a development project from the early stages because it’s much easier to build security into a system than it is to add security onto an existing system. The following sections discuss several essential security design principles that should be implemented and managed early in the engineering process of a hardware or software project.

Objects and Subjects

Controlling access to any resource in a secure system involves two entities. The subject is the user or process that makes a request to access a resource. Access can mean reading from or writing to a resource. The object is the resource a user or process wants to access. Keep in mind that the subject and object refer to some specific access request, so the same resource can serve as a subject and an object in different access requests.

For example, process A may ask for data from process B. To satisfy process A’s request, process B must ask for data from process C. In this example, process B is the object of the first request and the subject of the second request:

First request

process A (subject)

process B (object)

Second request

process B (subject)

process C (object)

This also serves as an example of transitive trust. Transitive trust is the concept that if A trusts B and B trusts C, then A inherits trust of C through the transitive property—which works like it would in a mathematical equation: if a = b, and b = c, then a = c. In the previous example, when A requests data from B and then B requests data from C, the data that A receives is essentially from C. Transitive trust is a serious security concern because it may enable bypassing of restrictions or limitations between A and C, especially if A and C both support interaction with B. An example of this would be when an organization blocks access to Facebook or YouTube to increase worker productivity. Thus, workers (A) do not have access to certain Internet sites (C). However, if workers are able to access to a web proxy, VPN, or anonymization service, then this can serve as a means to bypass the local network restriction. In other words, workers (A) accessing VPN service (B), then the VPN service (B), can access the blocked Internet service (C); thus A is able to access C through B via a transitive trust exploitation.

Closed and Open Systems

Systems are designed and built according to one of two differing philosophies: A closed system is designed to work well with a narrow range of other systems, generally all from the same manufacturer. The standards for closed systems are often proprietary and not normally disclosed. Open systems, on the other hand, are designed using agreed-upon industry standards. Open systems are much easier to integrate with systems from different manufacturers that support the same standards.

Closed systems are harder to integrate with unlike systems, but they can be more secure. A closed system often comprises proprietary hardware and software that does not incorporate industry standards. This lack of integration ease means that attacks on many generic system components either will not work or must be customized to be successful. In many cases, attacking a closed system is harder than launching an attack on an open system. Many software and hardware components with known vulnerabilities may not exist on a closed system. In addition to the lack of known vulnerable components on a closed system, it is often necessary to possess more in-depth knowledge of the specific target system to launch a successful attack.

Open systems are generally far easier to integrate with other open systems. It is easy, for example, to create a LAN with a Microsoft Windows Server machine, a Linux machine, and a Macintosh machine. Although all three computers use different operating systems and could represent up to three different hardware architectures, each supports industry standards and makes it easy for networked (or other) communications to occur. This ease comes at a price, however. Because standard communications components are incorporated into each of these three open systems, there are far more predictable entry points and methods for launching attacks. In general, their openness makes them more vulnerable to attack, and their widespread availability makes it possible for attackers to find (and even to practice on) plenty of potential targets. Also, open systems are more popular than closed systems and attract more attention. An attacker who develops basic attacking skills will find more targets on open systems than on closed ones. This larger “market” of potential targets usually means that there is more emphasis on targeting open systems. Inarguably, there’s a greater body of shared experience and knowledge on how to attack open systems than there is for closed systems.

Techniques for Ensuring Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

To guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, you must ensure that all components that have access to data are secure and well behaved. Software designers use different techniques to ensure that programs do only what is required and nothing more. Suppose a program writes to and reads from an area of memory that is being used by another program. The first program could potentially violate all three security tenets: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. If an affected program is processing sensitive or secret data, that data’s confidentiality is no longer guaranteed. If that data is overwritten or altered in an unpredictable way (a common problem when multiple readers and writers inadvertently access the same shared data), there is no guarantee of integrity. And, if data modification results in corruption or outright loss, it could become unavailable for future use. Although the concepts we discuss in the following sections all relate to software programs, they are also commonly used in all areas of security. For example, physical confinement guarantees that all physical access to hardware is controlled.


Software designers use process confinement to restrict the actions of a program. Simply put, process confinement allows a process to read from and write to only certain memory locations and resources. This is also known as sandboxing. The operating system, or some other security component, disallows illegal read/write requests. If a process attempts to initiate an action beyond its granted authority, that action will be denied. In addition, further actions, such as logging the violation attempt, may be taken. Systems that must comply with higher security ratings usually record all violations and respond in some tangible way. Generally, the offending process is terminated. Confinement can be implemented in the operating system itself (such as through process isolation and memory protection), through the use of a confinement application or service (for example, Sandboxie at, or through a virtualization or hypervisor solution (such as VMware or Oracle’s VirtualBox).


Each process that runs on a system is assigned an authority level. The authority level tells the operating system what the process can do. In simple systems, there may be only two authority levels: user and kernel. The authority level tells the operating system how to set the bounds for a process. The bounds of a process consist of limits set on the memory addresses and resources it can access. The bounds state the area within which a process is confined or contained. In most systems, these bounds segment logical areas of memory for each process to use. It is the responsibility of the operating system to enforce these logical bounds and to disallow access to other processes. More secure systems may require physically bounded processes. Physical bounds require each bounded process to run in an area of memory that is physically separated from other bounded processes, not just logically bounded in the same memory space. Physically bounded memory can be very expensive, but it’s also more secure than logical bounds.


When a process is confined through enforcing access bounds, that process runs in isolation. Process isolation ensures that any behavior will affect only the memory and resources associated with the isolated process. Isolation is used to protect the operating environment, the kernel of the OS, and other independent applications. Isolation is an essential component of a stable operating system. Isolation is what prevents an application from accessing the memory or resources of another application, whether for good or ill. The operating system may provide intermediary services, such as cut-and-paste and resource sharing (such as the keyboard, network interface, and storage device access).

These three concepts (confinement, bounds, and isolation) make designing secure programs and operating systems more difficult, but they also make it possible to implement more secure systems.


To ensure the security of a system, you need to allow subjects to access only authorized objects. A control uses access rules to limit the access of a subject to an object. Access rules state which objects are valid for each subject. Further, an object might be valid for one type of access and be invalid for another type of access. One common control is for file access. A file can be protected from modification by making it read-only for most users but read-write for a small set of users who have the authority to modify it.

There are both mandatory and discretionary access controls, often called MAC and DAC, respectively. With mandatory controls, static attributes of the subject and the object are considered to determine the permissibility of an access. Each subject possesses attributes that define its clearance, or authority, to access resources. Each object possesses attributes that define its classification. Different types of security methods classify resources in different ways. For example, subject A is granted access to object B if the security system can find a rule that allows a subject with subject A’s clearance to access an object with object B’s classification. This is called rule-based access control (RBAC). The predefined rules state which subjects can access which objects.

Discretionary controls differ from mandatory controls in that the subject has some ability to define the objects to access. Within limits, discretionary access controls allow the subject to define a list of objects to access as needed. This access control list serves as a dynamic access rule set that the subject can modify. The constraints imposed on the modifications often relate to the subject’s identity. Based on the identity, the subject may be allowed to add or modify the rules that define access to objects.

Both mandatory and discretionary access controls limit the access to objects by subjects. The primary goal of controls is to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data by disallowing unauthorized access by authorized or unauthorized subjects.

Trust and Assurance

Proper security concepts, controls, and mechanisms must be integrated before and during the design and architectural period in order to produce a reliably secure product. Security issues should not be added on as an afterthought; this causes oversights, increased costs, and less reliability. Once security is integrated into the design, it must be engineered, implemented, tested, audited, evaluated, certified, and finally accredited.

A trusted system is one in which all protection mechanisms work together to process sensitive data for many types of users while maintaining a stable and secure computing environment. Assurance is simply defined as the degree of confidence in satisfaction of security needs. Assurance must be continually maintained, updated, and reverified. This is true if the trusted system experiences a known change or if a significant amount of time has passed. In either case, change has occurred at some level. Change is often the antithesis of security; it often diminishes security. So, whenever change occurs, the system needs to be reevaluated to verify that the level of security it provided previously is still intact. Assurance varies from one system to another and must be established on individual systems. However, there are grades or levels of assurance that can be placed across numerous systems of the same type, systems that support the same services, or systems that are deployed in the same geographic location. Thus, trust can be built into a system by implementing specific security features, whereas assurance is an assessment of the reliability and usability of those security features in a real-world situation.

