The following were used as source texts, with later versions being followed (where applicable). Details about the illustrations are provided at the end of each entry; in some cases the original artists have proved untraceable.
1. “Makapan’s Caves.” The Touleier 1.1 (Dec 1930): 15–20. (Illustrator: H. E. Winder, 19.)
2. “The Rooinek” (Parts 1 and 2). The Touleier 1.2 (Jan–Feb 1931): 8–13; and 1.3 (Mar 1931): 126–32. (Illustrator: A. E. Mason, The Touleier 1.2 (Jan–Feb 1931): 8–9, 11; second illustration repeated The Touleier 1.3 (Mar 1931): 126.)
3. “Francina Malherbe.” The New LSD 1.6 (1 May 1931): 5. (Illustrator: unknown, The Sunday Express 17 May 1979: 25.)
4. “The Ramoutsa Road.” The New LSD 1.8 (16 May 1931): 11–12. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 9 Sept 1979: 8.)
5. “The Gramophone.” The Touleier 1.5 (May 1931): 310–13.
6. “Karel Flysman.” The African Magazine 1.1 (June 1931): 379–81. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 3 June 1979: 5.)
7. “Veld Maiden.” The South African Opinion (SAO) 1.4 (14 Dec 1934): 9–10.
8. “Yellow Moepels.” SAO 1.7 (25 Jan 1935): 7–8; reprinted SAO 2.2 (Apr 1945): 14–15.
9. “The Love Potion.” SAO 1.9 (22 Feb 1935): 8–9.
10. “In the Withaak’s Shade.” SAO 1.11 (22 Mar 1935): 4–5; reprinted SAO 2.1 (Mar 1945): 18–19, 30. (Illustrator: Maurice van Essche, SAO 2.1 (Mar 1945): 19.)
11. “The Widow.” SAO 1.13 (19 Apr 1935): 10–11; reprinted SAO 3.7 (Sept 1946): 14–15, 20. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.7 (Sept 1946): 15.)
12. “Willem Prinsloo’s Peach Brandy.” SAO 1.15 (17 May 1935): 5–6.
13. “Ox-wagons on Trek.” SAO 1.16 (31 May 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 2.12 (Feb 1946): 20–21, 30. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 2.12 (Feb 1946): 21.)
14. “The Music Maker.” SAO 1.20 (26 July 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 2.7 (Sept 1945): 18–19.
15. “Drieka and the Moon.” SAO 1.21 (9 Aug 1935): 8–9; reprinted SAO 3.2 (Apr 1946): 18–19, 21. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.2 (Apr 1946): 19.)
16. “The Mafeking Road.” SAO 1.22 (23 Aug 1935): 6–7; reprinted SAO 1.10 (Dec 1944): 12–13, 28. (Illustrators: ‘R. L.’, SAO 1.22 (23 Aug 1935): 7; Donald Harris, SAO 1.10 (Dec 1944): 13.)
17. “Marico Scandal.” SAO 1.25 (4 Oct 1935): 8–10; reprinted SAO 1.7 (Sept 1944): 18–19. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, SAO 1.25 (4 Oct 1935): 8, 9; first illustration repeated SAO 1.7 (Sept 1944): 19.)
18. “Bechuana Interlude.” SAO 1.26 (18 Oct 1935): 11–13. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 11, 12.)
19. “Visitors to Platrand.” SAO 2.1 (1 Nov 1935): 10–12. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 10, 11.)
20. “Starlight on the Veld.” SAO 2.6 (10 Jan 1936): 9–11; reprinted SAO 1.1 (Mar 1944): 20–21, 31. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, SAO 2.6 (10 Jan 1936): 9, 10; repeated SAO 1.1 (Mar 1944): 21.)
21. “Marico Moon.” SAO 3.3 (28 Nov 1936): 13–14, as “Thorn Trees in the Wind”; reprinted Trek 13.4 (Apr 1949): 14–15.
22. “Splendours from Ramoutsa.” SAO 3.9 (20 Feb 1937): 9–10.
23. “Bushveld Romance.” SAO 3.13 (17 Apr 1937): 9–10. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 24 June 1979: 8.)
24. “Dream by the Bluegums.” SAO 3.18 (26 June 1937): 12–13.
25. “On to Freedom.” SAO 3.20 (24 July 1937): 8–9. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 6 May 1979: 24.)
26. “Martha and the Snake.” The Ringhals 3.3 (13 Oct 1939): 8–9. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 1 July 1979: 11.)
