Data residing in a static form on a storage device is fairly simple to secure. As long as physical access control is maintained and reasonable logical access controls are implemented, stored files remain confidential, retain their integrity, and are available to authorized users. However, once data is used by an application or transferred over a network connection, the process of securing it becomes much more difficult.
Communications security covers a wide range of issues related to the transportation of electronic information from one place to another. That transportation may be between systems on opposite sides of the planet or between systems on the same business network. Once it is involved in any means of transportation, data becomes vulnerable to a plethora of threats to its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Fortunately, many of these threats can be reduced or eliminated with the appropriate countermeasures.
Communications security is designed to detect, prevent, and even correct data transportation errors (that is, it provides integrity protection as well as confidentiality). This is done to sustain the security of networks while supporting the need to exchange and share data. This chapter covers the many forms of communications security, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures.
The Communication and Network Security domain for the CISSP certification exam deals with topics related to network components (i.e., network devices and protocols), specifically how they function and how they are relevant to security. This domain is discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 11, “Secure Network Architecture and Securing Network Components.” Be sure to read and study the material in both chapters to ensure complete coverage of the essential material for the CISSP certification exam.
TCP/IP is the primary protocol suite used on most networks and on the Internet. It is a robust protocol suite, but it has numerous security deficiencies. In an effort to improve the security of TCP/IP, many subprotocols, mechanisms, or applications have been developed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of transmitted data. It is important to remember that even with the foundational protocol suite of TCP/IP, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of individual protocols, mechanisms, and applications in use across the Internet. Some of them are designed to provide security services. Some protect integrity, others protect confidentiality, and others provide authentication and access control. In the next sections, we’ll discuss some of the more common network and protocol security mechanisms.
Protocols that provide security services for application-specific communication channels are called secure communication protocols. The following list includes some of the options available:
Simple Key Management for Internet Protocol (SKIP) This is an encryption tool used to protect sessionless datagram protocols. SKIP was designed to integrate with IPSec; it functions at layer 3. It is able to encrypt any subprotocol of the TCP/IP suite. SKIP was replaced by Internet Key Exchange (IKE) in 1998.
Software IP Encryption (swIPe) This is another layer 3 security protocol for IP. It provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality using an encapsulation protocol.
Secure Remote Procedure Call (S-RPC) This is an authentication service and is simply a means to prevent unauthorized execution of code on remote systems.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) This is an encryption protocol developed by Netscape to protect the communications between a web server and a web browser. SSL can be used to secure web, email, FTP, or even Telnet traffic. It is a session-oriented protocol that provides confidentiality and integrity. SSL is deployed using a 40-bit key or a 128-bit key. SSL is superseded by Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Transport Layer Security (TLS) TLS functions in the same general manner as SSL, but it uses stronger authentication and encryption protocols.
SSL and TLS both have the following features:
In addition, TLS can be used to encrypt UDP and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) connections. (SIP is a protocol associated with VoIP.)
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) This is a security protocol for the transmission of transactions over the Internet. SET is based on Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) encryption and Data Encryption Standard (DES). It has the support of major credit card companies, such as Visa and MasterCard. However, SET has not been widely accepted by the Internet in general; instead, SSL/TLS encrypted sessions are the preferred mechanism for secure e-commerce.
After a connection is initially established between a remote system and a server or a network, the first activity that should take place is to verify the identity of the remote user. This activity is known as authentication. There are several authentication protocols that control how the logon credentials are exchanged and whether those credentials are encrypted during transport:
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) This is one of the authentication protocols used over PPP links. CHAP encrypts usernames and passwords. It performs authentication using a challenge-response dialogue that cannot be replayed. CHAP also periodically reauthenticates the remote system throughout an established communication session to verify a persistent identity of the remote client. This activity is transparent to the user.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) This is a standardized authentication protocol for PPP. PAP transmits usernames and passwords in the clear. It offers no form of encryption; it simply provides a means to transport the logon credentials from the client to the authentication server.
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) This is a framework for authentication instead of an actual protocol. EAP allows customized authentication security solutions, such as supporting smart cards, tokens, and biometrics. (See the sidebar “EAP, PEAP, and LEAP” for information about other protocols based on EAP.)
These three authentication protocols were initially used over dial-up PPP connections. Today, these and many other, newer authentication protocols and concepts are in use over a wide number of distance connection technologies, including broadband and virtual private networks (VPNs).
The vulnerability of voice communication is tangentially related to IT system security. However, as voice communication solutions move on to the network by employing digital devices and VoIP, securing voice communications becomes an increasingly important issue. When voice communications occur over the IT infrastructure, it is important to implement mechanisms to provide for authentication and integrity. Confidentiality should be maintained by employing an encryption service or protocol to protect the voice communications while in transit.
Normal private branch exchange (PBX) or POTS/PSTN voice communications are vulnerable to interception, eavesdropping, tapping, and other exploitations. Often, physical security is required to maintain control over voice communications within the confines of your organization’s physical locations. Security of voice communications outside your organization is typically the responsibility of the phone company from which you lease services. If voice communication vulnerabilities are an important issue for sustaining your security policy, you should deploy an encrypted communication mechanism and use it exclusively.
VoIP is a technology that encapsulates audio into IP packets to support telephone calls over TCP/IP network connections. VoIP has become a popular and inexpensive telephony solution for companies and individuals worldwide.
It is important to keep security in mind when selecting a VoIP solution to ensure that it provides the privacy and security you expect. Some VoIP systems are essentially plain-form communications that are easily intercepted and eavesdropped; others are highly encrypted, and any attempt to interfere or wiretap is deterred and thwarted.
VoIP is not without its problems. Hackers can wage a wide range of potential attacks against a VoIP solution:
Malicious individuals can exploit voice communications through a technique known as social engineering. Social engineering is a means by which an unknown, untrusted, or at least unauthorized person gains the trust of someone inside your organization. Adept individuals can convince employees that they are associated with upper management, technical support, the help desk, and so on. Once convinced, the victim is often encouraged to make a change to their user account on the system, such as resetting their password. Other attacks include instructing the victim to open specific email attachments, launch an application, or connect to a specific URL. Whatever the actual activity is, it is usually directed toward opening a back door that the attacker can use to gain network access.
The people within an organization make it vulnerable to social engineering attacks. With just a little information or a few facts, it is often possible to get a victim to disclose confidential information or engage in irresponsible activity. Social engineering attacks exploit human characteristics such as a basic trust in others, a desire to provide assistance, or a propensity to show off. Overlooking discrepancies, being distracted, following orders, assuming others know more than they actually do, wanting to help others, and fearing reprimands can also lead to attacks. Attackers are often able to bypass extensive physical and logical security controls because the victim opens an access pathway from the inside, effectively punching a hole in the secured perimeter.
The only way to protect against social engineering attacks is to teach users how to respond and interact with any form of communications, whether voice-only, face to face, IM, chat, or email. Here are some guidelines:
Another voice communication threat is PBX fraud and abuse. Many PBX systems can be exploited by malicious individuals to avoid toll charges and hide their identity. Malicious attackers known as phreakers abuse phone systems in much the same way that attackers abuse computer networks. Phreakers may be able to gain unauthorized access to personal voice mailboxes, redirect messages, block access, and redirect inbound and outbound calls.
Countermeasures to PBX fraud and abuse include many of the same precautions you would employ to protect a typical computer network: logical or technical controls, administrative controls, and physical controls. Here are several key points to keep in mind when designing a PBX security solution:
Additionally, maintaining physical access control to all PBX connection centers, phone portals, and wiring closets prevents direct intrusion from onsite attackers.
DISA, like any other security feature, must be properly installed, configured, and monitored in order to obtain the desired security improvement. Simply having DISA is not sufficient. Be sure to disable all features that are not required by the organization, craft user codes/passwords that are complex and difficult to guess, and then turn on auditing to keep watch on PBX activities. Phreaking is a specific type of attack directed toward the telephone system. Phreakers use various types of technology to circumvent the telephone system to make free long-distance calls, to alter the function of telephone service, to steal specialized services, and even to cause service disruptions. Some phreaker tools are actual devices, whereas others are just particular ways of using a regular telephone. No matter what the tool or technology actually is, phreaker tools are referred to as colored boxes (black box, red box, and so on). Over the years, many box technologies have been developed and widely used by phreakers, but only a few of them work against today’s telephone systems based on packet switching. Here are a few of the phreaker tools you need to recognize for the exam:
Multimedia collaboration is the use of various multimedia-supporting communication solutions to enhance distance collaboration (people working on a project together remotely). Often, collaboration allows workers to work simultaneously as well as across different time frames. Collaboration can also be used for tracking changes and including multimedia functions. Collaboration can incorporate email, chat, VoIP, videoconferencing, use of a whiteboard, online document editing, real-time file exchange, versioning control, and other tools. It is often a feature of advanced forms of remote meeting technology.
Remote meeting technology is used for any product, hardware, or software that allows for interaction between remote parties. These technologies and solutions are known by many other terms: digital collaboration, virtual meetings, videoconferencing, software or application collaboration, shared whiteboard services, virtual training solutions, and so on. Any service that enables people to communicate, exchange data, collaborate on materials/data/documents, and otherwise perform work tasks together can be considered a remote meeting technology service.
