A synthesizer, looking back, sees a thief’s shadow. Our book draws upon thousands of studies made by myriad specialists who in the last generation have rewritten the city’s history. It is they who produced the strands of scholarship that we have woven into a narrative.
In the resource notes that follow, we have space to offer only the most truncated acknowledgment of the immense debt we owe those upon whose research and insights we have relied. The alphabetized author and date listings are intended only to suggest those works we found most valuable in sorting our way through the subject of each particular section. This approach does not allow us to differentiate between those interpretations we support and follow and those which we disagree with but nevertheless consider provocative or informative. Under these circumstances, it is more important than usual to insist that those we cite are to be held blameless for our infelicities of analysis and errors of fact. As to the latter, we acknowledge that this work, by its very scope, will inevitably contain mistakes and misstatements, and we invite correction and comment (bouquets as well as brickbats). Readers can email us at gotham@oup-usa.org.
Finally, a note, for those who might be interested, about the nature of our scholarly collaboration. It began a quarter century ago, when we jointly wrote, in 1972, a lengthy essay on the American Revolution. In the early 1980s, we embarked on this study of New York City. The end product is the result not only of years of discussion and debate but of decades of mutual support and sustenance without which this daunting enterprise would never have come to fruition. Our method of work involved one of us doing the reading, researching, structuring, and writing of a chapter, then passing it to the other, whose commentary, critique, and at times additional research, new writing, or rewriting, would inform the second, third, or however many drafts it took until both partners were basically satisfied with the result. The authors’ contributions of intellect and energy are therefore so interlaced that each page bears the mark of their affiliation.
Practical considerations, however, demanded a rough division of labor and attained expertise. Accordingly, Burrows took primary responsibility for producing drafts of chapters 1-26—essentially the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries. Wallace did the same for the Introduction and for the remainder of the nineteenth-century material (embracing chapters 27-69). The story of the twentieth century, which swelled to such dimension that it required a volume of its own, has been and will be tackled by MW alone.
We consulted several indispensable reference works so often that it would be tiresome to mention them in each of the section notes that follow. They are Jackson, Encyclopedia of New York (1995), Kouwenhoven, Columbia Historical Portrait of New York (1953), and Stokes, Iconography of Manhattan (1915-28). For the city’s history in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we likewise made heavy and repeated use of the primary materials collected by Fernow (1887, 1897, 1902-7, 1907), Lincoln (1894), Hastings and Corwin (1901-16), O’Callaghan, 1849, 1853-87, 1868), Osgood (1905), and Van Laer (1974).
Allen, 1990; Atkins, 1973; Botkin, 1976; Bubrinski, 1995; Clarkson, 1915; Clouston, 1903; Conrad, 1984; Cunningham, 1889; Fox, 1899; Francis, Jr., 1986; Hazlitt, ed., 1866; Irving, 1984; Jagendorf, 1950; Kahrl, ed., 1965; Kandell, 1988; Kane, 1989; Knickerbocker, 1968; Miller, 1886; Opie and Opie, 1997; Paulding, 1839; Pearson, 1991; Stapleton, 1910; Throsby, 1677; Tyrell, 1991; Walter, 1988
Andrews, 1908; Andrews, 1984; Bayer, 1925; Boyle, 1969; Burnaby, 1904; Danckaerts and Sluyter, 1867; Denton, 1966; Earle, 1938; Habeit, 1949; Honour, 1975; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Lipinsky, 1958; McManis, 1972; Meinig, 1966; Morison, 1971—74; Murphy, 1969; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Van der Donck, 1841; Van Gelder, 1982; Van Rensselaer, 1898; Wolley, 1902
Immigrant Ice: Barlow, 1969; Boyle, 1969; Cressy, 1966; Homberger, 1994; Joyce, 1988; Kieran, 1959; McPhee, 1983; Miller, 1970; Nicholas, 1988; Raymo and Raymo, 1989; Rensberger, 1976; Schuberth, 1968; Suggs, 1966; Van Diver, 1985; White, 1987
Where the Lenapes Dwell: Axtell, 1981; Axtell, 1982; Axtell, 1987; Axtell, 1992; Berkhofer, 1978; Brasser, 1971; Ceci, 1990; Cronon, 1983; Farb, 1968; Gehring, Starna, and Fenton, 1987; Gibson, 1980; Grumet, 1981; Grumet, 1995; Hauptman and Knapp, 1977; Jacobs, 1972; Jacobs, 1974; Jaffe, 1975; Jameson, 1909; Jennings, 1975; Jennings, 1979; Kammen, 1975; Kraft, 1986; Kupperman, 1980; Lurie and Leacock, 1971; Martin, 1978; Miller and Hamell, 1986; Pearce, 1965; Salisbury, 1982; Salisbury, 1996; Sauer, 1971; Sauer, 1980; Strong, 1997; Trelease, 1960; Trelease, 1962; Trelease, 1969; Washburn, 1971; Washburn, 1975; Wessel, 1981; Wolf, 1982
Lazy and Barbarous People: Brasser, 1971; Bridenbaugh, 1981; Ceci, 1990; Cronon, 1983; Denton, 1966; Etienne and Leacock, 1980; Farb, 1968; Gehring and Grumet, 1987; Gehring, Starna, and Fenton, 1987; Gibson, 1980; Grumet, 1980; Grumet, 1981; Grumet, 1995; Grumet, 1996; Hauptman and Knapp, 1977; Jacobs, 1974; Jafie, 1979; Jameson, 1909; Jennings, 1975; Jennings, 1979; Kammen, 1975; Kraft, 1986; Kupperman, 1980; Lodwick, 1849; Lurie, 1959; Lurie, 1971; Lurie and Leacock, 1971; Miller and Hamell, 1986; Pearce, 1965; Pyne, 1997; Richter, 1992; Richter, 1983; Rink, 1986; Salisbury, 1982; Salisbury, 1996; Sauer, 1971; Sauer, 1980; Starna, 1986; Strong, 1997; Suggs, 1966; Trelease, 1960; Trelease, 1962; Trelease, 1969; Washburn, 1971; Washburn, 1975; Wessel, 1981; Wolf, 1982; Wolley, 1902
The Fur Trade: Burke, 1986; Dennis, 1994; Fenton, 1971; Hunt, 1940; Josephy, 1958; Krech, 1981; Lipinsky, 1958; Martin, 1978; McBride, 1994; Murray, 1938; Norton, 1974; Richter, 1983; Richter, 1992; Starna, 1986; Strong, 1997; Trelease, 1960; Trelease, 1962; Trelease, 1969; Vecsey, 1986
Asher, 1860; Burke, 1986; Grumet, 1981; Hart, 1959; Heckwelder, 1841; Jameson, 1909; Murphy, 1972; Norton, 1974; Strong, 1997
Mighty Amsterdam: Anderson, 1974a; Anderson, 1974b; Bachman, 1969; Barbour, 1950; Bayer, 1925; Boxer, 1965; Braudet, 1981; Condon, 1968; Davies, 1961; Dillon, 1981; Francis, 1986; Goslinga, 1971; Huey, 1988; Israel, 1989; Israel, 1995; Kistemaker, 1983; Masselman, 1963; Murphy, 1972; Murray, 1938; Newton, 1933; Norton, 1974; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Scammell, 1981; Schama, 1987; Smit, 1970; Smith, 1973; Van Deusen, 1991; Van Loon, 1928; Wallerstein, 1974; Weslager, 1961; Wilson, 1968 The West India Company: Bachman, 1969; Barbour, 1950; Condon, 1968; Davies, 1961; Francis, 1986; Jameson, 1909; Rink, 1986; Smith, 1973
New Netherland: Bachman, 1969; Baird, 1985; Bayles, 1915; Burke, 1986; Butler, 1983; Ceci, 1990; Condon, 1968; Davies, 1961; Duffy, 1968; Fayden, 1993; Hart, 1959; Israel, 1977; Israel, 1989; Jameson, 1909; Kavenagh, 1973; Kenney, 1975; Maika, 1995; Norton, 1974; Rink, 1978; Rink, 1986; Smith, 1973; Wright, 1973; Zwierlein, 1910
Farms or Factories?: Bachman, 1969; Bayer, 1925; Burke, 1986; Condon, 1968; Jacobs, 1972; Jameson, 1909; Jennings, 1975; Kammen, 1975; Norton, 1974; Rink, 1986
War and Wampum: Boyle, 1969; Brasser, 1971; Burke, 1986; Ceci, 1980; Ceci, 1990; Cronon, 1983; Francis, 1986; Gehring, 1980; Grumet, 1995; Hauptman and Knapp, 1977; Jacobs, 1972; Jacobs, 1974; Jameson, 1909; Lodwick, 1849; Lowensteyn, 1984; McBride, 1994; Norton, 1974; Otto, 1995; Richter, 1992; Rink, 1986; Salisbury, 1982; Strong, 1997; Taxay, 1970; Vecsey, 1986
New Amsterdam: Bayles, 1915; Francis, 1986; Gehring, 1980; Grumet, 1981; Hunt, 1940; Jameson, 1909; Jennings, 1975; Quinn, 1993; Rink, 1986; Starna, 1986
Bayles, 1915; Cohen, 1992; Condon, 1968; Davies, 1961; De Jong, 1968; Dubois, 1884; Goodfriend, 1978; Jameson, 1909; Kammen, 1975; Kavenagh, 1973; Kenney, 1975; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kruger, 1985; McManus, 1966; Nissenson, 1937; Postma, 1990; Raesly, 1945; Schama, 1987
Patroons and Puritans: Bachman, 1969; Condon, 1968; Goslinga, 1971; Rink, 1978; Rink, 1986
The Case for Colonization: Bachman, 1969; Condon, 1968; Jameson, 1909; Rink, 1986
Personnel and Chattel: Bakker, 1995; Berlin, 1996; Bridenbaugh, 1966; Cohen, 1992; Foote, 1993; Goodfriend, 1978; Goodfriend, 1992; Janvier, 1894; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kruger, 1985; McManus, 1966; Rink, 1981; Rink, 1986; Swan, 1990; Swan, 1993; Wilder, 1994
Wild West on the Hudson: Biemer, 1983; Cohen, 1981; Cohen, 1992; Davies, 1961; Foglesong, 1986; Foote, 1993; Gehring and Grumet, 1987; Goodfriend, 1978; Goodfriend, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Hershkowitz, 1965; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kenney, 1975; Kruger, 1985; McLaughlin, 1981; Narrett, 1988; Narrett, 1992; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1983; Rink, 1981; Rink, 1986; Rink, 1994; Schama, 1987; Singleton, 1909; Strong, 1842; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Deusen, 1991; Van Rensselaer, 1898; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Wagman, 1983a; White, 1953; Wilcoxen, 1984; Zwierlein, 1910
Development: Bridenbaugh, 1966; Duffy, 1968; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kross, 1983; Kruger, 1985; Maika, 1995; Otto, 1995; Riker, 1852; Riker, 1904; Rink, 1986; Seymann, 1939; Singleton, 1909; Wilder, 1994; Wright, 1973
Disaster. Biemer, 1981; Boyle, 1969; Brasser, 1971; Ceci, 1990; Cronon, 1983; Denton, 1966; Gibson, 1980; Grumet, 1981; Hauptman and Knapp, 1977; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Lodwick, 1849; Lowensteyn, 1984; Macleod, 1928; Norton, 1974; Otto, 1995; Raesly, 1945; Richter, 1983; Richter, 1992; Rink, 1986; Starna, 1986; Strong, 1997; Trelease, 1960; Wagman, 1979; Wessel, 1981; Williams, 1995
Losing Ground: Bachman, 1969; Biemer, 1981; Biemer, 1983; Waller, 1975; Winthrop, 1996
Goslinga, 1971; Kenney, 1975; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Smith, 1973; Van der Zee, 1978
Town Building: Bridenbaugh, 1966; De Jong, 1970; Duffy, 1968; Gehring, 1991; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kammen, 1975; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kilpatrick, 1912; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Schneider, 1938; Singleton, 1909; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Van Zwieten, 1996; Weidner, 1974
A Well-Regulated Economy: Barbour, 1950; Berlin, 1996; Blackmar, 1989; Ceci, 1980; Davies, 1961; Davis, 1991; De Jong, 1968; Dunn, 1972; Fayden, 1993; Goodfriend, 1978; Goodfriend, 1992; Hobhouse, 1986; Hodges, 1988; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kruger, 1985; Maika, 1995; Mintz, 1985; Moss, 1985; Postma, 1990; Quinn, 1993; Richter, 1992; Rink, 1986; Rink, 1987; Rink, 1994; Sheridan, 1974; Swan, 1990; Syrett, 1954; Van den Boogaart, 1986; Van der Zee, 1978; Wagman, 1983a; White, 1953; White, 1956; Wright, 1973
“Persons of Quality”: Biemer, 1983; Burke, 1986; Cohen, 1981; Cooper, 1968; Innis, 1902; Kilpatrick, 1912; Maika, 1995; McCormick, 1989; Narrett, 1992; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1904; Riker, 1981; Rink, 1986; Schama, 1987; Singleton, 1909; Wagman, 1983a, Wagman, 1983b; White, 1956
Common Folk: Bayles, 1915; Bridenbaugh, 1966; Burke, 1978; Hodges, 1988; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Newman, 1993; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1904; Riker, 1981; Rose, 1988; Schama, 1979; Schama, 1987; Singleton, 1909; Van den Boogaart, 1986; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Deusen, 1991; Wagman, 1983
The Negroes’ Lot: Davis, 1991; Foote, 1993; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kruger, 1985; Moss, 1985; Newman, 1993; Swan, 1990; Wilder, 1994
Cohen, 1992; Earle, 1938; Gehring, 1991; Innis, 1902; Kammen, 1975; Hertzberg, 1989; Katz, 1983; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1904; Rink, 1986; Schama, 1987; Singleton, 1909; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Deusen, 1991; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Wilder, 1994; Zwierlein, 1910
Servants of Baal: De Jong, 1968; Faber, 1994; Goodfriend, 1992; Hertzberg, 1989; Innis, 1902; Israel, 1989; Jameson, 1909, Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Marcus, 1970; Pool, 1955; Pratt, 1967; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Smith, 1973; Van der Zee, 1978; Waller, 1975
“Our Great Muscovy Duke”: Biemer, 1981; Biemer, 1983; Ellis, 1997; Fernow, 1902-7; Innis, 1902; Jameson, 1909; Kammen, 1975; Kavenagh, 1973; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kilpatrick, 1912; Maika, 1995; Narrett, 1988; New-York Historical Society, 1886; Raesly, 1945; Reynolds, 1984; Riker, 1983; Rink, 1986; Seybolt, 1918; Seymann, 1939; Syrett, 1954; Teaford, 1975; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1898; Wagman, 1983b; Waller, 1975; White, 1953; Wright, 1973
The Struggle for Power: Jameson, 1909; Kavenagh, 1973; Raesly, 1945; Rink, 1986; Seybolt, 1918; Seymann, 1939; Teaford, 1975; Wagman, 1983b; White, 1953, Wright, 1973
Imperiled Periphery: Biemer, 1981; Cohen, 1981; Cohen, 1992; Danckaerts and Sluyter, 1966; De Jong, 1968; Dilliard, 1974; Dubois, 1884; Earle, 1938; Goodfriend, 1992; Grumet, 1996; Harlow, 1931; Hauptman and Knapp, 1977; Hunt, 1940; Innis, 1902; Kammen, 1975; Kenney, 1975; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kross, 1983; McLaughlin, 1981; Merwick, 1980; Nooter, 1995; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1982; Rink, 1986; Rink, 1991; Rink, 1994; Salisbury, 1982; Singleton, 1909; Strong, 1842; Strong, 1997; Trelease, 1960; Van den Boogaart, 1986; Van der Donck, 1968; Van Gelder, 1982; Van der Zee, 1978; Wagman, 1979; Wessel, 1981; Williams, 1995; Wright, 1973; Wright, 1980
James Stuart, Duke of York: Andrews, 1934-38; Biemer, 1983; Calder, 1981; Dunn, 1972; Israel, 1989; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Mowrer, 1960; Raesly, 1945; Riker, 1982; Ritchie, 1977; Shomette and Haslach, 1988; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Waller, 1975
New York, New York: Andrews, 1934-38; Balmer, 1989a; De Jong, 1968; Israel, 1989; Kessler and Rachlis, 1959; Kruger, 1985; Maika, 1995; Moss, 1985; Mowrer, 1960; Murphy, 1969; Quinn, 1993; Raesly, 1945; Ritchie, 1977; Shomette and Haslach, 1988; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1909
BRITISH NEW YORK (1664-1783)
Andrews, 1934-38; Goebel and Naughton, 1943; Goebel, 1969; Goodfriend, 1992; Greene, 1996; Kavenagh, 1973; Maika, 1995; Pennypacker, 1944; Pratt, 1967; Ritchie, 1977; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1898; Van Rensselaer, 1909
Collaborators: Balmer, 1983; Balmer, 1989a; Bayles, 1915; Biemer, 1983; Danckaerts and Sluyter, 1966; Denton, 1966; Earle, 1938; Ellis, 1997; Fabend, 1994; Greene, 1996; Harlow, 1931; Kavenagh, 1973; Kessler and Radilis, 1959; Kupp, 1974; Maika, 1995; Matson, 1987; Murrin, 1988; Narrett, 1992; Reynolds, 1984; Ritchie, 1977; Severini, 1981; Singleton, 1909; Steele, 1986; Stern, 1974; Still, 1956; Van Rensselaer, 1898; Van Rensselaer, 1909; White, 1987
Dissidents: Andrews, 1934-38; Archdeacon, 1976b; Banner, 1983; Balmer, 1989a; Biemer, 1983; Johnson, 1965; Kavenagh, 1973; Kim, 1970; Lovejoy, 1972; McCormick, 1989; McKinley, 1900; Mowrer, 1960; Nooter, 1995; Pratt, 1967; Reich, 1953; Riker, 1982; Ritchie, 1977; Stern, 1974; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Waller, 1975
New Orange: Balmer, 1989a; De Jong, 1975; Israel, 1989; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Shomette and Haslach, 1988; Van der Zee, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1909
Andros: Bridenbaugh, 1966; Greene, 1996; Hodges, 1982; Kanunen, 1975; Kavenagh, 1973; McCormick, 1989; Peterson, 1917; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Severini, 1981; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Webb, 1976; Webb, 1984
The Covenant Chain: Cohen, 1992; Gehring and Grumet, 1987; Jennings, 1975; Jennings, 1984; Martin, 1985; McCormick, 1989; Richter, 1992; Webb, 1984
New York in 1680: Archdeacon, 1976b; Bayles, 1915; Cohen, 1974; Danckaerts and Sluyter, 1966; Davis, 1991; Denton, 1966; Goodfriend, 1992; Hodges, 1982; Kruger, 1985; Looney, 1982; Lovejoy, 1972; Matson, 1987; McCormick, 1989; McLaughlin, 1981; Murrin, 1988; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Van Rensselaer, 1909; White, 1956; Wolley, 1902