Understand the Fundamental Concepts of Security Models

In information security, models provide a way to formalize security policies. Such models can be abstract or intuitive (some are decidedly mathematical), but all are intended to provide an explicit set of rules that a computer can follow to implement the fundamental security concepts, processes, and procedures that make up a security policy. These models offer a way to deepen your understanding of how a computer operating system should be designed and developed to support a specific security policy.

A security model provides a way for designers to map abstract statements into a security policy that prescribes the algorithms and data structures necessary to build hardware and software. Thus, a security model gives software designers something against which to measure their design and implementation. That model, of course, must support each part of the security policy. In this way, developers can be sure their security implementation supports the security policy.

You’ll explore several security models in the following sections; all of them can shed light on how security enters into computer architectures and operating system design:

  • Trusted computing base
  • State machine model
  • Information flow model
  • Noninterference model
  • Take-Grant model
  • Access control matrix
  • Bell-LaPadula model
  • Biba model
  • Clark-Wilson model
  • Brewer and Nash model (also known as Chinese Wall)
  • Goguen-Meseguer model
  • Sutherland model
  • Graham-Denning model

Although no system can be totally secure, it is possible to design and build reasonably secure systems. In fact, if a secured system complies with a specific set of security criteria, it can be said to exhibit a level of trust. Therefore, trust can be built into a system and then evaluated, certified, and accredited. But before we can discuss each security model, we have to establish a foundation on which most security models are built. This foundation is the trusted computing base.

Trusted Computing Base

An old US Department of Defense standard known colloquially as the Orange Book (DoD Standard 5200.28, covered in more detail later in this chapter in the section “Rainbow Series”) describes a trusted computing base (TCB) as a combination of hardware, software, and controls that work together to form a trusted base to enforce your security policy. The TCB is a subset of a complete information system. It should be as small as possible so that a detailed analysis can reasonably ensure that the system meets design specifications and requirements. The TCB is the only portion of that system that can be trusted to adhere to and enforce the security policy. It is not necessary that every component of a system be trusted. But any time you consider a system from a security standpoint, your evaluation should include all trusted components that define that system’s TCB.

In general, TCB components in a system are responsible for controlling access to the system. The TCB must provide methods to access resources both inside and outside the TCB itself. TCB components commonly restrict the activities of components outside the TCB. It is the responsibility of TCB components to ensure that a system behaves properly in all cases and that it adheres to the security policy under all circumstances.

Security Perimeter

The security perimeter of your system is an imaginary boundary that separates the TCB from the rest of the system (Figure 8.1). This boundary ensures that no insecure communications or interactions occur between the TCB and the remaining elements of the computer system. For the TCB to communicate with the rest of the system, it must create secure channels, also called trusted paths. A trusted path is a channel established with strict standards to allow necessary communication to occur without exposing the TCB to security vulnerabilities. A trusted path also protects system users (sometimes known as subjects) from compromise as a result of a TCB interchange. As you learn more about formal security guidelines and evaluation criteria later in this chapter, you’ll also learn that trusted paths are required in systems that seek to deliver high levels of security to their users. According to the TCSEC guidelines, trusted paths are required for high trust level systems such as those at level B2 or higher of TCSEC.


Figure 8.1 The TCB, security perimeter, and reference monitor

Reference Monitors and Kernels

When the time comes to implement a secure system, it’s essential to develop some part of the TCB to enforce access controls on system assets and resources (sometimes known as objects). The part of the TCB that validates access to every resource prior to granting access requests is called the reference monitor (Figure 8.1). The reference monitor stands between every subject and object, verifying that a requesting subject’s credentials meet the object’s access requirements before any requests are allowed to proceed. If such access requirements aren’t met, access requests are turned down. Effectively, the reference monitor is the access control enforcer for the TCB. Thus, authorized and secured actions and activities are allowed to occur, whereas unauthorized and insecure activities and actions are denied and blocked from occurring. The reference monitor enforces access control or authorization based the desired security model, whether discretionary, mandatory, role-based, or some other form of access control. The reference monitor may be a conceptual part of the TCB; it doesn’t need to be an actual, stand-alone, or independent working system component.

The collection of components in the TCB that work together to implement reference monitor functions is called the security kernel. The reference monitor is a concept or theory that is put into practice via the implementation of a security kernel in software and hardware. The purpose of the security kernel is to launch appropriate components to enforce reference monitor functionality and resist all known attacks. The security kernel uses a trusted path to communicate with subjects. It also mediates all resource access requests, granting only those requests that match the appropriate access rules in use for a system.

The reference monitor requires descriptive information about each resource that it protects. Such information normally includes its classification and designation. When a subject requests access to an object, the reference monitor consults the object’s descriptive information to discern whether access should be granted or denied (see the sidebar “Tokens, Capabilities, and Labels” for more information on how this works).

State Machine Model

The state machine model describes a system that is always secure no matter what state it is in. It’s based on the computer science definition of a finite state machine (FSM). An FSM combines an external input with an internal machine state to model all kinds of complex systems, including parsers, decoders, and interpreters. Given an input and a state, an FSM transitions to another state and may create an output. Mathematically, the next state is a function of the current state and the input next state; that is, the next state = F(input, current state). Likewise, the output is also a function of the input and the current state output; that is, the output = F(input, current state).

Many security models are based on the secure state concept. According to the state machine model, a state is a snapshot of a system at a specific moment in time. If all aspects of a state meet the requirements of the security policy, that state is considered secure. A transition occurs when accepting input or producing output. A transition always results in a new state (also called a state transition). All state transitions must be evaluated. If each possible state transition results in another secure state, the system can be called a secure state machine. A secure state machine model system always boots into a secure state, maintains a secure state across all transitions, and allows subjects to access resources only in a secure manner compliant with the security policy. The secure state machine model is the basis for many other security models.

Information Flow Model

The information flow model focuses on the flow of information. Information flow models are based on a state machine model. The Bell-LaPadula and Biba models, which we will discuss in detail later in this chapter, are both information flow models. Bell-LaPadula is concerned with preventing information flow from a high security level to a low security level. Biba is concerned with preventing information flow from a low security level to a high security level. Information flow models don’t necessarily deal with only the direction of information flow; they can also address the type of flow.

Information flow models are designed to prevent unauthorized, insecure, or restricted information flow, often between different levels of security (these are often referred to as multilevel models). Information flow can be between subjects and objects at the same classification level as well as between subjects and objects at different classification levels. An information flow model allows all authorized information flows, whether within the same classification level or between classification levels. It prevents all unauthorized information flows, whether within the same classification level or between classification levels.

Another interesting perspective on the information flow model is that it is used to establish a relationship between two versions or states of the same object when those two versions or states exist at different points in time. Thus, information flow dictates the transformation of an object from one state at one point in time to another state at another point in time. The information flow model also addresses covert channels by specifically excluding all nondefined flow pathways.

Noninterference Model

The noninterference model is loosely based on the information flow model. However, instead of being concerned about the flow of information, the noninterference model is concerned with how the actions of a subject at a higher security level affect the system state or the actions of a subject at a lower security level. Basically, the actions of subject A (high) should not affect the actions of subject B (low) or even be noticed by subject B. The real concern is to prevent the actions of subject A at a high level of security classification from affecting the system state at a lower level. If this occurs, subject B may be placed into an insecure state or be able to deduce or infer information about a higher level of classification. This is a type of information leakage and implicitly creates a covert channel. Thus, the noninterference model can be imposed to provide a form of protection against damage caused by malicious programs such as Trojan horses.

Take-Grant Model

The Take-Grant model employs a directed graph (Figure 8.2) to dictate how rights can be passed from one subject to another or from a subject to an object. Simply put, a subject with the grant right can grant another subject or another object any other right they possess. Likewise, a subject with the take right can take a right from another subject. In addition to these two primary rules, the Take-Grant model may adopt a create rule and a remove rule to generate or delete rights. The key to this model is that using these rules allows you to figure out when rights in the system can change and where leakage (that is, unintentional distribution of permissions) can occur.