No matter what form of multimedia collaboration is implemented, the attendant security implications must be evaluated. Does the service use strong authentication techniques? Does the communication occur across an open protocol or an encrypted tunnel? Does the solution allow for true deletion of content? Are activities of users audited and logged? Multimedia collaboration and other forms of remote meeting technology can improve the work environment and allow for input from a wider range of diverse workers across the globe, but this is only a benefit if the security of the communications solution can be ensured.
Instant messaging (IM) is a mechanism that allows for real-time text-based chat between two users located anywhere on the Internet. Some IM utilities allow for file transfer, multimedia, voice and videoconferencing, and more. Some forms of IM are based on a peer-to-peer service while others use a centralized controlling server. Peer-to-peer-based IM is easy for end users to deploy and use, but it’s difficult to manage from a corporate perspective because it’s generally insecure. It has numerous vulnerabilities: It’s susceptible to packet sniffing, it lacks true native security capabilities, and it provides no protection for privacy.
Many forms of instant messaging lack common security features, such as encryption or user privacy. Many IM clients are susceptible to malicious code deposit or infection through their file transfer capabilities. Also, IM users are often subject to numerous forms of social-engineering attacks, such as impersonation or convincing a victim to reveal information that should remain confidential (such as passwords).
Email is one of the most widely and commonly used Internet services. The email infrastructure employed on the Internet primarily consists of email servers using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to accept messages from clients, transport those messages to other servers, and deposit them into a user’s server-based inbox. In addition to email servers, the infrastructure includes email clients. Clients retrieve email from their server-based inboxes using Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). Clients communicate with email servers using SMTP. Many Internet-compatible email systems rely on the X.400 standard for addressing and message handling.
Sendmail is the most common SMTP server for Unix systems and Exchange is the most common SMTP server for Microsoft systems. In addition to these three popular products, numerous alternatives exist, but they all share the same basic functionality and compliance with Internet email standards.
If you deploy an SMTP server, it is imperative that you properly configure authentication for both inbound and outbound mail. SMTP is designed to be a mail relay system. This means it relays mail from sender to intended recipient. However, you want to avoid turning your SMTP server into an open relay (also known as an open relay agent or relay agent), which is an STMP server that does not authenticate senders before accepting and relaying mail. Open relays are prime targets for spammers because they allow spammers to send out floods of emails by piggybacking on an insecure email infrastructure. As open relays are locked down, becoming closed or authentication relays, a growing number of SMTP attacks are occurring through hijacked authenticated user accounts.
For email, the basic mechanism in use on the Internet offers the efficient delivery of messages but lacks controls to provide for confidentiality, integrity, or even availability. In other words, basic email is not secure. However, you can add security to email in many ways. Adding security to email may satisfy one or more of the following objectives:
As with any aspect of IT security, email security begins in a security policy approved by upper management. Within the security policy, you must address several issues:
Acceptable use policies define what activities can and cannot be performed over an organization’s email infrastructure. It is often stipulated that professional, business-oriented email and a limited amount of personal email can be sent and received. Specific restrictions are usually placed on performing personal business (that is, work for another organization, including self-employment) and sending or receiving illegal, immoral, or offensive communications as well as on engaging in any other activities that would have a detrimental effect on productivity, profitability, or public relations.
Access control over email should be maintained so that users have access only to their specific inbox and email archive databases. An extension of this rule implies that no other user, authorized or not, can gain access to an individual’s email. Access control should provide for both legitimate access and some level of privacy, at least from other employees and unauthorized intruders.
The mechanisms and processes used to implement, maintain, and administer email for an organization should be clarified. End users may not need to know the specifics of email management, but they do need to know whether email is considered private communication. Email has recently been the focus of numerous court cases in which archived messages were used as evidence—often to the chagrin of the author or recipient of those messages. If email is to be retained (that is, backed up and stored in archives for future use), users need to be made aware of this. If email is to be reviewed for violations by an auditor, users need to be informed of this as well. Some companies have elected to retain only the last three months of email archives before they are destroyed, whereas others have opted to retain email for years. Depending upon your country and industry, there are often regulations that dictate retention policies.
The first step in deploying email security is to recognize the vulnerabilities specific to email. The protocols used to support email do not employ encryption. Thus, all messages are transmitted in the form in which they are submitted to the email server, which is often plain text. This makes interception and eavesdropping easy. However, the lack of native encryption is one of the least important security issues related to email.
Email is a common delivery mechanism for viruses, worms, Trojan horses, documents with destructive macros, and other malicious code. The proliferation of support for various scripting languages, autodownload capabilities, and autoexecute features has transformed hyperlinks within the content of email and attachments into a serious threat to every system.
Email offers little in the way of source verification. Spoofing the source address of email is a simple process for even a novice attacker. Email headers can be modified at their source or at any point during transit. Furthermore, it is also possible to deliver email directly to a user’s inbox on an email server by directly connecting to the email server’s SMTP port. And speaking of in-transit modification, there are no native integrity checks to ensure that a message was not altered between its source and destination.
In addition, email itself can be used as an attack mechanism. When sufficient numbers of messages are directed to a single user’s inbox or through a specific STMP server, a denial-of-service (DoS) attack can result. This attack is often called mail-bombing and is simply a DoS performed by inundating a system with messages. The DoS can be the result of storage capacity consumption or processing capability utilization. Either way, the result is the same: Legitimate messages cannot be delivered.
Like email flooding and malicious code attachments, unwanted email can be considered an attack. Sending unwanted, inappropriate, or irrelevant messages is called spamming. Spamming is often little more than a nuisance, but it does waste system resources both locally and over the Internet. It is often difficult to stop spam because the source of the messages is usually spoofed.
Imposing security on email is possible, but the efforts should be in tune with the value and confidentiality of the messages being exchanged. You can use several protocols, services, and solutions to add security to email without requiring a complete overhaul of the entire Internet-based SMTP infrastructure. These include S/MIME, MOSS, PEM, and PGP. We’ll discuss S/MIME further in Chapter 7, “PKI and Cryptographic Applications.”
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions is an email security standard that offers authentication and confidentiality to email through public key encryption and digital signatures. Authentication is provided through X.509 digital certificates. Privacy is provided through the use of Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) encryption. Two types of messages can be formed using S/MIME: signed messages and secured enveloped messages. A signed message provides integrity, sender authentication, and nonrepudiation. An enveloped message provides integrity, sender authentication, and confidentiality.
MIME Object Security Services (MOSS) MIME Object Security Services can provide authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and nonrepudiation for email messages. MOSS employs Message Digest 2 (MD2) and MD5 algorithms; Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) public key; and Data Encryption Standard (DES) to provide authentication and encryption services.
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) Privacy Enhanced Mail is an email encryption mechanism that provides authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. PEM uses RSA, DES, and X.509.
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) DKIM is a means to assert that valid mail is sent by an organization through verification of domain name identity. See
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a public-private key system that uses a variety of encryption algorithms to encrypt files and email messages. The first version of PGP used RSA, the second version, International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), but later versions offered a spectrum of algorithm options. PGP is not a standard but rather an independently developed product that has wide Internet grassroots support.
By using these and other security mechanisms for email and communication transmissions, you can reduce or eliminate many of the security vulnerabilities of email. Digital signatures can help eliminate impersonation. The encryption of messages reduces eavesdropping. And the use of email filters keep spamming and mail-bombing to a minimum.
Blocking attachments at the email gateway system on your network can ease the threats from malicious attachments. You can have a 100 percent no-attachments policy or block only attachments that are known or suspected to be malicious, such as attachments with extensions that are used for executable and scripting files. If attachments are an essential part of your email communications, you’ll need to train your users and use antivirus tools for protection. Training users to avoid contact with suspicious or unexpected attachments greatly reduces the risk of malicious code transference via email. Antivirus software is generally effective against known viruses, but it offers little protection against new or unknown viruses.
Telecommuting, or working remotely, has become a common feature of business computing. Telecommuting usually requires remote access, the ability of a distant client to establish a communication session with a network. Remote access can take the following forms (among others):
The first two examples use fully capable clients. They establish connections just as if they were directly connected to the LAN. In the last example, all computing activities occur on the terminal server system rather than on the distant client.
Telecommuting also usually involves telephone communications. Telephony is the collection of methods by which telephone services are provided to an organization or the mechanisms by which an organization uses telephone services for either voice and/or data communications. Traditionally, telephony included plain old telephone service (POTS)—also called public switched telephone network (PSTN)—combined with modems. However, private branch exchange (PBX), VoIP, and VPNs are commonly used for telephone communications as well.
POTS and PSTN refer to traditional landline telephone connections. POTS/PSTN connections were the only or primary remote network links for many businesses until high-speed, cost-effective, and ubiquitous access methods were available. POTS/PSTN also waned in use for home-user Internet connectivity once broadband and wireless services became more widely available. POTS/PSTN connections are sometimes still used as a backup option for remote connections when broadband solutions fail, as rural Internet and remote connections, and as standard voice lines when ISDN or VoIP are unavailable or not cost effective.