Standing Mere on Naturethan Names: Andrews, 1934-38; Archdeacon, 1976b; Biemer, 1983; Danckaerts and Sluyter, 1966; Ellis, 1997; Fabend, 1997; Goodfriend, 1992; Lovejoy, 1972; McCormick, 1989; McLaughlin, 1981; Merwick, 1981; Morris, 1935; Narrett, 1988; Narrett, 1992; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Roeber, 1991; Shammas, 1987; Shammas, et al., 1987; Sheridan, 1974; Smith, 1983; Stern, 1974; Strong, 1842; Van Rensselaer, 1909
Andrews, 1934-38; Kammen, 1975; Kennedy, 1930; Phelan, 1933; Van Rensselaer, 1909
The Reorganization of Government: Andrews, 1934-38; Biemer, 1983; Duffy, 1968-74; Hartog, 1983; Hodges, 1982; Kammen, 1975; Kavenagh, 1973; Lovejoy, 1972, McCormick, 1989; Merwick, 1981; Murrin, 1988; Narrett, 1988; Narrett, 1992; Phelan, 1933; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Seymann, 1939; Singleton, 1909; Still, 1956; Van Rensselaer, 1909
The Gathering Storm: Archdeacon, 1976b; Biemer, 1983; Bosher, 1995; Butler, 1983; Christoph, 1994; Cray, 1988a; Cray, 1988b; Goodfriend, 1992; Kierner, 1992; Kim, 1970; Kim, 1978; Leder, 1961; Levinson, 1961; Mark, 1965; Monaghan, 1935; Murrin, 1988; Narrett, 1988; Nissenson, 1937; Pound, 1975; Ritchie, 1977; Steele, 1986; Still, 1956; Van Rensselaer, 1909
A Glorious Revolution: Lovejoy, 1972; McCormick, 1989; Ritchie, 1977; Van Rensselaer, 1909
“this confused businesse “: Andrews, 1915; Andrews, 1934-38; Archdeacon, 1976b; Leder, 1961; Lovejoy, 1972; McCormick, 1978; McCormick, 1989; McCully, 1982; Merwick, 1989; Murrin, 1988; Nash, 1976; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Sosin, 1982; Steele, 1986; Stern, 1974; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Webb, 1966
Leisler and the Leislerians: Andrews, 1915; Archdeacon, 1976a; Archdeacon, 1976b; Balmer, 1989a; Balmer, 1989b; Fabend, 1994; Howe, 1990; Leder, 1954; Lovejoy, 1972; Maika, 1994; Mason, 1949; McCormick, 1989; Mowrer, 1960; Narrett, 1992; Nooter, 1995; Raesly, 1945; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Sosin, 1982; Stern, 1974; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Voorhees, 1989; Voorhees, 1994a; Voorhees, 1994b; White, 1956 “Kill Urn/Kill Urn!”: Archdeacon, 1976b; Hodges, 1982; Kierner, 1992; Leder, 1961; Leder, 1955; McCormick, 1989; Nash, 1976; Peckham, 1964; Peterson, 1917; Reich, 1953; Richter, 1992; Ritchie, 1977
“For they have devoured Jacob”: Balmer, 1989a; Biemer, 1983; Bonotni, 1971; Budd, 1978; Goebel and Naughton, 1943; Greenberg, 1974; Johnson, 1965; Leder, 1952; McCormick, 1989; Nan-en, 1992; Reich, 1953; Ritchie, 1977; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Voorhees, 1994a
Church and State: Andrews, 1956; Archdeacon, 1976b; Balmer, 1981; Banner, 1988; Balmer, 1989a; Balmer, 1989b; Biemer, 1983; Bonomi, 1971; Bonomi, 1986; Bridenbaugh, 1966; De Jong, 1975; Earle, 1938; Fowler, 1981; Fox, 1926;
Goodfriend, 1992; Greenberg, 1974; Greenberg, 1975; Hodges, 1982; Kammen, 1975; Kavenagh, 1973; Kemp, 1969; Kilpatrick, 1912; Leamon, 1963; Leder, 1960; Lodwick, 1849; McCormick, 1989; Miller, 1843; Morehouse, 1973; Nooter, 1995; Olson, 1973; Phelan, 1933; Pointer, 1988; Pool, 1955; Pratt, 1967; Reich, 1953; Roeber, 1991; Sosin, 1985; Still, 1956; Wilier, 1960; White, 1956
The Pirates of New York: Andrews, 1956; Bayles, 1915; Bonomi, 1971; Fox, 1926; Goodfriend, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Johnson, 1963; Judd, 1975; Kammen, 1975; Leamon, 1963; Leder, 1961; Lydon, 1970; McCormick, 1989; Miller, 1843; Monaghan, 1935; Morris, 1952; Nash, 1976; Rediker, 1987; Reich, 1953; Risjord, 1981; Ritchie, 1986; Ritchie, 1988; Singleton, 1902; Valentine, 1853; Waller, 1960; White, 1956
The Anglicization of City Life: Andrews, 1956; Bayles, 1915; Bridenbaugh, 1966; De Jong, 1975; Eames, 1928; Earle, 1938; Gilje, 1987; Goebel, 1969; Goodfriend, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Howe, 1990; Kammen, 1970; Kammen, 1975; Katz, 1968; Levinson, 1961; Mintz, 1985; Phelan, 1933; Plumb, 1967; Rediker, 1981; Reynolds, 1984; Ritchie, 1986; Rosen, 1987; Shaw, 1981; Singleton, 1902; Steele, 1986; Straka, 1973
“Trumpet and Drumms”: Balmer, 1989a; Balmer, 1989b; Bayles, 1915; Budd, 1978; De Peyster, 1879; Fox, 1926; Howe, 1990; Kammen, 1975; Klein, 1964; Knittle, 1970; Leamon, 1963; Leder, 1961; Leder, 1971; McCormick, 1989; Reich, 1953; Runcie, 1969; Sosin, 1985; Varga, 1960; Waller, 1960; White, 1956
The Strange Career of Captain Kidd: Earle, 1938; Leder, 1954; Leder, 1961; Miller, 1843; Morris, 1935; Ritchie, 1986
“A very well humourd Affable Gent.”: Archdeacon, 1976b; Balmer, 1981; Balmer, 1988; Balmer, 1989a; Bayles, 1915; Bonomi, 1994; Bonomi, 1998; Earle, 1938; Ellis, 1997; Hodges, 1986; Howe, 1990; Katz, 1983; Kemp, 1969; Kierner, 1992; Kim, 1970; Leder, 1961; McAnear, 1967; Nooter, 1995; Olson, 1973! Pratt. 1967; Reich, 1953; Sheridan, 1981; Sosin, 1985; Valentine, 1853; Van Rensselaer, 1898
Political Interests: Bonomi, 1971; Craven, 1968; Egnal, 1988; Ellis, 1997; Goebel, 1969; Jennings, 1984; Johnson, 1963; Kammen, 1975; Katz, 1968; Katz, 1970; Klein, 1964; Klein, 1966; Kramnick, 1968; Leder, 1960; Leder, 1961, Lustig, 1995; Lydon, 1961; Maika, 1995; Nash, 1976; Olson, 1973a; Olson, 1973b; Pares, 1956; Peckham, 1964; Reich, 1953; Sosin, 1985; Steele, 1986; Valentine, 1853; Van Rensselaer, 1985; Waller, 1960; White, 1956
Davisson and Bradley, 1971; Kammen, 1975; Kouwcnhoven, 1953; Wilkenfeld, 1977
White Gold, Black Slaves: Brock, 1975; Calder, 1981; Davis, 1991; Dunn, 1972; Henretta and Nobles, 1986; Hobhouse, 1986; Kruger, 1985; Liss, 1983; McCusker, 1978; Mintz, 1985; Pares, 1956; Price, 1974; Sheridan, 1970; Sheridan, 1974; Steele, 1986
The West Indian Connection: Archdeacon, 1976b; Bridenbaugh and Bridenbaugh, 1972; Bruchey, 1966; Davisson and Bradley, 1971; Duffy, 1974; Dunn, 1972; Goodfriend, 1992; Jaher, 1982; Kammen, 1975; Kierner, 1992; Marcus, 1970; McCusker and Menard, 1985; Mintz, 1985; Monaghan, 1935; Narrett, 1988; Pares, 1956; Rediker, 1987; Reich, 1953; Risjord, 1981; Rosen, 1992; Scoville, 1866; Sheridan, 1974; Singleton, 1902; Steele, 1986; Still, 1956; White, 1956; Wilkenfeld, 1978
The Town that Trade Built: Archdeacon, 1975; Bayles, 1915; Bridenbaugh, 1966; Bruchey, 1966; Davisson and Bradley, 1971; DeVoe, 1970; Goodfriend, 1992; Kammen, 1975; McCusker and Menard, 1985; McKee, 1935; Still, 1956; White, 1956; Wilkenfeld, 1977; Wilkenfeld, 1978
City of Slaves: Archdeacon, 1975; Bonomi, 1971; Cray, 1988; Cray, 1988; Davis, 1991; Dillard, 1972; Fox, 1926; Goodfriend, 1992; Kammen, 1975; Kruger, 1985; Lydon, 1978; McCormick, 1989; McKee, 1935; McManus, 1966; Moss, 1985; Narrett, 1989; Newman, 1993; Smith, 1983
“Boony Country”: Balmer, 1989a; Bender, 1987; Bonomi, 1971; Butler, 1983; Calder, 1981; Cray, 1988a; Cray, 1988b; Crimmins, 1905; Dickson, 1966; Doyle, 1981; Faber, 1992; Goodfriend, 1989; Goodfriend, 1902; Goodfriend, 1996; Graham, 1956; Grinstein, 1945; Hamlin, 1939; Hamlin and Baker, 1959; Hershkowitz, 1976; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Kammen, 1975; Keys, 1967; Kierner, 1992; Klein, 1964; Klein, 1978; Knittle, 1970; Leder, 1971; Lustig, 1983; Lustig, 1995; Marcus, 1970; Maury, 1853; McGregor, 1988; McKee, 1935; Miller, 1985; Mintz, 1985; Morris, 1935; Morris, 1978; Narrett, 1989; Nash, 1979; Otterness, 1994; Pool, 1952; Pool, 1955; Pryde, 1935; Roeber, 1993; Rosenwaike, 1972; Scott and Stryker-Rodda, 1975; Sheridan, 1974; Smith, 1978; Van Rensselaer, 1985; Wells, 1973; White, 1956
An Epitaph far Dutch New York: Archdeacon, 1976b; Balmer, 1989a; Benson, 1964; Bonomi, 1971; Bridenbaugh, 1948; Butler, 1983; Cohen, 1971; Cohen, 1992; De Jong, 1975; Dunshee, 1952; Earle, 1938; Fabend, 1991; Fabend, 1997; Gehring, 1984; Goebel, 1969; Goodfriend, 1992; Greenberg, 1974; Harlow, 1931; Harrington, 1933; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Janvier, 1894; Jordan, 1977; Kemp, 1969; Kierner, 1992; Klingberg, 1940; Krassner, 1985; Maury, 1853; Maxson, 1920; Miller and Johnson, 1963; Narrett, 1988; Narrett, 1992; Nooter, 1995; Norton, 1980; Pointer, 1988; Roeber, 1991; Rosenwaike, 1972; Singleton, 1902; Sweeney, 1992; Tanis, 1967; Wacker, 1986; Wertenbaker, 1949
Kavenagh, 1973; McAnear, 1967
“A Free City of Itself”: Andrews, 1900; Archdeacon, 1976b; Black, 1967; Edwards, 1967; Gilje, 1987; Goebel, 1969; Hartog, 1983; Hodges, 1986; Hodges, 1988; Kavenagh, 1973; Kent, 1956; Klein, 1964; McAnear, 1967; McKee, 1935; Peterson, 1917; Seybolt, 1918;. Teaford, 1975; Vargs, 1960; Wagman, 1983b; Wilkenfeld, 1971; Williamson, 1960
Deference or Indifference?: Archdeacon, 1976b; Blackmar, 1989; Bonomi, 1971; Duffy, 1968-74; Flexner, 1980; Fox, 1926; Goodfriend, 1992; Greene, 1996; Hartog, 1983; Howe, 1990; Kammen, 1975; Katz, 1968; Klein, 1964; McKee, 1935; Morgan, 1988; Narrett, 1988; Nash, 1976; Peterson, 1917; Rothschild, 1990; Varga, 1960; Wagman, 1983b; Wilkenfeld, 1976; Wilkenfeld, 1978
The Master’s Voice: Cray, 1988a; Duffy, 1968-74; Edwards, 1967; Ekirch, 1987; Goodfriend, 1992; Greenberg, 1974; Kavenagh, 1973; Kross, 1983; McKee, 1935; Mohl, 1969; Morris, 1935; Narrett, 1988; Peterson, 1917; Richardson, 1970; Ross, 1988; Rothman, 1990; Schneider, 1980; Seybolt, 1918; Smith, 1947; Van Rensselaer, 1909; Wilkenfeld, 1976; Wilkenfeld, 1978
The City and the Poor: Cray, 1988a; McKee, 1935; Mohl, 1969; Narrett, 1988; Ross, 1988; Schneider, 1980
“a terror to others”: Cohen, 1971; Cohen, 1974; Cohen, 1992; Davis, 1991; Goodfriend, 1992; Graydon, 1979; Greenberg, 1974; Higginbotham, 1978; Hodges, 1986; Kavenagh, 1973; Kemp, 1969; Klingberg, 1940; Kobrin, 1971; Kross, 1983; Kruger, 1985; Lustig, 1995; Lydon, 1978; McKee, 1935; McManus, 1966; Olson, 1973b; Riker, 1982; Scott, 1961; Sheridan, 1974; Skemer, 1975; Trelease, 1960; Vanderbilt, 1881
Bridenbaugh, 1966; Calder, 1981; Countryman, 1981a; Cray, 1988a; Cray, 1988b; Davis, 1973; Davis, 1985; Duffy, 1968-74; Greenberg, 1974; McKee, 1935; Nash, 1976; Rosenwsike, 1972; Ross, 1989
The Party of the People: Bailyn, 1967; Bayles, 1915; Bonomi, 1971; Henderson, 1982; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Jacobson, 1965; Katz, 1968; Klein, 1963; Klein, 1964; Lustig, 1995; Nash, 1976; Rankin, 1965; Varga, 1960; Wertenbaker, 1949; White, 1956 The Case of the Poor Printer. Bayles, 1915; Botein, 1985; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Kammen, 1975; Katz, 1963; Katz, 1968; Katz, 1970; Katz, 1971; Levy, 1960; Lustig, 1995; Morris, 1952; Nash, 1976; Singleton, 1902; Steers, 1968; Wertenbaker, 1949
“Such a Single I Never Sam”: Bayles, 1915; Bonomi, 1971; Jordan, 1977; Cray, 1988a; Cray, 1988b; Katz, 1968; Lustig, 1995; Olson, 1973a
“Gethsemane! Gethsemane!”: Bushman, 1970; Duer, 1867; Fowler, 1981; Hodges, 1988; Kammen, 1975; Klingberg, 1940; Pratt, 1967; Vedder, 1898
“G—id—nail the white people”: Chase, 1983; Davis, 1985; Davis, 1991; Goodfriend, 1992; Harris, 1993; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Horsmanden, 1971; Sheridan, 1974; Szasz, 1967
Anderson, 1972; Bridenbaugh, 1971; Buffington, 1933; Harris, 1993; Nash, 1976; Peckham, 1964
Spoils of War. Abbott, 1974; Bridenbaugh, 1971; Buffington, 1933; Byard, 1989; DeVoe, 1970; Egnal, 1988; Gilje, 1987; Harlow, 1931; Harrington, 1933; Harrington, 1935; Hershkowitz, 1976; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Hodges, 1986; Janvier, 1984; Kim, 1970; Lydon, 1961; Lydon, 1968; Marcus, 1970; McKee, 1933; McKee, 1935; Narrett, 1989; Nash, 1976; O’Conor, 1938; Reducer, 1981; Swanson, 1991; White, 1956; Whiteman, 1971
Industry and Empire: Bruchey, 1965; Bruchey, 1966; Calder, 1981; Coleman, 1977; Egnal, 1985; Egnal, 1988; Fox, 1967; Harrington, 1933; Henretta and Nobles, 1986; Kammen, 1970; Kierner, 1992; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Lorillard, 1960; Price, 1980; White, 1956
Refinement: Alexander, 1938; Bender, 1987; Breen, 1986; Breen, 1992; Bridenbaugh, 1948; Bushman, 1993; Calvert, 1992; Earle, 1938; Garrett, 1978; Gerardi, 1978; Gottesman, 1938; Henderson, 1982; Kierner, 1988; Kierner, 1992; Klein, 1963; Klein, 1967; Klingenberg, 1940; Kraus, 1949; Narrett, 1988; Norton, 1980; Odell, 1927-49; Rankin, 1965; Silverman, 1976; Singleton, 1902; Sweeney, 1992; Wertenbaker, 1949; White, 1956; Wilkenfeld, 1978; Wright, 1957
Genteel Retorts: Abbott, 1974; Bayles, 1915; Black, 1984; Breen, 1986; Bushman, 1983; Chappell, 1992; Dunshee, 1952; Earle, 1938; Garrett, 1978; Gottesman, 1938; Harlow, 1931; Harrington, 1935; Harris, 1993; Henderson, 1982; Hershkowitz and Meyer, 1968; Kierner, 1988; Kierner, 1992; McAnear, 1967; McKendrick, et al., 1982; Mintz, 1970; Mintz, 1985; Monaghan, 1935; Narrett, 1988; O’Conor, 1938; Price, 1974; Reynolds, 1984; Scoville, 1863-66; Severini, 1981; Singleton, 1902; Sweeny, 1992; Wertenbaker, 1949; White, 1956; Wilkenfeld, 1978
Politics Among Gentlemen: Bender, 1987; Benson, 1964; Countryman, 1981a; Dillon, 1949; Doyle, 1981; Egnal, 1988; Ford, 1902; Gerardi, 1977-8; Gilje, 1987; Humphrey, 1976; Keep, 1909; Kierner, 1992; Kim, 1970; Klein, 1963; Klein, 1971a; Klein, 1971b; Klein, 1993; Launitz-Schurer, 1981; Lustig, 1995; Mark, 1965; McCaughey, 1980; Miller, 1985; Nelson, 1979; Pratt, 1967; Schneider, 1980; Singleton, 1902; Upton, 1969; Van Rensselaer, 1898
Wages of War: Bayles, 1915; Benson, 1964; Bridenbaugh, 1971; Gilje, 1987; Gottesman, 1938; Hodges, 1986; Jennings, 1988; Jordan, 1977; Lemisch, 1977; Lydon, 1961; Lydon, 1968; McKee, 1933; McKee, 1935; Narrett, 1989; Nash, 1976; Rediker, 1981; Singleton, 1902; Swanson, 1991; White, 1956; Whiteman, 1971; Wilkenfeld, 1978
Municipal Improvements: Bridenbaugh, 1971; Cray, 1988a; DeVoe, 1970; Dunshee, 1952; Edwards, 1967; Greenberg, 1974; Hodges, 1986; Klein, 1963; Richardson, 1970; Rosen, 1950; Schneider, 1938-41; Schneider, 1980
Artistmal Wards: Abbott, 1974; Bayles, 1915; Benson, 1964; Blackmar, 1989; Boydston, 1990; DeVoe, 1970; Hodges, 1986; Jordan, 1977; McEllhenny, 1982; McKee, 1935; Morehouse, 1973; Rothschild, 1990
Bridenbaugh, 1971; Dructor, 1975; Edwards, 1967; Egnal, 1985; Egnal, 1988; Goodfriend, 1996;
Harrington, 1935; Henretta and Nobles, 1986; Nash, 1976; Rogers, 1974; Walton and Shepherd, 1979; Wertenbaker, 1948; Wilkenfeld, 1977; Wilkenfeld, 1978
Newcomers: Bailyn, 1986a; Bailyn, 1986b; Bayles, 1915; Bridenbaugh, 1971; Calder, 1981; Countryman, 1981a; Doyle, 1981; Earle, 1938; Edwards, 1967; Gilje, 1987; Greenberg, 1974; Harrington, 1935; Knollenberg, 1960; Mason, 1966; Mohl, 1969; Nash, 1976; Odell, 1927-49; Rankin, 1965; Singleton, 1902; Wertenbaker, 1949; Wilkenfeld, 1976
Policy: Calder, 1981; Calhoon, 1973; Egnal, 1988; Johnson and Syrett, 1968; Kammen, 1975; Kierner, 1992; Kim, 1970; Klein, 1960; Knollenberg, 1960; Lusrig, 1995
Resistance: Egnal, 1988; Gilje, 1988; Kammen, 1975; Lusrig, 1995; Mohl, 1971; Morgan, 1953; Scull, 1882; Shy, 1965; Wertenbaker, 1948
Riotous Proceedings; Becker, 1909; Christen, 1968; Engleman, 1953; Gerlach, 1972; Gilje, 1987; Lemisch, 1997; Morgan, 1953; Nash, 1976; Ranlet, 1986; Scull, 1882; Singleton, 1902; Wertenbaker, 1948
Sons of Liberty: Champagne, 1967; Champagne, 1975a; Champagne, 1975b; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; Launitz-Schurer, 1981; MacDougall, 1977; Maier, 1980; Morals, 1939; Nash, 1976; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Our port is shut up”: Alexander, 1938; Becker, 1909; Bonomi, 1971; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1976b; Countryman, 1981a; Egnal, 1988; Ernst, 1993; Gerlach, 1972; Gilje, 1987; Jensen, 1968; Kim, 1970; Kim, 1982; Lynd, 1967; Mark, 1965; Ranlet, 1986; Scull, 1882; Singleton, 1902
Repeal: Egnal, 1988; Gilje, 1987; Scull, 1882; Upton, 1969
Christen, 1968; Gilje, 1987; Launitz-Schurer, 1981; Olm, 1974
The Transformation of Politics: Bonomi, 1971; Champagne, 1963; Champagne, 1975a; Christen, 1968; Egnal, 1988; Friediran, 1965; Gerlach, 1972; Kammen, 1975; Launitz-Schurer, 1981; Leder, 1962-63; Lusrig, 1995; Nash, 1976; Vargs, 1956; Wertenbaker, 1948
A City “Alive to God”: Dillon, 1949; Fowler, 1981; Goodfriend, 1996; Klein, 1993; Maxon, 1920; McEllhenncy, 1992; Pointer, 1988; Pratt, 1967; Upton, 1969; Vedder, 1898; Wilkenfeld, 1978
The Wilkes of America: Bayles, 1915; Boyer, 1973; Champagne, 1975a; Christen, 1968; Egnal, 1988; Gilje, 1987; Lusrig, 1995; Ranlet, 1986; Scull, 1882
Nonimportation Defeated: Champagne, 1975a; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; Egnal, 1988; Maier, 1980; McKee, 1935; Ranlet, 1986; Upton, 1969; Wertenbaker, 1948
“A New Flame Kindling in America”: Bridenbaugh, 1971; Calder, 1981; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; De Pauw, 1974; Dickson, 1966; Egnal, 1988; Gerlach, 1972; Graham, 1956; Greenberg, 1974; Labaree, 1975; Lustig, 1995; Mason, 1966; Mintz, 1970; Nash, 1976; Nelson, 1990; Still, 1956; Wertenbaker, 1948.
