Sources of the texts and illustrations

The following were used as source texts, with later versions being followed (where applicable). Details about the illustrations are provided at the end of each entry; in some cases the original artists have proved untraceable.

1. “Makapan’s Caves.” The Touleier 1.1 (Dec 1930): 15–20. (Illustrator: H. E. Winder, 19.)

2. “The Rooinek” (Parts 1 and 2). The Touleier 1.2 (Jan–Feb 1931): 8–13; and 1.3 (Mar 1931): 126–32. (Illustrator: A. E. Mason, The Touleier 1.2 (Jan–Feb 1931): 8–9, 11; second illustration repeated The Touleier 1.3 (Mar 1931): 126.)

3. “Francina Malherbe.” The New LSD 1.6 (1 May 1931): 5. (Illustrator: unknown, The Sunday Express 17 May 1979: 25.)

4. “The Ramoutsa Road.” The New LSD 1.8 (16 May 1931): 11–12. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 9 Sept 1979: 8.)

5. “The Gramophone.” The Touleier 1.5 (May 1931): 310–13.

6. “Karel Flysman.” The African Magazine 1.1 (June 1931): 379–81. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 3 June 1979: 5.)

7. “Veld Maiden.” The South African Opinion (SAO) 1.4 (14 Dec 1934): 9–10.

8. “Yellow Moepels.” SAO 1.7 (25 Jan 1935): 7–8; reprinted SAO 2.2 (Apr 1945): 14–15.

9. “The Love Potion.” SAO 1.9 (22 Feb 1935): 8–9.

10. “In the Withaak’s Shade.” SAO 1.11 (22 Mar 1935): 4–5; re­printed SAO 2.1 (Mar 1945): 18–19, 30. (Illustrator: Maurice van Essche, SAO 2.1 (Mar 1945): 19.)

11. “The Widow.” SAO 1.13 (19 Apr 1935): 10–11; reprinted SAO 3.7 (Sept 1946): 14–15, 20. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.7 (Sept 1946): 15.)

12. “Willem Prinsloo’s Peach Brandy.” SAO 1.15 (17 May 1935): 5–6.

13. “Ox-wagons on Trek.” SAO 1.16 (31 May 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 2.12 (Feb 1946): 20–21, 30. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 2.12 (Feb 1946): 21.)

14. “The Music Maker.” SAO 1.20 (26 July 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 2.7 (Sept 1945): 18–19.

15. “Drieka and the Moon.” SAO 1.21 (9 Aug 1935): 8–9; reprinted SAO 3.2 (Apr 1946): 18–19, 21. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.2 (Apr 1946): 19.)

16. “The Mafeking Road.” SAO 1.22 (23 Aug 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 1.10 (Dec 1944): 12–13, 28. (Illustrators: ‘R. L.’, SAO 1.22 (23 Aug 1935): 7; Donald Harris, SAO 1.10 (Dec 1944): 13.)

17. “Marico Scandal.” SAO 1.25 (4 Oct 1935): 8–10; reprinted SAO 1.7 (Sept 1944): 18–19. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, SAO 1.25 (4 Oct 1935): 8, 9; first illustration repeated SAO 1.7 (Sept 1944): 19.)

18. “Bechuana Interlude.” SAO 1.26 (18 Oct 1935): 11–13. (Illus­trator: Wilfrid Cross, 11, 12.)

19. “Visitors to Platrand.” SAO 2.1 (1 Nov 1935): 10–12. (Illus­trator: Wilfrid Cross, 10, 11.)

20. “Starlight on the Veld.” SAO 2.6 (10 Jan 1936): 9–11; reprinted SAO 1.1 (Mar 1944): 20–21, 31. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, SAO 2.6 (10 Jan 1936): 9, 10; repeated SAO 1.1 (Mar 1944): 21.)

21. “Marico Moon.” SAO 3.3 (28 Nov 1936): 13–14, as “Thorn Trees in the Wind”; reprinted Trek 13.4 (Apr 1949): 14–15.

22. “Splendours from Ramoutsa.” SAO 3.9 (20 Feb 1937): 9–10.

23. “Bushveld Romance.” SAO 3.13 (17 Apr 1937): 9–10. (Illus­trator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 24 June 1979: 8.)

24. “Dream by the Bluegums.” SAO 3.18 (26 June 1937): 12–13.

25. “On to Freedom.” SAO 3.20 (24 July 1937): 8–9. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 6 May 1979: 24.)

