Elena Aitken lives in Okotoks, Alberta where she spends her time hanging out with her eight-year-old twins, training for various athletic events, running her own copywriting business and writing fiction. She’s currently looking for a publisher for her first novel. She can be reached via e-mail at elena@inkblotcommunications.ca or www.inkblotcommunications.ca.
Pamela Underhill Altendorf lives in Wisconsin with her husband. She is currently a volunteer tutor in English as a Second Language, and enjoys traveling throughout the United States and abroad. Her stories have appeared in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and several other magazines and newspapers.
Monica A. Andermann writes and lives on Long Island where her brother, Louis, is a frequent inspiration for many of her essays. More of Monica’s work can be found both online and in print, including several credits in the Chicken Soup for the Soul and A Cup of Comfort collections.
Paula F. Blevins and her husband, David, live on a farm in southern Ohio with three wonderful kids. She is the author of the For Hymn Mystery series, a variety of Chicken Soup for the Soul stories, and enjoys writing for children as well as adults. Contact Paula through her website at www.paulafblevins.com.
Heather Block squeezes in writing between raising her charming eight-year-old son, a job in a Winnipeg Family Centre, good friends, good books, and a character home that constantly needs upkeep. She writes for personal growth, publishing in her spiritual reflections blog, http://spiritsflight.wordpress.com.
Lil Blosfield is the Chief Financial Officer for Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health in Canton, Ohio. She has been writing stories and poems pretty much since she first learned to write which was many, many years ago. In addition to writing, Lil enjoys music, working outdoors and spending time with family and friends. She can be reached at LBlosfield40@msn.com.
Jean Brody has a BS degree in Journalism and Education plus graduate work in Animal Behavior. This is her seventeenth story in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She writes a weekly newspaper column and a monthly magazine column. She and her husband Gene live on their horse farm.
John P. Buentello is a writer who has published essays, fiction, and poetry. He is the co-author of the novel Reproduction Rights and the story collection Binary Tales. He is at work on a new novel and a picture book for children. He can be reached via e-mail at jakkhakk@yahoo.com.
Connie Sturm Cameron is a speaker and author of the book, God’s Gentle Nudges. She’s been published dozens of times, including several Chicken Soup for the Soul books and other compilations. She and Chuck have three children and three grandchildren. Contact her through her website www.conniecameron.com; or via e-mail at connie_cameron@sbcglobal.net.
Kathe Campbell lives on a Montana mountain with her mammoth donkeys, a Keeshond, and a few kitties. Three children, eleven grands and three greats round her herd. She is a prolific writer on Alzheimer’s. Kathe is a contributing author to the Chicken Soup for the Soul and A Cup of Comfort series, Rx for Writers, and medical journals. E-mail her at kathe@wildblue.net.
D. Kinza Christenson is nationally recognized as The Performance Pro and wellness “Humorist with Heart.” A boomer in denial, she combines her love of belly dancing with her business and life experience to help people achieve a standing ovation in life. You can reach her via e-mail at kinza@kinza.net or via her website at www.kinza.net.
Kristen Clark is the founder of His Witness Ministries and contributing author to New Beginnings Marriage Ministry. She is a published author, public speaker, and singer/songwriter, and she lives in Houston with her darling husband, Lawrence. Please e-mail her at kristens@hiswitness.org.
Joan Clayton is a retired teacher. Her passion now is writing. She and her husband have three sons, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Joan has published eight books of her own. She has many stories in anthologies. Currently she is the religion columnist for her local paper.
Bridget Colern lives in Southern California, where she runs a bookkeeping and tax practice. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and playing with her grandchildren. Bridget has been previously published in Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul. She can be contacted at BridgeBKnT@yahoo.com.
D’ette Corona is the Assistant Publisher for Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC. She received her bachelor of science in business management in 1994. D’ette has been married for eighteen years and has a thirteen-year-old son.
Kayla Rehme Crockett and her husband Jared are parents to three daughters, ages seven, four, and one. They love to spend time as a family hiking Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. When she’s not changing diapers, kissing boo-boos, or pretending to be the evil queen, Kayla enjoys baking, reading, and teaching piano.
Michele Cushatt writes articles, stories and devotionals for numerous publications from a unique collection of life experiences. The director of a local writers group and a speaker trainer, she and her husband and three teenage boys make their home in Colorado. Connect with her at www.MicheleCushatt.com.