The “New Arcadia” of Liberty: Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; Kerber, 1980; Lustig, 1995; Lynd, 1967; Mason, 1966; Norton, 1980; Wertenbaker, 1948
The Continental Association: Alexander, 1938; Ammerman, 1974; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; Lustig, 1995; Odell, 1927-49; Rankin, 1965; Wertenbaker, 1948
Whigs of the OLD Stamp: Ashton, 1976; Balmer, 1989a; Benton, 1975; Black, 1984; Calhoon, 1973; Champagne, 1975a; Countryman, 1976a; Countryman, 1981a; Crary, 1973; De Jong, 1975; Dructor, 1975; Egnal, 1988; Ernst, 1993; Flick, 1969; Gerardi, 1978; Hull, et al. 1978; Judd, 1975; Judd, 1983; Kammen, 1976; Klingle, 1979; Launitz Schurer, 1981; Lustig, 1995; Mason, 1966; McNamara, 1995; Pointer, 1988; Potter, 1983; Pratt, 1967; Ranlet, 1986; Smith, 1969-71; Tiedemann, 1983; Tiedemann, 1984; Tiedemann, 1988; Warnock, 1988; Wertenbaker, 1948; Wright, 1975
“The Mob Begin to Think and Reason”: Adams, 1976; Alexander, 1938; Becker, 1966; Griswold, 1856; Klein, 1983; Mintz, 1970; Monaghan, 1935; Morris, 1973; Wertenbaker, 1948; Young, 1967
Champagne, 1975a; Christen, 1968; Countryman, 1981a; Egnal, 1988; Judd, 1983; Launitz Schurer, 1981; Lustig, 1995; Mason, 1966; Mitchell, 1962; Nelson, 1990; Nelson, 1991; Ranlet, 1986; Schachner, 1947; Smith, 1969-71; Tyler, 1975; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Good and Well-Ordered Governments”: Bliven, 1972; Countryman, 1981a; Egnal, 1988; Flick, 1969; Gilje, 1987; Lustig, 1995; Mason, 1966; Mintz, 1970; Wertenbaker, 1948
Yankee Doodle Comes to Town: Abbott, 1929; Alden, 1951; Bangs, 1968; Billias, 1964; Bliven, 1972; Christen, 1968; Fleming, 1776; Flexner, 1968; Fuck, 1969; Higginbotham, 1971; Luke and Venables, 1976; Lustig, 1995; MacDougall, 1977; Maier, 1972; Mason, 1966; Mather, 1913; Moore, 1969; Nelson, 1979; Potter, 1983; Ranlet, 1986; Shy, 1976; Still, 1956; Wertenbaker, 1948
“People Treading on Their Leaders’ Heels”: Egly, 1981; Flick, 1969; Flexner, 1968; Flexner, 1980; Gallagher, 1995; Gilje, 1987; Johnston, 1971; Lustig, 1995; Lynd, 1967; Mason, 1966; Ranlet, 1986; Schaukirk, 1979
“I Thought All London Was A float”: Bangs, 1968; Bliven, 1972; Blumenthal, 1952; De Pauw, 1975; Flexner, 1968; Flick, 1969; Gerlach, 1972; Gruber, 1972; Lynd, 1967; Marston, 1987; Mason, 1966; Pratt, 1967; Scheer and Rankin, 1957; Wall, 1975; Wertenbaker, 1948
Such Unsoldierly Conduct: Abbott, 1929; Doyle, 1981; Fleming, 1776; Flexner, 1968; Flick, 1969; Gallagher, 1995; Gruber, 1972; Higginbotham, 1971; Koke, 1975; Mackenzie, 1979; Scheer and Rankin, 1957; Wertenbaker, 1948
The Battle of Brooklyn: Balderston and Syren, 1975; Black, 1991; Dann, 1980; Flexner, 1968; Flick, 1969; Gallagher, 1995; Graydon, 1979; Gruber, 1972; Gruber, 1986; Hayes, 1995; Johnston, 1971; Kruger, 1985; Leggett, 1979; Manders, 1978; Nelson, 1979; Peckham, 1974; Sabine, 1954; Sabine, 1973; Scheer, 1962; Scheer and Rankin, 1957; Tucker, 1975; Vanderbilt, 1881
The Fall of New York: Black, 1991; Fleming, 1975; Flexner, 1968; Gruber, 1972; Gruber, 1986; Johnson, 1976; Johnston, 1897; Johnston, 1971; Paltsits, 1975; Scheer and Rankin, 1957; Serle, 1940; Still, 1956; Wagner, 1963; Wertenbaker, 1948
Heaven in Flames: Crary, 1973; Ellis, 1997; Fleming, 1975; Flexner, 1968; Graydon, 1979; Johnston, 1897; Kerber, 1980; Mackenzie, 1979; Moore, 1969; Scheer and Rankin, 1957; Wertenbaker, 1948
Finale: Billias, 1975; Bonwick, 1977; Booth, 1973; De Pauw, 1975; Engle, 1976; Plumb, 1986; Scheer and Rankin, 1957
Barck, 1966; Cohen, 1974; De Pauw, 1975; Flexner, 1980; Flick, 1969; Gerlach, 1972; Johnson, 1976; Keep, 1909; Klein, 1983; Klingle, 1979; Kruger, 1985; Lorenz, 1972; Luke and Venables, 1976; Mason, 1966; Mather, 1913; Ranlet, 1986; Ritchie, 1975; Silverman, 1976; Tiedemann, 1987; Vail, 1975; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Toujours delagaiete”: Barck, 1966; Dructor, 1975; East, 1938; Graydon, 1979; Harlow, 1931; Johnson, 1976; Lorenz, 1972; Moore, 1969; Ridge, 1988; Ritchie, 1975; Schaukirk, 1979; Silverman, 1976; Spalding, 1932; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Every Negro Who Shall Desert the Retell Standdard”: Davis, 1991; Hodges, 1987; Johnson, 1976; Klingle, 1979; Kruger, 1985; McKee, 1935! Narrett, 1988; Nash, 1992; Watson, 1846
Herrings in a Barrel: Barck, 1966; Conway, 1986; Conway, 1990; Eddis, 1972; Flexner, 1980; Flick, 1969; Gilje, 1987; Graydon, 1979; Hodges, 1987; Klein, 1983; Klein and Howard, 1983; Klingle, 1979; Leary, 1975; Marcus, 1970; Onderdonk, 1894; Pennypacker, 1930; Pennypacker, 1939; Pool, 1952; Pool, 1955; Ranlet, 1986; Ritchie, 1975; Schaukirk, 1979; Still, 1956; Upton, 1969; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Blood-Sucking Harpies”: Conway, 1990; De Pauw, 1974; Flexner, 1980; Klein, 1980; Klein, 1983; McNamara, 1995; Nelson, 1990; Schaukirk, 1979; Silverman, 1976; Young, 1977
“Kennel, Ye Sons of Bitches!”: Blatchford, 1865; Booth, 1973; Bray and Bushnell, 1978; Dunshee, 1952; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Graydon, 1979; Hawkins, 1979; Hayes, 1995; Lemisch, 1969; Onderdonk, 1894; Ranlet, 1986; Watson, 1846; Wertenbaker, 1948
“One General Scene of Ravage and Desolation”: Balderston and Syrett, 1975; Barck, 1966; Booth, 1973; Buck, 1995; Conway, 1986; Conway, 1990; Crary, 1975; De Pauw, 1974; Dunkak, 1988; Fingerhut, 1983; Graydon, 1979; Hodges, 1887; Hufeland, 1926; Johnson, 1976; Judd, 1983; Kammen, 1982; Kelsay, 1984; Kemble, 1885; Kim, 1993; Klein and Howard, 1983; Klingle, 1979; Luke and Venables, 1976; McNamara, 1995; Mintz, 1970; Norton, 1980; Parmet, 1967; Ranlet, 1986; Reynolds, 1960; Riker, 1982; Shy, 1975; Tiedemann, 1976; Waller, 1975; Wertenbaker, 1948
“Curses Upon Their King”: Barck, 1966; Booth, 1973; Conway, 1990; Crary, 1959; De Pauw, 1974; Ernst, 1983; Fingerhut, 1983; Flexner, 1980; Judd, 1983; Kemble, 1885; Klein and Howard, 1983; Mason, 1966; Pennypacker, 1930; Pennypacker, 1939; Ranlet, 1986; Schaukirk, 1979; Still, 1956; Upton, 1969; Wertenbaker, 1948
The State of New York: Adams, 1980; Barck, 1966; Bielinski, 1975; Cochran, 1932; Countryman, 1981a; Countryman, 1981b; Dangerrield, 1960; Ernst, 1983; Flick, 1969; Graymont, 1972; Hartog, 1983; Kaminski, 1993; Kammen, 1976; Kelsay, 1984; Kierner, 1992; Kruger, 1985; Lynd, 1967; Main, 1973; Mason, 1966; Mintz, 1970; Mitchell, 1962; Monaghan, 1935; Overall, 1887; Polf, 1977; Pratt, 1967; Quarles, 1961; Ranlet, 1986; Scoville, 1863-66; Upton, 1969; Wertenbaker, 1948; Wright, 1984; Young, 1967; Zeichner, 1940
Evacuation Day: Balderston and Syrett, 1975; Bayles, 1915; Ernst, 1983; Flexner, 1968; Gilje, 1987; Kaminski, 1993; Mather, 1913; Pomerantz, 1938; Ranlet, 1986; Silverman, 1976; Tiedemann, 1987; Wright, 1984
Alexander, 1938; Crowley, 1993; Dangerfield, 1960; Griswold, 1856; Hershkowitz, 1990; Lynd, 1967; Mason, 1966; Monaghan, 1935; Nettels, 1962; Pomerantz, 1938; Pound, 1931
Radical Resurgence: Alexander, 1938; Champagne, 1975a; Cooke, 1960; Countryman, 1981a; Dangerfield, 1960; East, 1938; Garrett, 1978; Gilje, 1987; Hartog, 1983; Humphery, 1976; Kaminski, 1993; Kierner, 1989, Lynd, 1967; Main, 1973; Mason, 1966; Mohl, 1969; Nevins, 1969; Odell, 1927-49; Pomerantz, 1938; Pool, 1955; Pratt, 1967; Prescott and Zimmerman, 1972; Ranlet, 1986; Silverman, 1976; Smith, 1984; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Tiedemann, 1987; Wilkenfeld, 1978; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
New New Yorkers: Armbruster, 1929; Black, 1984; Cress, 1975; Davis, 1965; Duffy, 1968-74; East, 1938; Ernst, 1989; Haeger, 1991; Harlow, 1931; Hartfield, 1993; Hartog, 1983; Henderson, 1974; Jaher, 1982; Jones, 1975; Jones, 1987; Jones, 1992; Lomask, 1979-82; Main, 1965; Mason, 1966; Matson, 1987; Matson, 1989; Meehan, 1906; Monaghan, 1935; Parmet, 1967; Peters, 1984; Pomerantz, 1938; Porter, 1931; Pratt, 1967; Rosenwaike, 1972; Ryan, 1935; Scoville, 1863—66; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Stiles, 1867-70; Still, 1956; Young, 1967
Phocion Speaks: Cooke, 1960; Dangerfield, 1960; Horton, 1939; Kent, 1898; Lynd, 1967; Kline, 1973; Mitchell, 1962; Spaulding, 1932
The Empress of China: Barck, 1966; Cochran, 1932; Countryman, 1981a; East, 1938; Fischer, 1965; Matson, 1989; McDonald, 1958; Smith, 1984; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Wright, 1984; Young, 1967
Alexander, 1938; Champagne, 1975; Cooke, 1960; Countryman, 1981a; Kline, 1973; Lynd, 1967; Matson, 1987; Mitchell, 1962; Morris, 1935; Nevins, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Spaulding, 1932; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
Rapprochement: Barck, 1966; Cochran, 1932; Cooke, 1960; Countryman, 1981; Crowley, 1993; De Pauw, 1966; Hartog, 1983; Lynd, 1967; Main, 1973; Matson, 1987; McDonald, 1958; Mohl, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Ranlet, 1986; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
The Radical Retreat: Alexander, 1938; Benton, 1975; Champagne, 1975; Countryman, 1981; Ernst, 1983; Fingerhut, 1983; Flick, 1969; Lynd, 1967; McDonald, 1958; Overall, 1987; Pomerantz, 1938; Pratt, 1967; Spaulding, 1932; Young, 1967; Zeichner, 1940
Estate Sales: Blackmar, 1989; Countryman, 1981a; Dangerfield, 1960; Davis, 1965; East, 1938; Harlow, 1931; Lynd, 1967; Main, 1973; McDonald, 1958; Pomerantz, 1938; Ranlet, 1986; Spaulding, 1932; Yoshpe, 1939; Young, 1967
Order out of Confusion: Cooke, 1960; Countryman, 1981a; Hartog, 1983; Murrin, 1980; Spaulding, 1932
Daughters of Liberty: Basch, 1982; Berg, 1978; Blackmar, 1989; Booth, 1973; Boydston, 1990; Burrows and Wallace, 1972; Countryman, 1981a; De Pauw, 1974; De Pauw, 1975; Fliegelman, 1982; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Kami, 1991; Kerber, 1980; Kerber, 1992; Lewis, 1987; Norton, 1980; Rock, 1979; Scoville, 1863-66; Spalletta, 1955; Stansell, 1986; Vanderbilt, 1881; Wilson, 1976
Emancipation: Cooke, 1960; Gilje, 1987; Johnson, 1930; Kaplan, 1989; Kruger, 1985; Main, 1973; McManus, 1966; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Narrett, 1988; Nash, 1992; Pomerantz, 1938; Roediger, 1991; Wegelin, 1969; White, 1991; Zilversmit, 1967
Cochran, 1932; De Pauw, 1966; Kaminski, 1993; Kline, 1973; Matson, 1987; McDonald, 1958; McDonald, 1965; Miner, 1921; Mitchell, 1962; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938; Spaulding, 1932
“What are you, boy, FEDERAL or ANTI-FEDERAL?”: Boyd, 1976; Brooks, 1967; Burrows, 1966; Cochran, 1932; Cooke, 1960; De Pauw, 1966; Jeffrey, 1971; Kaminski, 1988; Kanunski, 1993; Kenyon, 1966; Kline, 1973; Lynd, 1963; Main, 1973; McDonald, 1958; Miner, 1921; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938; Spaulding, 1932; Webking, 1987; Wood, 1974
Vox Populi: Barck, 1966; Boyd, 1976; Brooks, 1967; Burrows, 1966; Countryman, 1981a; De Pauw, 1966; Ernst, 1968; Ernst, 1989; Kaminski, 1988; Kaminski, 1993; Kent, 1898; Kenyon, 1966; Lynd, 1963; Lynd, 1967; McDonald, 1958; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938; Rutland, 1955; Spaulding, 1932; Still, 1956
The Federal Ship Hamilton: Alexander, 1938; Bell, 1962; Brooks, 1967; Countryman, 1981a; Dangerfield, 1960; De Pauw, 1966; Ernst, 1989; Lynd, 1967; McDonald, 1958; Pomerantz, 1938; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Wilentz, 1983
Inauguration Day: Alexander, 1938; Bernstein, 1989; Bickford and Bowling, 1989; Bowling, 1990; Boyd, 1976; Countryman, 1981a; Den Boer, 1989; Flexner, 1968; Griswold, 1856;
Kaminski, 1993; Kenyon, 1966; Maclay, 1965; Miller, 1960; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Pomerantz, 1938; Riley, 1990; Silverman, 1976; Smith, 1989; Spaulding, 1932; Young, 1967
Alexander, 1938; Bender, 1987; Bowling, 1990; Dangerfield, 1960; Davis, 1965; Elkins and McKitrick, 1993; Ernst, 1968; Garrett, 1978; Gilder, 1938; Griswold, 1856; Harlow, 1931; Harris, 1968; Man/.o, 1986; Mitchell, 1962; Monaghan, 1935; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Pomerantz, 1938; Reynolds, 1984; Silverman, 1976; Smith, 1989
A “Vortex of Folly and Dissipation”: Blau, 1973; Bowling, 1990; Brissot, 1964; Dangerfield, 1960; Davis, 1965; Elkins and McKitrick, 1993; Ernst, 1968; Ernst, 1993; Flexner, 1968; Griswold, 1856; Kammen, 1982; Maclay, 1965; Monaghan, 1935; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Pomerantz, 1938; Silverman, 1976; Smith, 1989; Still, 1956; Wecter, 1937; Young, 1967
Moneyed Men: Alexander, 1938; Bates, 1962; Bruchey, 1965; Cooke, 1964; Davis, 1965; Ernst, 1993; Graydon, 1979; Jones, 1992; Matson, 1987; Matson, 1989; Mitchell, 1962; Young, 1967
The Compromise of 1790: Allen, 1990; Bender, 1987; Bickford and Bowling, 1989; Bowling, 1971; Bowling, 1991; Charles, 1961; Cooke, 1970; Davis, 1965; Ernst, 1968; Griswold, 1856; Jefferson, 1970; Kammen, 1982; Maclay, 1965; Miller, 1960; Mitchell, 1962; Pomerantz, 1938; Risjord, 1976; Young, 1967
The Problem of Manufactures: Appleby, 1984; Barck, 1966; Carman, 1933; Clark, 1916-28; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Nelson, 1979; Pomerantz, 1938; Smith, 1989; Strickland, 1971, Wilentz, 1984; Young, 1967
Scriptomania: Davis, 1965; East, 1938; Hurst, 1978; Jones, 1992; Kennedy, 1989; Matson, 1987; Matson, 1989; Miller, 1960; Nelson, 1979; Sobel, 1968; Young, 1967
Panic: Oangerfield, 1960; Davis, 1965; Ernst, 1993; Gilje, 1987; Harris, 1968; Jones, 1992; Matson, 1987; Matson, 1989; Mitchell, 1962; Pomerantz, 1938; Sobel, 1968; Sterling, 1979; Werner and Smith, 1991; Young, 1967
Under the Button wood Tree Blau, 1973; Cochran, 1981; Davis, 1965; De Peyster, 1855; Friedman, 1990; Gardner, 1982; Geisst, 1997; Harris, 1968; Hemming, 1905; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Miller, 1960; Pomerantz, 1938; Scoville, 1863-66; Severini, 1981; Sobel, 1970; Sterling, 1979; Warshaw, 1929; Werner and Smith, 1991
Babb, 1954; Blau, 1973; Brillat-Savarin, 1926; Quids, 1940; Hickey, 1982; Hunt, 1988; James, 1962; Jones, 1927; Kennedy, 1989; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Pomerantz, 1938; Raddin, 1940; Raddin, 1953; Sheehan, 1955, Tarry, 1981; Watson, 1846; White, 1988; Young, 1967
Wars and Rumors of Wars: Albion, 1961; Blau, 1973; Davison, 1964; De Conde, 1966; Lampard, 1986; Miller, 1960; Perkins, 1967; Pomerantz, 1938; Young, 1967