Take rule

Allows a subject to take rights over an object

Grant rule

Allows a subject to grant rights to an object

Create rule

Allows a subject to create new rights

Remove rule

Allows a subject to remove rights it has


Figure 8.2 The Take Grant model’s directed graph

Access Control Matrix

An access control matrix is a table of subjects and objects that indicates the actions or functions that each subject can perform on each object. Each column of the matrix is an access control list (ACL). Each row of the matrix is a capabilities list. An ACL is tied to the object; it lists valid actions each subject can perform. A capability list is tied to the subject; it lists valid actions that can be taken on each object. From an administration perspective, using only capability lists for access control is a management nightmare. A capability list method of access control can be accomplished by storing on each subject a list of rights the subject has for every object. This effectively gives each user a key ring of accesses and rights to objects within the security domain. To remove access to a particular object, every user (subject) that has access to it must be individually manipulated. Thus, managing access on each user account is much more difficult than managing access on each object (in other words, via ACLs).

  • Implementing an access control matrix model usually involves the following: Constructing an environment that can create and manage lists of subjects and objects
  • Crafting a function that can return the type associated with whatever object is supplied to that function as input (this is important because an object’s type determines what kind of operations may be applied to it)

The access control matrix shown in Table 8.1 is for a discretionary access control system. A mandatory or rule-based matrix can be constructed simply by replacing the subject names with classifications or roles. Access control matrixes are used by systems to quickly determine whether the requested action by a subject for an object is authorized.

Table 8.1 An access control matrix

Subjects Document File Printer Network Folder Share
Bob Read No Access No Access
Mary No Access No Access Read
Amanda Read, Write Print No Access
Mark Read, Write Print Read, Write
Kathryn Read, Write Print, Manage Print Queue Read, Write, Execute
Colin Read, Write, Change Permissions Print, Manage Print Queue, Change Permissions Read, Write, Execute, Change Permissions

Bell-LaPadula Model

The US Department of Defense (DoD) developed the Bell-LaPadula model in the 1970s to address concerns about protecting classified information. The DoD manages multiple levels of classified resources, and the Bell-LaPadula multilevel model was derived from the DoD’s multilevel security policies. The classifications the DoD uses are numerous; however, discussions of classifications within the CISSP CBK are usually limited to unclassified, sensitive but unclassified, confidential, secret, and top secret. The multilevel security policy states that a subject with any level of clearance can access resources at or below its clearance level. However, within the higher clearance levels, access is granted only on a need-to-know basis. In other words, access to a specific object is granted to the classified levels only if a specific work task requires such access. For example, any person with a secret security clearance can access secret, confidential, sensitive but unclassified, and unclassified documents but not top-secret documents. Also, to access a document within the secret level, the person seeking access must also have a need to know for that document.

By design, the Bell-LaPadula model prevents the leaking or transfer of classified information to less secure clearance levels. This is accomplished by blocking lower-classified subjects from accessing higher-classified objects. With these restrictions, the Bell-LaPadula model is focused on maintaining the confidentiality of objects. Thus, the complexities involved in ensuring the confidentiality of documents are addressed in the Bell-LaPadula model. However, Bell-LaPadula does not address the aspects of integrity or availability for objects. Bell-LaPadula is also the first mathematical model of a multilevel security policy.

This model is built on a state machine concept and the information flow model. It also employs mandatory access controls and the lattice concept. The lattice tiers are the classification levels used by the security policy of the organization. The state machine supports multiple states with explicit transitions between any two states; this concept is used because the correctness of the machine, and guarantees of document confidentiality, can be proven mathematically. There are three basic properties of this state machine:

  • The Simple Security Property states that a subject may not read information at a higher sensitivity level (no read up).
  • The * (star) Security Property states that a subject may not write information to an object at a lower sensitivity level (no write down). This is also known as the Confinement Property.
  • The Discretionary Security Property states that the system uses an access matrix to enforce discretionary access control.

These first two properties define the states into which the system can transition. No other transitions are allowed. All states accessible through these two rules are secure states. Thus, Bell-LaPadula–modeled systems offer state machine model security (see Figure 8.3).


Figure 8.3 The Bell-LaPadula model

The Bell-LaPadula properties are in place to protect data confidentiality. A subject cannot read an object that is classified at a higher level than the subject is cleared for. Because objects at one level have data that is more sensitive or secret than data in objects at a lower level, a subject (who is not a trusted subject) cannot write data from one level to an object at a lower level. That action would be similar to pasting a top-secret memo into an unclassified document file. The third property enforces a subject’s need to know in order to access an object.

The Bell-LaPadula model addresses only the confidentiality of data. It does not address its integrity or availability. Because it was designed in the 1970s, it does not support many operations that are common today, such as file sharing and networking. It also assumes secure transitions between security layers and does not address covert channels (covered in Chapter 9, “Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures”). Bell-LaPadula does handle confidentiality well, so it is often used in combination with other models that provide mechanisms to handle integrity and availability.

Biba Model

For many nonmilitary organizations, integrity is more important than confidentiality. Out of this need, several integrity-focused security models were developed, such as those developed by Biba and by Clark-Wilson. The Biba model was designed after the Bell-LaPadula model. Where the Bell-LaPadula model addresses confidentiality, the Biba model addresses integrity. The Biba model is also built on a state machine concept, is based on information flow, and is a multilevel model. In fact, Biba appears to be pretty similar to the Bell-LaPadula model, except inverted. Both use states and transitions. Both have basic properties. The biggest difference is their primary focus: Biba primarily protects data integrity. Here are the basic properties or axioms of the Biba model state machine:

  • The Simple Integrity Property states that a subject cannot read an object at a lower integrity level (no read-down).
  • The * (star) Integrity Property states that a subject cannot modify an object at a higher integrity level (no write-up).

Figure 8.4 illustrates these Biba model axioms.


Figure 8.4 The Biba model

When you compare Biba to Bell-LaPadula, you will notice that they look like they are opposites. That’s because they focus on different areas of security. Where the Bell-LaPadula model ensures data confidentiality, Biba ensures data integrity.

Biba was designed to address three integrity issues:

  • Prevent modification of objects by unauthorized subjects.
  • Prevent unauthorized modification of objects by authorized subjects.
  • Protect internal and external object consistency.

As with Bell-LaPadula, Biba requires that all subjects and objects have a classification label. Thus, data integrity protection is dependent on data classification.

Consider the Biba properties. The second property of the Biba model is pretty straightforward. A subject cannot write to an object at a higher integrity level. That makes sense. What about the first property? Why can’t a subject read an object at a lower integrity level? The answer takes a little thought. Think of integrity levels as being like the purity level of air. You would not want to pump air from the smoking section into the clean room environment. The same applies to data. When integrity is important, you do not want unvalidated data read into validated documents. The potential for data contamination is too great to permit such access.

Critiques of the Biba model reveal a few drawbacks:

  • It addresses only integrity, not confidentiality or availability.
  • It focuses on protecting objects from external threats; it assumes that internal threats are handled programmatically.
  • It does not address access control management, and it doesn’t provide a way to assign or change an object’s or subject’s classification level.
  • It does not prevent covert channels.

Because the Biba model focuses on data integrity, it is a more common choice for commercial security models than the Bell-LaPadula model. Most commercial organizations are more concerned with the integrity of their data than its confidentiality.

Clark-Wilson Model

Although the Biba model works in commercial applications, another model was designed in 1987 specifically for the commercial environment. The Clark-Wilson model uses a multifaceted approach to enforcing data integrity. Instead of defining a formal state machine, the Clark-Wilson model defines each data item and allows modifications through only a small set of programs.

The Clark-Wilson model does not require the use of a lattice structure; rather, it uses a three-part relationship of subject/program/object (or subject/transaction/object) known as a triple or an access control triple. Subjects do not have direct access to objects. Objects can be accessed only through programs. Through the use of two principles—well-formed transactions and separation of duties—the Clark-Wilson model provides an effective means to protect integrity.

Well-formed transactions take the form of programs. A subject is able to access objects only by using a program, interface, or access portal (Figure 8.5). Each program has specific limitations on what it can and cannot do to an object (such as a database or other resource). This effectively limits the subject’s capabilities. This is known as a constrained interface. If the programs are properly designed, then the triple relationship provides a means to protect the integrity of the object.