Barbara D’Amario is a retired executive secretary who honed her skills writing accommodation letters and personnel evaluations. She belongs to two writing groups, attends workshops and enjoys cooking, reading and painting.
Although blind, Janet Perez Eckles thrives as a Spanish interpreter, international speaker, writer and author of Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow—Overcoming Adversities in Life. From her home in Florida, she enjoys working on church ministries and taking Caribbean cruises with her husband Gene. She imparts inspiration at: www.janetperezeckles.com.
Rebecca C. Emrich graduated with her Bachelor of Arts in History from Brigham Young University in 1999. She currently lives in Syracuse, New York with her husband and twin daughters. She enjoys serving in her church, exploring state parks, and exhausting the reading opportunities at the local library.
Cheri Eplin received her Bachelor of Science from Cal Poly and Masters in Education from JFK University. She teaches third grade in Danville, California. Cheri feels blessed to do what she loves: be a mom to two amazing boys, teach, write, hike, and travel. E-mail her at ceplin@mac.com.
Susan Farr-Fahncke is the founder of 2TheHeart.com, where you can find more of her writing and sign up for an online writing workshop! She is also the founder of the amazing volunteer group, Angels2TheHeart, the author of Angel’s Legacy, and contributor to over sixty books, including many in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Visit her at www.2TheHeart.com.
Jackie Fleming, a native Californian, grew up in the Bay Area and raised three boys on an island in the California Delta. Her hobbies are traveling the world by freighter, yoga, reading and writing. For six years, she wrote columns for two weekly newspapers. She now lives in Paradise, California.
Peggy Frezon is a freelance writer specializing in pets. Her first book, Losing It With My Dog, is about dieting with a lovable, chubby Spaniel. Peggy is also a contributing writer for Guideposts and Angels on Earth. Her favorite Christmas tradition is hanging stockings! Visit Peggy’s Pet Place (peggyfrezon.blogspot.com) or connect with her on Twitter @peggyfrezon.
Susan Garrard holds a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Southern Maine. She currently works in the marketing field. She lives in Scarborough, Maine with her three sons. Susan enjoys running, fitness, writing and long walks along the beautiful Maine coast. Please e-mail her at segarrard@gmail.com.
Beverly Golberg, a resident of St. Paul, Minnesota, turned her energy to writing after retiring from paralegal work. Her essays have appeared in literary journals, Cottage Life magazine, A Cup of Comfort, and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. She reads her work at the Wild Yam Cabaret in St. Paul.
Marian Gormley’s writing has appeared in numerous Chicken Soup for the Soul books and other regional, national and international publications. She writes primarily about parenting, family life, education, health and the arts. She recently earned a Masters Degree in Education and looks forward to instilling a love of reading in Northern Virginia elementary-age students.
Sally Baggett Griffis, a West Texas ranch girl who finally went to college, received a B.S. in Education, Psychology and a B.S. in Psychology, Counseling from Angelo State University. In agency and private practice for many years, she is now retired. Her first book, From the Back of the Beast, is a memoir of a war widow. Contact her via e-mail at sallyg54@gmail.com.
Michelle D. Halperin is a teacher in Elmira, New York, where she lives with her husband, two sons and three dogs. Michelle enjoys working with children and spending time with her family.
Cynthia M. Hamond’s in over 100 publications including Chicken Soup for the Soul, magazines, Bible study aids and is a King Features Syndicate recurring author. She’s received several writing awards. Two stories have been made for TV. She enjoys her speaking and school visits and is founder of Joyful MOMs. E-mail her at Candbh@aol.com.
Bonnie Compton Hanson is author of over twenty-five books for children and adults. Her stories and poems have been published in many magazines and books, including thirty-two in Chicken Soup for the Soul. Besides mentoring new writers, she speaks to women, seniors, and student groups. You may contact her via e-mail at bonnieh1@sbcglobal.net.
Carol Harrison earned her Bachelor of Education from the University of Saskatchewan, and her Distinguished Toastmaster designation. She is a motivational speaker and author of Amee’s Story. She enjoys time with family, reading, scrapbooking and speaking. You can e-mail her at carol@carolscorner.ca or visit her website www.carolscorner.ca.
Jonny Hawkins has been cartooning professionally since 1986. His work has appeared in over 600 publications and on dozens of products. He has five Cartoon-a-Day Calendars on the market: Medical, Fishing, Teachers, Cat and Dog. He lives in Sherwood, Michigan with his wife, Carissa, and their three children. He can be reached at jonnyhawkins2nz@yahoo.com.