Republican Spirits: Ammon, 1973; Bender, 1987; Blackmar, 1989; Blau, 1973; Booth, 1859; Bushman, 1992; Dangerfield, 1960; Durey, 1987; Durey, 1997; Ernst, 1968; Francis, 1866; Furman, 1937; Gilje, 1987; Gronowicz, 1987; Harlow, 1931; Hatcher, 1940; Hodges, 1986; Irwin, 1968; Kaestle, 1973; Kaminski, 1993; Link, 1942; Macky, 1965; McClung, 1958;
Miller, 1960, Mohl, 1969; Monaghan, 1935; Mushkat, 1971; Paulson, 1953; Raddin, 1953; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Scoville, 1863-66; Smith, 1989; Still, 1956; Wansey, 1796; Wecter, 1937; Wilentz, 1983; Wilentz, 1984; Young, 1967
The Democratic-Republicans: Blau, 1973; Hatcher, 1940; Kaminski, 1993; Miller, 1960; Kaestle, 1973; Kline, 1983; Link, 1942; Lomask, 1979-82; McClung, 1958; Mushkat, 1971; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Scoville, 1863-66; Young, 1967
Broken Heads: Blau, 1973; Combs, 1970; Dangerfield, 1960; Gilje, 1987; Hurst, 1978; Kennedy, 1989; Kline, 1983; Lomask, 1979-82; Miller, 1960; Mitchell, 1962; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938; Rorabaugh, 1986; Thorburn, 1845; Young, 1967
“As Good As Any Buggers”: Blau, 1973; Gilje, 1987; Hodges, 1986; Pomerantz, 1938; Young, 1967
Black Cockades: Dangerfield, 1960; DeConde, 1966; Gilder, 1938; Gilje, 1987; Miller, 1960; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938; Shuffelton, 1985; Shulim, 1964; Smith, 1965
Federalists in Retreat: Blau, 1973; Bickford and Bowling, 1989; Bobbe, 1933; Dangerfield, 1960; Davis, 1955; DeConde, 1966; Ernst, 1968; Evans, 1952; Gilje, 1987; Hall, 1934; Hatcher, 1940; Hodges, 1986; Horton, 1939; Kaminski, 1993; Kate, 1963; Kline, 1983; Lomask, 1979-82; Miller, 1960; Mitchell, 1962; Monaghan, 1935; Mushkat, 1971; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Smith, 1965; Syrett, 1960; Wecter, 1937; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
“Political Equality and the Corporation”: Blackmar, 1989; Bobbe, 1933; Bowden, 1980; Chambers, 1963; D’Innocenzo, 1974; Fischer, 1965; Fox, 1965; Hartog, 1983; Hatcher, 1940; Hodges, 1986; Kline, 1983;
Lomask, 1979-82; Mitchell, 1962; Morgan, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Reynolds, 1984; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Seybolt, 1918; Siry, 1990; Syrett and Cooke, 1960; Teaford, 1975; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
Interview at Weehaaken: Fox, 1965; Kline, 1983; Lomask, 1979-82; Mitchell, 1962; Slaughter, 1985; Syrett and Cooke, 1960
Albion, 1961; Bjork, 1967; Blau, 1973; De Conde, 1966; Haeger, 1991; Jaher, 1982; Lampard, 1986; Luke, 1953; Miller, 1960; Nelson, 1987; Nettels, 1962; Peters, 1984; Pomerantz, 1938; Sellers, 1991; Smelser, 1968; Still, 1956; White, 1991
Connections: Albion, 1961; Bjork, 1967; Booth, 1859; Bowling, 1990; Bushman, 1983; Cornog, 1988; Davis, 1965; Davison, 1964; Duffy, 1968-74; East, 1938; Ernst, 1968; Ernst, 1993; Frug, 1984; Hammond, 1957; Harlow, 1931; Hartog, 1983; Jaher, 1982; Kline, 1983; Lampard, 1986; Lockwood, 1976; Luke, 1953; Mohl, 1969; Peters, 1984; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosenberg, 1971; Scoville, 1863-66; Shaw, 1966; Smith, 1989; Syrett and Cooke, 1960; Teaford, 1975; White, 1987; Willis, 1967
Riding the Wave: Albion, 1961; Ellis, 1991; Haeger, 1991; Jaher, 1982; Scoville, 1863-66; Simon, 1978; Willis, 1967
Concomitants of Commerce: Albion, 1961; Allen, 1990; Blackmar, 1989; Blau, 1973; Bone, 1973; Evans, 1952; Hartog, 1983; Luke, 1953; Moehring, 1981; Nettels, 1962; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosenwaike, 1972; Still, 1956; Strickland, 1971; Wall, 1994; Wansey, 1796; Young, 1967
Down to the Sea in Ships: Haeger, 1991; Hanyan, 1972; Morrison, 1903; Philip, 1983; Porter, 1931; Whiteman, 1971
Capitalizing Crafts: Appleby, 1984; Barck, 1966; Blackmar, 1989; Carman, 1933; Davidson, 1977; Dyer, 1915; Fox, 1967; Gilje, 1989; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Gowans, 1976; Hartog, 1983; Lorillard, 1960; McClelland, 1990; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Nelson, 1979; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Rorabaugh, 1986; Smith, 1989; Strickland, 1971; Teaford, 1975; Wilentz, 1984; Young, 1967
The End of Slavery: Blackburn, 1988; Blackmar, 1989; Blau, 1973; Blockson, 1987; Bolster, 1997; Cohen, 1992; Countryman, 1981a; Cray, 1986; De Voe, 1970; Freeman, 1966; George, 1973; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Gilje and Rock, 1994; Hanyan, 1972; Johnson, 1930; Kaplan, 1989; Kruger, 1985; Litwack, 1961; Main, 1973; McManus, 1961; McManus, 1966; Nash, 1988; Perlman, 1971; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1994; Roediger, 1991; Rosenwaike, 1972; Strickland, 1971; Thorburn, 1845; Watson, 1846; White, 1986; White, 1988; White, 1989; White, 1991; White, 1994; Wilder, 1994; Young, 1967; Zilversmit, 1967
Progress and Poverty: Blackmar, [979; Blackmar, 1989; Cray, 1988a; Cray, 1988b; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Kaestle, 1973; Lynd, 1964; Mohl, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Stansell, 1986; White, 1991; Wilkenfeld, 1978; Wilentz, 1984; Willis, 1967
Blackmar, 1989; Blackmar, 1995; Dufty, 1968-74; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Goldman, 1997; Harlow, 1931; Kammen, 1982; Mitchill, 1807; Moehring, 1981; Mohl, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosenwaike, 1972; Schechter and Tripp, 1990; Teaford, 1975; Vail, 1954; Young, 1967
Shaking Hands mith Death: Blau, 1973; Duffy, 1968-74; Duffy, 1966; Harlow, 1931; Mohl, 1969; Pernick, 1972; Pomerantz, 1938; Raddin, 1940; Raddin, 1953; Robbins, 1964; Thorburn, 1845; Young, 1967,
Excrement and Frog-Spawn: Duffy, 1968-74; Goldman, 1997; Harlow, 1931; Janvier, 1894; Mack, 1947; Pomerantz, 1938; Smith, 1989
Water: Blake, 1956; Duffy, 1968-74; Ginsberg, 1968; Goldman, 1997; Hammond, 1957; Hanyan, 1972; Harlow, 1931; Hartog, 1983; Hunter, 1989; Kline, 1983; Lockwood, 1976; Moehring, 1981; Pomerantz, 1938; Reubens, 1957, 1958; Weidner, 1974; White, 1987
Fin: Duffy, 1968-74; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Ginsberg, 1968; Lockwood, 1976; Pomerantz, 1938
Poverty: Cray, 1988a; Mohl, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938
Up the River: Buckley, 1984; Cunliffe, 1968; Gilje, 1987; Hirsch, 1992; Janvier, 1984; Kraus, 1949; Lewis, 1963; Lewis, 1965; Miller, 1962; Miller, 1980; Miller, 1990; Mohl, 1970b; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Picket!, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Rienders, 1976; Rothman, 1990; Watson, 1846; White, 1991
Departments and Debts: Duffy, 1968—74; Pomerantz, 1938
City Hall: Blackmar, 1989; Cornog, 1988; Dunshec, 1952; Goldstone and Dalrymple, 1974; Gowans, 1976; Harris, 1966; Holloway, 1928; Janvier, 1894; Kennedy, 1989; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Lockwood, 1972; Lockwood, 1976; Pomerantz, 1938; Reynolds, 1984; Sloan and Anthony, 1968; Tauranac, 1979; Walsh, 1996; Whiffen and Keeper, 1981
Baily, 1856; Batterberry, 1973; Blackmar, 1989; Bushman, 1983; Collins, 1946; Cook, 1887; Dangerfield, 1960; Evans, 1952; Gilder, 1938; Hartog, 1983; Henderson, 1982; Kennedy, 1989; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Luke, 1953; Lynd, 1964; Monaghan, 1935; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Pomerantz, 1938; Smith, 1989; Still, 1956; Thorburn, 1845
Parlor Society: Baily, 1856; Bayles, 1915; Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Bushman, 1983; Collins, 1946; Cook, 1887; Dudden, 1983; Ellis, 1997; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Hall, 1934; Horton, 1939; Kerber, 1989; Kouwenhoven, 1953, Lockwood, 1972; Luke, 1953; Lynd, 1964; Monaghan, 1935; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Morgan, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Raddin, 1954; Roche, 1971; Roediger, 1991; Scott, 1933; Smith, 1989; Still, 1956; Vail, 1954; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
Learned Men and Cultivated Women: Axelrod, 1985; Basch, 1982; Bender, 1987; Blackmar, 1989; Blau, 1973; Blumin, 1989; Bobbe, 1933; Bottoroff, 1985; Canary, 1970; Clawson, 1989; Cronin, 1973; Cutler, 1972; Dangerfield, 1960; Duffy, 1966; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Griffin, 1960; Hall, 1934; Hanyan, 1972; Heale, 1968; Heale, 1971; Heale, 1973; Heale, 1976; Hopkins, 1975; Horton, 1939; Jaher, 1982; Jensen, 1968; Kann, 1991; Kerber, 1980; Krause, 1977; Leary, 1975; May, 1976; Nevins, 1969; Raddin, 1940; Nord, 1988; Norton, 1980; Philip, 1985; Pomerantz, 1938; Raddin, 1953; Robbins, 1964; Roche, 1971; Rosenberg, 1971; Rosenthal, 1985; Sterling, 1959; Still, 1956; Vail, 1954; Young, 1967
Cultivating Citizens: Gottesman, 1959; Harris, 1966; Hedges, 1965; Kerber, 1980; Miller, 1966; Mondello, 1968; Norton, 1980; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosenthal, 1985; Tart, 1947; Vail, 1954
“Active Exertions & Useful Improvements”: Boylan, 1986; Brooks, 1944; Foster, 1960; Griffin, 1960; Hall, 1934; Heale, 1968; Heale, 1976; Kaestle, 1973; Kerber, 1980; Lomask, 1979-82; Miller, 1962; Mohl, 1969; Morais, 1934; Norton, 1980; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosenberg, 1971
“The Slow Process of Education & Religious Instruction”: Allen, 1990; Coleman, 1974; Cutler, 1972; Dunlap, 1930; Elliot, 1985; Foster, 1960; Hatch, 1989; Heale, 1968; Hofstadter, 1965; Horton, 1939; Kaestle, 1973; Kierner, 1992; Koch, 1933; Mann, 1994; Matthews, 1991; Mohl, 1969; Mohl, 1970a; Mohl, 1970b; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Morais, 1934; Pickett, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1989; Rosenberg, 1971; Siry, 1990; Thistlethwaite, 1959; Walters, 1990; Willis, 1967; Young, 1967
The Picture of New York: Mitchill, 1807
Duffy, 1968-74; Gilje, 1987; Hofstadter and Wallace, 1970; Monaghan, 1935; Pomerantz, 1938
Working Neighborhoods: Blackmar, 1989; Boyer, 1993; Foote, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Harlow, 1931; Gilje, 1994; Gilje, 1996a; Gilje, 1996b; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Kroessler, 1991; Kruger, 1985; Miller, 1990; Mohl, 1969; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979; Stiles, 1867-70; Wall, 1994; White, 1991; Wilder, 1994
Five Points: Blackmar, 1989; Dunshee, 1952; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1979
Turmoil in the Trades: Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Durey, 1987; Durey, 1997; Gilje, 1989; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Hodges, 1986; Mohl, 1969; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Nord, 1988; Odell, 1927-49; Pomerantz, 1938; Raddin, 1940; Raddin, 1953; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Stevens, 1913; Thorburn, 1845; Wansey, 1796; Wilentz, 1984; Young, 1967
Infidels and Evangelicals: Andrews, 1985; Blau, 1973; Carwardine, 1972; Carwardine, 1978; Foner, 1976; Fruchtman, 1994; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Gribbin, 1972; Griffin, 1960; Harlow, 1931; Hatch, 1989; Hawke, 1974; Keane, 1995; Koch, 1933; Kring, 1974; Morais, 1934; Newman, 1993; Pomerantz, 1938; Rock, 1989; Schultz, 1995; Sellers, 1928; Siry, 1990; Walters, 1990; Wilentz, 1984; Young, 1967
Out from the Back of the Church: Blockson, 1987; Bolster, 1997; Cohen, 1992; Countryman, 1981a; Cray, 1986; Earle, 1938; Freeman, 1966; George, 1973; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Gravely, 1983; Hardie, 1827; Harlow, 1931; Hatch, 1989; Johnson, 1930; Jordan, 1968; Kaplan, 1989; Kruger, 1985; McManus, 1966; Nash, 1988; Perlman, 1971; Pomerantz, 1938; Roff, 1986; Rosenwaike, 1972; Sellers, 1928; Sernett, 1975; Stansell, 1986; Strickland, 1971; Thorburn, 1845; Walker, 1993; White, 1986; White, 1988; White, 1989a; White, 1989b; White, 1991; White, 1994; Wilder, 1994; Wilentz, 1984
“Irishtown”: Doyle, 1981; Ellis, 1997; Gilje, 1987; Gilje, 1996a; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Greene, 1987; Hagan, 1923; Haines, 1829; Hartfield, 1993; Meehan, 1906; Mohl, 1969; Otter, 1995; Pomerantz, 1938; Postgate, 1932; Pratt, 1967; Rock, 1989; Smith, 1989; Walsh, 1996; Wilentz, 1984
“Honest Folks in the Pit”: Blau, 1973; Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Brooks, 1944; Brown and Ment, 1980; Buckley, 1984; Canary, 1970; Culhane, 1990; De Voe, 1970; Dudden, 1994; Dunlap, 1930; Ellis, 1979; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Grimsted, 1968; Harlow, 1931; Henderson, 1982; Johnson, 1975; Johnson, 1985; Kaestle, 1973; Kasson, 1990; Leary, 1948; Leary, 1975; Levine, 1988; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Morgan, 1969; Odell, 1927-49; Otter, 1995; Pomerantz, 1938; Pye, 1991; Rock, 1979; Rock, 1989; Silverman, 1976; Smith, 1989; Stiles, 1867-70; Taft, 1947; Thorburn, 1845; Vail, 1956; White, 1991; Wilentz, 1984
“The Life of a Citizen in the Hands of a Woman”: Arnold, 1989; Blackmar, 1979; Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Boydston, 1990; Davidson, 1977; De Voe, 1970; Dudden, 1994; Franchot, 1985; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Hone, 1927; Kerber, 1980; Monaghan and Lowenthal, 1943; Nash, 1988; Norton, 1980; Pomerantz, 1938; Stansell, 1986; Wall, 1994
Adams, 1947; Cook, 1887; Ellis, 1997; Gilje, 1987; Haeger, 1991; Perkins, 1961; Smelser, 1968; Tchen, 1990; W.P.A., 1941
O Grab Me: Cray, 1988a; Daitsman, 1963; Folsom, 1991; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Goldstone and Dalrymple, 1974; Guernsey, 1889; Haeger, 1991; Hodges, 1986; Irwin, 1968; Janvier, 1894; Kaplan, 1987; Mohl, 1969; Nettels, 1962; Perkins, 1961; Pomerantz, 1938; Schneider, 1938-41; Smelser, 1968; Spivak, 1979; Still, 1956; Tauranac, 1979
“Bread or Work”: Folsom, 1991; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Schneider, 1938-41
Unlawful Combinations and Riotous Assemblies: Boydston, 1990; Carwardine, 1972; Carwardine, 1978; Ernst, 1968; Fox, 1965; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Greene, 1987; Hagan, 1923; Haines, 1829; Postgate, 1932; Rock, 1989; Stevens, 1913; Still, 1956; Walsh, 1996; Wilentz, 1984; W.P.A., 1941
“Muck Exultation Among the Federalists”: Alexander, 1969; Bayles, 1915; Bender, 1987; Bobbe, 1933; Cray, 1988a; Dangerfield, 1960; D’lnnocenzo, 1974; Ernst, 1968; Fischer, 1965; Fox, 1965; Hammond, 1957; Hodges, 1986; Irwin, 1968; July, 1951; Mohl, 1969; Mushkat, 1971; Rock, 1989; Strum, 1981