When remote access capabilities are deployed in any environment, security must be considered and implemented to provide protection for your private network against remote access complications:
It is important to establish secure communication channels before initiating the transmission of sensitive, valuable, or personal information. Remote access can pose several potential security concerns if not protected and monitored sufficiently:
When outlining your remote access security management strategy, be sure to address the following issues:
Remote Connectivity Technology Each type of connection has its own unique security issues. Fully examine every aspect of your connection options. This can include modems, DSL, ISDN, wireless networking, satellite, and cable modems.
Transmission Protection There are several forms of encrypted protocols, encrypted connection systems, and encrypted network services or applications. Use the appropriate combination of secured services for your remote connectivity needs. This can include VPNs, SSL, TLS, Secure Shell (SSH), IPSec, and L2TP.
Authentication Protection In addition to protecting data traffic, you must ensure that all logon credentials are properly secured. This requires the use of an authentication protocol and may mandate the use of a centralized remote access authentication system. This can include Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP, or its extensions PEAP or LEAP), Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), and Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+).
Remote User Assistance Remote access users may periodically require technical assistance. You must have a means established to provide this as efficiently as possible. This can include, for example, addressing software and hardware issues and user training issues. If an organization is unable to provide a reasonable solution for remote user technical support, it could result in loss of productivity, compromise of the remote system, or an overall breach of organizational security.
If it is difficult or impossible to maintain a similar level of security on a remote system as is maintained in the private LAN, remote access should be reconsidered in light of the security risks it represents. Network Access Control (NAC) can assist with this but may burden slower connections with large update and patch transfers.
The ability to use remote access or establish a remote connection should be tightly controlled. You can control and restrict the use of remote connectivity by means of filters, rules, or access controls based on user identity, workstation identity, protocol, application, content, and time of day.
To restrict remote access to only authorized users, you can use callback and caller ID. Callback is a mechanism that disconnects a remote user upon initial contact and then immediately attempts to reconnect to them using a predefined phone number (in other words, the number defined in the user account’s security database). Callback does have a user-defined mode. However, this mode is not used for security; it is used to reverse toll charges to the company rather than charging the remote client. Caller ID verification can be used for the same purpose as callback—by potentially verifying the physical location (via phone number) of the authorized user.
It should be a standard element in your security policy that no unauthorized modems be present on any system connected to the private network. You may need to further specify this policy by indicating that those with portable systems must either remove their modems before connecting to the network or boot with a hardware profile that disables the modem’s device driver.
When a remote connection link is established, a protocol must be used to govern how the link is actually created and to establish a common communication foundation over which other protocols can work. It is important to select protocols that support security whenever possible. At a minimum, a means to secure authentication is needed, but adding the option for data encryption is also preferred. The two primary examples of dial-up protocols, PPP and SLIP, provide link governance, not only for true dial-up links but also for some VPN links:
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) This is a full-duplex protocol used for transmitting TCP/IP packets over various non-LAN connections, such as modems, ISDN, VPNs, Frame Relay, and so on. PPP is widely supported and is the transport protocol of choice for dial-up Internet connections. PPP authentication is protected through the use of various protocols, such as CHAP and PAP. PPP is a replacement for SLIP and can support any LAN protocol, not just TCP/IP.
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) This is an older technology developed to support TCP/IP communications over asynchronous serial connections, such as serial cables or modem dial-up. SLIP is rarely used but is still supported on many systems. It can support only IP, requires static IP addresses, offers no error detection or correction, and does not support compression.
As remote access becomes a key element in an organization’s business functions, it is often important to add layers of security between remote clients and the private network. Centralized remote authentication services, such as RADIUS and TACACS+, provide this extra layer of protection. These mechanisms provide a separation of the authentication and authorization processes for remote clients that performed for LAN or local clients. The separation is important for security because if the RADIUS or TACACS+ servers are ever compromised, then only remote connectivity is affected, not the rest of the network.
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) This is used to centralize the authentication of remote dial-up connections. A network that employs a RADIUS server is configured so the remote access server passes dial-up user logon credentials to the RADIUS server for authentication. This process is similar to the process used by domain clients sending logon credentials to a domain controller for authentication.
Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS+) This is an alternative to RADIUS. TACACS is available in three versions: original TACACS, Extended TACACS (XTACACS), and TACACS+. TACACS integrates the authentication and authorization processes. XTACACS keeps the authentication, authorization, and accounting processes separate. TACACS+ improves XTACACS by adding two-factor authentication. TACACS+ is the most current and relevant version of this product line.
A virtual private network (VPN) is a communication tunnel that provides point-to-point transmission of both authentication and data traffic over an intermediary untrusted network. Most VPNs use encryption to protect the encapsulated traffic, but encryption is not necessary for the connection to be considered a VPN.
VPNs are most commonly associated with establishing secure communication paths through the Internet between two distant networks. However, they can exist anywhere, including within private networks or between end-user systems connected to an ISP. The VPN can link two networks or two individual systems. They can link clients, servers, routers, firewalls, and switches. VPNs are also helpful in providing security for legacy applications that rely on risky or vulnerable communication protocols or methodologies, especially when communication is across a network.
VPNs can provide confidentiality and integrity over insecure or untrusted intermediary networks. They do not provide or guarantee availability. VPNs also are in relatively widespread use to get around location requirements for services like Netflix and Hulu and thus provide a (at times questionable) level of anonymity.
Before you can truly understand VPNs, you must first understand tunneling. Tunneling is the network communications process that protects the contents of protocol packets by encapsulating them in packets of another protocol. The encapsulation is what creates the logical illusion of a communications tunnel over the untrusted intermediary network. This virtual path exists between the encapsulation and the de-encapsulation entities located at the ends of the communication.
In fact, sending a snail mail letter to your grandmother involves the use of a tunneling system. You create the personal letter (the primary content protocol packet) and place it in an envelope (the tunneling protocol). The envelope is delivered through the postal service (the untrusted intermediary network) to its intended recipient.You can use tunneling in many situations, such as when you’re bypassing firewalls, gateways, proxies, or other traffic control devices. The bypass is achieved by encapsulating the restricted content inside packets that are authorized for transmission. The tunneling process prevents the traffic control devices from blocking or dropping the communication because such devices don’t know what the packets actually contain.
Tunneling is often used to enable communications between otherwise disconnected systems. If two systems are separated by a lack of network connectivity, a communication link can be established by a modem dial-up link or other remote access or wide area network (WAN) networking service. The actual LAN traffic is encapsulated in whatever communication protocol is used by the temporary connection, such as Point-to-Point Protocol in the case of modem dial-up. If two networks are connected by a network employing a different protocol, the protocol of the separated networks can often be encapsulated within the intermediary network’s protocol to provide a communication pathway.
Regardless of the actual situation, tunneling protects the contents of the inner protocol and traffic packets by encasing, or wrapping, it in an authorized protocol used by the intermediary network or connection. Tunneling can be used if the primary protocol is not routable and to keep the total number of protocols supported on the network to a minimum.
If the act of encapsulating a protocol involves encryption, tunneling can provide a means to transport sensitive data across untrusted intermediary networks without fear of losing confidentiality and integrity.
Tunneling is not without its problems. It is generally an inefficient means of communicating because most protocols include their own error detection, error handling, acknowledgment, and session management features, so using more than one protocol at a time compounds the overhead required to communicate a single message. Furthermore, tunneling creates either larger packets or additional packets that in turn consume additional network bandwidth. Tunneling can quickly saturate a network if sufficient bandwidth is not available. In addition, tunneling is a point-to-point communication mechanism and is not designed to handle broadcast traffic. Tunneling also makes it difficult, if not impossible, to monitor the content of the traffic in some circumstances, creating issues for security practitioners.
A VPN link can be established over any other network communication connection. This could be a typical LAN cable connection, a wireless LAN connection, a remote access dial-up connection, a WAN link, or even a client using an Internet connection for access to an office LAN. A VPN link acts just like a typical direct LAN cable connection; the only possible difference would be speed based on the intermediary network and on the connection types between the client system and the server system. Over a VPN link, a client can perform the same activities and access the same resources as if they were directly connected via a LAN cable.
VPNs can connect two individual systems or two entire networks. The only difference is that the transmitted data is protected only while it is within the VPN tunnel. Remote access servers or firewalls on the network’s border act as the start points and endpoints for VPNs. Thus, traffic is unprotected within the source LAN, protected between the border VPN servers, and then unprotected again once it reaches the destination LAN.
VPN links through the Internet for connecting to distant networks are often inexpensive alternatives to direct links or leased lines. The cost of two high-speed Internet links to local ISPs to support a VPN is often significantly less than the cost of any other connection means available.
VPNs can be implemented using software or hardware solutions. In either case, there are four common VPN protocols: PPTP, L2F, L2TP, and IPSec. PPTP, L2F, and L2TP operate at the Data Link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. PPTP and IPSec are limited for use on IP networks, whereas L2F and L2TP can be used to encapsulate any LAN protocol.
