The police cruiser pulled up to the curb near the steps of the medical building. Sonnet spilled out the doors with the rest of the med students on the bright April afternoon, and sauntered down to the police car. The driver’s side door opened, and Griff got out, wearing his black Baltimore PD uniform. He walked around the car, put a hand to her cheek, and dove in for a kiss.
“I thought this was a no unauthorized vehicles parking zone,” she teased. He opened the passenger side door for her.
“It is. I’m authorized. How was school?”
She got in. “Good. We went over pharmacology today. There’s a lot to learn. I’ll hit the books later tonight. Are you off for the day?”
“Yep. Just clocked out.” He closed the door for her, and drove them back to their apartment. Before she’d dated an actual cop, she had no idea how busy the inside of a police cruiser could be. But he had all the toys, from a mounted laptop, to a dash cam, to a radio and speed monitor.
He took her hand, and kissed it.
“Did you have a good day?” she asked.
He nodded, and glanced at her as he drove. “Yep. Made two arrests before lunchtime. Both drug related.”
“Wow. I guess the spring breakers are starting early this year.”
“I guess they are.” He toyed with her fingers. “You want to fool around when we get home? I missed you.”
She smirked. “Griff, you just saw me this morning.”
“Yeah, and that was this morning. I want some more.”
“You always want more.” She rubbed his arm.
“But you do know, statistically, on average, most relationships have a strong erotic connection for about two to three years tops, and then they level out and stagnate, so—”
He barked a laugh. “We’re not a statistic, Sonnet. And let’s face it, all relationships are messed the hell up in one way or another. I’m not going to whisk you away to a magical castle at the end of the story, and the fact is, in the professions we’re pursuing, we’ll both be challenged. It’ll affect our relationship, and test it a lot. But after everything, we know this is it. Right?”
She squeezed his hand. “Right.” It had taken almost losing Griff to see it, but she realized her career wasn’t everything; it wouldn’t keep her warm at night, and it wouldn’t love her. Griff loved her.
Trey and Tiago had moved in together and rented her house in Chicago. And after quite a bit of publicity and awards for bravery, Griff had healed, and, when he was well enough he had requested to start work at the Baltimore PD. His captain had pulled some strings, and Griff was able to start a couple of weeks after she began med school. They’d moved in to their apartment at the beginning of January.
They’d talked about marriage, and agreed it would happen after she finished med school. For now she was happy just to be with him.
Griff parked the cruiser in their subterranean garage, and the second they got through the door he attacked.
“God, you’re gorgeous in that lab coat. You look so sexy in it.”
She giggled, and slid it off her shoulders as he unbuckled his duty belt. “You have an acquired taste for what I wear, Officer Parker.”
“You know it.” He put his holster and belt on a nearby lamp table. He walked her backward, caressed her hips, and gazed into her eyes. “¿Que eres la mujer más hermosa que he visto en mi vida?”
She raised her eyebrows. “Wow. Someone’s been practicing. Bien hecho Estoy impresionada.”
“Thank Officer Torres. He’s made me speak Spanish whenever we ride together. He says I’m obligated, when I have a woman as beautiful as you to come home to.”
“I’ll have to thank him, when I’m not otherwise engaged.” She pulled him down by the neck, and crushed her mouth to his. “Take me, Griff. Make love to me the way you know I like it.”
“Sure, baby.”
In their bedroom, he took her clothes off piece by piece and worshipped every inch of skin with his talented tongue.
Since the carnage at the academy, every time he made love to her, he did it as if it were the last time, and it took her breath away. He laid her out on the bed, took off his uniform, and buried his nose in her hair. “God, I love your mountain of curls,” he murmured.
She kissed him, and touched her tongue to his. He was such a romantic, and she loved it. He covered her breast with his hand, and moved the middle finger of his other hand over her clit as he tugged her nipple. His hand traveled to her slit, and he moved two fingers between her pussy lips, gathered her wetness, and massaged it in concentrated circles. She writhed beneath him, and swayed with his touch.
“I love you, Griff.”
“I love you, too. You’re my everything.” He massaged her breast, and her pussy, his fingers diving lower with each stroke.
Sonnet arched her back. “Aye, que rico.”
He popped his head up. “Rico better mean, ‘hell yes, touch me some more,’ and not some guy you know from class.”
She laughed, and covered her eyes. “Oh jeez.” She laughed harder.
He removed her hand, and beamed at her.
“I love your smile,” she whispered. “It’s so beautiful.”
His chest rose and fell as he gazed down at her. She slid her hand to his cock, and stroked it. “I want you, Griffith. Make me burn.”
He nodded, breathing heavily. He moved the head of his cock around her pussy lips, and spread her juices. He kissed her as he entered her, and she wound her arms and legs about him. He drew back, and thrust in, hard.
He was her home.
“Sonnet, baby, you’re the best kind of medicine.”