Diedrich Knickerbocker. Adkins, 1930; Batterberry, 1973; Bayles, 1915; Bender, 1987; Black, 1974; Bowden, 1980; Bowden, 1981; Brooks, 1944; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1967; Conrad, 1984; Cooper, 1968; Evans, 1952; Hedges, 1965; Herold, 1926; Irving, 1965; Leary, 1975; Marx, 1983; Myers, 1976; O’Connell, 1994; Paulding, 1867; Pomerantz, 1938; Reynolds, 1984; Seelye, 1991; Taft, 1947; Wilson, 1976
Internal Improvements: Allen, 1993; Blackmar, 1989; Blackmar, 1995; Bobbe, 1933; Brown, 1964; Cohen and Augustyn, 1997; Dunshec, 1952; Fischer, 1965; Fox, 1965; Gilje, 1987; Hanyan, 1972; Hartog, 1983; Irving, 1984; Irwin, 1968; Janvier, 1894; July, 1951; Koolhaas, 1978; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1962; Miller, 1990; Mintz, 1970; Mushkat, 1971; Perkins, 1961; Plunz, 1990; Pound, 1975; Reps, 1965; Rock, 1989; Shanor, 1988; Shaw, 1966; Smelser, 1968; Sutclifie, 1981; Taylor, 1992; Van Leeuwen, 1988; White, 1987
The Mayor Who Would Be President: Alexander, 1969; Brown, 1964; Ernst, 1968; Fischer, 1965; Fox, 1965; Gilje, 1987; Guernsey, 1889; Hammond, 1957; Hanyan, 1972; Irwin, 1968; July, 1951; Mintz, 1970; Mushkat, 1971; Nevins, 1922; Perkins, 1961; Prescott and Zimmerman, 1972; Rock, 1989; Sellers, 1991; Siry, 1990; Smelser, 1968; W.P.A., 1941
The War of 1812: Bobbe, 1933; Bolster, 1997; Booth, 1859; Brown, 1964; Cleveland, 1985; Ernst, 1968; Freeman, 1966; Guernsey, 1889; Haeger, 1991; Hammond, 1957; Horsman, 1969; Irwin, 1968; Jonas, 1982; Mohl, 1969; Morrison, 1909; Rock, 1989; Sellers, 1991; Smelser, 1968; Still, 1956; Wall, 1994; Walsh, 1906; Werner, 1991; White, 1991; Wilder, 1994; W.P.A., 1941
Peace! Peace! Peace!: Bayles, 1915; Sellers, 1991; Still, 1956
Albion, 1939; Gilchrist, 1967; Lindstrom, 1988; Sellers, 1991
The Wedding of the Waters: Carp, 1986; Gunn, 1988; Hanyan, 1972; Miller, 1962; Seelye, 1991; Shaw, 1966; Shaw, 1990; Siry, 1990; Stone, 1825; Wilentz, 1984
Under Steam and Sail: Albion, 1939; Browder, 1985; Condit, 1980-81; Coombe, 1991; Cudahy, 1990; Flexner, 1964; Haeger, 1991; Hartog, 1983; Horwitz, 1977; Howard, 1984; Hoyt, 1962; Hutchins, 1941; Lane, 1942; Morrison, 1909; Patterson, 1989; Philip, 1985; Fred, 1973; Seelye, 1991; Sellers, 1991; Smith, 1989; Tchen, 1992; Weld, 1950
Emporium: Albion, 1939; Bayles, 1915; Bixby, 1972; Blumin, 1989; Blunt, 1817; Brooks Brothers, 1918; Brooks Brothers, 1943; Collins, 1934; Cooper, 1963; De Voe, 1970; Devorkin, 1987; Dodge, 1987; Dunshee, 1952; Evans, 1952; Gilder, 1938; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Greene, 1834; Greene, 1837; Gunn, 1988; Kidwell, 1974; Larkin, 1988; Lockwood, 1976; Lowitt, 1954; Lurkis, 1982; McKay, 1934; Moehring, 1981; Pomerantz, 1938; Rosebrock, 1975; Severini, 1981; Shumway, 1975; Somerville, 1983; Stott, 1990; Stotz, 1948; Thomas, 1967; W.P.A., 1941; Wyatt Brown, 1969
The Word from Manhattan: Albion, 1939; Barth, 1982; Bixby, 1972; Blunt, 1817; Brown, 1971; Charvat, 1959; Crouthamel, 1989; Exman, 1965; Greene, 1837; Lehmann-Haupt, 1951; Mushkat, 1971; Overton, 1925; Pred, 1973; Sarna, 1981; Schiller, 1980; Schudson, 1978; Sobel, 1965; Tebbel, 1972-81
Industrial Revolutions: Albion, 1939; American Sugar, 1918; Blunt, 1817; Clark, 1916-28; Coombe, 1991; Exman, 1965; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Haswell, 1896; Morrison, 1909; Porter and Livesay, 1971; Pred, 1966; Pred, 1972; Sachs, 1988; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Whiteman, 1971; Wilentz, 1984
Wall Street: Albion, 1939; Carosso, 1970; Cleveland, 1985; Fox, 1992; Gilchrist, 1967; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1981; Haeger, 1991; Hammond, 1957; Hidy, 1949; Jaher, 1982; Jenks, 1927; Keller, 1963; Levinson, 1961; Miller, 1962; Morrison, 1973; Myers, 1931; Nevins, 1934; Olmstead, 1976; Porter, 1931; Rezneck, 1968; Rothbard, 1962; Scoville, 1863-66; Sellers, 1991; Severini, 1981; Sobel, 1975; Sylla, 1967; Tucker, 1991; Werner and Smith, 1991; Wilkins, 1989; Ziegler, 1988
Land Lords: Blackmar, 1989; Boyer, 1993; Brown, 1971; Byard, 1989; Chapin, 1917; Cooke, 1995; Cowles, 1979; Fox, 1965; Gardner, 1994; Garrett, 1978; Gates, 1981; Haeger, 1991; Haswell, 1896; Limpus, 1940; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1990; Moehring, 1981; Parton, 1858; Patterson, 1935; Pessen, 1973; Porter, 1931; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Shachtman, 1991; Simon, 1978; Sinclair, 1984; Tauranac, 1985; Trager, 1987; Wecter, 1937
On the Heights of Brooklyn: Armbruster, 1929; Cooke, 1995; Everdell and MacKay, 1973; Jackson, 1985; Lancaster, 1961; Snyder Grenier, 1996; Stiles, 1867-70; Weld, 1938 “The London of the New World”: Blunt, 1817; Conkin, 1980; Fox, 1992; Gilchrist, 1967; Hartog, 1983; Hodges, 1986; Moehring, 1981; Nord, 1984; Stiles, 1867-70; Trollope, 1832
Adebnan, 1990; Albion, 1939; Amory, 1960; Blumin, 1989; Brooks, 1944; Buckley, 1984; Cunliffe, 1976; Dayton, 1882; Garrett, 1978; Hardie, 1827; Haswell, 1896; Henderson, 1973; Henderson, 1986; Jaher, 1982; Jentz, 1977; John, 1990; Kasson, 1990; Lang, 1922; Miller, 1967; Stankowski, 1978; Trollope, 1832; Weinbaum, 1979; Wilentz, 1984; Wyatt Brown, 1969
E Pluribus Unum: Banner, 1983; Bender, 1993; Blackmar, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Churchill, 1970; Danforth, 1974; Dayton, 1882; Gilder, 1938; Greene, 1837; Grinstein, 1945; Hall, 1992; Harvey, 1995; Kasson, 1990; Kidwell, 1974; Landau, 1982; Lindsley, 1984; Lockwood, 1972; Lockwood, 1976; Milbank, 1989; Miller, 1962; Moehring, 1981; Pessen, 1972; Fessen, 1973; Ryan, 1990; Shank, 1956; Taylor, 1966; Trollope, 1832; Wall, 1994; Whiteman, 1971; Wilentz, 1984
Spheres of Influence: Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Kasson, 1990; Larkin, 1988; Lockwood, 1976; Wall, 1994
The Domestication of Christmas: Blackmar, 1989; Haswell, 1896; Moore, 1818; Nissenbaum, 1996; Patterson, 1935; Patterson, 1956
Parlor Business: Blackmar, 1989; Bushman, 1993; Dudden, 1983; Gowans, 1976; Halttunen, 1982; Kasson, 1990; Katzman, 1978; Ryan, 1990; Stott, 1990
True Republicans: Albion, 1939; Golden, 1825; Cooper, 1963; Gilder, 1938; Haswell, 1896; Huxtable, 1964; Jenkins, 1992; Kennedy, 1985; Kennedy, 1989; Landau, 1982; Mack, 1949; Nathan, 1965; Newton, 1942; Nolan, 1934; Pierson, 1938; Somkin, 1967
Civic Patrons: Auchincloss, 1989; Ayres, 1993; Bender, 1987; Brown, 1971; Callow, 1967; Cole, 1994; Foshay, 1990; Howat, 1972; Leary, 1975; Lees, 1985; Miller, 1966; Miller, 1973; Myers, 1974; Rebora, 1990; Staiti and Reynolds, 1982; Taylor, 1992; Tebbel, 1972-81
Nature and Nostalgia: Auchincloss, 1989; Ayres, 1993; Beard, 1953; Bender, 1987; Brooks, 1944; Bryant, Sands and Verplanck, 1828-30; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1967; Colden, 1825; Gates, 1987; Hills, 1974; July, 1951; Landy, 1970; Leary, 1975; Lees, 1985; Lowenthal, 1976; Myers, 1987; Pierson, 1938; Pilat, 1941; Shank, 1956
Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Nissenbaum, 1996
Working Quarters: Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Dover, 1993; Browder, 1985; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Gardner, 1979; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Haswell, 1896; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Jentz, 1977; Larkin, 1988; Mack, 1949; Pernicone, 1973; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1900; Tchen, 1990; Wall, 1994; Weld, 1950; Weld, 1938; Wilentz, 1984
Women at Work: Blackmar, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Dudden, 1983; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Hartog, 1983; Ryan, 1990; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Wall, 1994
“the vilest rabble, black & white, mixt together”: Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Connolly, 1977; Foots, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Gilje, 1987; Haswell, 1896; Hoffman, 1976; Kroessler, 1991; Miller, 1985; Richards, 1970; Rosenberg, 1962; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Walker, 1993; Weld, 1938; White, 1991
They Gathered at the River. Carwardine, 1972; Dolan, 1975; Farley, 1908; Gilje, 1987; Grinstein, 1945; Haswell, 1896; Hatch, 1989; Johnson, 1994; Mack, 1949; McCadden, 1969; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Stiles, 1867-70; Swift, 1989; Weld, 1950; Weld, 1938; Whiteman, 1971; Wilentz, 1984
On the Town: Blackmar, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Gilfoyle, 1992; Hill, 1992; Whiteaker, 1977
“Let’s Liquor”: Blumin, 1989; Browder, 1985; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Jentz, 1977; Miller, 1985; Otter, 1995; Pernicone, 1973; Rock, 1979; Rorabaugh, 1979; Sellers, 1991; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Weld, 1938; Wilentz, 1984
On the Bowery: Adelman, 1990; Buckley, 1984; De Voe, 1970; Dizikes, 1993; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Harlow, 1931; Haswell, 1896; Otter, 1995; Shank, 1956; Stiles, 1867-70; Wilentz, 1984
Jump Jim Crow: Blunt, 1817; Buckley, 1984; Foote, 1993; Garrett, 1978; Gilje, 1987; Harlow, 1931; Harris, 1968; Jentz, 1977; Levine, 1988; Lott, 1993; Marshall, 1958; McArthur, 1984; Odell, 1927-49; Roediger, 1991; Saxton, 1990; Thompson, 1997; Toll, 1976
Running with the Machine: Asbury, 1928; Buckley, 1984; Calhoun, 1973; Dayton, 1882; Gilje, 1987; Ginsberg, 1968; Hasweli, 1896; Hodges, 1982; Jentz, 1977; Limpus, 1940; Morrison, 1909; Weinbaum, 1979; Wilentz, 1984
Abramovitz, 1988; Blunt, 1817; Boyer, 1978; Bridges, 1984; Cray, 1988; Griffin, 1960; Heale, 1971; Jaher, 1982; Katz, 1986; Klips, 1980; Lubove, 1968; Miller, 1985; Mohl, 1971; Pascu, 1980; Pickett, 1969; Rothman, 1971; Rothman, 1989; Sellers, 1991; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Stiles, 1867-70; Weinbaum, 1979
Urban Missionaries: Berg, 1978; Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Davis, 1979; Foster, 1960; Fowler, 1981; Ginzberg, 1990; Jackman, 1964; Jentz, 1977; Johnson and Wilentz, 1994; Mohl, 1971; Sellers, 1991; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Whiteaker, 1977; Wilentz, 1984; Wyatt Brown, 1969
Spreading the Good News: Blunt, 1817; Foster, 1960; Grinstein, 1945; Hatch, 1989; Kaestle, 1973; Katz, 1986; Lehmann-Haupt, 1951; Miller, 1962; Nord, 1984; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Stiles, 1867-70; Tebbel, 1972-81; Weld, 1938; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
Off to School: Bender, 1987; Blumin, 1989; Blunt, 1817; Boyer, 1978; Boylan, 1988; Bridges, 1984; Buetow, 1970; Cooke, 1995; Fowler, 1981; Freeman, 1966; Harris, 1968; Heale, 1971; Jaher, 1982; Kaestle, 1983; Kaestle, 1973; Katz, 1986; Lowitt, 1954; Mohl, 1971; Pascu, 1980; Pettit, 1991; Ravitch, 1974; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Stiles, 1867-70; Tyack, 1974; Walker, 1993; Weld, 1938; Wilentz, 1984
Juvenile Delinquents: Heale, 1971; Lewis, 1965; Pickett, 1969; Pierson, 1938; Rothman, 1989; Rothman, 1971
The Bellevue Institution: Blackmar, 1989; Dowling, 1982; Gilje, 1996; Grinstein, 1945; Hardie, 1824; Hardie, 1827; Haswell, 1896; Heale, 1971; Katz, 1986; Klips, 1980; Lewis, 1965; Marx, 1983; Masur, 1989; Moehring, 1981; Mohl, 1971; O’Grady, 1930; Rosenberg, 1987; Rothman, 1971; Rothman, 1989; Russell, 1945; Schneider, 1938-41; Starr, 1957; Sutton, 1874; Weinbaum, 1979; Whiteman, 1971
On to Blackaell’s Island: Bender, 1987; Hardie, 1827; Klips, 1980; Pierson, 1938
Bender, 1987; Brooks, 1944; Dickinson, 1992; Eckhardt, 1984; Fruchtman, 1994; Ginzberg, 1994; Jentz, 1977; John, 1990; Keane, 1995; Osborne, 1966; Pascu, 1980; Pessen, 1967; Rosenberg, 1962; Ryan, 1990; Saxton, 1990; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Stansell, 1986; Tucher, 1994; Wilentz, 1984
Aristocrats and Democrats: Gilje, 1996; Jaher, 1982; Peterson, 1966; Pomerantz, 1938; Sellers, 1991; Strum, 1981; Wilentz, 1984; Williamson, 1960
Tammany Democracy: Allen, 1993; Blackmar, 1989; Bridges, 1984; Brunson, 1989; Danforth, 1974; Fox, 1965; Freeman, 1966; Gelfand, 1975; Gunn, 1988; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Jaher, 1982; July, 1951; Kaestle, 1983; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1971; Pessen, 1973; Peterson, 1966; Pickett, 1969; Roediger, 1991; Sellers, 1991; Stott, 1990; Wallace, 1968; Werner, 1928; Wilentz, 1984
Workers and “Bases”: Albion, 1939; Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Conkin, 1980; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Lehmann Haupt, 1951; Pessen, 1967; Roediger, 1991; Stansell, 1986; Stevens, 1913; Stott, 1990; Wilentz, 1984
Workingmen’s Advocates: Blackmar, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1971; Coleman, 1974; Ernst, 1949; Gilchrist, 1967; Ginzberg, 1994; Gorelick, 1981; Hartog, 1983; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Hofstadter, 1943; Hugins, 1960; Jentz, 1977; Kaestle, 1973; Mohl, 1971; Pascu, 1980; Pessen, 1967; Roediger, 1991; Saxton, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Teaford, 1975; Tucher, 1994; Tyack, 1974; Wilentz, 1984
The Sun Shines far All: Barth, 1982; Bender, 1987; Bergmann, 1995; Blunt, 1817; Brown, 1971; Buckley, 1984; Butler, 1992; Crouthamel, 1989; Henkin, 1995; Hershkowitz, 1960; Lott, 1993; Reynolds, 1988; Richards, 1970; Saxton, 1990; Schiller, 1980; Schudson, 1978; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Tucher, 1994; Weinbaum, 1979; Whitby, 1984; Wilentz, 1984
Exhilarating the Breakfast Table: Banner, 1983; Bergmann, 1995; Crouthamel, 1989; Haswell, 1896; Juergens, 1966; Kluger, 1986; Mushkat, 1971; Tucher, 1994
A Glance At New York Greene, 1837; Marx, 1983
Carwardine, 1972; Ginzberg, 1990; Hardman, 1987; Hatch, 1989; Howe, 1971; Johnson and Wilentz, 1994; Mohl, 1971; Sellers, 1991; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Stansell and Wilentz, 1994; Swerdlow, 1976; Thomas, 1989; Wall, 1994; Whiteaker, 1977; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
Onward, Christian Soldiers: Bender, 1987; Blumin, 1989; Bridges, 1984; Foster, 1960; Fowler, 1981; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Handy, 1987; Miller, 1962; Nichols, 1963; Nord, 1984; Patterson, 1956; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Swift, 1989
Spirit versus Spirits: Bernstein, 1990; Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boyer, 1978; Foshay, 1990; Mohl, 1971; Pickett, 1969; Rorabaugh, 1979; Sellers, 1991; Stiles, 1867-70; Tyrrell, 1979; Weld, 1938; Weld, 1950; Wilentz, 1984; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