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is an encapsulation protocol developed from the dial-up Point-to-Point Protocol. It operates at the Data Link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model and is used on IP networks. PPTP creates a point-to-point tunnel between two systems and encapsulates PPP packets. It offers protection for authentication traffic through the same authentication protocols supported by PPP:
The initial tunnel negotiation process used by PPTP is not encrypted. Thus, the session establishment packets that include the IP address of the sender and receiver—and can include usernames and hashed passwords—could be intercepted by a third party. PPTP is used on VPNs, but it is often replaced by the L2TP, which can use IPSec to provide traffic encryption for VPNs.
PPTP does not support TACACS+ and RADIUS.
Cisco developed its own VPN protocol called Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F), which is a mutual authentication tunneling mechanism. However, L2F does not offer encryption. L2F was not widely deployed and was soon replaced by L2TP. As their names suggest, both operate at layer 2. Both can encapsulate any LAN protocol.
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) was derived by combining elements from both PPTP and L2F. L2TP creates a point-to-point tunnel between communication endpoints. It lacks a built-in encryption scheme, but it typically relies on IPSec as its security mechanism. L2TP also supports TACACS+ and RADIUS. IPSec is commonly used as a security mechanism for L2TP.
The most commonly used VPN protocol is now IPSec. IP Security (IPSec) is both a stand-alone VPN protocol and the security mechanism for L2TP, and it can be used only for IP traffic. IPSec works only on IP networks and provides for secured authentication as well as encrypted data transmission. IPSec has two primary components, or functions:
Authentication Header (AH) AH provides authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation.
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) ESP provides encryption to protect the confidentiality of transmitted data, but it can also perform limited authentication. It operates at the Network layer (layer 3) and can be used in transport mode or tunnel mode. In transport mode, the IP packet data is encrypted but the header of the packet is not. In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet is encrypted and a new header is added to the packet to govern transmission through the tunnel.
Table 12.1 illustrates the main characteristics of VPN protocols.
Table 12.1 VPN characteristics
VPN Protocol | Native Authentication Protection | Native Data Encryption | Protocols Supported | Dial-Up Links Supported | Number of Simultaneous Connections |
PPTP | Yes | No | IP only | Yes | Single point-to-point |
L2F | Yes | No | IP only | Yes | Single point-to-point |
L2TP | Yes | No (can use IPSec) | Any | Yes | Single point-to-point |
IPSec | Yes | Yes | IP only | No | Multiple |
A VPN device is a network add-on device used to create VPN tunnels separately from server or client OSs. The use of the VPN devices is transparent to networked systems.
A virtual LAN (VLAN) is used for hardware-imposed network segmentation. VLANs are used to logically segment a network without altering its physical topology.
VLANs are created by switches. By default, all ports on a switch are part of VLAN #1. But as the switch administrator changes the VLAN assignment on a port-by-port basis, various ports can be grouped together and be distinct from other VLAN port designations. Thus, multiple logical network segments can be created on the same physical network.
Communication between ports within the same VLAN occurs without hindrance. Communication between VLANs can be denied or enabled using a routing function. Routing can be provided by an external router or by the internal software of the switch (suggested by the term multilayer switch).
VLAN management is the use of VLANs to control traffic for security or performance reasons. VLANs perform several traffic management functions, some of which are security related:
Another element of some VLAN deployments is that of port isolation or private ports. These are private VLANs that are configured to use a dedicated or reserved uplink port. The members of a private VLAN or a port-isolated VLAN can interact only with each other and over the predetermined exit port or uplink port. A common implementation of port isolation occurs in hotels. A hotel network can be configured so that the Ethernet ports in each room or suite are isolated on unique VLANs so that connections in the same unit can communicate, but connections between units cannot. However, all of these private VLANs have a path out to the Internet (i.e., the uplink port).
Virtualization technology is used to host one or more operating systems within the memory of a single host computer. This mechanism allows virtually any OS to operate on any hardware. Such an OS is also known as a guest operating system. From the perspective that there is an original or host OS installed directly on the computer hardware, the additional OSes hosted by the hypervisor system are guests. It also allows multiple operating systems to work simultaneously on the same hardware. Common examples include VMWare, Microsoft’s Virtual PC, Microsoft Virtual Server, Hyper-V with Windows Server 2008, VirtualBox, and Apple’s Parallels.
Virtualized servers and services are indistinguishable from traditional servers and services from a user’s perspective.
Virtualization has several benefits, such as being able to launch individual instances of servers or services as needed, real-time scalability, and being able to run the exact OS version needed for the needed application. Additionally, recovery from damaged, crashed, or corrupted virtual systems is often quick: Simply replace the virtual system’s main hard drive file with a clean backup version and then relaunch it.
In relation to security, virtualization offers several benefits. It is often easier and faster to make backups of entire virtual systems than the equivalent native hardware installed system. Plus, when there is an error or problem, the virtual system can be replaced by a backup in minutes. Malicious code compromise or infection of virtual systems rarely affects the host OS. This allows for safe testing and experimentation.
Virtualization is used for a wide variety of new architectures and system design solutions. Cloud computing is ultimately a form of virtualization (see Chapter 9, “Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures,” for more on cloud computing). Locally (or at least within an organization’s private infrastructure), virtualization can be used to host servers, client operating systems, limited user interfaces (i.e., virtual desktops), applications, and more.
A virtual application is a software product deployed in such a way that it is fooled into believing it is interacting with a full host OS. A virtual (or virtualized) application has been packaged or encapsulated to make it portable and able to operate without the full installation of its original host OS. A virtual application has enough of the original host OS included in its encapsulation bubble (technically called a virtual machine, or VM) that it operates/functions as if it was traditionally installed. Some forms of virtual applications are used as portable apps (short for applications) on USB drives. Other virtual applications are designed to be executed on alternate host OS platforms—for example, running a Windows application within a Linux OS.
The term virtual desktop refers to at least three different types of technology:
See Chapter 8, “Principles of Security Models, Design, and Capabilities,” and Chapter 9, “Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures,” for more information on virtualization as part of security architecture and design.
The concept of OS virtualization has given rise to other virtualization topics, such as virtualized networks. A virtualized network or network virtualization is the combination of hardware and software networking components into a single integrated entity. The resulting system allows for software control over all network functions: management, traffic shaping, address assignment, and so on. A single management console or interface can be used to oversee every aspect of the network, a task requiring physical presence at each hardware component in the past. Virtualized networks have become a popular means of infrastructure deployment and management by corporations worldwide. They allow organizations to implement or adapt other interesting network solutions, including software-defined networks, virtual SANs, guest operating systems, and port isolation.
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a unique approach to network operation, design, and management. The concept is based on the theory that the complexities of a traditional network with on-device configuration (i.e., routers and switches) often force an organization to stick with a single device vendor, such as Cisco, and limit the flexibility of the network to adapt to changing physical and business conditions. SDN aims at separating the infrastructure layer (i.e., hardware and hardware-based settings) from the control layer (i.e., network services of data transmission management). Furthermore, this also removes the traditional networking concepts of IP addressing, subnets, routing, and the like from needing to be programmed into or be deciphered by hosted applications.
SDN offers a new network design that is directly programmable from a central location, is flexible, is vendor neutral, and is open standards based. Using SDN frees an organization from having to purchase devices from a single vendor. It instead allows organizations to mix and match hardware as needed, such as to select the most cost-effective or highest throughput–rated devices regardless of vendor. The configuration and management of hardware are then controlled through a centralized management interface. In addition, the settings applied to the hardware can be changed and adjusted dynamically as needed.
Another way of thinking about SDN is that it is effectively network virtualization. It allows data transmission paths, communication decision trees, and flow control to be virtualized in the SDN control layer rather than being handled on the hardware on a per-device basis.
Another interesting development arising out of the concept of virtualized networks is that of a virtual SAN (storage area network). A SAN is a network technology that combines multiple individual storage devices into a single consolidated network-accessible storage container. A virtual SAN or a software-defined shared storage system is a virtual re-creation of a SAN on top of a virtualized network or an SDN.
The goals of hiding the identity of internal clients, masking the design of your private network, and keeping public IP address leasing costs to a minimum are all simple to achieve through the use of network address translation (NAT). NAT is a mechanism for converting the internal IP addresses found in packet headers into public IP addresses for transmission over the Internet.
NAT was developed to allow private networks to use any IP address set without causing collisions or conflicts with public Internet hosts with the same IP addresses. In effect, NAT translates the IP addresses of your internal clients to leased addresses outside your environment.
NAT offers numerous benefits, including the following:
NAT is part of a number of hardware devices and software products, including firewalls, routers, gateways, and proxies. It can be used only on IP networks and operates at the Network layer (layer 3).