Kat Heckenbach, honors graduate of the University of Tampa, home schools her two children while writing speculative fiction and inspirational nonfiction. She also enjoys reading, drawing, and anything that stretches her creative muscles. Please visit her at www.findingangel.com.
Laurie Higgins is an award-winning freelance journalist. She is a regular contributor to the Cape Cod Times and The Cape Codder newspapers. In addition to writing, her other passion is cooking and she combines both at her website, www.thatsnotwhattherecipesays.com. You can contact her via e-mail at lauriehiggins@comcast.net.
Corinne “Cori” Foley Hill received her B.A. from the University of Virginia and her M.Ed. from James Madison University. She provides personnel training in early intervention in Virginia where she lives with her husband and two daughters. Cori dreams of living in the Caribbean and writing children’s books.
Robert Hill lives in Vancouver, Washington, and is very active in church and Native American ministries. In his spare time he likes to travel and spend time with his grandchildren, and after all these years, he still loves fruitcake!
Elaine Ingalls Hogg is an award-winning author and the editor of Christmas in the Maritimes (Nimbus Publishing), a book which became a Canadian bestseller in 2006. Elaine shares her office with two Ragdoll cats, Angus and Alex, enjoys writing, music and travel. Please contact her through her website: http://elainehogg.com.
Cindy Holcomb is working toward an Associate of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies - Communication degree. Cindy’s book, The Reverse Mortgage Book: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply was published in 2008. She is working on her first novel. When not writing, Cindy loves spending time with her three daughters and three granddaughters.
David J. Hull has been a teacher for twenty-three years and also writes a monthly column in a local newspaper. He is currently working on creating a book of his collected columns. He enjoys reading, gardening and spending time with his nieces and nephews. You can e-mail him at Davidhull59@aol.com.
Taryn R. Hutchison is the author of We Wait You: Waiting on God in Eastern Europe (2008 WinePress Publishing). She contributed to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith and has published over twenty-five articles. Taryn and her husband live in North Carolina. Visit her at www.tarynhutchison.com.
Cindy Hval’s work has appeared in numerous Chicken Soup for the Soul collections. She’s currently working on her first book Love Stories From the Greatest Generation. She’s a columnist and correspondent for The Spokesman-Review newspaper in Spokane, Washington where she lives with her husband, four sons and one cat.
Bonnie Jarvis-Lowe is a retired Registered Nurse who spends much of her time now working with animals at the SPCA in her town. She just celebrated her fortieth wedding anniversary and is the mother of two and the grandmother of one little girl.
Pat Stockett Johnston is published in a variety of devotionals, print publications, take-home papers, e-magazines, and missions’ education books. She received her BA from Pasadena/Point Loma Nazarene University. Pat and her husband Gordon served as missionaries in Beirut, Lebanon; Amman, Jordan; and Papua New Guinea. Please e-mail her at writerpat@att.net.
Mimi Greenwood Knight is one of twelve kids and mama to four. She lives with her husband and kiddos in South Louisiana where she enjoys artisan bread making, her butterfly garden, Bible study and the lost art of letter writing. Visit her blog at blog.nola.com/faith/mimi_greenwood_knight.
Tom Knight is a husband and father who lives and works in Toronto, Canada. After reading Chicken Soup for the Soul he realized he had his own stories to share and he hopes that his first published story will not be his last. He is eternally grateful for the love and support of his wife and children, without whom none of his dreams would ever have been realized.
Marla Stewart Konrad is the author of several books for children, including the award-winning picture book, Just Like You. She lives with her family near Toronto, Canada.
Nancy Julien Kopp grew up in Chicago and now lives in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Her work is in ten Chicken Soup for the Soul books, other anthologies, magazines and newspapers. A former teacher, she still enjoys teaching through the written word. Learn more at www.writergrannysworld.blogspot.com.
Aletheia D. Lee lives with her husband and son in Georgia where she teaches English as a Second Language to elementary school students. They are expecting the addition of twin girls very soon. She has had three poems and three short stories published previously. She can be contacted via e-mail at lee.aletheia@gmail.com.
Glenda Carol Lee is a published author of two bulletin board idea books, numerous magazine articles and poems. Her first story was published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings. She enjoys writing, reading and spending time with her family. Please e-mail her at nanmom1@gmail.com.
Janeen Lewis is a writer living in central Kentucky with her husband and two children. She enjoys reading, sewing and spending time with her family. Contact her via e-mail at jlewis0402@netzero.net.