Figure 8.5 The Clark-Wilson model

Clark-Wilson defines the following items and procedures:

  • A constrained data item (CDI) is any data item whose integrity is protected by the security model.
  • An unconstrained data item (UDI) is any data item that is not controlled by the security model. Any data that is to be input and hasn’t been validated, or any output, would be considered an unconstrained data item.
  • An integrity verification procedure (IVP) is a procedure that scans data items and confirms their integrity.
  • Transformation procedures (TPs) are the only procedures that are allowed to modify a CDI. The limited access to CDIs through TPs forms the backbone of the Clark-Wilson integrity model. (We wonder whether this is where TPS reports come from…see the movie Office Space.)

The Clark-Wilson model uses security labels to grant access to objects, but only through transformation procedures and arestricted interface model. A restricted interface model uses classification-based restrictions to offer only subject-specific authorized information and functions. One subject at one classification level will see one set of data and have access to one set of functions, whereas another subject at a different classification level will see a different set of data and have access to a different set of functions. The different functions made available to different levels or classes of users may be implemented by either showing all functions to all users but disabling those that are not authorized for a specific user or by showing only those functions granted to a specific user. Through these mechanisms, the Clark-Wilson model ensures that data is protected from unauthorized changes from any user. In effect, the Clark-Wilson model enforces separation of duties. The Clark-Wilson design makes it a good model for commercial applications.

Brewer and Nash Model (aka Chinese Wall)

This model was created to permit access controls to change dynamically based on a user’s previous activity (making it a kind of state machine model as well). This model applies to a single integrated database; it seeks to create security domains that are sensitive to the notion of conflict of interest (for example, someone who works at Company C who has access to proprietary data for Company A should not also be allowed access to similar data for Company B if those two companies compete with each other). This model is known as the Chinese Wall because it creates a class of data that defines which security domains are potentially in conflict and prevents any subject with access to one domain that belongs to a specific conflict class from accessing any other domain that belongs to the same conflict class. Metaphorically, this puts a wall around all other information in any conflict class. Thus, this model also uses the principle of data isolation within each conflict class to keep users out of potential conflict-of-interest situations (for example, management of company datasets). Because company relationships change all the time, dynamic updates to members of and definitions for conflict classes are important.

Another way of looking at or thinking of the Brewer and Nash model is of an administrator having full control access to a wide range of data in a system based on their assigned job responsibilities and work tasks. However, at the moment an action is taken against any data item, the administrator’s access to any conflicting data items is temporarily blocked. Only data items that relate to the initial data item can be accessed during the operation. Once the task is completed, the administrator’s access returns to full control.

Goguen-Meseguer Model

The Goguen-Meseguer model is an integrity model, although not as well known as Biba and the others. In fact, this model is said to be the foundation of noninterference conceptual theories. Often when someone refers to a noninterference model, they are actually referring to the Goguen-Meseguer model.

The Goguen-Meseguer model is based on predetermining the set or domain—a list of objects that a subject can access. This model is based on automation theory and domain separation. This means subjects are allowed only to perform predetermined actions against predetermined objects. When similar users are grouped into their own domain (that is, collective), the members of one subject domain cannot interfere with the members of another subject domain. Thus, subjects are unable to interfere with each other’s activities.

Sutherland Model

The Sutherland model is an integrity model. It focuses on preventing interference in support of integrity. It is formally based on the state machine model and the information flow model. However, it does not directly indicate specific mechanisms for protection of integrity. Instead, the model is based on the idea of defining a set of system states, initial states, and state transitions. Through the use of only these predetermined secure states, integrity is maintained and interference is prohibited.

A common example of the Sutherland model is its use to prevent a covert channel from being used to influence the outcome of a process or activity. (For a discussion of covert channels, see Chapter 9.)

Graham-Denning Model

The Graham-Denning model is focused on the secure creation and deletion of both subjects and objects. Graham-Denning is a collection of eight primary protection rules or actions that define the boundaries of certain secure actions:

  • Securely create an object.
  • Securely create a subject.
  • Securely delete an object.
  • Securely delete a subject.
  • Securely provide the read access right.
  • Securely provide the grant access right.
  • Securely provide the delete access right.
  • Securely provide the transfer access right.

Usually the specific abilities or permissions of a subject over a set of objects is defined in an access matrix (aka access control matrix).

Select Controls and Countermeasures Based on Systems Security Evaluation Models

Those who purchase information systems for certain kinds of applications—think, for example, about national security agencies where sensitive information may be extremely valuable (or dangerous in the wrong hands) or central banks or securities traders where certain data may be worth billions of dollars—often want to understand their security strengths and weaknesses. Such buyers are often willing to consider only systems that have been subjected to formal evaluation processes in advance and have received some kind of security rating. Buyers want to know what they’re buying and, usually, what steps they must take to keep such systems as secure as possible.

When formal evaluations are undertaken, systems are usually subjected to a two-step process:

  1. The system is tested and a technical evaluation is performed to make sure that the system’s security capabilities meet criteria laid out for its intended use.
  2. The system is subjected to a formal comparison of its design and security criteria and its actual capabilities and performance, and individuals responsible for the security and veracity of such systems must decide whether to adopt them, reject them, or make some changes to their criteria and try again.

Often trusted third parties are hired to perform such evaluations; the most important result from such testing is their “seal of approval” that the system meets all essential criteria.

Regardless of whether the evaluations are conducted inside an organization or out of house, the adopting organization must decide to accept or reject the proposed systems. An organization’s management must take formal responsibility if and when a system is adopted and be willing to accept any risks associated with its deployment and use.

The three main product evaluation models or classification criteria models addressed here are TCSEC, ITSEC, and Common Criteria.

Rainbow Series

Since the 1980s, governments, agencies, institutions, and business organizations of all kinds have faced the risks involved in adopting and using information systems. This led to a historical series of information security standards that attempted to specify minimum acceptable security criteria for various categories of use. Such categories were important as purchasers attempted to obtain and deploy systems that would protect and preserve their contents or that would meet various mandated security requirements (such as those that contractors must routinely meet to conduct business with the government). The first such set of standards resulted in the creation of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) in the 1980s, as the US Department of Defense (DoD) worked to develop and impose security standards for the systems it purchased and used. In turn, this led to a whole series of such publications through the mid-1990s. Since these publications were routinely identified by the color of their covers, they are known collectively as the rainbow series.

Following in the DoD’s footsteps, other governments or standards bodies created computer security standards that built and improved on the rainbow series elements. Significant standards in this group include a European model called the Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), which was developed in 1990 and used through 1998. Eventually TCSEC and ITSEC were replaced with the so-called Common Criteria, adopted by the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom in 1998 but more formally known as the “Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the Field of IT Security.” Both ITSEC and the Common Criteria will be discussed in later sections.

When governments or other security-conscious agencies evaluate information systems, they make use of various standard evaluation criteria. In 1985, the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) developed the TCSEC, usually called the Orange Book because of the color of this publication’s covers. The TCSEC established guidelines to be used when evaluating a stand-alone computer from the security perspective. These guidelines address basic security functionality and allow evaluators to measure and rate a system’s functionality and trustworthiness. In the TSCEC, in fact, functionality and security assurance are combined and not separated as they are in security criteria developed later. TCSEC guidelines were designed to be used when evaluating vendor products or by vendors to ensure that they build all necessary functionality and security assurance into new products.

Next, we’ll take a look at some of the details in the Orange Book itself and then talk about some of the other important elements in the rainbow series.

TCSEC Classes and Required Functionality

TCSEC combines the functionality and assurance rating of the confidentiality protection offered by a system into four major categories. These categories are then subdivided into additional subcategories identified with numbers, such as C1 and C2. Furthermore, TCSEC’s categories are assigned through the evaluation of a target system. Applicable systems are stand-alone systems that are not networked. TCSEC defines the following major categories:

Category A   Verified protection. The highest level of security.

Category B   Mandatory protection.

Category C   Discretionary protection.

Category D   Minimal protection. Reserved for systems that have been evaluated but do not meet requirements to belong to any other category.

The list that follows includes brief discussions of categories A through C, along with numeric suffixes that represent any applicable subcategories (Figure 8.6).


Figure 8.6 The levels of TCSEC

Discretionary Protection (Categories C1, C2)   Discretionary protection systems provide basic access control. Systems in this category do provide some security controls but are lacking in more sophisticated and stringent controls that address specific needs for secure systems. C1 and C2 systems provide basic controls and complete documentation for system installation and configuration.

Discretionary Security Protection (C1)   A discretionary security protection system controls access by user IDs and/or groups. Although there are some controls in place that limit object access, systems in this category provide only weak protection.