“The Destroying Demon of Debauchery”: Berg, 1978; Brooks, 1944; Bushman, 1993; Cohen, 1992; Gilfoyle, 1992; Jentz, 1977; Larkin, 1988; Le Due, 1939; Nissenbaum, 1980; Otter, 1995; Pivar, 1973; Roediger, 1991; Rothman, 1989; Ryan, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Smith Rosenberg, 1985; Sokolow, 1983; Stansell, 1986; Whiteaker, 1977; Wyatt Brown, 1969
“Is it not more likely the mark of a woman?”: Berg, 1978; Buckley, 1984; Cohen, 1992; Crouthamel, 1989; Gilfoyle, 1992; Greene, 1834; Hill, 1992; Kluger, 1986; Schiller, 1980; Srebnick, 1995; Stansell, 1986; Tucher, 1994
The Coming of the Green: Buetow, 1970; Cohalan, 1983; Cooke, 1995; Dolan, 1975; Ernst, 1949; Gilje, 1996; Haswell, 1896; Hodges, 1986; McCadden, 1969; Miller, 1985; O’Connor, 1989; Ravitch, 1974; Ridge, 1988; Roediger, 1991; Stiles, 1867-70; Tebbel, 1972-81; Walsh, 1996
“Popery ought always to beloathed and execrated”: Billington, 1938; Dickinson, 1992; Gilje, 1987; Gilje, 1996; Hershkowitz, 1960; Jentz, 1977; Knobel, 1986; Ravitch, 1974; Scisco, 1901; Weld, 1950; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
“Damned Irish!”: Feldberg, 1980; Fox, 1965; Gilje, 1987; Gilje, 1996; Grimsted, 1972; Hershkowitz, 1960; Litwack, 1961; Prince, 1985; Weinbaum, 1979; Werner, 1086
Life Along the Color Line: Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Boylan, 1988; Brown, 1971; Buckley, 1984; Coleman, 1982; Curry, 1981; Dann, 1971; Foote, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Garrett, 1978; George, 1973; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Harris, 1968; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Ignatiev, 1995; Kaestle, 1973; Kaestle, 1983; Kerber, 1967; Litwack, 1961; Lowitt, 1954; Ottley and Weatherby, 1967; Painter, 1996; Pascu, 1980; Richards, 1970; Roediger, 1991; Sellers, 1991; Seyfried, 1995; Stiles, 1867-70; Swift, 1989; Walker, 1993; Weinbaum, 1979; Werner, 1986; Wilentz, 1984; Wilson, 1991
“Crush this hydra in the bud”: Carter, 1964; Feldberg, 1980; Gilje, 1987; Grimsted, 1972; Hardman, 1987; Kerber, 1967; Prince, 1985; Quarks, 1969; Ratner, 1968; Richards, 1970; Sellers, 1991; Sortn, 1978; Swift, 1989; Weinbaum, 1979; Werner, 1986; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
White Slaves and “Smoked Irish”: Blackmar, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Cooper, 1969; Gilje, 1987; Hodges, 1986; Ignatiev, 1995; Jentz, 1981; Litwack, 1961; Lott, 1993; Otter, 1995; Roediger, 1991; Saxton, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Swift, 1989; Wall, 1994
“He called my Saviour anigger!”: Feldberg, 1980; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gilje, 1987; Grimsted, 1972; Kerber, 1967; Prince, 1985; Ratner, 1968; Richards, 1970; Swift, 1989; Weinbaum, 1979; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
The Railroad that Ran Underground: Blockson, 1994; Freeman, 1966; Gilje, 1987; Gilje and Rock, 1992
Blunt, 1817; Condit, 1980-81; Dayton, 1882; Dodge, 1987; Dolan, 1975; Dunshee, 1952; Fox, 1992; Garmey, 1984; Gates, 1981; Greene, 1837; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1991; Harlow, 1931; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hugins, 1960; Jackson, 1985; Jaher, 1982; Kroessler, 1991; Lockwood, 1976; Mack, 1949; Marx, 1983; Miller, 1990; Moehring, 1981; Pred, 1980; Saint, 1992; Schaefier, 1975; Sellers, 1991; Stiles, 1867-70; Stoff, 1989; Stott, 1990; Taylor, 1966; Trollope, 1832; Wall, 1994
Smokestacks and Speculators: Browder, 1985; Chandler, 1977; Clark, 1916-28; Condit, 1980-81; Coombe, 1991; Greene, 1834; Gunn, 1988; Hammond, 1957; Haswell, 1896; Hidy, 1949; Jaher, 1982; Perret, 1982; Sobel, 1965; Stott, 1990; Werner and Smith, 1991; Whiteman, 1971; Ziegler, 1988
Pioneers of Capital: Albion, 1939; Crouthamel, 1989; Fox, 1965; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1957; Hershkowitz, 1960; Jaher, 1982; July, 1951; Miller, 1967; Mushkat, 1971; Remini, 1988; Sellers, 1991; Wilentz, 1984; Wilkins, 1989; Zelizer, 1979; Ziegler, 1988
Bank War. Brown, 1971; Callow, 1967; Cleveland, 1985; Crouthamel, 1989; Fox, 1965; Gatell, 1966; Gilchrist, 1967; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1957; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Huxtable, 1964; July, 1951; McFaul, 1972; Miller, 1962; Moehring, 1981; Newton, 1942; Remini, 1988; Sellers, 1991; Severini, 1981; Sushka, 1976; Temin, 1969
Bank Riof. Albion, 1939; Brooks, 1944; Brown, 1971; Clark, 1916-28; Danforth, 1974; Fox, 1965; Gilje, 1996; Hammond, 1957; Jaher, 1982; July, 1951; Kaplan, 1996; Mushkat, 1971; Weinbaum, 1979; Wilentz, 1984
City Builders: Albion, 1939; Bender, 1993; Blackmar, 1989; Blunt, 1817; Boyer, 1993; Brooks, 1944; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Cooke, 1995; Dayton, 1882; Fox, 1965; Garmey, 1984; Gilder, 1938; Greene, 1837; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1991; Harlow, 1931; Haswell, 1896; Landau, 1982; Lockwood, 1976; Mack, 1949; McGrane, 1924; Miller, 1962; Moehring, 1981; Patterson, 1935; Rosenwaike, 1972; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Saint, 1992; Severini, 1981; Simon, 1978; Still, 1982; Stott, 1990; Taylor, 1966; Thompson, 1946; Trager, 1987; Wall, 1994; Werner and Smith, 1991
Second City: Conklin, 1983; Cudahy, 1990; Gardner, 1979; Hall, 1898; Hartog, 1983; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hoffman, 1976; Kioessler, 1991; Landesman, 1977; Patterson, 1989; Rainone, 1985; Schoenebaum, 1977; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Stankowski, 1978; Stiles, 1867-70; Weld, 1938; Weld, 1950
Good Timer. Amory, 1960; Banner, 1983; Blumin, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Dizikes, 1993; Fairfield, 1873; Garrett, 1978; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Pessen, 1972; Pessen, 1973; Rorabaugh, 1979; Scoville, 1863-66; Thompson, 1946; Townsend, 1936; Wecter, 1937
Armstrong, 1976; Blackmar, 1989; Corey, 1994; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Ginsberg, 1968; Goldman, 1997; Hartog, 1983; Haswell, 1896; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Limpus, 1940; Lockwood, 1976; Moehring, 1981; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Wall, 1994; W.P.A., 1938b
Cholera: Blackmar, 1989; Brown, 1971; Dolan, 1975; Duffy, 1968-74; Foote, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hoyt, 1962; Klips, 1980; Larkin, 1988; McCadden, 1969; Moehring, 1981; Nissenbaum, 1980; Plunz, 1990; Pred, 1973; Rosenberg, 1962; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Sokolow, 1983; Starr, 1957; Tebbel, 1972-81; Wilentz, 1984; Wyatt Brown, 1969
Water. Blake, 1956; Calhoun, 1973; Costello, 1887; Gilje and Rock, 1992; Ginsberg, 1968; Hartog, 1983; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1990; Moehring, 1981; Plunz, 1990; Rosenberg, 1962; Weidner, 1974
Fire: Calhoun, 1973; Costello, 1887; Foshay, 1990; Ginsberg, 1968; Ginsberg, 1971; Haswell, 1896; Hodges, 1982; Miller, 1962; Mohr, 1973; Stiles, 1867-70; Werner and Smith, 1991; Wilentz, 1984
Phoenix: Blackmar, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Gunn, 1988; Haswell, 1896; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1962; Moehring, 1981; Plunz, 1990; Rosebrock, 1975; Severini, 1981; Spann, 1986b; W.P.A., 1938b
Fevered Finance: Briggs, 1839; Cleveland, 1985; Gatell, 1966; Gunn, 1988; Hammond, 1957; McGrane, 1924; Mushkat, 1971; Sellers, 1991; Werner and Smith, 1991
Boydston, 1990; Cleveland, 1985; Commons, 1910-11; Gilje, 1987; Hammond, 1957; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hofstadter, 1943; Lewis, 1965; Morrison, 1909; Mushkat, 1971; Pessen, 1967; Richards, 1970; Roediger, 1991; Sellers 1991; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Tucher, 1994; Walkowitz, 1993; Werner, 1986; Wilentz, 1984; Wilkins, 1989
“Down with Monopolies!”: Bender, 1987; Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1971; Buckley, 1984; Byrdsall, 1842; Eckhardt, 1984; Fox, 1965; Gilchrist, 1967; Ginsberg, 1968; Greene, 1837; Gunn, 1988; Harlow, 1931; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Hofstadter, 1943; Jentz, 1977; Mushkat, 1971; Pessen, 1967; Roediger, 1991; Schiller, 1980; Schlesinger, 1945; Sellers, 1991; Stotz, 1948; Vidal, 1973; Weinbaum, 1979
“To Hart’s flow store!”: Bridges, 1984; Byrdsall, 1842; Greene, 1837; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hodges, 1986; Hugins, 1960; Lockwood, 1976; Weinbaum, 1979; Werner, 1986; Wilentz, 1984
“The volcano has hurst and overwhelmed New York”: Blackmar, 1989; Brunson, 1989; Byrdsall, 1842; Clark, 1864; Conklin, 1983; Eckhardt, 1984; Folsom, 1991; Gardner, 1979; Garmey, 1984; Ginsberg, 1968; Greene, 1834; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1957; Haswell, 1896; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hoffman, 1976; Kroessler, 1991; Landesman, 1977; Lockwood, 1976; McGrane, 1924; Nevins, 1927; Pessen, 1978; Pred, 1973; Rainone, 1985; Rezneck, 1968; Richards, 1970; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Sellers, 1991; Sobel, 1988; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Weinbaum, 1979; Wyatt Brown, 1969
Causes and Remedies: Blackmar, 1989; Bridges, 1984; Cleveland, 1985; Crouthamel, 1989; Fox, 1965; Gatell, 1966; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1957; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hidy, 1949; McFaul, 1972; McGrane, 1924; Miller, 1962; Pessen, 1978; Rezneck, 1968; Sellers, 1991; Sobel, 1988; Temin, 1969; Werner and Smith, 1991; Whiteman, 1971; Wilkins, 1989; Ziegler, 1988
From Boom to Bust: Auchincloss, 1989; Bender, 1987; Blackmar, 1989; Folsom, 1991; Grund, 1959; Hammond, 1957; Hershkowitz, 1960; Lockwood, 1976; McGrane, 1924; Miller, 1962; Miller, 1973; Patterson, 1935; Rezneck, 1968; Schneider, 1938-41; Sellers, 1991; Siles, 1986; Stevens, 1913; Stott, 1990; Whiteman, 1971; Wilentz, 1984
Barth, 1982; Beckert, 1995; Billington, 1938; Folsom, 1991; Jentz, 1977; Kaestle, 1973; Katz, 1986; Rezneck, 1968; Schneider, 1938—41; Shaftel, 1978; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Spann, 1986b; Tucher, 1994; Weinbaum, 1979
The Politics of Laissez-Faire: Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1971; Brunson, 1989; Byrdsall, 1842; Coleman, 1974; Crouthamel, 1989; Folsom, 1991; Fox, 1965; Freeman, 1966; Gatell, 1966; Gunn, 1988; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1946; Hammond, 1957; Hartog, 1983; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1986; Hofstadter, 1943; Howe, 1971; Jaher, 1982; July, 1951; Klips, 1980; Kluger, 1986; McFaul, 1972; McGrane, 1924; Miller, 1967; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1971; Mushkat, 1971; Meyers, 1965; Myers, 1901; Rezneck, 1968; Schneider, 1938-41; Scisco, 1901; Sellers, 1991; Shaw, 1990; Sobel, 1988; Spann, 1986b; Teaford, 1975; Temin, 1969; Thompson, 1946; Walker, 1993; Werner, 1928; Werner and Smith, 1991; Wilkins, 1989
“Water! Water!”: Armstrong, 1976; Blake, 1956; Clark, 1864; Cooke, 1995; Ellis, 1997; Ginsberg, 1968; Goldman, 1997; Larkin, 1990; Limpus, 1940; Lockwood, 1976; Mack, 1949; Moehring, 1981; Olmstead, 1976; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Ryan, 1990; Weidner, 1974; Wilentz, 1984
Rum, Revivals,. . .: Blumin, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Dolan, 1975; Harlow, 1931; Hatch, 1989; Jentz, 1977; Johnson and Wilentz, 1994; Mack, 1949; Numbers and Butler, 1987; Painter, 1996; Reynolds, 1988; Rezneck, 1968; Rorabaugh, 1979; Sellers, 1991; Stott, 1990; Wilentz, 1984
. . . and Romanism: Billington, 1938; Brown, 1976; Buetow, 1970; Cooney, 1984; Crouthamel, 1989; Dolan, 1975; Farley, 1908; Fox, 1965; Gorelick, 1981; Kaestle, 1973; Lott, 1993; Pascu, 1980; Ravitch, 1974; Scisco, 1901; Shaw, 1977
The Return of the Natives: Billington, 1938; Buckley, 1984; Clark, 1864; Fox, 1965; Hershkowitz, 1960; Miller, 1985; Mushkat, 1971; Roediger, 1991; Scisco, 1901; Stott, 1990; Wilentz, 1984
Roach Guards and Dead Rabbits: Asbury, 1928; Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1976; Corn, 1984; Grand, 1959; Harlow, 1931; Hershkowitz, 1960; Kaplan, 1996; Limpus, 1940; Myers, 1901; Same, 1991; Srebnick, 1995; Stott, 1990; Weinbaum, 1979; Wilentz, 1984
“Active ARMY”: Bacon, 1939; Buckley, 1984; Costello, 1885; Gilje, 1987; Ginsberg, 1971; Hoffman, 1976; Klips, 1980; McCullough, 1983; Miller, 1977; Moehring, 1981; Newton, 1942; Richardson, 1970; Spann, 1986b; Srebnick, 1995
Bottom feeders: Albion, 1939; Earth, 1982; Black, 1981; Blackmar, 1989; Collier, 1994; Gardner, 1979; Haeger, 1981; Hammond, 1957; Harris, 1968; Haswell, 1896; Jackson, 1985; Maynard, 1983; Nissenbaum, 1996; Norris, 1978; Porter, 1931; Resseguie, 1964; Stiles, 1867-70; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
“Laugh and Gram Fat”: Auchincloss, 1989; Barnes, 1974; Bergmann, 1995; Brown, 1971; Buckley, 1984; Crouthamel, 1989; Dizikes, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Garrett, 1978; Harlow, 1931; Harris, 1973; Kluger, 1986; Lehmann-Haupt, 1951; Lott, 1993; Reynolds, 1988; Saxton, 1990; Shank, 1956; Simon, 1978; Tebbel, 1972-81; Toll, 1976; Tucher, 1994; Walker, 1993
Albion, 1939; Birmingham, 1984; Bunker, 1979; Carr, 1963; Carse, 1961; Caughey, 1962; Clark, 1910; Cray, 1978; Croffut, 1975; Cudahy, 1990; Cutler, 1961; Cutler, 1930; Hall, 1992; Hartog, 1983; Hobsbawm, 1975; Hodges, 1982; Howard, 1984; Howe and Matthews, 1926/27; Hoyt, 1962; Jackson, 1985; Laing, 1966; Manchester, 1924; Moehring, 1981; Morrison, 1903; Morrison, 1909; Nevins, 1927; Scroggs, 1916; Slotkin, 1985; Spann, 1986b; Stampp, 1990; Stiles, 1867-70; Taylor, 1966; Tchen, 1992; Whipple, 1987; Wright, 1968
Rail: Browder, 1985; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Condit, 1980-81; Gunn, 1988; Lowit, 1954; Spann, 1986a
Dollars and Dry Goods: Beckert, 1995; Bonner, 1924; Browder, 1985; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1954; Chandler, 1977; Chernow, 1990; Cleveland, 1985; Clough, 1946; Hammack, 1982; Hodas, 1974; Jaher, 1982; Keller, 1963; Lockwood, 1976; Norris, 1978; Severini, 1981; Sobel, 1965; Sobel, 1988; Spann, 1986a; Spann, 1986b; Strasser, 1989; Tchen, 1993; Werner and Smith, 1991; Zelizer, 1979