27. “Concertinas and Confetti.” SAO 1.2 (Apr 1944): 20–21, 32. (Illustrator: René Shapshak, 21.)
28. “The Story of Hester van Wyk.” SAO 1.4 (June 1944): 9–11. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 10.)
29. “The Wind in the Tree.” SAO 1.11 (Jan 1945): 18–19, 28. (Illustrator: Donald Harris, 18, 19.)
30. “Camp-fires at Nagmaal.” SAO 2.4 (June 1945): 14–15, 31. (Illustrator: Maurice van Essche, 15.)
31. “The Prophet.” SAO 2.10 (Dec 1945): 10–11, 31. (Illustrator: Wilfrid Cross, 11.)
32. “Mampoer.” SAO 2.11 (Jan 1946): 14–15, 27. (Illustrator: Reginald Turvey, 15.)
33. “Seed-time and Harvest.” SAO 3.10 (Dec 1946): 18–19, 27; reprinted On Parade (1 Oct 1948): 8. (Illustrators: Reginald Turvey, SAO 3.10 (Dec 1946): 19; Abe Berry, On Parade (1 Oct 1948).)
34. “Dopper and Papist.” Trek 12.3 (Mar 1948): 22–23, 31.
35. “Cometh Comet.” Trek 12.6 (June 1948): 16–17. (Illustrator: unknown, 17.)
36. “Great-uncle Joris.” Trek 12.10 (Dec 1948): 14–15, 29. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 12 Aug 1979: 9.)
37. “Treasure Trove.” Trek 12.10 (Oct 1948): 18–19. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 5 Aug 1979: 7.)
38. “Unto Dust.” Trek 13.2 (Feb 1949): 18–19. (Illustrator: Abe Berry, 19.)
39. “Graven Image.” On Parade (6 Aug 1948): 8.
40. “The Picture of Gysbert Jonker.” On Parade 22 Oct 1948: 4–5. (Illustrator: Abe Berry, 4.)
41. “The Homecoming.” On Parade 16 Mar 1949: 10. (Illustrator: Abe Berry.)
42. “Susannah and the Play-actor.” On Parade 14 Apr 1949: 10. (Illustrator: unknown.)
43. “Peaches Ripening in the Sun.” On Parade 27 Feb 1951: 12–13.
44. “Romaunt of the Smuggler’s Daughter.” Undated typescript, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC). First published as “The Romance of the Smuggler’s Daughter” in The Sunday Tribune 19 Sept 1948: 22, 25. (Illustrator: unknown, 22.)
45. “The Ferreira Millions.” The Forum 13.1 (1 Apr 1950): 24–25. (Illustrator: Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 19 August 1979: 10.)
46. “Sold Down the River.” The South African Jewish Times Sept 1949: 25.
47. “The Lover Who Came Back.” The Star 23 July 1949: 7; reprinted The Sunday Tribune 18 Sept 1949: 20.
48. “When the Heart is Eager.” The Forum 12.26 (1 Oct 1949): 20–21.
49. “The Brothers.” The Forum 12.44 (4 Feb 1950): 24–25.
50. “Oom Piet’s Party.” The Sunday Express Supplement 28 May 1950: 14–15.
51. “Funeral Earth.” Vista. Johannesburg: Council of Cultural Societies, University of the Witwatersrand, 1950: 62–65.
52. “The Missionary.” Spotlight Jan 1951: 14–15. (Illustrators: ‘ADI’, 14; Richard Smith, The Sunday Express 26 August 1979: 12.)
53. “The Traitor’s Wife.” Spotlight Feb 1951: 6–7, 57. (Illustrator: ‘Flip’, 6–7.)
54. “The Red Coat.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.
55. “The Question.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Illustrator: John Jackson, Personality 14 Aug 1969: 139.)
56. “The Old Potchefstroom Gaol.” Undated typescript, HRHRC; title supplied.
57. “The Ghost at the Drift.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Published in Afrikaans as “Dit Spook by die Drif”, Die Brandwag 11.550 (16 Apr 1948): 9, 38, 40–41. Illustrator: ‘Monté’, 9.)
58. “Bush Telegraph.” Undated typescript, HRHRC. (Published in Afrikaans as “Die Kaffer-tamboer”, On Parade 3.9 (24 Aug 1949): 9. Illustrator: Abe Berry.)
59. “Tryst by the Vaal.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.
60. “The Selon’s Rose.” Undated typescript, HRHRC.