alektorophobia, 22
Ameraucana Cross hen, 66
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC), 22
American Poultry Association, 22
American Standard of Excellence, 22
American Standard of Perfection, 42
amprolium, 101
antibiotic residues, in meat, impacts, 101
Araucana Cross hen, 165
arsenic levels, in meat, 101
artificial hatching, dangers with, 58–59
Australorps, 45
availability in United States, 39
Ayam Bekisar, 22
Bantam Belgian D’Uccle rooster, 202
“Barnyard Classic” chick, 47–48, 184
Barred Plymouth Rock hen, 165
Barred Plymouth Rock rooster, 9
Barred Silver Cross cockerel meat bird, 137
Black Sex-Link hen, 34, 37, 126, 161
Black Star cross hen, 36, 94, 114, 160, 167
blastoderm, 49
bleaching, 125
breakfast egg dishes
poached eggs, 174
poached eggs with mango salsa, 174–175
breaking up, a broody hen, 127
breastbone, in mature birds, 19
breeder ration, 46
brining, of meat, 190
Broiled Chinese Black Fowl in Dark Soy Sauce, 197–198
brooder box, environment conditions, 72–73
broodiness, 39
brood patch, 43
broody hens, 43
in commercial laying strains, 126–127
considerations, 45
number of eggs set under, 44–45
supervision of, 46
Buff Orpington/Barred Rock cross pullet, 82
Buff Orpington/Plymouth Rock cross pullet, 64–65
Buff Orpington pullet roost, 36
butchering steps, for processing birds at home
neck removal, 152
pithing, 151
removal of nub and oil sacs, 153
removing other organs, 154
storing of processed bird, 154–155
tools, 150
Buttermilk Doughnuts, 182
candling of eggs, 54
canning, of meat, 188
catching, of timid hens, 123–124
catching hook, 123
Cheddar Corn Fritters, 180–181
Chicken Livers with Ramps, Raisins, and Rhubarb, 192
chicken meat consumption, in the United States, 18
chicken meat production, in the United
States, 17
benefits of keeping, 22
egg color, 38
productivity, 38
recognized by, 38
type, 38
clipping, of wings, 124
cloaca, 46
cloacal kiss, 46
coccidiosis, 227
coccidiostats, 101
comb, in mature birds, 19
types, 39
commercial poultry barnes, 136–137
conservation status, 39
Cornish Rock Cross meat birds, 37, 70–71, 74, 96, 187
cracked eggs, 48
Crazy Chick Disease, 223
Crêpes, 175
crop impaction, 217
cryo-vac machines, 186
Cuckoo Marans hen, 66
cutting, of whole chicken, 188–189
day-old chicks, raising of, 61
domestication, 18
Dorking breed, 35
dual-purpose breeds, 35
Eggnog, 176
Benedict, 175
color, 38
freezing, 168
pickling, 169
problems with abnormal shells, 118–119
abnormal yolks, 119
sauces, condiments, and dressings, 182–183
water-glassing, 166
egg tooth, 57
evolution theory, 18
exhibition, of poultry
preparing the bird for cooping, 210
preparing the chicken for show, 208–209
raising a winning bird, 206–207
eyes, in mature birds, 19
fancy poultry, 18
Fat Rooster Farm Pickled Eggs, 170–171
feeding, of chickens
additives in feed, 101
carbohydrates and fats, 102
by commercial poultry growers, 101
delayed, 109
of eggshells, 112
feeders, 108
with forage or garden surplus, 109
health problems due to additives, 101
laying chicks vs. meat chicks, 109–110
maximum feed conversion efficiency, 101
nutrient requirements, 102
proteins, 102
trade-offs, 109
water, 102
fishing scoop net, 124
flock’s average production, 132
Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, 177–178
Frizzles, 45
Gallus domesticus, 18
Gallus varius (Green Jungle Fowl), 22
Ground Pork with Salted Egg, 172
Haam Daan. see Salty Eggs
Haam Daan Ju Yoke Beng. see Ground Pork with Salted Egg
hardiness, 39
heart rate, of chickens, 17
heritage-breed chickens, 126, 131
heritage breeds, 22
housing of chickens
doors, 90
five or six to three weeks of age, 74–78
