
Chapter 56


Fifteen hundred miles to the southeast, Darcy was trying her best to appear optimistic, but inwardly she was apprehensive and churning.

She was in a dilemma.

If she performed poorly, she would be forgotten immediately. Then her whole mission would be in jeopardy. She would have to find another way and that would take valuable time. The clock was ticking. It would take years to mount an operation to divert one or both of the meteoroids and they just didn’t have that much time. On the other hand, if she performed well enough to attract notice, how would she go about getting the help needed?

The one thing she most dreaded about competition was the crowd of spectators that other athletes welcomed to spur their performances. So far, her track record with large groups of people had been anything but happy. And she knew this time would be no better.

At least Hleo had come through.

After his brief acknowledgement of her first message, she had emailed him the data the doctors had collected on her. Twenty-four hours later he had sent a reply mentioning synapses, energy conversion, and other abstruse things that she could barely follow. He recommended that she ingest several enzymes, and described their molecular structure.

Dr. Hashmi, the sports doctor, seemed dubious about her request for them, claiming rather haughtily never to have heard of nutritional supplements like those.

By nature and recent experience, Darcy was inclined to maintain a low profile. Yet this time she made the biggest scene of which she was capable, throwing a regular hissy fit.

Alarmed by her reaction, the doctor finally agreed to consult with some pharmacologists to see what could be arranged.

Two days later he presented her with an express package containing several preparations which were as close to the compounds she had requested as could be found. He said he couldn't speak for what they might do for her or to her, but he was sure they were not the kinds of things that would present problems on drug tests. Just in case, there would be time to confirm that in the week or so before Darcy left with the team for Ireland.

Using Hleo's recommendations for dosage, she began taking the enzymes.

She was not sleeping well. It would have helped if only she had someone nearby she trusted and could confide in—someone who would keep a protective eye on her in return.

It was a novel feeling.

Darcy had lived a long, long time with no friends at all and no particular need of any. But given her current predicament in this unfamiliar, dangerous world, a friend to share her burden would have been a great comfort.

Life here was so complicated!

Cheryl qualified. Cheryl missed nothing and never failed to say what she thought. But she was far away and concentrating on her own training program. Matt had so far proven trustworthy and willing to help every time she had asked. Sadly, he too was far away and involved in his own affairs. Even so, he was good company, and often in her thoughts.

For now, there was no choice but to struggle along by herself.