The use of NAT has proliferated recently because of the increased scarcity of public IP addresses and security concerns. With only roughly 4 billion addresses (232) available in IPv4, the world has simply deployed more devices using IP than there are unique IP addresses available. Fortunately, the early designers of the Internet and TCP/IP had good foresight and put aside a few blocks of addresses for private, unrestricted use. These IP addresses, commonly called the private IP addresses, are defined in RFC 1918. They are as follows:
All routers and traffic-directing devices are configured by default not to forward traffic to or from these IP addresses. In other words, the private IP addresses are not routed by default. Thus, they cannot be directly used to communicate over the Internet. However, they can be easily used on private networks where routers are not employed or where slight modifications to router configurations are made. Using private IP addresses in conjunction with NAT greatly reduces the cost of connecting to the Internet by allowing fewer public IP addresses to be leased from an ISP.
NAT operates by maintaining a mapping between requests made by internal clients, a client’s internal IP address, and the IP address of the Internet service contacted. When a request packet is received by NAT from a client, it changes the source address in the packet from the client’s to the NAT server’s. This change is recorded in the NAT mapping database along with the destination address. Once a reply is received from the Internet server, NAT matches the reply’s source address to an address stored in its mapping database and then uses the linked client address to redirect the response packet to its intended destination. This process is known as stateful NAT because it maintains information about the communication sessions between clients and external systems.
NAT can operate on a one-to-one basis with only a single internal client able to communicate over one of its leased public IP addresses at a time. This type of configuration can result in a bottleneck if more clients attempt Internet access than there are public IP addresses. For example, if there are only five leased public IP addresses, the sixth client must wait until an address is released before its communications can be transmitted over the Internet. Other forms of NAT employ multiplexing techniques in which port numbers are used to allow the traffic from multiple internal clients to be managed on a single leased public IP address. Technically, this multiplexing form of NAT is known as port address translation (PAT) or overloaded NAT, but it seems that the industry still uses the term NAT to refer to this newer version.
You can use NAT in two modes: static and dynamic.
Static NAT Use static mode NAT when a specific internal client’s IP address is assigned a permanent mapping to a specific external public IP address. This allows for external entities to communicate with systems inside your network even if you are using RFC 1918 IP addresses.
Dynamic NAT Use dynamic mode NAT to grant multiple internal clients access to a few leased public IP addresses. Thus, a large internal network can still access the Internet without having to lease a large block of public IP addresses. This keeps public IP address usage abuse to a minimum and helps keep Internet access costs to a minimum.
In a dynamic mode NAT implementation, the NAT system maintains a database of mappings so that all response traffic from Internet services is properly routed to the original internal requesting client. Often NAT is combined with a proxy server or proxy firewall to provide additional Internet access and content-caching features.
NAT is not directly compatible with IPSec because it modifies packet headers, which IPSec relies on to prevent security violations. However, there are versions of NAT proxies designed to support IPSec over NAT. Specifically, NAT-Traversal (RFC 3947) was designed to support IPSec VPNs through the use of UDP encapsulation of IKE. IP Security (IPSec) is a standards-based mechanism for providing encryption for point-to-point TCP/IP traffic.
Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), aka link-local address assignment (defined in RFC 3927), assigns an IP address to a system in the event of a DHCP assignment failure. APIPA is primarily a feature of Windows. APIPA assigns each failed DHCP client with an IP address from the range of to along with the default Class B subnet mask of This allows the system to communicate with other APIPA-configured clients within the same broadcast domain but not with any system across a router or with a correctly assigned IP address.
APIPA is not usually directly concerned with security. However, it is still an important issue to understand. If you notice that a system is assigned an APIPA address instead of a valid network address, that indicates a problem. It could be as mundane as a bad cable or power failure on the DHCP server, but it could also be a symptom of a malicious attack on the DHCP server. You might be asked to decipher issues in a scenario where IP addresses are presented. You should be able to discern whether an address is a public address, an RFC 1918 private address, an APIPA address, or a loopback address.
When two systems (individual computers or LANs) are connected over multiple intermediary networks, the task of transmitting data packets from one to the other is a complex process. To simplify this task, switching technologies were developed. The first switching technology was circuit switching.
Circuit switching was originally developed to manage telephone calls over the public switched telephone network. In circuit switching, a dedicated physical pathway is created between the two communicating parties. Once a call is established, the links between the two parties remain the same throughout the conversation. This provides for fixed or known transmission times, a uniform level of quality, and little or no loss of signal or communication interruptions. Circuit-switching systems employ permanent, physical connections. However, the term permanent applies only to each communication session. The path is permanent throughout a single conversation. Once the path is disconnected, if the two parties communicate again, a different path may be assembled. During a single conversation, the same physical or electronic path is used throughout the communication and is used only for that one communication. Circuit switching grants exclusive use of a communication path to the current communication partners. Only after a session has been closed can a pathway be reused by another communication.
Eventually, as computer communications increased as opposed to voice communications, a new form of switching was developed. Packet switching occurs when the message or communication is broken up into small segments (usually fixed-length packets, depending on the protocols and technologies employed) and sent across the intermediary networks to the destination. Each segment of data has its own header that contains source and destination information. The header is read by each intermediary system and is used to route each packet to its intended destination. Each channel or communication path is reserved for use only while a packet is actually being transmitted over it. As soon as the packet is sent, the channel is made available for other communications.
Packet switching does not enforce exclusivity of communication pathways. It can be seen as a logical transmission technology because addressing logic dictates how communications traverse intermediary networks between communication partners. Table 12.2 compares circuit switching to packet switching.
Table 12.2 Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching
Circuit Switching | Packet Switching |
Constant traffic | Bursty traffic |
Fixed known delays | Variable delays |
Connection oriented | Connectionless |
Sensitive to connection loss | Sensitive to data loss |
Used primarily for voice | Used for any type of traffic |
In relation to security, there are a few potential issues to consider. A packet-switching system places data from different sources on the same physical connection. This could lend itself to disclosure, corruption, or eavesdropping. Proper connection management, traffic isolation, and usually encryption are needed to protect against shared physical pathway concerns. A benefit of packet-switching networks is that they are not as dependent on specific physical connections as circuit switching is. Thus, when or if a physical pathway is damaged or goes offline, an alternate path can be used to continue the data/packet delivery. A circuit-switching network is often interrupted by physical path violations.
A virtual circuit (also called a communication path) is a logical pathway or circuit created over a packet-switched network between two specific endpoints. Within packet-switching systems are two types of virtual circuits:
A PVC is like a dedicated leased line; the logical circuit always exists and is waiting for the customer to send data. A PVC is a predefined virtual circuit that is always available. The virtual circuit may be closed down when not in use, but it can be instantly reopened whenever needed. An SVC is more like a dial-up connection because a virtual circuit has to be created using the best paths currently available before it can be used and then disassembled after the transmission is complete. In either type of virtual circuit, when a data packet enters point A of a virtual circuit connection, that packet is sent directly to point B or the other end of the virtual circuit. However, the actual path of one packet may be different from the path of another packet from the same transmission. In other words, multiple paths may exist between point A and point B as the ends of the virtual circuit, but any packet entering at point A will end up at point B.
A PVC is like a two-way radio or walkie-talkie. Whenever communication is needed, you press the button and start talking; the radio reopens the predefined frequency automatically (that is, the virtual circuit). An SVC is more like a shortwave or ham radio. You must tune the transmitter and receiver to a new frequency every time you want to communicate with someone.
Wide area network links are used to connect distant networks, nodes, or individual devices together. This can improve communications and efficiency, but it can also place data at risk. Proper connection management and transmission encryption is needed to ensure a secure connection, especially over public network links. WAN links and long-distance connection technologies can be divided into two primary categories:
A dedicated line (also called a leased line or point-to-point link) is one that is indefinably and continually reserved for use by a specific customer (see Table 12.3). A dedicated line is always on and waiting for traffic to be transmitted over it. The link between the customer’s LAN and the dedicated WAN link is always open and established. A dedicated line connects two specific endpoints and only those two endpoints.
Table 12.3 Examples of dedicated lines
Technology | Connection Type | Speed |
Digital Signal Level 0 (DS-0) | Partial T1 | 64 Kbps up to 1.544 Mbps |
Digital Signal Level 1 (DS-1) | T1 | 1.544 Mbps |
Digital Signal Level 3 (DS-3) | T3 | 44.736 Mbps |
European digital transmission format 1 | El | 2.108 Mbps |
European digital transmission format 3 | E3 | 34.368 Mbps |
Cable modem or cable routers | 10+ Mbps |
A nondedicated line is one that requires a connection to be established before data transmission can occur. A nondedicated line can be used to connect with any remote system that uses the same type of nondedicated line.
Standard modems, DSL, and ISDN are examples of nondedicated lines. Digital subscriber line (DSL) is a technology that exploits the upgraded telephone network to grant consumers speeds from 144 Kbps to 6 Mbps (or more). There are numerous formats of DSL, such as ADSL, xDSL, CDSL, HDSL, SDSL, RASDSL, IDSL, and VDSL. Each format varies as to the specific downstream and upstream bandwidth provided.
The maximum distance a DSL line can be from a central office (that is, a specific type of distribution node of the telephone network) is approximately 1,000 meters.