Controlled Access Protection (C2)   Controlled access protection systems are stronger than C1 systems. Users must be identified individually to gain access to objects. C2 systems must also enforce media cleansing. With media cleansing, any media that are reused by another user must first be thoroughly cleansed so that no remnant of the previous data remains available for inspection or use. Additionally, strict logon procedures must be enforced that restrict access for invalid or unauthorized users.

Mandatory Protection (Categories B1, B2, B3)   Mandatory protection systems provide more security controls than category C or D systems. More granularity of control is mandated, so security administrators can apply specific controls that allow only very limited sets of subject/object access. This category of systems is based on the Bell-LaPadula model. Mandatory access is based on security labels.

Labeled Security (B1)   In a labeled security system, each subject and each object has a security label. A B1 system grants access by matching up the subject and object labels and comparing their permission compatibility. B1 systems support sufficient security to house classified data.

Structured Protection (B2)   In addition to the requirement for security labels (as in B1 systems), B2 systems must ensure that no covert channels exist. Operator and administrator functions are separated, and process isolation is maintained. B2 systems are sufficient for classified data that requires more security functionality than a B1 system can deliver.

Security Domains (B3)   Security domain systems provide more secure functionality by further increasing the separation and isolation of unrelated processes. Administration functions are clearly defined and separate from functions available to other users. The focus of B3 systems shifts to simplicity to reduce any exposure to vulnerabilities in unused or extra code. The secure state of B3 systems must also be addressed during the initial boot process. B3 systems are difficult to attack successfully and provide sufficient secure controls for very sensitive or secret data.

Verified Protection (Category A1)   Verified protection systems are similar to B3 systems in the structure and controls they employ. The difference is in the development cycle. Each phase of the development cycle is controlled using formal methods. Each phase of the design is documented, evaluated, and verified before the next step is taken. This forces extreme security consciousness during all steps of development and deployment and is the only way to formally guarantee strong system security.

A verified design system starts with a design document that states how the resulting system will satisfy the security policy. From there, each development step is evaluated in the context of the security policy. Functionality is crucial, but assurance becomes more important than in lower security categories. A1 systems represent the top level of security and are designed to handle top-secret data. Every step is documented and verified, from the design all the way through to delivery and installation.

Other Colors in the Rainbow Series

Altogether, there are nearly 30 titles in the collection of DoD documents that either add to or further elaborate on the Orange Book. Although the colors don’t necessarily mean anything, they’re used to identify publications in this series.

Other important elements in this collection of documents include the following:

Red Book   Because the Orange Book applies only to stand-alone computers not attached to a network, and so many systems were used on networks (even in the 1980s), the Red Book was developed to interpret the TCSEC in a networking context. In fact, the official title of the Red Book is Trusted Network Interpretation of the TCSEC so it could be considered an interpretation of the Orange Book with a bent on networking. Quickly the Red Book became more relevant and important to system buyers and builders than the Orange Book. The following list includes a few other functions of the Red Book:

  • Rates confidentiality and integrity
  • Addresses communications integrity
  • Addresses denial of service protection
  • Addresses compromise (in other words, intrusion) protection and prevention
  • Is restricted to a limited class of networks that are labeled as “centralized networks with a single accreditation authority”
  • Uses only four rating levels: None, C1 (Minimum), C2 (Fair), and B2 (Good)

Green Book   The Green Book, or the Department of Defense Password Management Guidelines, provides password creation and management guidelines; it’s important for those who configure and manage trusted systems.

Table 8.2 has a more complete list of books in the rainbow series. For more information and to download the books, see the Rainbow Series web page here:

Table 8.2 Important rainbow series elements

Publication Number Title Book name
5200.28-STD DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria Orange Book
CSC-STD-002-85 DoD Password Management Guidelines Green Book
CSC-STD-003-85 Guidance for Applying TCSEC in Specific Environments Yellow Book
NCSC-TG-001 A Guide to Understanding Audit in Trusted Systems Tan Book
NCSC-TG-002 Trusted Product Evaluation: A Guide for Vendors Bright Blue Book
NCSC-TG-002-85 PC Security Considerations Light Blue Book
NCSC-TG-003 A Guide to Understanding Discretionary Access Controls in Trusted Systems Neon Orange Book
NCSC-TG-004 Glossary of Computer Security Terms Aqua Book
NCSC-TG-005 Trusted Network Interpretation Red Book
NCSC-TG-006 A Guide to Understanding Configuration Management in Trusted Systems Amber Book
NCSC-TG-007 A Guide to Understanding Design Documentation in Trusted Systems Burgundy Book
NCSC-TG-008 A Guide to Understanding Trusted Distribution in Trusted Systems Lavender Book
NCSC-TG-009 Computer Security Subsystem Interpretation of the TCSEC Venice Blue Book

Given all the time and effort that went into formulating the TCSEC, it’s not unreasonable to wonder why evaluation criteria have evolved to newer, more advanced standards. The relentless march of time and technology aside, these are the major critiques of TCSEC; they help to explain why newer standards are now in use worldwide:

  • Although the TCSEC puts considerable emphasis on controlling user access to information, it doesn’t exercise control over what users do with information once access is granted. This can be a problem in military and commercial applications alike.
  • Given the origins of evaluation standards at the US Department of Defense, it’s understandable that the TCSEC focuses its concerns entirely on confidentiality, which assumes that controlling how users access data is of primary importance and that concerns about data accuracy or integrity are irrelevant. This doesn’t work in commercial environments where concerns about data accuracy and integrity can be more important than concerns about confidentiality.
  • Outside the evaluation standards’ own emphasis on access controls, the TCSEC does not carefully address the kinds of personnel, physical, and procedural policy matters or safeguards that must be exercised to fully implement security policy. They don’t deal much with how such matters can impact system security either.
  • The Orange Book, per se, doesn’t deal with networking issues (though the Red Book, developed later in 1987, does).

To some extent, these criticisms reflect the unique security concerns of the military, which developed the TCSEC. Then, too, the prevailing computing tools and technologies widely available at the time (networking was just getting started in 1985) had an impact as well. Certainly, an increasingly sophisticated and holistic view of security within organizations helps to explain why and where the TCSEC also fell short, procedurally and policy-wise. But because ITSEC has been largely superseded by the Common Criteria, coverage in the next section explains ITSEC as a step along the way toward the Common Criteria (covered in the section after that).

ITSEC Classes and Required Assurance and Functionality

The ITSEC represents an initial attempt to create security evaluation criteria in Europe. It was developed as an alternative to the TCSEC guidelines. The ITSEC guidelines evaluate the functionality and assurance of a system using separate ratings for each category. In this context, a system’s functionality is a measurement of the system’s utility value for users. The functionality rating of a system states how well the system performs all necessary functions based on its design and intended purpose. The assurance rating represents the degree of confidence that the system will work properly in a consistent manner.

ITSEC refers to any system being evaluated as a target of evaluation (TOE). All ratings are expressed as TOE ratings in two categories. ITSEC uses two scales to rate functionality and assurance.

The functionality of a system is rated from F-D through F-B3 (there is no F-A1). The assurance of a system is rated from E0 through E6. Most ITSEC ratings generally correspond with TCSEC ratings (for example, a TCSEC C1 system corresponds to an ITSEC F-C1, E1 system). See Table 8.4 (at the end of the section “Structure of the Common Criteria”) for a comparison of TCSEC, ITSEC, and Common Criteria ratings.

Differences between TCSEC and ITSEC are many and varied. The following are some of the most important differences between the two standards:

  • Although the TCSEC concentrates almost exclusively on confidentiality, ITSEC addresses concerns about the loss of integrity and availability in addition to confidentiality, thereby covering all three elements so important to maintaining complete information security.
  • ITSEC does not rely on the notion of a TCB, and it doesn’t require that a system’s security components be isolated within a TCB.
  • Unlike TCSEC, which required any changed systems to be reevaluated anew—be it for operating system upgrades, patches, or fixes; application upgrades or changes; and so forth—ITSEC includes coverage for maintaining targets of evaluation after such changes occur without requiring a new formal evaluation.

