
And now for the most difficult part to write…


There is so much to say about this book—this family and series. I don’t want to double the size of this sucker, even though I could. I’ve shared my writing journey and the roots of Waiting on the Sidelines often, so I won’t go deep into it here, but for those who may not know, Book 1 - Waiting on the Sidelines - was my first published novel. I carried it around for more than a decade half finished. I was terrified to share it, afraid of rejection and being judged, I suppose.

It came out on Tax Day 2013. Good news on a shitty day haha. Turns out, that little book of my heart was the best news ever for me. It opened up the possibility of my dream. I’m living it. And those of you who took a chance on that book, back in the day; those of you who I have grown epically close to and call friends—you are my fairy godmothers. For real.

This gets said a lot in acknowledgements and it’s said because it’s true. You—the reader—are everything. That’s it. Not one single title fits what you are to those of us who toil away with carpal tunnel and insomnia, hovering over our keyboards, manic on Diet Coke and Teddy Grahams while we talk to ourselves to make sure the dialogue sounds just…right… You are everything. We do this because you let us. I do this because you made it possible. I can’t thank you enough. All I can do is promise to keep creating, always with you in mind. I do, and I will.

I have so many people to thank. This first one might seem strange, but I’d like to thank Kurt Warner. You see, Reed was number 13 for a reason. Kurt is the kinda guy who breaks the mold. In the world of football, he was not just exceptional—he was an exception. Driven, yes, but grounded above all else. I admire him, and as much as I wish we had gotten one more year of him on the field…I’m glad he knew when to quit. His story inspired this one in many ways.

I’d also like to thank my family—my parents for giving me such an amazing life, my brother for molding me into the Tomboy I am, my husband for loving me and believing in me fiercely, and my son for being my very best friend. My family also includes my home. This series is very much about Arizona. I know Coolidge, Phoenix, Tucson, the desert—every dusty nook and cranny that somehow produces the most spectacular earth and sunsets. This place is the heartbeat that’s steady under my prose.

To my betas—Bianca, Shelley, Jen (I’ll get back to more on you, missy) and to TeriLyn. You put up with me doling out words to you bits at a time. You help me make sure they’re just right. Endless thanks! And please don’t ever close your email inboxes lol!

Now Jen, I call you out because in 2012, you were my very first beta. My bestie. We were working in a place that felt like it was on fire, and I had this dream and you needed an escape. In pure Jen fashion, you not only took my manuscript in to read as a favor, you made it your goddamned mission. You made me your goddamned mission. I can never thank you enough for believing in me, for pushing me, and for tirelessly telling people I’m your favorite author, even though you’re biased as hell haha. I love you, my friend. For your encouragement, and just for who you are.

This bookish world was forever changed by those of you who give your time and effort through blogging. I was forever changed by your work. There are so many of you who have lifted me up, and I want you to know that your work is so vital to this community. You, more than any of us, changed this romance business landscape. You knocked down doors and reshaped the rulebook. All because you wanted to find ALL OF THE BOOKS. And you wanted to share them…with the world! Thank you for sharing mine. Thank you for every single small and large thing you do. You work harder than me. And thank God! I will forever be your fan.

To my editors: BilliJoy Carson of Editing Addict and Tina Scott. You’re my bullet-proof vest. To use a Waiting Series-themed analogy: You are my offensive line. You march me down the field with the confidence that I can score. Thank you!

Now, Autumn… You, my dear, are my Tony Dungy. I’m pretty sure I was a fan of you first. Your belief in me is one thing, but the fact that you also know when I need to just stop and breathe is beyond. You roll up your sleeves for me and have not just allowed me to stand a little straighter…taller…but you’ve made me start to believe that maybe I’m a’right at this book stuff after all. That right there, overcoming that doubt, has been the mountain in the way of everything for me. You came in with dynamite and blew it to shit. Thank you, my friend. You are so special.

Like I said, I have a ton of people to thank. I could go on and on. My husband really deserves his own chapter of thanks, but since he’s right here, I can just tell him. I’m gonna wrap this up, as hard as it is because in doing so…I’m also closing the final chapter on characters who have become family.

I hope you enjoyed this coming-of-age ride. I hope I served Nolan and Reed well with this final book. I’ve never felt so satisfied in telling a tale. Honestly. Something about these two and where they are now feels just right. It’s like ahhh. They literally fade into our epic Arizona sunset. And kinda like them, I don’t really have to dream anymore. I’ve already gotten there.


Til next time.