God’s deliverance from an abusive childhood frames the joy that Delores Liesner shares with her readers. God “sightings” have been shared via speaking, magazines, Examiner.com, CBN.com, radio, television, anthologies, devotionals, Bible studies, and her column in Prime Magazine. Delores welcomes contact at lovedliftedandled@wi.rr.com.
Brooke Linville and her family moved home in February 2009. She writes about their journey after the fire at www.lifeafterthefire.com and is working on a memoir. Contact her via e-mail at life_after_the_ fire@yahoo.com.
Barbara LoMonaco received her BS from the University of Southern California and has an elementary teaching credential. Barbara has worked for Chicken Soup for the Soul since 1998 as an editor and webmaster. She is a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul and Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution.
Nyx Martinez is a travel TV host for Living Asia Channel, and Managing Editor of Mabuhay and Mango travel and lifestyle magazines. She lived in Uganda as a full-time volunteer and radio presenter for three and a half years. Visit her at www.nyxmartinez.com.
Teresa Ann Maxwell lives in Washington with her favorite fisherman and husband, Richard. She has many fond memories of snowy, white Christmases celebrated, with family, in her home state of Idaho.
Erin McCormack is thirteen years old and lives with her parents and brother, Matt. She is preparing to attend high school in the fall of 2010. Erin enjoys reading, writing, and many sports, including soccer and running. Erin plans to continue writing both fiction and nonfiction stories and books for children and teenagers.
Chantal Meijer is a freelance writer whose articles, stories, and essays have appeared in regional and national magazines, newspapers, and anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul: Empty Nesters. Chantal and her husband Rick, proud parents of four grown children, live in Terrace, British Columbia, Canada. Contact her via e-mail at meijer@telus.net.
Martha Miller is a Texas-based, freelance writer. Her work has appeared in Family Circle, Parents, The Christian Science Monitor and www.LifeInItaly.com. Her syndicated columns, “Living Greenly” and “Living Online,” are published in regional parenting magazines across the country. E-mail her at Martha@MarthaMillerWrites.com.
Susan H. Miller lives in Coldspring, Texas, where she works periodically as an R.N. Case Manager. She lives to draw from her own life experiences for her stories, but hasn’t quite figured out what her genre is. Susan loves adventure, and will travel anywhere, anytime. E-mail her at suehmakm@yahoo.com.
Mike Morin co-hosts a morning radio show at WZID-FM in Manchester, New Hampshire. In addition to his forty years as a radio and TV personality, Mike writes humor columns and features for New England newspapers and magazines. He enjoys baking artisan breads for local charity auctions. Please e-mail Mike at Heymikey@aol.com.
Carrie Morris married her high school sweetheart, Chris, who is now a Marine stationed at MCAS New River in North Carolina. They have two furbabies, Lily and Duke. She is currently working on her first novel.
Beth Morrissey is a freelance writer and writing instructor living in Dublin, Ireland. Christmas has always been her favorite time of year, and she truly believes in the magic of the season. Visit Beth online at www.bethmorrissey.com.
Irene Morse is a freelance writer. When not hanging out with her husband Gary and their large family, she enjoys travel in search of adventure and examining the human condition through drama and community theatre. Her column on theatre appears regularly in the local newspaper. Please e-mail her at irene@ingramct.com.
As a journalist and screenwriter in Northern California, Russell Nichols likes to travel and write stories that explore the crevices of society. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times and Sactown Magazine. Contact him via e-mail at thirdeyewitness@gmail.com.
Barbara Nicks grew up in lower Wisconsin and now resides in East Texas. She has been teaching for twenty-five years, spending two of them in Portugal. She enjoys traveling with her husband and two teenage sons, sewing, reading, and learning about technology. E-mail her at barbnicks@gmail.com.
Mark Parisi’s “off the mark” comic, syndicated since 1987, is distributed by United Media. His cartoon feature won the National Cartoonists Society’s award for Best Newspaper Panel in 2009. His humor also graces greeting cards, T-shirts, calendars, magazines, newsletters and books. See www.offthemark.com. Lynn is his wife/business partner. Daughter Jen contributes inspiration, as do three cats, one dog and an unknown number of koi.
Lisa Pawlak is a creative writer of nonfiction, who stands firmly behind the belief that writing is cheaper than therapy. She received a B.A. in Communication and since has developed a professional background in marketing and non-profit management. In more recent years, Lisa left her career behind to focus on the challenges of motherhood.