For more information on ITSEC (now largely supplanted by the Common Criteria, covered in the next section), please view the overview document at /30220/itsec-en_pdf.pdf

Or you can view the original ITSEC specification here:

Common Criteria

The Common Criteria represents a more or less global effort that involves everybody who worked on TCSEC and ITSEC as well as other global players. Ultimately, it results in the ability to purchase CC-evaluated products (where CC, of course, stands for Common Criteria). The Common Criteria defines various levels of testing and confirmation of systems’ security capabilities, and the number of the level indicates what kind of testing and confirmation has been performed. Nevertheless, it’s wise to observe that even the highest CC ratings do not equate to a guarantee that such systems are completely secure or that they are entirely devoid of vulnerabilities or susceptibilities to exploit. The Common Criteria was designed as a product evaluation model.

Recognition of Common Criteria

Caveats and disclaimers aside, a document titled “Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the Field of IT Security” was signed by representatives from government organizations in Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States in 1998, making it an international standard. This document was converted by ISO into an official standard: ISO 15408, Evaluation Criteria for Information Technology Security. The objectives of the CC guidelines are as follows:

  • To add to buyers’ confidence in the security of evaluated, rated IT products
  • To eliminate duplicate evaluations (among other things, this means that if one country, agency, or validation organizations follows the CC in rating specific systems and configurations, others elsewhere need not repeat this work)
  • To keep making security evaluations and the certification process more cost effective and efficient
  • To make sure evaluations of IT products adhere to high and consistent standards
  • To promote evaluation and increase availability of evaluated, rated IT products
  • To evaluate the functionality (in other words, what the system does) and assurance (in other words, how much can you trust the system) of the TOE

Common Criteria documentation is available at Visit this site to get information on the current version of the CC guidelines and guidance on using the CC along with lots of other useful, relevant information.

The Common Criteria process is based on two key elements: protection profiles and security targets. Protection profiles (PPs) specify for a product that is to be evaluated (the TOE) the security requirements and protections, which are considered the security desires or the “I want” from a customer. Security targets (STs) specify the claims of security from the vendor that are built into a TOE. STs are considered the implemented security measures or the “I will provide” from the vendor. In addition to offering security targets, vendors may offer packages of additional security features. A package is an intermediate grouping of security requirement components that can be added or removed from a TOE (like the option packages when purchasing a new vehicle).

The PP is compared to various STs from the selected vendor’s TOEs. The closest or best match is what the client purchases. The client initially selects a vendor based on published or marketed evaluation assurance levels (EALs) (see the next section for more details on EALs), for currently available systems. Using Common Criteria to choose a vendor allows clients to request exactly what they need for security rather than having to use static fixed security levels. It also allows vendors more flexibility on what they design and create. A well-defined set of Common Criteria supports subjectivity and versatility, and it automatically adapts to changing technology and threat conditions. Furthermore, the EALs provide a method for comparing vendor systems that is more standardized (like the old TCSEC).

Structure of the Common Criteria

The CC guidelines are divided into three areas, as follows:

Part 1   Introduction and General Model describes the general concepts and underlying model used to evaluate IT security and what’s involved in specifying targets of evaluation. It contains useful introductory and explanatory material for those unfamiliar with the workings of the security evaluation process or who need help reading and interpreting evaluation results.

Part 2   Security Functional Requirements describes various functional requirements in terms of security audits, communications security, cryptographic support for security, user data protection, identification and authentication, security management, TOE security functions (TSFs), resource utilization, system access, and trusted paths. Covers the complete range of security functions as envisioned in the CC evaluation process, with additional appendices (called annexes) to explain each functional area.

Part 3   Security Assurance covers assurance requirements for TOEs in the areas of configuration management, delivery and operation, development, guidance documents, and life-cycle support plus assurance tests and vulnerability assessments. Covers the complete range of security assurance checks and protects profiles as envisioned in the CC evaluation process, with information on evaluation assurance levels that describe how systems are designed, checked, and tested.

Most important of all, the information that appears in these various CC documents (worth at least a cursory read-through) are the evaluation assurance levels commonly known as EALs. Table 8.3 summarizes EALs 1 through 7. For a complete description of EALs, consult the CC documents hosted at and view Part 3 of the latest revision.

Table 8.3 CC evaluation assurance levels

Level Assurance level Description
EAL1 Functionally tested Applies when some confidence in correct operation is required but where threats to security are not serious. This is of value when independent assurance that due care has been exercised in protecting personal information is necessary.
EAL2 Structurally tested Applies when delivery of design information and test results are in keeping with good commercial practices. This is of value when developers or users require low to moderate levels of independently assured security. IT is especially relevant when evaluating legacy systems.
EAL3 Methodically tested and checked Applies when security engineering begins at the design stage and is carried through without substantial subsequent alteration. This is of value when developers or users require a moderate level of independently assured security, including thorough investigation of TOE and its development.
EAL4 Methodically designed, tested, and reviewed Applies when rigorous, positive security engineering and good commercial development practices are used. This does not require substantial specialist knowledge, skills, or resources. It involves independent testing of all TOE security functions.
EAL5 Semi-formally designed and tested Uses rigorous security engineering and commercial development practices, including specialist security engineering techniques, for semi-formal testing. This applies when developers or users require a high level of independently assured security in a planned development approach, followed by rigorous development.
EAL6 Semi-formally verified, designed, and tested Uses direct, rigorous security engineering techniques at all phases of design, development, and testing to produce a premium TOE. This applies when TOEs for high-risk situations are needed, where the value of protected assets justifies additional cost. Extensive testing reduces risks of penetration, probability of cover channels, and vulnerability to attack.
EAL7 Formally verified, designed, and tested Used only for highest-risk situations or where high-value assets are involved. This is limited to TOEs where tightly focused security functionality is subject to extensive formal analysis and testing.

Though the CC guidelines are flexible and accommodating enough to capture most security needs and requirements, they are by no means perfect. As with other evaluation criteria, the CC guidelines do nothing to make sure that how users act on data is also secure. The CC guidelines also do not address administrative issues outside the specific purview of security. As with other evaluation criteria, the CC guidelines do not include evaluation of security in situ—that is, they do not address controls related to personnel, organizational practices and procedures, or physical security. Likewise, controls over electromagnetic emissions are not addressed, nor are the criteria for rating the strength of cryptographic algorithms explicitly laid out. Nevertheless, the CC guidelines represent some of the best techniques whereby systems may be rated for security. To conclude this discussion of security evaluation standards, Table 8.4 summarizes how various ratings from the TCSEC, ITSEC, and the CC can be compared. Table 8.4 shows that ratings from each standard have similar, but not identical evaluation criteria.

Table 8.4 Comparing security evaluation standards

TCSEC ITSEC CC description
D F-D+E0 EAL0, EAL1 Minimal/no protection
C1 F-C1+E1 EAL2 Discretionary security mechanisms
C2 F-C2+E2 EAL3 Controlled access protection
B1 F-B1+E3 EAL4 Labeled security protection
B2 F-B2+E4 EAL5 Structured security protection
B3 F-B3+E5 EAL6 Security domains
A1 F-B3+E6 EAL7 Verified security design

Industry and International Security Implementation Guidelines

In addition to overall security access models, such as Common Criteria, there are many other more specific or focused security standards for various aspects of storage, communication, transactions, and the like. Two of these standards you should be familiar with are Payment Card Industry–Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

PCI-DSS is a collection of requirements for improving the security of electronic payment transactions. These standards were defined by the PCI Security Standards Council members, who are primarily credit card banks and financial institutions. The PCI-DSS defines requirements for security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures. For more information on PCI-DSS, please visit the website at

ISO is a worldwide standards-setting group of representatives from various national standards organizations. ISO defines standards for industrial and commercial equipment, software, protocols, and management, among others. It issues six main products: International Standards, Technical Reports, Technical Specifications, Publicly Available Specifications, Technical Corrigenda, and Guides. ISO standards are widely accepted across many industries and have even been adopted as requirements or laws by various governments. For more information in ISO, please visit the website at

Certification and Accreditation

Organizations that require secure systems need one or more methods to evaluate how well a system meets their security requirements. The formal evaluation process is divided into two phases, called certification and accreditation. The actual steps required in each phase depend on the evaluation criteria an organization chooses. A CISSP candidate must understand the need for each phase and the criteria commonly used to evaluate systems. The two evaluation phases are discussed in the next two sections, and then we present various evaluation criteria and considerations you must address when assessing the security of a system. Certification and accreditation processes are used to assess the effectiveness of application security as well as operating system and hardware security.

