The authors are deeply grateful to Marc Carter for his professional photography featured in this book and to George Frank for his inspirational book Classic Wood Finishing. We are also indebted to Fred Siegel for his wonderful additional photography.

Together the authors would like to thank:

Pam Goldman

Tony Fortner

Gene Leslie

Nicholas Crestani

German Lucero

Sam Millard

Lilly Plasencia

Carl Stammerjohn

Camerino Velazquez

Arlen Heginbotham, Conservator,
Decorative Arts and Sculpture, Getty Museum

Brian Miller would like to thank:

Tom Montgomery

Scott Goldstein and Lauren Gabor

Jim Ipekjian

Randell Makinson

Harvey and Ellen Knell

Zach and Denise Snyder

Harry Anderson

David Zander

Mark and Phaedra Ledbetter

Michael Schneickert and Karen Otamura

Joe Pytka

and last but certainly not least, his wife Nancy for all of her support.

Marci Slade Crestani would like to thank:

Dale Pryzbal of Woodfinishing Enterprises

Sue Ann Chui, Assistant Conservator of Paintings at the J. Paul Getty Museum

The Research Library staff at the Getty Research Institute

Don Williams, retired Senior Furniture Conservator at the Smithsonian

and most especially her husband Bob for his unflagging patience and good humor.