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a fully digital telephone network that supports both voice and high-speed data communications. There are two standard classes, or formats, of ISDN service:
Numerous WAN connection technologies are available to companies that need communication services between multiple locations and even external partners. These WAN technologies vary greatly in cost and throughput. However, most share the common feature of being transparent to the connected LANs or systems. A WAN switch, specialized router, or border connection device provides all the interfacing needed between the network carrier service and a company’s LAN. The border connection device is called the channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU). These devices convert LAN signals into the format used by the WAN carrier network and vice versa. The CSU/DSU contains data terminal equipment/data circuit-terminating equipment (DTE/DCE), which provides the actual connection point for the LAN’s router (the DTE) and the WAN carrier network’s switch (the DCE). The CSU/DSU acts as a translator, a store-and-forward device, and a link conditioner. A WAN switch is simply a specialized version of a LAN switch that is constructed with a built-in CSU/DSU for a specific type of carrier network. There are many types of carrier networks, or WAN connection technologies, such as X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, and SMDS.
X.25 is an older packet-switching technology that was widely used in Europe. It uses permanent virtual circuits to establish specific point-to-point connections between two systems or networks. It is the predecessor to Frame Relay and operates in much the same fashion. However, X.25 use is declining because of its lower performance and throughput rates when compared to Frame Relay or ATM.
Like X.25, Frame Relay is a packet-switching technology that also uses PVCs (see the discussion of virtual circuits). However, unlike X.25, Frame Relay supports multiple PVCs over a single WAN carrier service connection. Frame Relay is a layer 2 connection mechanism that uses packet-switching technology to establish virtual circuits between communication endpoints. Unlike dedicated or leased lines, for which cost is based primarily on the distance between endpoints, Frame Relay’s cost is primarily based on the amount of data transferred. The Frame Relay network is a shared medium across which virtual circuits are created to provide point-to-point communications. All virtual circuits are independent of and invisible to each other.
A key concept related to Frame Relay is the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR is the guaranteed minimum bandwidth a service provider grants to its customers. It is usually significantly less than the actual maximum capability of the provider network. Each customer may have a different CIR established and defined in their contract. The service network provider may allow customers to exceed their CIR over short intervals when additional bandwidth is available. This is known as bandwidth on demand. (Although at first this might sound like an outstanding benefit, the reality is that the customer is charged a premium rate for the extra consumed bandwidth.) Frame Relay operates at layer 2 (the Data Link layer) of the OSI model as a connection-oriented packet-switching transmission technology.
Frame Relay requires the use of DTE/DCE at each connection point. The customer owns the DTE, which acts like a router or a switch and provides the customer’s network with access to the Frame Relay network. The Frame Relay service provider owns the DCE, which performs the actual transmission of data over the Frame Relay as well as establishing and maintaining the virtual circuit for the customer.
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a cell-switching WAN communication technology, as opposed to a packet-switching technology like Frame Relay. It fragments communications into fixed-length 53-byte cells. The use of fixed-length cells allows ATM to be very efficient and offer high throughputs. ATM can use either PVCs or SVCs. As with Frame Relay providers, ATM providers can guarantee a minimum bandwidth and a specific level of quality to their leased services. Customers can often consume additional bandwidth as needed when available on the service network for an additional pay-as-you-go fee. ATM is a connection-oriented packet-switching technology.
Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) is a connectionless packet-switching technology. Often, SMDS is used to connect multiple LANs to form a metropolitan area network (MAN) or a WAN. SMDS was often a preferred connection mechanism for linking remote LANs that communicate infrequently. SMDS supports high-speed bursty traffic and bandwidth on demand. It fragments data into small transmission cells. SMDS can be considered a forerunner to ATM because of the similar technologies used.
Some WAN connection technologies require additional specialized protocols to support various types of specialized systems or devices. Three of these protocols are SDLC, HDLC, and HSSI:
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) Synchronous Data Link Control is used on permanent physical connections of dedicated leased lines to provide connectivity for mainframes, such as IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) systems. SDLC uses polling, operates at OSI layer 2 (the Data Link layer), and is a bit-oriented synchronous protocol.
High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) High-Level Data Link Control is a refined version of SDLC designed specifically for serial synchronous connections. HDLC supports full-duplex communications and supports both point-to-point and multipoint connections. HDLC, like SDLC, uses polling and operates at OSI layer 2 (the Data Link layer). HDLC offers flow control and includes error detection and correction.
High Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) High Speed Serial Interface is a DTE/DCE interface standard that defines how multiplexors and routers connect to high-speed network carrier services such as ATM or Frame Relay. A multiplexor is a device that transmits multiple communications or signals over a single cable or virtual circuit. HSSI defines the electrical and physical characteristics of the interfaces or connection points and thus operates at OSI layer 1 (the Physical layer).
The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is an encapsulation protocol designed to support the transmission of IP traffic over dial-up or point-to-point links. PPP allows for multivendor interoperability of WAN devices supporting serial links. All dial-up and most point-to-point connections are serial in nature (as opposed to parallel). PPP includes a wide range of communication services, including the assignment and management of IP addresses, management of synchronous communications, standardized encapsulation, multiplexing, link configuration, link quality testing, error detection, and feature or option negotiation (such as compression).
PPP was originally designed to support CHAP and PAP for authentication. However, recent versions of PPP also support MS-CHAP, EAP, and SPAP. PPP can also be used to support Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) and DECnet protocols. PPP is an Internet standard documented in RFC 1661. It replaced the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). SLIP offered no authentication, supported only half-duplex communications, had no error-detection capabilities, and required manual link establishment and teardown.
When you’re selecting or deploying security controls for network communications, you need to evaluate numerous characteristics in light of your circumstances, capabilities, and security policy. We discuss these issues in the following sections.
Just as the name implies, transparency is the characteristic of a service, security control, or access mechanism that ensures that it is unseen by users. Transparency is often a desirable feature for security controls. The more transparent a security mechanism is, the less likely a user will be able to circumvent it or even be aware that it exists. With transparency, there is a lack of direct evidence that a feature, service, or restriction exists, and its impact on performance is minimal.
In some cases, transparency may need to function more as a configurable feature than as a permanent aspect of operation, such as when an administrator is troubleshooting, evaluating, or tuning a system’s configurations.
To verify the integrity of a transmission, you can use a checksum called a hash total. A hash function is performed on a message or a packet before it is sent over the communication pathway. The hash total obtained is added to the end of the message and is called the message digest. Once the message is received, the hash function is performed by the destination system, and the result is compared to the original hash total. If the two hash totals match, then there is a high level of certainty that the message has not been altered or corrupted during transmission. Hash totals are similar to cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) in that they both act as integrity tools. In most secure transaction systems, hash functions are used to guarantee communication integrity.
Record sequence checking is similar to a hash total check; however, instead of verifying content integrity, it verifies packet or message sequence integrity. Many communications services employ record sequence checking to verify that no portions of a message were lost and that all elements of the message are in their proper order.
Transmission logging is a form of auditing focused on communications. Transmission logging records the particulars about source, destination, time stamps, identification codes, transmission status, number of packets, size of message, and so on. These pieces of information may be useful in troubleshooting problems and tracking down unauthorized communications or used against a system as a means to extract data about how it functions.
Transmission error correction is a capability built into connection- or session-oriented protocols and services. If it is determined that a message, in whole or in part, was corrupted, altered, or lost, a request can be made for the source to resend all or part of the message. Retransmission controls determine whether all or part of a message is retransmitted in the event that a transmission error correction system discovers a problem with a communication. Retransmission controls can also determine whether multiple copies of a hash total or CRC value are sent and whether multiple data paths or communication channels are employed.
A security boundary is the line of intersection between any two areas, subnets, or environments that have different security requirements or needs. A security boundary exists between a high-security area and a low-security one, such as between a LAN and the Internet. It is important to recognize the security boundaries both on your network and in the physical world. Once you identify a security boundary, you need to deploy mechanisms to control the flow of information across those boundaries.
Divisions between security areas can take many forms. For example, objects may have different classifications. Each classification defines what functions can be performed by which subjects on which objects. The distinction between classifications is a security boundary.
Security boundaries also exist between the physical environment and the logical environment. To provide logical security, you must provide security mechanisms that are different from those used to provide physical security. Both must be present to provide a complete security structure, and both must be addressed in a security policy. However, they are different and must be assessed as separate elements of a security solution.
Security boundaries, such as a perimeter between a protected area and an unprotected one, should always be clearly defined. It’s important to state in a security policy the point at which control ends or begins and to identify that point in both the physical and logical environments. Logical security boundaries are the points where electronic communications interface with devices or services for which your organization is legally responsible. In most cases, that interface is clearly marked, and unauthorized subjects are informed that they do not have access and that attempts to gain access will result in prosecution.
The security perimeter in the physical environment is often a reflection of the security perimeter of the logical environment. In most cases, the area over which the organization is legally responsible determines the reach of a security policy in the physical realm. This can be the walls of an office, the walls of a building, or the fence around a campus. In secured environments, warning signs are posted indicating that unauthorized access is prohibited and attempts to gain access will be thwarted and result in prosecution.