Ann Peachman has two degrees in theology, has run a home daycare, and currently works with the elderly. She is a widow with three grown children and one granddaughter, and lives in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Ann enjoys family, friends, scrapbooking and knitting. She is working on her first novel.
Julia G. Powell received her Bachelor of Arts Degree, with honors, from Lycoming College (Williamsport, PA) in 1973. She is a federal employee/educator in Tennessee. She enjoys her grandsons, writing, gardening, and painting/drawing. Her plans are to write from her heart. Please e-mail her at navfit@aol.com.
Lisa Preston (www.lisapreston.com) lives in the Pacific Northwest where she kayaks, writes, trail runs, rides fast, and tortures her guitar, fiddle and mandolin. She remembers Winston and his boy throughout the year, every year.
Tracy Rasmussen is an award-winning journalist, essayist, author and stay-at-home mom. She lives in Pennsylvania with her hardworking husband, spirited twin daughters and an over-achieving Standard Poodle. Tracy is currently working on an adoption memoir. Please e-mail her through her website www.tracyrasmussen.com.
Natalie June Reilly is a single mother of two extraordinary teenage boys, a full-time football mom and the author of the children’s book, My Stick Family: Helping Children Cope with Divorce. Natalie lives and loves in gratitude every day and she welcomes you to reach out to her at natalie@themeanmom.com.
Bruce Robinson is an award-winning internationally published cartoonist whose work has appeared in numerous consumer and trade periodicals including the National Enquirer, The Saturday Evening Post, Woman’s World, The Sun, First, Highlights for Children, etc. He is also the author of the cartoon book Good Medicine. Contact him via e-mail at cartoonsbybrucerobinson@hotmail.com.
Marilyn (Lynn) Ross, a graduate of Arkansas State University, teaches special education in Prince William County, Virginia. Her other stories appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Celebrating Mothers and Daughters and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Empty Nesters. Marilyn’s favorites include writing, photography and album making. E-mail her at lynn.ross96@gmail.com.
Ann M. Sheridan has contributed stories to three other Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She founded Bimbo’s Buddies in 2002 to distribute her children’s book, Dogs Get Cancer Too, to pediatric cancer patients. Ann resides in Long Branch, New Jersey. E-mail her at ASheridan529@aol.com.
Deborah Shouse is a writer, speaker, editor and creativity catalyst. Deborah is donating all proceeds from her book, Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver’s Journey, to Alzheimer’s programs and research. So far, she has raised more than $80,000. Visit her website at www.TheCreativityConnection.com.
Paula L. Silici is an award-winning, multi-published author. She firmly believes in the dictum, “Peace begins with me,” and endeavors to practice at least one random act of kindness every day. Contact her via e-mail at psilici@hotmail.com.
Carol Slamowitz is a graduate of the College of Charleston. Currently she practices massage therapy in Richmond, Virginia. She is married with two amazing kids. She enjoys reading, travel, fitness and adventure... she plans to continue to lead an interesting and unconventional life.
Lynetta Smith lives with her husband and two daughters near Nashville, Tennessee. When she is not writing or homeschooling, she can be found at the local community theatre.
Sue Smith shared her story, “The Garbage Can Christmas,” with Linda LaRocque. Linda LaRocque is the author of several award-winning plays. Linda is a retired self-employed interior designer. She writes from her South Haven, Michigan home.
Erin Solej teaches Language Arts Literacy at Mountain View Middle School in Mendham, New Jersey. She loves to read and write with her sixth graders and her children, Lucas and Hanna. Please contact her via e-mail at esolej@optonline.net.
Laurie Sontag has been a humor columnist for California newspapers since 2001. Her work has appeared in various books and magazines and her popular blog, Manic Motherhood, has been featured on Yahoo’s Shine Network. You can see more of her work at www.lauriesontag.com.
Jean Sorensen’s cartoons have appeared in Good Housekeeping, The Washington Post Magazine, The Lutheran, and numerous textbooks. Her work has also been featured in greeting cards for Oatmeal Studios. Jean lives in the Washington, DC area with her high school sweetheart and three children, who always keep her laughing.
Diane Stark is a former teacher turned stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. She loves to write about the important things in life: her family and her faith. She is the author of Teachers’ Devotions to Go. Diane can be reached via e-mail at DianeStark19@yahoo.com.