The process of evaluation provides a way to assess how well a system measures up to a desired level of security. Because each system’s security level depends on many factors, all of them must be taken into account during the evaluation. Even though a system is initially described as secure, the installation process, physical environment, and general configuration details all contribute to its true general security. Two identical systems could be assessed at different levels of security because of configuration or installation differences.

Certification and accreditation are additional steps in the software and IT systems development process normally required from defense contractors and others working in a military environment. The official definitions of these terms as used by the US government are from Department of Defense Instruction 5200.40, Enclosure 2.


The first phase in a total evaluation process is certification. Certification is the comprehensive evaluation of the technical and nontechnical security features of an IT system and other safeguards made in support of the accreditation process to establish the extent to which a particular design and implementation meets a set of specified security requirements.

System certification is the technical evaluation of each part of a computer system to assess its concordance with security standards. First, you must choose evaluation criteria (we will present criteria alternatives in later sections). Once you select criteria to use, you analyze each system component to determine whether it satisfies the desired security goals. The certification analysis includes testing the system’s hardware, software, and configuration. All controls are evaluated during this phase, including administrative, technical, and physical controls.

After you assess the entire system, you can evaluate the results to determine the security level the system supports in its current environment. The environment of a system is a critical part of the certification analysis, so a system can be more or less secure depending on its surroundings. The manner in which you connect a secure system to a network can change its security standing. Likewise, the physical security surrounding a system can affect the overall security rating. You must consider all factors when certifying a system.

You complete the certification phase when you have evaluated all factors and determined the level of security for the system. Remember that the certification is valid only for a system in a specific environment and configuration. Any changes could invalidate the certification. Once you have certified a security rating for a specific configuration, you are ready to seek acceptance of the system. Management accepts the certified security configuration of a system through the accreditation process.


In the certification phase, you test and document the security capabilities of a system in a specific configuration. With this information in hand, the management of an organization compares the capabilities of a system to the needs of the organization. It is imperative that the security policy clearly states the requirements of a security system. Management reviews the certification information and decides whether the system satisfies the security needs of the organization. If management decides the certification of the system satisfies their needs, the system is accredited. Accreditation is the formal declaration by the designated approving authority (DAA) that an IT system is approved to operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards at an acceptable level of risk. Once accreditation is performed, management can formally accept the adequacy of the overall security performance of an evaluated system.

The process of certification and accreditation is often iterative. In the accreditation phase, it is not uncommon to request changes to the configuration or additional controls to address security concerns. Remember that whenever you change the configuration, you must recertify the new configuration. Likewise, you need to recertify the system when a specific time period elapses or when you make any configuration changes. Your security policy should specify what conditions require recertification. A sound policy would list the amount of time a certification is valid along with any changes that would require you to restart the certification and accreditation process.

Certification and Accreditation Systems

Two government standards are currently in place for the certification and accreditation of computing systems. The current DoD standard is Risk Management Framework (RMF) ( which recently replaced DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), which itself replaced the Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP). The standard for all other US government executive branch departments, agencies, and their contractors and consultants is the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Policy (CNSSP) ( which replaced National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP). However, the CISSP may refer to either the current standards or the previous ones. Both of these processes are divided into four phases:

Phase 1: Definition   Involves the assignment of appropriate project personnel; documentation of the mission need; and registration, negotiation, and creation of a System Security Authorization Agreement (SSAA) that guides the entire certification and accreditation process

Phase 2: Verification   Includes refinement of the SSAA, systems development activities, and a certification analysis

Phase 3: Validation   Includes further refinement of the SSAA, certification evaluation of the integrated system, development of a recommendation to the DAA, and the DAA’s accreditation decision

Phase 4: Post Accreditation   Includes maintenance of the SSAA, system operation, change management, and compliance validation

The NIACAP process, administered by the Information Systems Security Organization of the National Security Agency, outlines three types of accreditation that may be granted. The definitions of these types of accreditation (from National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction 1000) are as follows:

  • For a system accreditation, a major application or general support system is evaluated.
  • For a site accreditation, the applications and systems at a specific, self-contained location are evaluated.
  • For a type accreditation, an application or system that is distributed to a number of different locations is evaluated.

Understand Security Capabilities of Information Systems

The security capabilities of information systems include memory protection, virtualization, Trusted Platform Module, interfaces, and fault tolerance. It is important to carefully assess each aspect of the infrastructure to ensure that it sufficiently supports security. Without an understanding of the security capabilities of information systems, it is impossible to evaluate them, nor is it possible to implement them properly.

Memory Protection

Memory protection is a core security component that must be designed and implemented into an operating system. It must be enforced regardless of the programs executing in the system. Otherwise instability, violation of integrity, denial of service, and disclosure are likely results. Memory protection is used to prevent an active process from interacting with an area of memory that was not specifically assigned or allocated to it.

Memory protection is discussed throughout Chapter 9 in relation to the topics of isolation, virtual memory, segmentation, memory management, and protection rings.


Virtualization technology is used to host one or more operating systems within the memory of a single host computer. This mechanism allows virtually any OS to operate on any hardware. It also allows multiple OSs to work simultaneously on the same hardware. Common examples include VMware, Microsoft’s Virtual PC, Microsoft Virtual Server, Hyper-V with Windows Server, Oracle’s VirtualBox, XenServer, and Parallels Desktop for Mac.

Virtualization has several benefits, such as being able to launch individual instances of servers or services as needed, real-time scalability, and being able to run the exact OS version needed for a specific application. Virtualized servers and services are indistinguishable from traditional servers and services from a user’s perspective. Additionally, recovery from damaged, crashed, or corrupted virtual systems is often quick, simply consisting of replacing the virtual system’s main hard drive file with a clean backup version and then relaunching it. (Additional coverage of virtualization and some of its associated risks are covered in Chapter 9 along with cloud computing.)

Trusted Platform Module

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is both a specification for a cryptoprocessor chip on a mainboard and the general name for implementation of the specification. A TPM chip is used to store and process cryptographic keys for the purposes of a hardware supported/implemented hard drive encryption system. Generally, a hardware implementation, rather than a software-only implementation of hard drive encryption, is considered to be more secure.

When TPM-based whole-disk encryption is in use, the user/operator must supply a password or physical USB token device to the computer to authenticate and allow the TPM chip to release the hard drive encryption keys into memory. While this seems similar to a software implementation, the key difference is that if the hard drive is removed from its original system, it cannot be decrypted. Only with the original TPM chip can an encryption be decrypted and accessed. With software-only hard drive encryption, the hard drive can be moved to a different computer without any access or use limitations.

A hardware security module (HSM) is a cryptoprocessor used to manage/store digital encryption keys, accelerate crypto operations, support faster digital signatures, and improve authentication. An HSM is often an add-on adapter or peripheral or can be a TCP/IP network device. HSMs include tamper protection to prevent their misuse even if physical access is gained by an attacker. A TPM is just one example of an HSM.

HSMs provide an accelerated solution for large (2,048+ bit) asymmetric encryption calculations and a secure vault for key storage. Many certificate authority systems use HSMs to store certificates; ATM and POS bank terminals often employ proprietary HSMs; hardware SSL accelerators can include HSM support; and DNSSEC-compliant DNS servers use HSM for key and zone file storage.


A constrained or restricted interface is implemented within an application to restrict what users can do or see based on their privileges. Users with full privileges have access to all the capabilities of the application. Users with restricted privileges have limited access.

Applications constrain the interface using different methods. A common method is to hide the capability if the user doesn’t have permissions to use it. Commands might be available to administrators via a menu or by right-clicking an item, but if a regular user doesn’t have permissions, the command does not appear. Other times, the command is shown but is dimmed or disabled. The regular user can see it but will not be able to use it.

The purpose of a constrained interface is to limit or restrict the actions of both authorized and unauthorized users. The use of such an interface is a practical implementation of the Clark-Wilson model of security.

Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to suffer a fault but continue to operate. Fault tolerance is achieved by adding redundant components such as additional disks within a redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) array, or additional servers within a failover clustered configuration. Fault tolerance is an essential element of security design. It is also considered part of avoiding single points of failure and the implementation of redundancy. For more details on fault tolerance, redundant servers, RAID, and failover solutions, see Chapter 18, “Disaster Recovery Planning.”