When transforming a security policy into actual controls, you must consider each environment and security boundary separately. Simply deduce what available security mechanisms would provide the most reasonable, cost-effective, and efficient solution for a specific environment and situation. However, all security mechanisms must be weighed against the value of the objects they are to protect. Deploying countermeasures that cost more than the value of the protected objects is unwarranted.
Communication systems are vulnerable to attacks in much the same way any other aspect of the IT infrastructure is vulnerable. Understanding the threats and possible countermeasures is an important part of securing an environment. Any activity or condition that can cause harm to data, resources, or personnel must be addressed and mitigated if possible. Keep in mind that harm includes more than just destruction or damage; it also includes disclosure, access delay, denial of access, fraud, resource waste, resource abuse, and loss. Common threats against communication system security include denial of service, eavesdropping, impersonation, replay, and modification.
A denial-of-service attack is a resource consumption attack that has the primary goal of preventing legitimate activity on a victimized system. A DoS attack renders the target unable to respond to legitimate traffic.
There are two basic forms of denial of service:
In either case, the victim has been denied the ability to perform normal operations (services).
DoS isn’t a single attack but rather an entire class of attacks. Some attacks exploit flaws in operating system software, whereas others focus on installed applications, services, or protocols. Some attacks exploit specific protocols, including Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
DoS attacks typically occur between one attacker and one victim. However, they aren’t always that simple. Most DoS attacks employ some form of intermediary system (usually an unwilling and unknowing participant) to hide the attacker from the victim. For example, if an attacker sends attack packets directly to a victim, it’s possible for the victim to discover who the attacker is. This is made more difficult, although not impossible, through the use of spoofing (described in more detail elsewhere in this chapter).
Many DoS attacks begin by compromising or infiltrating one or more intermediary systems that then serve as launch points or attack platforms. These intermediary systems are commonly referred to as secondary victims. The attacker installs remote-control tools, often called bots, zombies, or agents, onto these systems. Then, at an appointed time or in response to a launch command from the attacker, the DoS attack is conducted against the victim. The victim may be able to discover zombied systems that are causing the DoS attack but probably won’t be able to track down the actual attacker. Attacks involving zombied systems are known as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Deployments of numerous bots or zombies across numerous unsuspecting secondary victims have become known as botnets.
Here are some countermeasures and safeguards against these attacks:
For further discussion of DoS and DDoS, see Chapter 17, “Preventing and Responding to Incidents.”
As the name suggests, eavesdropping is simply listening to communication traffic for the purpose of duplicating it. The duplication can take the form of recording data to a storage device or using an extraction program that dynamically attempts to extract the original content from the traffic stream. Once a copy of traffic content is in the hands of an attacker, they can often extract many forms of confidential information, such as usernames, passwords, process procedures, data, and so on.
Eavesdropping usually requires physical access to the IT infrastructure to connect a physical recording device to an open port or cable splice or to install a software-recording tool onto the system. Eavesdropping is often facilitated by the use of a network traffic capture or monitoring program or a protocol analyzer system (often called a sniffer). Eavesdropping devices and software are usually difficult to detect because they are used in passive attacks. When eavesdropping or wiretapping is transformed into altering or injecting communications, the attack is considered an active attack.
You can combat eavesdropping by maintaining physical access security to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing your IT infrastructure. As for protecting communications that occur outside your network or for protecting against internal attackers, using encryption (such as IPSec or SSH) and one-time authentication methods (that is, one-time pads or token devices) on communication traffic will greatly reduce the effectiveness and timeliness of eavesdropping.
The common threat of eavesdropping is one of the primary motivations to maintain reliable communications security. While data is in transit, it is often easier to intercept than when it is in storage. Furthermore, the lines of communication may lie outside your organization’s control. Thus, reliable means to secure data while in transit outside your internal infrastructure are of utmost importance. Some of the common network health and communication reliability evaluation and management tools, such as sniffers, can be used for nefarious purposes and thus require stringent controls and oversight to prevent abuse.
Impersonation, or masquerading, is the act of pretending to be someone or something you are not to gain unauthorized access to a system. This usually implies that authentication credentials have been stolen or falsified in order to satisfy (i.e., successfully bypass) authentication mechanisms. This is different from spoofing, where an entity puts forth a false identity but without any proof (such as falsely using an IP address, MAC addresses, email address, system name, domain name, etc.). Impersonation is often possible through the capture of usernames and passwords or of session setup procedures for network services.
Some solutions to prevent impersonation are using one-time pads and token authentication systems, using Kerberos, and using encryption to increase the difficulty of extracting authentication credentials from network traffic.
Replay attacks are an offshoot of impersonation attacks and are made possible through capturing network traffic via eavesdropping. Replay attacks attempt to reestablish a communication session by replaying captured traffic against a system. You can prevent them by using one-time authentication mechanisms and sequenced session identification.
In modification attacks, captured packets are altered and then played against a system. Modified packets are designed to bypass the restrictions of improved authentication mechanisms and session sequencing. Countermeasures to modification replay attacks include using digital signature verifications and packet checksum verification.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a subprotocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite and operates at the Network layer (layer 3). ARP is used to discover the MAC address of a system by polling using its IP address. ARP functions by broadcasting a request packet with the target IP address. The system with that IP address (or some other system that already has an ARP mapping for it) will reply with the associated MAC address. The discovered IP-to-MAC mapping is stored in the ARP cache and is used to direct packets.
ARP mappings can be attacked through spoofing. Spoofing provides false MAC addresses for requested IP-addressed systems to redirect traffic to alternate destinations. ARP attacks are often an element in man-in-the-middle attacks. Such attacks involve an intruder’s system spoofing its MAC address against the destination’s IP address into the source’s ARP cache. All packets received from the source system are inspected and then forwarded to the actual intended destination system. You can take measures to fight ARP attacks, such as defining static ARP mappings for critical systems, monitoring ARP caches for MAC-to-IP-address mappings, or using an IDS to detect anomalies in system traffic and changes in ARP traffic.
DNS poisoning and DNS spoofing are also known as resolution attacks. DNS poisoning occurs when an attacker alters the domain-name-to-IP-address mappings in a DNS system to redirect traffic to a rogue system or to simply perform a denial-of-service against a system. DNS spoofing occurs when an attacker sends false replies to a requesting system, beating the real reply from the valid DNS server. This is also technically an exploitation of race conditions. Protections against false DNS results caused by poisoning and spoofing include allowing only authorized changes to DNS, restricting zone transfers, and logging all privileged DNS activity.
In 2008, a fairly significant vulnerability was discovered and disclosed to the world by Dan Kaminsky. The vulnerability lies in the method by which local or caching DNS servers obtain information from root servers regarding the identity of the authoritative servers for a particular domain. By sending falsified replies to a caching DNS server for nonexistent subdomains, an attacker can hijack the entire domain’s resolution details. For an excellent detailed explanation on how DNS works and how this vulnerability threatens the current DNS infrastructure, visit “An Illustrated Guide to the Kaminsky DNS Vulnerability” located at
The only real solution to this DNS hijacking vulnerability is to upgrade DNS to Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). For details, please visit
Yet another related attack is hyperlink spoofing, which is similar to DNS spoofing in that it is used to redirect traffic to a rogue or imposter system or to simply divert traffic away from its intended destination. Hyperlink spoofing can take the form of DNS spoofing or can simply be an alteration of the hyperlink URLs in the HTML code of documents sent to clients. Hyperlink spoofing attacks are usually successful because most users do not verify the domain name in a URL via DNS; rather, they assume that the hyperlink is valid and just click it.
Protections against hyperlink spoofing include the same precautions used against DNS spoofing as well as keeping your system patched and using the Internet with caution.
Remote access security management requires security system designers to address the hardware and software components of the implementation along with policy issues, work task issues, and encryption issues. This includes deployment of secure communication protocols. Secure authentication for both local and remote connections is an important foundational element of overall security.
Maintaining control over communication pathways is essential to supporting confidentiality, integrity, and availability for network, voice, and other forms of communication. Numerous attacks are focused on intercepting, blocking, or otherwise interfering with the transfer of data from one location to another. Fortunately, there are also reasonable countermeasures to reduce or even eliminate many of these threats.
Tunneling, or encapsulation, is a means by which messages in one protocol can be transported over another network or communications system using a second protocol. Tunneling can be combined with encryption to provide security for the transmitted message. VPNs are based on encrypted tunneling.
A VLAN is a hardware-imposed network segmentation created by switches. VLANs are used to logically segment a network without altering its physical topology. VLANs are used for traffic management.
Telecommuting, or remote connectivity, has become a common feature of business computing. When remote access capabilities are deployed in any environment, security must be considered and implemented to provide protection for your private network against remote access complications. Remote access users should be stringently authenticated before being granted access; this can include the use of RADIUS or TACACS. Remote access services include Voice over IP (VoIP), multimedia collaboration, and instant messaging.
NAT is used to hide the internal structure of a private network as well as to enable multiple internal clients to gain Internet access through a few public IP addresses. NAT is often a native feature of border security devices, such as firewalls, routers, gateways, and proxies.
