It is over 13 years since The National Autistic Society contacted me and asked if I would write an information leaflet for partners who were in a relationship with an adult with Asperger syndrome. The leaflet rapidly grew into a book as I found there was so much information that I wanted to give.
Finding any research at the time was impossible, because there was none. I had already discovered during the course of my degree that there was simply nothing out there written about relationships. No one had ever researched into the area of couples when one partner was on the autism spectrum – many professionals still held the belief that people with Asperger syndrome did not marry or even form relationships. How wrong they were!
I managed to obtain 35 completed questionnaires from female partners of men with Asperger syndrome. In addition to this I was able to interview four adults with Asperger syndrome, three males and one female. The first edition was based on this research and my work as a couples counsellor.
Since 1998 I have specialised in counselling individuals, couples and families who are affected by Asperger syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and have worked with hundreds of clients. The one thing that has stayed consistent is the importance of acceptance, support and understanding which can make the difference between whether a couple stays together or not. The aim of this book is to offer a ray of hope to the non-Asperger partner and to offer them understanding and support in their endeavours to make sense of both their partner and their relationship.
The main body of this book has remained unchanged in this second edition. I have updated relevant information and also added information for men in relationships with Asperger women and those in gay, lesbian and transgendered relationships. I have also added short sections on denial, respect, sensory sensitivity and motherhood. This information was not available at the time of writing the first edition.
The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome was the first book written and published for partners in a relationship with someone on the autism spectrum…its purpose remains the same, to offer hope.