Secure systems are not just assembled; they are designed to support security. Systems that must be secure are judged for their ability to support and enforce the security policy. This process of evaluating the effectiveness of a computer system is certification. The certification process is the technical evaluation of a system’s ability to meet its design goals. Once a system has satisfactorily passed the technical evaluation, the management of an organization begins the formal acceptance of the system. The formal acceptance process is accreditation.

The entire certification and accreditation process depends on standard evaluation criteria. Several criteria exist for evaluating computer security systems. The earliest, TCSEC, was developed by the US Department of Defense. TCSEC, also called the Orange Book, provides criteria to evaluate the functionality and assurance of a system’s security components. ITSEC is an alternative to the TCSEC guidelines and is used more often in European countries. Regardless of which criteria you use, the evaluation process includes reviewing each security control for compliance with the security policy. The better a system enforces the good behavior of subjects’ access to objects, the higher the security rating.

When security systems are designed, it is often helpful to create a security model to represent the methods the system will use to implement the security policy. We discussed several security models in this chapter. The Bell-LaPadula model supports data confidentiality only. It was designed for the military and satisfies military concerns. The Biba model and the Clark-Wilson model address the integrity of data and do so in different ways. These two security models are appropriate for commercial applications.

All of this understanding must culminate into an effective system security implementation in terms of preventive, detective, and corrective controls. That’s why you must also know the access control models and their functions. This includes the state machine model, Bell-LaPadula, Biba, Clark-Wilson, the information flow model, the noninterference model, the Take-Grant model, the access control matrix model, and the Brewer and Nash model.

Exam Essentials

Know details about each of the access control models.   Know the access control models and their functions. The state machine model ensures that all instances of subjects accessing objects are secure. The information flow model is designed to prevent unauthorized, insecure, or restricted information flow. The noninterference model prevents the actions of one subject from affecting the system state or actions of another subject. The Take-Grant model dictates how rights can be passed from one subject to another or from a subject to an object. An access control matrix is a table of subjects and objects that indicates the actions or functions that each subject can perform on each object. Bell-LaPadula subjects have a clearance level that allows them to access only those objects with the corresponding classification levels. This enforces confidentiality. Biba prevents subjects with lower security levels from writing to objects at higher security levels. Clark-Wilson is an integrity model that relies on auditing to ensure that unauthorized subjects cannot access objects and that authorized users access objects properly. Biba and Clark-Wilson enforce integrity. Goguen-Meseguer and Sutherland focus on integrity. Graham-Denning focuses on the secure creation and deletion of both subjects and objects.

Know the definitions of certification and accreditation. Certification is the technical evaluation of each part of a computer system to assess its concordance with security standards. Accreditation is the process of formal acceptance of a certified configuration from a designated authority.

Be able to describe open and closed systems.   Open systems are designed using industry standards and are usually easy to integrate with other open systems. Closed systems are generally proprietary hardware and/or software. Their specifications are not normally published, and they are usually harder to integrate with other systems.

Know what confinement, bounds, and isolation are.   Confinement restricts a process to reading from and writing to certain memory locations. Bounds are the limits of memory a process cannot exceed when reading or writing. Isolation is the mode a process runs in when it is confined through the use of memory bounds.

Be able to define object and subject in terms of access.   The subject is the user or process that makes a request to access a resource. The object is the resource a user or process wants to access.

Know how security controls work and what they do.   Security controls use access rules to limit the access by a subject to an object.

Be able to list the classes of TCSEC, ITSEC, and the Common Criteria.   The classes of TCSEC include verified protection, mandatory protection, discretionary protection, and minimal protection. Table 8.4 covers and compares equivalent and applicable rankings for TCSEC, ITSEC, and the CC (remember that functionality ratings from F7 to F10 in ITSEC have no corresponding ratings in TCSEC).

Define a trusted computing base (TCB).   A TCB is the combination of hardware, software, and controls that form a trusted base that enforces the security policy.

Be able to explain what a security perimeter is.   A security perimeter is the imaginary boundary that separates the TCB from the rest of the system. TCB components communicate with non-TCB components using trusted paths.

Know what the reference monitor and the security kernel are.   The reference monitor is the logical part of the TCB that confirms whether a subject has the right to use a resource prior to granting access. The security kernel is the collection of the TCB components that implement the functionality of the reference monitor.

Understand the security capabilities of information systems.   Common security capabilities include memory protection, virtualization, and Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

Written Lab

  1. Name at least seven security models.
  2. Describe the primary components of TCB.
  3. What are the two primary rules or principles of the Bell-LaPadula security model? Also, what are the two rules of Biba?
  4. What is the difference between open and closed systems and open and closed source?

Review Questions

  1. What is system certification?

    1. Formal acceptance of a stated system configuration
    2. A technical evaluation of each part of a computer system to assess its compliance with security standards
    3. A functional evaluation of the manufacturer’s goals for each hardware and software component to meet integration standards
    4. A manufacturer’s certificate stating that all components were installed and configured correctly
  2. What is system accreditation?

    1. Formal acceptance of a stated system configuration
    2. A functional evaluation of the manufacturer’s goals for each hardware and software component to meet integration standards
    3. Acceptance of test results that prove the computer system enforces the security policy
    4. The process to specify secure communication between machines
  3. What is a closed system?

    1. A system designed around final, or closed, standards
    2. A system that includes industry standards
    3. A proprietary system that uses unpublished protocols
    4. Any machine that does not run Windows
  4. Which best describes a confined or constrained process?

    1. A process that can run only for a limited time
    2. A process that can run only during certain times of the day
    3. A process that can access only certain memory locations
    4. A process that controls access to an object
  5. What is an access object?

    1. A resource a user or process wants to access
    2. A user or process that wants to access a resource
    3. A list of valid access rules
    4. The sequence of valid access types
  6. What is a security control?

    1. A security component that stores attributes that describe an object
    2. A document that lists all data classification types
    3. A list of valid access rules
    4. A mechanism that limits access to an object
  7. For what type of information system security accreditation are the applications and systems at a specific, self-contained location evaluated?

    1. System accreditation
    2. Site accreditation
    3. Application accreditation
    4. Type accreditation
  8. How many major categories do the TCSEC criteria define?

    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  9. What is a trusted computing base (TCB)?

    1. Hosts on your network that support secure transmissions
    2. The operating system kernel and device drivers
    3. The combination of hardware, software, and controls that work together to enforce a security policy
    4. The software and controls that certify a security policy
  10. What is a security perimeter? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. The boundary of the physically secure area surrounding your system
    2. The imaginary boundary that separates the TCB from the rest of the system
    3. The network where your firewall resides
    4. Any connections to your computer system
  11. What part of the TCB concept validates access to every resource prior to granting the requested access?

    1. TCB partition
    2. Trusted library
    3. Reference monitor
    4. Security kernel
  12. What is the best definition of a security model?

    1. A security model states policies an organization must follow.
    2. A security model provides a framework to implement a security policy.
    3. A security model is a technical evaluation of each part of a computer system to assess its concordance with security standards.
    4. A security model is the process of formal acceptance of a certified configuration.
  13. Which security models are built on a state machine model?

    1. Bell-LaPadula and Take-Grant
    2. Biba and Clark-Wilson
    3. Clark-Wilson and Bell-LaPadula
    4. Bell-LaPadula and Biba
  14. Which security model addresses data confidentiality?

    1. Bell-LaPadula
    2. Biba
    3. Clark-Wilson
    4. Brewer and Nash
  15. Which Bell-LaPadula property keeps lower-level subjects from accessing objects with a higher security level?

    1. (star) Security Property
    2. No write up property
    3. No read up property
    4. No read down property
  16. What is the implied meaning of the simple property of Biba?

    1. Write down
    2. Read up
    3. No write up
    4. No read down
  17. When a trusted subject violates the star property of Bell-LaPadula in order to write an object into a lower level, what valid operation could be taking place?

    1. Perturbation
    2. Polyinstantiation
    3. Aggregation
    4. Declassification
  18. What security method, mechanism, or model reveals a capabilities list of a subject across multiple objects?

    1. Separation of duties
    2. Access control matrix
    3. Biba
    4. Clark-Wilson
  19. What security model has a feature that in theory has one name or label, but when implemented into a solution, takes on the name or label of the security kernel?

    1. Graham-Denning model
    2. Deployment modes
    3. Trusted computing base
    4. Chinese Wall
  20. Which of the following is not part of the access control relationship of the Clark-Wilson model?

    1. Object
    2. Interface
    3. Programming language
    4. Subject