26. “Martha and the Snake.” The Ringhals 3.3 (13 Oct 1939): 8–9. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 1 July 1979: 11.)

27. “Concertinas and Confetti.” SAO 1.2 (Apr 1944): 20–21, 32. (Illustrator: René Shapshak, 21.)

28. “The Story of Hester van Wyk.” SAO 1.4 (June 1944): 9–11. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 10.)

29. “The Wind in the Tree.” SAO 1.11 (Jan 1945): 18–19, 28. (Illustrator: Donald Harris, 18, 19.)

30. “Camp-fires at Nagmaal.” SAO 2.4 (June 1945): 14–15, 31. (Illustrator: Maurice van Essche, 15.)

31. “The Prophet.” SAO 2.10 (Dec 1945): 10–11, 31. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 11.)

32. “Mampoer.” SAO 2.11 (Jan 1946): 14–15, 27. (Illustrator: Regi­nald Turvey, 15.)

33. “Seed-time and Harvest.” SAO 3.10 (Dec 1946): 18–19, 27; reprinted On Parade (1 Oct 1948): 8. (Illustrators: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.10 (Dec 1946): 19; Abe Berry, On Parade (1 Oct 1948).)

34. “Dopper and Papist.” Trek 12.3 (Mar 1948): 22–23, 31.

35. “Cometh Comet.” Trek 12.6 (June 1948): 16–17. (Illustrator: unknown, 17.)

36. “Great-uncle Joris.” Trek 12.10 (Dec 1948): 14–15, 29. (Illus­trator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 12 Aug 1979: 9.)

37. “Treasure Trove.” Trek 12.10 (Oct 1948): 18–19. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 5 Aug 1979: 7.)

38. “Unto Dust.” Trek 13.2 (Feb 1949): 18–19. (Illustrator: Abe Berry, 19.)

39. “Graven Image.” On Parade (6 Aug 1948): 8.

40. “The Picture of Gysbert Jonker.” On Parade 22 Oct 1948: 4–5. (Illustrator: Abe Berry, 4.)

41. “The Homecoming.” On Parade 16 Mar 1949: 10. (Illustrator: Abe Berry.)

42. “Susannah and the Play-actor.” On Parade 14 Apr 1949: 10. (Illustrator: unknown.)

43. “Peaches Ripening in the Sun.” On Parade 27 Feb 1951: 12–13.

44. “Romaunt of the Smuggler’s Daughter.” Undated typescript, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC). First published as “The Romance of the Smuggler’s Daughter” in The Sunday Tribune 19 Sept 1948: 22, 25. (Illustrator: unknown, 22.)

45. “The Ferreira Millions.” The Forum 13.1 (1 Apr 1950): 24–25. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 19 August 1979: 10.)

46. “Sold Down the River.” The South African Jewish Times Sept 1949: 25.

47. “The Lover Who Came Back.” The Star 23 July 1949: 7; reprinted The Sunday Tribune 18 Sept 1949: 20.

48. “When the Heart is Eager.” The Forum 12.26 (1 Oct 1949): 20–21.

49. “The Brothers.” The Forum 12.44 (4 Feb 1950): 24–25.

50. “Oom Piet’s Party.” The Sunday Express Supplement 28 May 1950: 14–15.

51. “Funeral Earth.” Vista. Johannesburg: Council of Cultural Soc­ie­ties, University of the Witwatersrand, 1950: 62–65.

52. “The Missionary.” Spotlight Jan 1951: 14–15. (Illustrators: ‘ADI’, 14; Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 26 August 1979: 12.)

53. “The Traitor’s Wife.” Spotlight Feb 1951: 6–7, 57. (Illustrator: ‘Flip’, 6–7.)

54. “The Red Coat.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.

55. “The Question.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Illustrator: John Jackson, Personality 14 Aug 1969: 139.)

56. “The Old Potchefstroom Gaol.” Undated typescript, HRHRC; title supplied.

57. “The Ghost at the Drift.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Pub­lished in Afrikaans as “Dit Spook by die Drif”, Die Brandwag 11.550 (16 Apr 1948): 9, 38, 40–41. Illustrator: ‘Monté’, 9.)

58. “Bush Telegraph.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Published in Afrikaans as “Die Kaffer-tamboer”, On Parade 3.9 (24 Aug 1949): 9. Illustrator: Abe Berry.)

59. “Tryst by the Vaal.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.

60. “The Selon’s Rose.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.