floors, 90
one to five days old, 74
pastured poultry, 80
from predators
space limits, 73
transitioning of chicks from a pen, 76–77
incubator hatching
artificial methods, ancient times, 51
temperature and humidity conditions, 52–53, 56
turning of eggs, 55
ventilation, 55
Itlog Na Maalat. see Salty Eggs
Java breed, 35
Jersey Giant, 35
Kai-kem. see Salty Eggs
killing cone, 149
Lasalucid, 101
broody hens in commercial laying strains, 126–127
introduction of fresh birds, 129–130
physiological characteristics of, 125
legs, in mature birds, 19
light, importance to breeding, 47
Marek’s disease, 224
Mayonnaise, 183
Mean Rooster Stew (Coq au Vin), 193–195
breed chart, 39
storing of
brining, 190
canning, 188
cutting of whole chicken, 188–189
meat birds, growth rate, 28–29
meat chicks, raising of
basic butchering steps for processing
heritage or dual-purpose breeds, 142
preparing breeds for butchering, 142–148
meat dishes
Chicken Livers with Ramps, Raisins, and Rhubarb, 192
Rumaki, 193
chicken stock
from cooked, 191
sides and mains
Broiled Chinese Black Fowl in Dark Soy Sauce, 197–198
Mean Rooster Stew (Coq au Vin), 193–195
Meringue Clouds, 179
Minorca breed, 35
Minorcas, 43
Monensin sodium, 101
Mottled Japanese hen, 163
Mushy Chick Disease/ omphalitis, 225
mycotoxicosis, 223
National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), 42
Northeastern Organic Farming Association meeting, Randolph, Vermont (NOFA-VT), 9
nostrils, in mature birds, 19
Old English Game Bantams, 9
Old English Game Hens, 45
Omega-3s, 119
order of arrival, of chickens to the New World, 18–22
ornamental breed, 39
Orpington, 43
infection check, 19
Partridge Rock pullet, 31
pipping, 57
pithing, 151
plumage, in mature birds, 19
Plymouth Rock Cross cockerel meat bird, 78
poultry business
artificial hatching, dangers with, 58–59
checks while handling chicks, 57–59
choice on breed of chicken, 32
commercial production, 63
egg productivity, 31b
foundation vs. composite breeds, 35
getting started, 42
hatcheries and supplies, 257–258
hatching chicks with broody hens, 42–46
local and federal regulations, 29
need for roosters, 31b
problems, 62
problems with incubator, 55, 62
production of fertile eggs, 46–48
raising of day-old chicks, 61
selection and setting of eggs in incubator, 54–55
success in, 131
type of husbandry, 32
poultry diseases
coccidiosis, 227
crazy chick disease, 223
crop impaction, 217
Marek’s disease, 224
Mushy Chick Disease/ omphalitis, 225
mycotoxicosis, 223
pickout, 219
scaly leg mite, 232
vent gleat/pasted vent, 220
poultry exhibitions and clubs, 18. see also exhibition, of poultry
poultry organizations and clubs, 247–249
predators, protection from
production statistics, 132
productivity, defined, 38
recognized by, indication of, 38
Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus), 18, 22
respiration, of chickens, 17
Rhode Island Red breed, 35–36, 43
Rhode Island Red cockerels, 169
crow of, 31b
need for, 31b
Roxarsone, 101
Rumaki, 193
Salinomycin, 101
scaly leg mite, 232
sex determination of chicks, 51
skin color, 39
slaughtering, of chickens, 149–150
Spaetzle (Egg Dumplings), 179–180
Spoon Bread, 181
sport breed, 39
star crack, 57
started pullets, 42
Starting Right with Poultry, 126
state poultry resources, 251–255
storing of eggs, 48
Sussexes, 45
Tartar Sauce, 183
temperament, 39
of chickens, 17
for storing of eggs, 48
thawing meat, 187
treading, 47
type of breed, 38
vent gleat/pasted vent, 220
vital signs, of chickens, 17
Wassail bowl, 177
wattles, in mature birds, 19
white eggs, 49
White Leghorn hens, 129
Whitey the White Plymouth Rock, 166