I must start by thanking my lovely Sarah. From reading early drafts to giving me advice on the cover and providing me with the freedom to write a book, thank you so much.
To Chris St. Myers, thank you for keeping me engaged and happy under your leadership while I was conducting deep threat intelligence research into cyber espionage. The experience was essential for me to saliently capture the minds of cyber espionage threat actors. You never stopped me; you only encouraged me and taught me many things along the way.
I’m eternally grateful to the US Army TRADOC cadre and DET-MEADE, who recognized my potential and placed me into the first cyberwarfare class and unit. This unique experience was especially formative for my understanding of cybersecurity and operator tradecraft.
A very special thanks to Antony Cummins and his team for translating the ninja scrolls and making them available to the English-speaking world. It is because of your efforts and infectious passion for the ninja that I found the inspiration to write this book.
To everyone at No Starch Press who helped improve the manuscript and make it into a book I am proud of, thank you.
Finally, thank you to all those who have been a part of my cybersecurity journey. Learning from other cybersecurity professionals has been a pleasure and has greatly enriched my overall knowledge and understanding of cybersecurity and threats. I needed every bit of it to write this book.