Iron Age: Abbot, 1851; Albion, 1939; American Sugar Refining Company, 1918; Armbruster, 1942; Beckert, 1995; Bixby, 1972; Brown and Ment, 1980; Bunker, 1979; Cook, 1913; Degler, 1952; Purer, 1965; Gayle, 1974; Goldman, 1997; Hecht, 1978; Hobsbawm, 1968; Hobsbawm, 1975; Jenkins, 1912; Jonnes, 1986; Kroessler, 1991; Ment, 1979; Ment, 1980; Morrison, 1909; New York (N.Y.), 1973; Sachs, 1988; Schoenebaum, 1977; Schwartz, 1972; Seyfried, 1985; Shaw, 1990; Spann, 1986b; Stankowski, 1977; Stankowski, 1978; Steinmeyer, 1975; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Weitzenhoffer, 1986; Whiteman, 1971
Metropolitan Manufacturing: Brandon, 1977; Clark, 1930; Degler, 1952; Ernst, 1949; Mack, 1949; Malon, 1981; Mitchell, 1992; Nadel, 1990; New York (N.Y.), 1973; Sachs, 1988; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Wilentz, 1984
Palaces of Consumption: Agnew, 1983; Boyer, 1985; Chandler, 1977; Devorkin, 1987; Elias, 1992; Gardner, 1979; Gayle, 1974; Morris, 1975; Resseguie, 1964; Resseguie, 1965
A Palace of Crystal: Brand, 1991; Hornung, 1970; Jayne, 1990; Koolhaas, 1978; Petersen, 1945; Post, 1983; Reynolds, 1995
Palates for Travelers: Boyer, 1985; Buckley, 1984; Gayle, 1974; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Morris, 1975; Steen, 1970
The Pigeon Perspective: Bergmann, 1995; Brand, 1991; Kasson, 1990; Kelley, 1996; Kouvenhowen, 1953; Marx, 1983
Bender, 1987; Carter, 1968; Czitrom, 1982; Garmey, 1984; Gilder, 1938; Harlow, 1936; Hindle, 1981; Nevins, 1927; Prime, 1874; Sobel, 1965; Staiti and Reynolds, 1982, 1989; Tarr, 1987
“Extra, Extra, Read all About It!”: Bernstein, 1984; Blondheim, 1994; Brown, 1951; Crouthamel, 1989; Henkin, 1995; Hoe, 1902; Kluger, 1986; Lears, 1995; Lehmann-Haupt, 1951; Malon, 1981; Pred, 1973; Reynolds, 1988; Saxton, 1990; Schudson, 1978; Sellers, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Tebbel, 1972-81; Whitby, 1984
A Pageant of Text: Henkin, 1995
Book Mart: Barnes, 1974; Beckert, 1995; Bridges, 1984; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1967; D’Emilio, 1988; Denning, 1987; Douglas, 1977; Exman, 1965; Hoffman, 1949; Kray, 1982; Lehmann-Haupt, 1951; New York (N.Y), 1973; Papke, 1987; Reynolds, 1988; Sellers, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Tebbel, 1972-81; Tompkins, 1985; Warner, 1987; Widmer, 1993; Zboray, 1993
“The Centre of Literary Planer”: Bender, 1987; Buckley, 1984; Denning, 1987; Gilmore, 1985; Malon, 1981; Marx, 1983; Miller, 1966; Morris, 1975; Papke, 1987; Reynolds, 1988; Saxton, 1984; Saxton, 1990; Schiller, 1980; Sellers, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Srebnick, 1995; Warren, 1992; Zboray, 1993
Young America: Bergmann, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Douglas, 1977; Miller, 1966; Sellers, 1991; Widmer, 1993
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Bergmann, 1995; Brown, 1993; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1967; Crouthamel, 1989; Degler, 1952; Dudden, 1983; Hales, 1984; Henkin, 1995; Kasson, 1990; Klein, 1995; Kowenhoven, 1953; Meredith, 1946; Miller, 1966; Miller, 1990; New York (N.Y.), 1973; Prime, 1874; Reynolds, 1988; Spann, 1986b; Staiti and Reynolds, 1989; Trachtenberg, 1989; Welling, 1978; Widmer, 1993
Bender, 1987; Bergmann, 1995; Brand, 1991; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1967; Conrad, 1984; Cooke, 1995; Kelley, 1996; Kray, 1982; Miller, 1973; O’Connell, 1994; Reynolds, 1988; Robertson Lorant, 1996; Saxton, 1990; Stansell, 1986; Williams, 1973; Zweig, 1984
Crowds and Civilization: Barth, 1982; Bergmann, 1995; Brand, 1991; Kasson, 1990; Kovenhoven, 1953; Marx, 1983; Spann, 1986b; Van Leeuwen, 1988
Lonely Crowds, Confidence Men Baym, 1995; Bergmann, 1969; Buckley, 1984; Child, 1845; Gilder, 1938; Halttunen, 1979; Harlow, 1931; Henkin, 1995; Kasson, 1990; Kelley, 1996; Kluger, 1986; Lears, 1995; Leary, 1975; Lees, 1985; Marx, 1983; Miller, 1977; O’Connell, 1994; Reynolds, 1995; Robertson-Lorant, 1996; Ryan, 1990; Spann, 1986b; Stiles, 1867-70; Trachtenberg, 1989; Tucher, 1994
Unquiet Boner. Ayres, 1993; Beard, 1953; Booth, 1859; Brodhead, 1853-71; Curry, 1853; Guy, 1935; Kammen, 1979; Lawrence, 1906; Moulton, 1843; New York City Common Council, 1841-70; O’Callaghan, 1846-48; Scoville, 1863-66; Vail, 1954; Valentine, 1853
Mysteries of the City: Berg, 1978; Bergmann, 1995; Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1984; Blumin, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Denning, 1987; Dickens, 1961; Kasson, 1990; Kelley, 1996; Lott, 1993; Marx, 1983; Papke, 1987; Reynolds, 1988; Reynolds, 1995; Ryan, 1990; Saxton, 1990; Srebnick, 1995
Man of the Crowd: Berg, 1978; Bergmann, 1995; Brand, 1991; Jenkins, 1912; Jonnes, 1986; Kasson, 1990; Kray, 1982; Lees, 1985; Meredith, 1946; Miller, 1973; Morris, 1987; Moss, 1963; Papke, 1987; Parry, 1933; Reynolds, 1988; Saxton, 1990; Silverman, 1991; Sokolow, 1983; Spann, 1986b; Srebnick, 1995; Tebbell, 1972-81; Widmer, 1993
“Dollars Damn Me”: Bender, 1987; Bergmann, 1995; Boydston, 1990; Boyer, 1978; Brand, 1991; Bremner, 1956; Conrad, 1984; Douglas, 1977; Exman, 1965; Gilmore, 1985; Hardwick, 1983; Johnson and Wilentz, 1994; Kasson, 1990; Kazin and Finn, 1989; Kelley, 1996; Kray, 1982; Lears, 1995; Lees, 1985; Lott, 1993; Masur, 1989; Matthiessen, 1941; Melville, 1996; Miller, 1973; O’Connell, 1994; Parker, 1996; Post-Lauria, 1996; Reynolds, 1988; Robertson, 1996; Rogin, 1983; Srebnick, 1995; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trimpi, 1987; Tucher, 1994; Wall, 1994; Zelnick, Winter 1979-80; Zweig, 1984
“My City!”: Allen, 1969; Allen, 1993; Bender, 1987; Berry, 1983; Brand, 1991; Brooks, 1944; Brown, 1971; Brown and Merit, 1980; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1992; Christman, 1963; Conrad, 1984; Cooke, 1995; Dolan, 1975; Douglas, 1977; Erkkila, 1989; Harrington, 1973; Holloway, 1921; Howe, 1986; Kray, 1982; Lott, 1993; Lynch, 1985; Machor, 1987; Marx, 1983; Miller, 1900; Miller, 1989; Morris, 1975; Museum of the City of New York, 1990; Parry, 1933; Pilat, 1941; Reynolds, 1988; Reynolds, 1995; Robertson, 1996; Rubin, 1973; Saxton, 1990; Thomas, 1987; Whitman, 1950; Whitman, 1973; Zweig, 1984
Adelman, 1990; Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Boyer, 1985; Brown, 1924; Buckley, 1984; Croffut, 1975; Elias, 1992; Garmey, 1984; Hoyt, 1902; Jaher, 1982; July, 1951; Klein, 1987; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1967; Morris, 1975; Nevins, 1927; Nevins and Thomas, 1952; Pessen, 1973; Spann, 1986b; Wecter, 1937
“. . . fled by dignified degrees up Broadway”: Blackmar, 1989; Blackmar, 1991; Bristed, 1852; Brown, 1924; Buckley, 1984; Frick, 1983; Garmey, 1984; Goldstone and Dalrymple, 1974; Jaher, 1982; Landy, 1970; Lockwood, 1972b; Lockwood, 1976; Miller, 1967; Moehring, 1981; Morris, 1975; Nevins, 1927; Simon, 1978; Spann, 1986b; Tauranac, 1985; Thompson, 1946; Trager, 1990; Warren, 1992; Wecter, 1937
Suburbs and Summer Spots: Brooks, 1944; Hartog, 1983; Jackson, 1985, Jenkins, 1912; Lockwood, 1972b; Lockwood, 1976; Schoenebaum, 1977; Scobey, 1992; Simon, 1972
“I never saw such luxury and extravagance”: Adelman, 1990; Albion, 1939; Allen, 1991; Banner, 1983; Berg, 1978; Black, 1981; Bristed, 1852; Brooks, 1944; Brown, 1924; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Colcman, 1972; Elks, 1992; Gernshcim, 1981; Graves, 1843; Gunn, 1857; Henderson, 1986; Kasson, 1990; Larkin, 1988; Levine, 1988; Lockwood, 1972b; Lockwood, 1976; Lowitt, 1954; Mayer, 1983; Miller, 1967; Morris, 1975; Nevins, 1927; Pessen, 1973; Spann, 1986b; Still, 1956; Stone, 1982; Thomas, 1987; Warren, 1992; Watson, 1992; Wecter, 1937
The Respectable Classes: Barth, 1982; Blumin, 1985; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Boyer, 1985; Bridges, 1984; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Clark, 1978; Cromley, 1990; Curtis, 1853; Douglas, 1977; Duduit, 1983; Gardner, 1979; Gunn, 1857; Halttunen, 1979; Jackson, 1985; Kasson, 1990; Kirsch, 1989; Livingston, 1994; Lockwood, 1972b; Lockwood, 1976; McCullough, 1983; McLoughlin, 1970; Ment, 1979; Nevins, 1927; O’Hanlon, 1982; Rosenberg, 1987; Ryan, 1982; Schwartz, 1972; Simon, 1972; Spann, 1986; Stiles, 1867-70; Stuart-Wortley, 1851; Waller, 1982; Wecter, 1937; Wolfe, 1994
Genteel Performances: Adelman, 1990; Auser, 1969; Banner, 1983; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Cromley, 1990; Douglas, 1977; Dudden, 1983; Goldstein, 1992; Green, 1986; Halttunen, 1979; Henderson, 1986; Kirsch, 1989; Lang, 1922; Lieberman, 1995; Lockwood, 1972b; Miller, 1967; Ryan, 1982; Sklar, 1973; Ward, 1994
Coleman, 1972; Cutler, 1961; Diggins, 1972; Diner, 1996; Dolan, 1975; Ernst, 1949; Gunn, 1857; Hendin, 1993; Kraut, 1996; Marraro, 1949; Miller, 1985; Nadel, 1990; Rosenwaike, 1972; Schneider, 1994; Shaw, 1977; Spann, 1986b; Stott, 1990; Taylor, 1966; Tchen, 1992; United States, 1961; W.P.A., 1938a
Reception Center. Beckert, 1995; Coleman, 1972; Degler, 1952; Diner, 1996; Duffy, 1968-74; Ernst, 1949; Kraut, 1996; Levine, 1992; Spann, 1986b; Still, 1956; Wust, 1984
Immigrants at Work: Anderson, 1976; Bernstein, 1984; Blumin, 1989; Bolster, 1997; Curry, 1853; Degler, 1952; Devlin, 1996; Diner, 1996; Ernst, 1949; Furer, 1973; Gilfoyle, 1992; Grinstein, 1945; Hertzberg, 1989; Hodges, 1982; Hodges, 1996; Ignatiev, 1995; Jackman, 1964; Jenkins, 1912; Jonnes, 1986; Kaplan, 1996; Lapham, 1977; Levine, 1992; Lieberman, 1995; Lockwood, 1976; Melville, 1983; Miller, 1967; Moehring, 1981; Nadel, 1990; Nadel, 1991; O’Donovan, 1969; Quiroga, 1989; Stansell, 1986; Steinmeyer, 1975; Stott, 1990; Sunset Park Restoration Committee, 1980?; Supple, 1957; Tchen, 1993; Tebbel, 1972-81; Truax, 1952; Wilentz, 1984
Settling In: Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Coleman, 1972; Cooke, 1995; Cromley, 1990; Diner, 1996; Dolan, 1975; Dunshee, 1952; Ernst, 1949; Grinstein, 1945; Hecht, 1978; Hodges, 1996; Jenkins, 1912; Jonnes, 1986; Judd, 1959; Lapham, 1977; Lockwood, 1972b; Lockwood, 1976; McCullough, 1983; Ment, 1979; Ment, 1980; Nadel, 1990; North, 1951; Osofsky, 1966; Perniconc, 1973; Scharf, 1886; Scherzer, 1982; Schoenebaum, 1977; Schwartz, 1972; Seyfried, 300; Simon, 1972; Stansell, 1986; Still, 1956; Stott, 1990
Jews and Hughes: Billington, 1938; Brown and Ment, 1980; Buetow, 1970; Buhle, 1987; Burns, 1969; Comfort, 1906; Cooke, 1995; Cudahy, 1990; Diner, 1996; Dolan, 1975; Ernst, 1949; Farley, 1908; Fine and Wolfe, 1978; Grinstein, 1945; Hertzberg, 1989; Hodges, 1996; Hofstadter and Wallace, 1970; Jackson, 1989; Jenkins, 1912; Jonnes, 1986; Kaplan, 1996; Katz, 1986; Kraut, 1996; Kroessler, 1991; Lannie, 1968; Nadel, 1990; O’Grady, 1930; Ridge, 1988; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Scharf, 1886; Shaw, 1977; Shea, 1878; Stankowski, 1977; Starr, 1957; Stiles, 1867-70; Sunset Park Restoration Committee, 1980?; Walsh, 1960; Weinbaum, 1979; Wittke, 1952
Rude B’hoys: Allen, 1991; Allen, 1993; Beckert, 1995; Blumin, 1989; Crouthamel, 1989; Devlin, 1996; Diner, 1996; Ernst, 1949; Gorn, 1984; Hertzberg, 1989; Hodges, 1996; Horowitz, 1987; Kaplan, 1996; Lees, 1985; Leuchs, 1928; Lott, 1993; Melville, 1996; Meyer, 1987; Nadel, 1990; Nissenbaum, 1996; North, 1951; Otter, 1995; Reynolds, 1995; Ridge, 1988; Ryan, 1990; Saxton, 1990; Schneider, 1994; Shanet, 1975; Shea, 1878; Spann, 1986; Stott, 1990; Wall, 1994; Wecter, 1937; Wilentz, 1984; Wust, 1984
The Manly An: Adelman, 1990; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gorn, 1984; Gorn, 1986; Halttunen, 1982; Hodges, 1996; Koolhaas, 1978; Nadel, 1990; Nevins, 1927; Nissenbaum, 1996; Pilat, 1941; Reynolds, 1995; Saxton, 1990; Schiller, 1980; Sellers, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Stott, 1990; Weinstein, 1984
Underworld: Asbury, 1928; Asbury, 1938; Crapsey, 1872; Fabian, 1990; Kaplan, 1996; Matsell, 1859; Nelli, 1976; Sante, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Srebnick, 1995
“If I don’t have a muss soon, I’ll spile”: Allen, 1991; Blumin, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Dorson, 1943; Frick, 1983; Henderson, 1973; Hodges, 1996; Ignatiev, 1995; Knobel, 1986; Lott, 1993; McConachie, 1992; Nadel, 1990; Nathan, 1962; Odell, 1927-49; Roediger, 1991; Saxton, 1990; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Tchen, 1993; Toll, 1976; Weinbaum, 1979
Asbury, 1928; Beckert, 1995; Bergmann, 1995; Blumin, 1989; Brown, 1951; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Cooke, 1995; Crouthamel, 1989; Dizikes, 1993; Frick, 1983; Headley, 1970; Henderson, 1973; Hodges, 1996; Kaplan, 1996; Kasson, 1990; Levine, 1988; Lott, 1993; McConachie, 1992; Moody, 1958; Mueller, 1951; Reynolds, 1995; Srebnick, 1995; Weinbaum, 1979
Tenants versus Landlords: Blackmar, 1989; Blumin, 1989; Boston, 1971; Bridges, 1984; Conkin, 1980; Crouthamel, 1989; Ernst, 1949; Freeman, 1966; Grinstein, 1945; Haeger, 1991; Jackson, 1985; Kluger, 1986; Kraut, 1996; Nadel, 1991; Pessen, 1967; Saxton, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Shanet, 1975; Slotkin, 1985; Slotkin, 1973; Spann, 1986b; Tucher, 1994; Zahler, 1941
Towards a Cooperative Metropolis: Degler, 1952; Denholm, 1972; Guarneri, 1988; Harvey, 1985; Hobsbawm, 1975; Horowitz, 1987; Kluger, 1986; Levine, 1992; McKay, 1934; Nadel, 1991; Raynor, 1978; Rude, 1964; Shanet, 1975; Wilentz, 1984
“We did not expect to find in this free country a Russian police”: Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Bridges, 1984; Degler, 1952; Devlin, 1996; Diner, 1996; Ernst, 1949; Guarneri, 1988; Ignatiev, 1995; Levine, 1992; Ment, 1979; Migliore, 1975; Nadel, 1991; Nadel, 1990; Seyfried, 1984; Spann, 1986b; Stevens, 1913; Stott, 1990; Wilentz, 1984; Wust, 1984; Zboray, 1993
Asbury, 1928; Beckert, 1995; Berg, 1978; Child, 1845; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Stansell, 1986
“Penitential Tears”: Asbury, 1938; Beckert, 1995; Bridges, 1984; Browder, 1988; Crouthamel, 1989; Diner, 1983; Dolan, 1975; Ernst, 1949; Fabian, 1990; Healy, 1992; Hodges, 1996; Horlick, 1975; Kaestle, 1973; Kaplan, 1996; Katz, 1986; Klips, 1980; Kraut, 1996; MacLeod, 1983; McCabe, 1868; Rorabaugh, 1976; Rosenberg, 1987; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Rothman, 1971; Shaw, 1977; Spann, 1986b; Stott, 1990; Weinbaum, 1975; Weinbaum, 1979
“To Expel Idleness and Beggary from the City”: Bremner, 1956; Brieger, 1978; Crouthamel, 1989; Diner, 1983; Duffy, 1968-74; Ernst, 1949; Hodges, 1906; Klips, 1980; McLachlin, 1970; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Rosenwaike, 1972; Russell, 1945; Spann, 1986b