In circuit switching, a dedicated physical pathway is created between the two communicating parties. Packet switching occurs when the message or communication is broken up into small segments (usually fixed-length packets, depending on the protocols and technologies employed) and sent across the intermediary networks to the destination. Within packet-switching systems are two types of communication: paths and virtual circuits. A virtual circuit is a logical pathway or circuit created over a packet-switched network between two specific endpoints. There are two types of virtual circuits: permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs).
WAN links, or long-distance connection technologies, can be divided into two primary categories: dedicated and nondedicated lines. A dedicated line connects two specific endpoints and only those two endpoints. A nondedicated line is one that requires a connection to be established before data transmission can occur. A nondedicated line can be used to connect with any remote system that uses the same type of nondedicated line. WAN connection technologies include X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, SMDS, SDLC, HDLC, and HSSI.
When selecting or deploying security controls for network communications, you need to evaluate numerous characteristics in light of your circumstances, capabilities, and security policy. Security controls should be transparent to users. Hash totals and CRC checks can be used to verify message integrity. Record sequences are used to ensure sequence integrity of a transmission. Transmission logging helps detect communication abuses.
Virtualization technology is used to host one or more operating systems within the memory of a single host computer. This mechanism allows virtually any OS to operate on any hardware. It also allows multiple operating systems to work simultaneously on the same hardware. Virtualization offers several benefits, such as being able to launch individual instances of servers or services as needed, real-time scalability, and being able to run the exact OS version needed for the application.
Internet-based email is insecure unless you take steps to secure it. To secure email, you should provide for nonrepudiation, restrict access to authorized users, make sure integrity is maintained, authenticate the message source, verify delivery, and even classify sensitive content. These issues must be addressed in a security policy before they can be implemented in a solution. They often take the form of acceptable use policies, access controls, privacy declarations, email management procedures, and backup and retention policies.
Email is a common delivery mechanism for malicious code. Filtering attachments, using antivirus software, and educating users are effective countermeasures against that kind of attack. Email spamming or flooding is a form of denial of service that can be deterred through filters and IDSs. Email security can be improved using S/MIME, MOSS, PEM, and PGP.
Fax and voice security can be improved by using encryption to protect the transmission of documents and prevent eavesdropping. Training users effectively is a useful countermeasure against social engineering attacks.
A security boundary can be the division between one secured area and another secured area, or it can be the division between a secured area and an unsecured area. Both must be addressed in a security policy.
Communication systems are vulnerable to many attacks, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), eavesdropping, impersonation, replay, modification, spoofing, and ARP and DNS attacks. Fortunately, effective countermeasures exist for each of these. PBX fraud and abuse and phone phreaking are problems that must also be addressed.
Understand the issues around remote access security management. Remote access security management requires that security system designers address the hardware and software components of an implementation along with issues related to policy, work tasks, and encryption.
Be familiar with the various protocols and mechanisms that may be used on LANs and WANs for data communications. These are SKIP, SWIPE, SSL, SET, PPP, SLIP, CHAP, PAP, EAP, and S-RPC. They can also include VPN, TLS/SSL, and VLAN.
Know what tunneling is. Tunneling is the encapsulation of a protocol-deliverable message within a second protocol. The second protocol often performs encryption to protect the message contents.
Understand VPNs. VPNs are based on encrypted tunneling. They can offer authentication and data protection as a point-to-point solution. Common VPN protocols are PPTP, L2F, L2TP, and IPSec.
Be able to explain NAT. NAT protects the addressing scheme of a private network, allows the use of the private IP addresses, and enables multiple internal clients to obtain Internet access through a few public IP addresses. NAT is supported by many security border devices, such as firewalls, routers, gateways, and proxies.
Understand the difference between packet switching and circuit switching. In circuit switching, a dedicated physical pathway is created between the two communicating parties. Packet switching occurs when the message or communication is broken up into small segments and sent across the intermediary networks to the destination. Within packet-switching systems are two types of communication paths, or virtual circuits: permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs).
Understand the difference between dedicated and nondedicated lines. A dedicated line is always on and is reserved for a specific customer. Examples of dedicated lines include T1, T3, E1, E3, and cable modems. A nondedicated line requires a connection to be established before data transmission can occur. It can be used to connect with any remote system that uses the same type of nondedicated line. Standard modems, DSL, and ISDN are examples of nondedicated lines.
Know various issues related to remote access security. Be familiar with remote access, dial-up connections, screen scrapers, virtual applications/desktops, and general telecommuting security concerns.
Know the various types of WAN technologies. Know that most WAN technologies require a channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU), sometimes called a WAN switch. There are many types of carrier networks and WAN connection technologies, such as X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, and SMDS. Some WAN connection technologies require additional specialized protocols to support various types of specialized systems or devices. Three of these protocols are SDLC, HDLC, and HSSI.
Understand the differences between PPP and SLIP. The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is an encapsulation protocol designed to support the transmission of IP traffic over dial-up or point-to-point links. PPP includes a wide range of communication services, including assignment and management of IP addresses, management of synchronous communications, standardized encapsulation, multiplexing, link configuration, link quality testing, error detection, and feature or option negotiation (such as compression). PPP was originally designed to support CHAP and PAP for authentication. However, recent versions of PPP also support MS-CHAP, EAP, and SPAP. PPP replaced Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). SLIP offered no authentication, supported only half-duplex communications, had no error-detection capabilities, and required manual link establishment and teardown.
Understand common characteristics of security controls. Security controls should be transparent to users. Hash totals and CRC checks can be used to verify message integrity. Record sequences are used to ensure sequence integrity of a transmission. Transmission logging helps detect communication abuses.
Understand how email security works. Internet email is based on SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. It is inherently insecure. It can be secured, but the methods used must be addressed in a security policy. Email security solutions include using S/MIME, MOSS, PEM, or PGP.
Know how fax security works. Fax security is primarily based on using encrypted transmissions or encrypted communication lines to protect the faxed materials. The primary goal is to prevent interception. Activity logs and exception reports can be used to detect anomalies in fax activity that could be symptoms of attack.
Know the threats associated with PBX systems and the countermeasures to PBX fraud. Countermeasures to PBX fraud and abuse include many of the same precautions you would employ to protect a typical computer network: logical or technical controls, administrative controls, and physical controls.
Understand the security issues related to VoIP. VoIP is at risk for caller ID spoofing, vishing, SPIT, call manager software/firmware attacks, phone hardware attacks, DoS, MitM, spoofing, and switch hopping.
Recognize what a phreaker is. Phreaking is a specific type of attack in which various types of technology are used to circumvent the telephone system to make free long-distance calls, to alter the function of telephone service, to steal specialized services, or even to cause service disruptions. Common tools of phreakers include black, red, blue, and white boxes.
Understand voice communications security. Voice communications are vulnerable to many attacks, especially as voice communications become an important part of network services. You can obtain confidentiality by using encrypted communications. Countermeasures must be deployed to protect against interception, eavesdropping, tapping, and other types of exploitation. Be familiar with voice communication topics, such as POTS, PSTN, PBX, and VoIP.
Be able to explain what social engineering is. Social engineering is a means by which an unknown person gains the trust of someone inside your organization by convincing employees that they are, for example, associated with upper management, technical support, or the help desk. The victim is often encouraged to make a change to their user account on the system, such as reset their password, so the attacker can use it to gain access to the network. The primary countermeasure for this sort of attack is user training.
Explain the concept of security boundaries. A security boundary can be the division between one secured area and another secured area. It can also be the division between a secured area and an unsecured area. Both must be addressed in a security policy.
Understand the various network attacks and countermeasures associated with communications security. Communication systems are vulnerable to many attacks, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), eavesdropping, impersonation, replay, modification, spoofing, and ARP and DNS attacks. Be able to supply effective countermeasures for each.
______________________ is a layer 2 connection mechanism that uses packet-switching technology to establish virtual circuits between the communication endpoints.
Tunnel connections can be established over all except for which of the following?
____________________ is a standards-based mechanism for providing encryption for point-to-point TCP/IP traffic.
Which of the following IP addresses is not a private IP address as defined by RFC 1918?
Which of the following cannot be linked over a VPN?
What is needed to allow an external client to initiate a communication session with an internal system if the network uses a NAT proxy?
Which of the following VPN protocols do not offer native data encryption? (Choose all that apply.)
At which OSI model layer does the IPSec protocol function?
Which of the following is not defined in RFC 1918 as one of the private IP address ranges that are not routed on the Internet?
Which of the following is not a benefit of NAT?
A significant benefit of a security control is when it goes unnoticed by users. What is this called?
When you’re designing a security system for Internet-delivered email, which of the following is least important?
Which of the following is typically not an element that must be discussed with end users in regard to email retention policies?
What is it called when email itself is used as an attack mechanism?
Why is spam so difficult to stop?
Which of the following is a type of connection that can be described as a logical circuit that always exists and is waiting for the customer to send data?
In addition to maintaining an updated system and controlling physical access, which of the following is the most effective countermeasure against PBX fraud and abuse?
Which of the following can be used to bypass even the best physical and logical security mechanisms to gain access to a system?
Which of the following is not a denial-of-service attack?
What authentication protocol offers no encryption or protection for logon credentials?