Melanie Stiles is an AACC Master Life Coach, award-winning author and speaker who enjoys sharing life journeys and tools that help others to become all God says they can be. Her favorite experience to date is when her granddaughter rushes in yelling, “YaYa I’m here!”
Teri Stohlberg received her bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1996. She now lives in Woodstock, Connecticut with her husband and two children. Teri will always believe in miracles. Contact her via e-mail at teristohlberg@yahoo.com.
Nancy Sullivan has multiple degrees and has written extensively over a long career in the disability arena. Her passion is writing mysteries with a paranormal flair. An animal rescue volunteer, Nancy delights in her own rescued menagerie and her avocation working in energetic healing alternatives. Contact Nancy via e-mail at nancy.writes@sbcglobal.net.
From belly dancer, to fitness trainer, to speech pathologist, to memoir teacher, Tsgoyna Tanzman credits writing as the supreme “therapy” for raising an adolescent daughter. Published in four Chicken Soup for the Soul books, her humorous essays and poems can be read on more.com, motheringmagazine.com, and in The Orange County Register. E-mail her at tnzmn@cox.net.
Jan Vallone was once a disillusioned lawyer. In 2001, she took a job teaching English at a yeshiva—an Orthodox Jewish high school—where she learned what fulfillment means. Jan’s first book, Pieces of Someday, published in 2010, recounts her yeshiva days and benefits several charities. For details visit www.janvallone.com.
Beverly F. Walker lives in Tennessee, with her retired husband. She enjoys writing, photography, and scrapbooking pictures of her grandchildren. Beverly wrote this poem right after she married her husband and became stepmother to his three little girls. She has stories in many Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and in Angel Cats: Divine Messengers of Comfort.
Since 1990, Joseph Walker has written a weekly newspaper column called “ValueSpeak.” Some of his columns were published in three other Chicken Soup for the Soul books. His books include Look What Love Has Done and Christmas on Mill Street. Joseph and his wife, Anita, have five children and seven grandchildren.
Growing up playing in her clubhouse filled with the contents of an abandoned one-room schoolhouse, Barbara Briggs Ward realized she wanted to be a writer. Published in Highlights for Children; author/illustrator of two children’s books, Barbara invites you to go to www.snarlysally.com and www.thereindeerkeeper.com. Please contact her via e-mail at maggieosheacompany@yahoo.com.
Stefanie Wass’s essays have been published in the Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, Christian Science Monitor, Akron Beacon Journal, Akron Life and Leisure, Cleveland Magazine, The Writer magazine, A Cup of Comfort for Mothers, A Cup of Comfort for a Better World, and eight Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies. Visit her website at www.stefaniewass.com.
Gerri Wetta-Hilger recently retired after thirty years teaching. She received her Bachelor of Science in English from Pittsburg State University in Kansas and her Masters in Education from Wichita State. Gerri now has more time to enjoy her four children, twelve grandchildren, read, write and travel with her husband.
Kathy Whirity is a syndicated newspaper columnist who shares her sentimental musings on family life. Her first published book, Life Is A Kaleidoscope is a compilation of some of those columns. Please e-mail Kathy at kathywhirity@yahoo.com.
Ernie Witham writes the humor column “Ernie’s World” for the Montecito Journal in Montecito, California. He is the author of two humor books: Ernie’s World the Book and A Year in the Life of a “Working” Writer. He has been published in many anthologies including more than a dozen Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
Ferida Wolff is author of seventeen children’s books and three essay books, her latest being the award-winning picture book The Story Blanket and Missed Perceptions: Challenge Your Thoughts Change Your Thinking. Her work appears in anthologies, newspapers, magazines, online at www.seniorwomen.com and in her nature blog http://feridasbackyard.blogspot.com. Visit her at www.feridawolff.com.
Sandra Wood received her BA in communications and worked as a marketing executive for twenty-four years. Today, she writes short stories about everyday miracles. Favorite things: Children, chocolate, puppy breath, long talks with loved ones, international travel, and watching God paint the sky with new mercy every morning.
Dallas Woodburn is twenty-three years old and the author of two collections of short stories, a forthcoming novel, and articles in Family Circle, Writer’s Digest, and the Los Angeles Times, among other publications. She is also the founder of Write On! For Literacy and Write On! Books youth publishing company. Visit www.writeonbooks.org for more information.
Barbra Yardley is a wife and mother of three delightful young women. She works as a legal secretary in a small town in Utah. She enjoys the outdoors, quilting, biking, reading, spending time with family, and being a grandmother to two active little boys.