“Idle and Vicious Children of Both Sexes”: Beckert, 1995; Berg, 1978; Newt Davidson Collective, 1974; Duffy, 1968-74; Gorelick, 1981; Grinstein, 1945; Hodges, 1996; Mack, 1949; Pickett, 1969; Quiroga, 1989; Rudy, 1949; Ryan, 1990; Schneider, 1938-41; Stansell, 1986
Westward Ho! (Children’s Version): Bellingham, 1983; Brace, 1872; Buckley, 1984; Buetow, 1970; Degler, 1952; Diner, 1983; Dolan, 1975; Katz, 1986; Marraro, 1949; O’Grady, 1930; Quiroga, 1989; Schneider, 1938-41; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986
Enter the Environmentalists: Blackmar, 1989; Blackmar, 1995; Bluestone, 1991; Blumin, 1989; Boydston, 1990; Duffy, 1968-74; Freeman, 1966; Goldman, 1997; Hodges, 1906; Kaplan, 1996; Kraut, 1996; Lockwood, 1976; Loop, 1964; Moehring, 1981; Peterson, Fall 1979; Pickett, 1969; Quiroga, 1989; Rosenberg, 1962; Smith Rosenberg, 1971; Rosenberg and Rosenberg, 1968; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Shaftel, 1978; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986; Starr, 1957; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Tarr, 1979; Wilentz, 1984; Williams, 1991
Tenement Troubles: Blackmar, 1989; Blackmar, 1995; Bremner, 1958; Duffy, 1968-74; Gardner, 1979; Jackson, 1976; Nadel, 1990; Plunz, 1990; Stansell, 1986
“Lungs of the City”: Adelman, 1990; Bernstein, 1984; Buckley, 1984; Bushman, 1993; Garrett, 1978; Green, 1986; Henkin, 1995; Kelley, 1996; Roper, 1973; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Scobey, 1989; Scobey, 1992; Spann, 1986b
Banner, 1983; Berg, 1978; Bushman, 1993; D’Emilio, 1988; Gilfoyle, 1902; Hill, 1992; Kasson, 1990; Katz, 1983; Lockwood, 1976; Lynch, 1985; Reynolds, 1995! Ryan, 1990; Stansell, 1986; Watt, 1994; Wecter, 1937
“The utter idleness of the lady class”: Banner, 1983; Baym, 1995; Belden, 1849; Berg, 1978; Boydston, 1990; Brewer, 1987; Butcher, 1989; Child, 1845; Clifford, 1992; Cogan, 1989; Douglas, 1977; Ernst, 1949; Graves, 1843; Karcher, 1994; Levine, 1992; Quiroga, 1989; Reynolds, 1995; Robertson, 1996; Rudy, 1949; Sellers, 1991; Srebnick, 1995; Stansell, 1986; Stiles, 1867-70; Tompkins, 1985; Tucher, 1994; Urbanski, 1994; Walker, 1993; Walsh, 1977
A Family Wage: Banner, 1983; Boydston, 1990; Brewer, 1987; Buhle, 1981; Cogan, 1989; Degler, 1952; Devlin, 1996; Diner, 1983; Diner, 1996; DuBois, 1978; Dudden, 1983; Hodges, 1996; Lerner, 1977; Levine, 1992; Lott, 1993; Nadel, 1990; Pernicone, 1973; Schneider, 1994; Stansell, 1986; Stevens, 1913; Tchen, 1993
“. . . grows rich on the hardlabors of our sex.”: Asbury, 1928; Beckett, 1995; Berg, 1978; Boyer, 1978; Cogan, 1989; Dolan, 1975; Dudden, 1983; Freedman, 1981; Hodges, 1996; Kaplan, 1996; Katz, 1986; McCauley, 1992; O’Grady, 1930; Quiroga, 1989; Smith-Rosenberg, 1971; Ryan, 1990; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986; Strasser, 1989; Urbanski, 1994; Whiteaker, 1977
City of Orgies: Allen, 1991; Berg, 1978; Boyer, 1978; Browder, 1988; Buckley, 1984; D’Emilio, 1988; Gilfoyle, 1992; Henderson, 1973; Hill, 1992; Kaplan, 1996; Marx, 1983; McConachie, 1992; Nadel, 1990; New York (N.Y.), 1973; Reynolds, 1995; Ryan, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Stansell, 1986; Urbanski, 1994; Whiteaker, 1977
“Mistress of Abominations”: Browder, 1988; Crouthamel, 1989; D’Emilio, 1988; Duffy, 1968-74; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gordon, 1976; Leach, 1980; Miller, 1990; Mohr, 1978; Morris, 1975; Olasky, 1986; Parry, 1933; Quiroga, 1989; Srebnick, 1995; Stoehr, 1979; Waller, 1982
“fashion’s despotic rule”: Allen, 1991; Banner, 1983; Berg, 1978; Boyer, 1985; Buckley, 1984; Child, 1845; Cogan, 1989; Ellington, 1869; Hill, 1992; Kasson, 1990; Leach, 1980; Lockwood, 1976; McConachie, 1992; Morris, 1975; Ryan, 1990; Scobey, 1992; Shanet, 1975; Stansell, 1986; Stuart-Wortley, 1851; Thomas, 1967
“Lindomania” and “High-flyer Stampedes”: Berg, 1978; Buckley, 1984; Dayton, 1882; Dizikes, 1993; Harris, 1973; Hodges, 1996; Horowitz, 1987; Kaplan, 1996; Kasson, 1990; McConachie, 1992; Parry, 1933; Ryan, 1990; Srebnick, 1995; Stansell, 1986
Feme Decovert: Basch, 1982; Berg, 1978; Blackmar, 1989; Boylan, 1990; Cogan, 1989; Crouthamel, 1989; Douglas, 1977; Gilfoyle, 1992; Ginzberg, 1986; Gurko, 1974; Hersh, 1978; Meyer, 1987; Painter, 1996; Reynolds, 1995; Sicherman, et al., 1980; Stansell, 1986; Slanton, Anthony, and Gage, 1881—1922; Swerdlow, 1976; Walker, 1993
Boyer, 1985; Bridges, 1984; Danforth, 1974; Gronowicz, 1998; Guarneri, 1988; Harvey, 1985; Hobsbawm, 1975; Jaher, 1982; McGerr, 1986; Pinkney, 1958; Shefter, 1993; Spann, 1986a; Spann, 1986b
Tammany’s Town: Allen, 1993; Anbinder, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Blumin, 1989; Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1976; Callow, 1966; Gorn, 1984; Hershkowitz, 1977; Hodges, 1996; Moehring, 1981; Mollenkopf, 1981; Montgomery, 1967; Mushkat, 1990; Myers, 1901; Reynolds, 1995; Spann, 1986b; Summers, 1987; Werner, 1928
Municipal Politics Indicted: Albion, 1939; Beckert, 1995; Blackmar, 1989; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1966; Cleveland, 1985; Diner, 1996; Duffy, 1968-74; Ginsberg, 1968; Harlow, 1931; Hodas, 1976; Hofstadter and Wallace, 1970; Kaplan, 1996; Klips, 1980; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Sante, 1991; Spann, 1986b; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Stotz, 1948; Urbanski, 1994; Wilentz, 1984
Reform: Anbinder, 1987; Baker, 1983; Baker, 1990; Barth, 1982; Beckert, 1995; Berg, 1978; Brown, 1966; Buckley, 1984; Carman, 1919; Gorn, 1984; Gronowicz, 1998; Hodges, 1986; Hofstadter and Wallace, 1970; Kaplan, 1996; Knobel, 1986; Mack, 1949; Miller, 1977; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1990; Pickett, 1969; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Saxton, 1990; Spann, 1986b; Srebnick, 1995; Stott, 1990; Summers, 1987; Wilentz, 1984
“Our Civic Hero “: Anbinder, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Blackmar, 1989; Browder, 1988; Brown, 1976; Folsom, 1991; Hill, 1992; Levine, 1992; Mushkat, 1990; Nadel, 1990; Nadel, 1991; Reynolds, 1995; Richardson, 1970; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Rudy, 1949; Scobey, 1989; Spann, 1986b; Stampp, 1990
State over City: Allen, 1991; Anbinder, 1987; Asbury, 1928; Beckert, 1995; Bridges, 1984; Brown, 1976; Buckley, 1984; Callow, 1966; Chalmers, 1969; Crouthamel, 1989; Duffy, 1968-74; Hartog, 1983; Ment, 1979; Miller, 1977; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1990; Nadel, 1990; North, 1951; Otter, 1995; Rorabaugh, 1976; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Seyfried, 1985; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Spann, 1986b; Stansell, 1986; Stiles, 1867-70; Stott, 1990; Summers, 1987; Tarr, 1979; Weinbaum, 1975
Black, 1981; Browder, 1985; Crouthamel, 1989; Gibbons, 1859; Huston, 1987; Norris, 1978; Stampp, 1990
“appalling picture of social wretchedness”: Adeunan, 1990; Banner, 1983; Barth, 1982; Bolster, 1997; Folsom, 1991; Garmey, 1984; Hendrickson, 1979; Hodas, 1976; Huston, 1987; Jackson, 1985; Jaher, 1982; Lebhar, 1952; Lockwood, 1972; Moehring, 1981; Nadel, 1990; Nadel, 1991; Rush, 1920; Stampp, 1990; Stansell, 1986; Stott, 1990; Tebbell, 1972-81; Winkler, 1934
“paper bubbles of all descriptions”: Clark, 1978; Crouthamel, 1989; Fishlow, 1966; Gibbons, 1859; Hobsbawm, 1975; Huston, 1987; Jaher, 1982; Moehring, 1981; Spann, 1986b; Temin, 1975; Van Vleck, 1943; Waller, 1982
Wood Redux-. Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Blackmar, 1989; Bridges, 1984; Degler, 1952; Folsom, 1991; Huston, 1987; Levine, 1992; May, 1949; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1990; Nadel, 1991; Nadel, 1990; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Ryan, 1990; Stampp, 1990
“We Want Work!”: Bernstein, 1984; Bridges, 1984; Degler, 1952; Huston, 1987; Klebaner, 1960; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992
Wood Removed: Anbinder, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Huston, 1987; Lapham, 1977; Levine, 1992; Mushkat, 1990; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Walker, 1993
Bernstein, 1984; Foner, 1970; Foner, 1980; Hobsbawm, 1975; Brewer, 1976; McKay, 1990; Slotkin, 1985; Taylor, 1961
Black Republicans’. Aptheker, 1951; Beard, 1993; Berg, 1978; Blockson, 1994; Bolster, 1997; Cook, 1974; Crouthamel, 1989; Dann, 1971; Dudden, 1983; Foner, 1983; Foote, 1993; Freeman, 1966; Gronowicz, 1998; Harris, 1968; Hershkowitz, 1960; Hirsch, 1931; Hodges, 1996; Hutchinson, 1972; Hutton, 1993; Ignatiev, 1995; Klips, 1980; Lee, 1943; Litwack, 1961; Lockwood, 1976; Man, 1951; Maynard, 1983; Ment, 1980; Mitchell, 1959; Mitchell, 1992; Ottley and Weatherby, 1967; Ovington, 1911; Quarles, 1969; Rainone, 1985; Scheiner, 1965; Stansell, 1986; Stiles, 1867-70; Swift, 1989; Taylor, 1994; Walker, 1993; Werner, 1986; Wesley, 1939; Wilder, 1994
White Republicans: Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Booraem, 1983; Brown, 1971; Foner, 1975; Fredrickson, 1965; Gienapp, 1987; Lott, 1993; Marx and Engels, 1937; McLoughlin, 1970; Migliore, 1975; Mushlat, 1971; Nadel, 1991; Richards, 1970; Roediger, 1991; Saxton, 1990; Sellers, 1991; Whitby, 1984; Wilder, 1994; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
Metropolitan Dixiecrats: Anbinder, 1992; Bernstein, 1984; Browder, 1985; Crouthamel, 1989; Foner, 1975; Foner, 1982; Foner, 1980; Hamm, 1979; Lee, 1943; Man, 1951; McKay, 1990; McLoughlin, 1970; Migliore, 1975; Mushkat, 1971; Sacks and Sacks, 1993; Schluter, 1913; Slotkin, 1985
John Brown’s Body: Dann, 1971; Hutchinson, 1972; Quarles, 1969; Slotkin, 1985; Swift, 1989; Walker, 1993; Wilder, 1994; Wyatt-Brown, 1969
Bernstein, 1984; Degler, 1952; Foner, 1968; Foner, 1975; Genovese, 1965; Genovese, 1971; Hofstadter, 1948; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Moore, Jr., 1966; Randall, 1945; Ryan, 1975; Trachtenberg, 1989
Grass in the Streets?: Bernstein, 1984; Foner, 1968; Hammond, 1957; Hammond, 1970; Hershkowitz, 1977; Migliore, 1975; Ruffin, 1860; Ryan, 1990; Slotkin, 1985
Lincoln Redux: Kaplan, 1980; Lee, 1943; McKay, 1990; Dates, 1977; Randall, 1945; Zweig, 1984
The Republic of New York?: Anbinder, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Lee, 1943; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Mushkat, 1990
Beat! Beat! Drums!: Adams, 1958; Beckert, 1995; Browder, 1985; Catalfamo, 1989; Clark, 1864; Devlin, 1996; Ellis, 1997; Foner, 1968; Purer, 1973; Harlow, 1931; Hershkowitz, 1977; Hobsbawm, 1975; Kaplan, 1980; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Miller, 1985; Montgomery, 1967; Nadel, 1990; Ridge, 1988; Spann, 1996
The B’hoys at War. Bernstein, 1984; Foner, 1975; Frederickson, 1965; Kaplan, 1980; Lee, 1943; Migliore, 1975
Entrepot and Works/tap: Artie, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Browder, 1985; Brown and Mem, 1980; Cook, 1974; Costello, 1967; Cruder, 1972; Fite, 1976; Foner, 1968; Hecht, 1978; Hobsbawm, 1975; Hutchins, 1941; Jackson, 1984; Jonnes, 1986; Lapham, 1977; Lee, 1943; Livingston, 1994; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Nevins, 1950-70; New York (N.Y.), 1973; Poole, 1915; Rischin, 1962; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Singer, 1986; Snyder-Grenier, 1996
Greenbacks and Goldbugf. Beckert, 1995; Browder, 1985; Cleveland, 1985; Gische, 1979; Hammond, 1957; McKay, 1990; Montgomery, 1967; Sharkey, 1959; Shefter, 1993; Sobel, 1965; Supple, 1957; Winkler, 1934
The Shoddy Aristocracy. Adelman, 1990; Asbury, 1938; Attie, 1987; Earth, 1982; Boyer, 1985; Browder, 1985; Cruden, 1972; File, 1976; Gardner, 1979; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Nevins, 1959-70; Ross, 1963; Sobel, 1965; Thomas, 1967
Reformers at War: The Sanitary Commission: Attie, 1987; Fredrickson, 1965; Kaplan, 1980; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Smith, 1957
Carnage and Class: Cruden, 1972; Fredrickson, 1965; Griffin, 1990; Hershkowitz, 1977; Kaplan, 1980; Kouwenhoven, 1953; Lee, 1943; Lonn, 1951; McKay, 1990; Nevins, 1959-70; Ryan, 1975; Slotkin, 1985; Spann, 1996; Starr, 1957
Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Costello, 1967; Cruden, 1972; Fite, 1976; Lee, 1943; Man, 1951; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Montgomery, 1967; Spann, 1996; Wilder, 1994
Politics of Emancipation: Anbinder, 1987; Aptheker, 1951; Artie, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Callow, 1966; Cook, 1974; Fehrenbacher, 1987; Frederickson, 1965; Hershkowitz, 1977; Hutchinson, 1972; Marx, 1937; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975;
Montgomery, 1967; Mushkat, 1971; Mushkat, 1990; Slotkin, 1985; Wyatt Brown, 1969
The Draft: Bernstein, 1984; Cook, 1974; Costello, 1967; Lee, 1943; Migliore, 1975; Montgomery, 1967; Ryan, 1990
Day One: Bernstein, 1984; Brown, 1976; Cook, 1974; McKay, 1990; Ryan, 1990; Spann, 1996
The Battle for New York City. Bernstein, 1984; Brooks Brothers, 1943; Cook, 1974; Costello, 1967; Hodges, 1996; Livingston, 1994; McKay, 1990; Montgomery, 1967; Snyder Grenier, 1996
Aftermaths: Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Callow, 1966; Duffy, 1968-74; Frederickson, 1965; Hershkowitz, 1977; Maynard, 1983; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Montgomery, 1967; Mushkat, 1990; Roediger, 1991; Scobey, 1989; Seraile, 1977; Slotkin, 1985; Spann, 1996
Back to Business: Browder, 1985; Chernow, 1990; Costello, 1967; Cruden, 1972; Fite, 1976; Klein, 1986; Lee, 1943; McKay, 1990; Nevins, 1959-70; Sobel, 1965
The Election of 1864: Brandt, 1986; Longacre, 1984; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975; Mohr, 1973; Van Deusen, 1947; Zornow, 1954
Peace: Boyer, 1985; Hershkowitz, 1977; Kaplan, 1980; Kouwenhoven, 1953; McKay, 1990; Migliore, 1975
Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Coben, 1962; Field, 1982; Foner, 1988; Katz, 1968; Migliore, 1975; Montgomery, 1967; Scobey, 1989
Wall Street and the West: Beckert, 1995; Black, 1981; Carosso, 1970; Carosso, 1976; Chernow, 1990; Cook, 1974; Katz, 1968; Klein, 1986; Lane, 1942; Montgomery, 1967; Simon, 1978; Supple, 1957
The Scarlet Woman of Wall Street. Browder, 1985; Callow, 1966; Carosso, 1970; Chandler, 1977; Chernow, 1990; Gordon, 1988; Klein, 1986; Lane, 1942; Morris, 1975; Scobey, 1989; Sharkey, 1959; Trager, 1990; Unger, 1964
The West and Wall Street: Foner, 1988; Gische, 1979; Montgomery, 1967; Sharkey, 1959; Slotkin, 1985; Trachtenberg, 1982; Unger, 1964
Bernstein, 1984; Migliore, 1975; Scobey, 1989; Waugh, 1992
Fire: Calhoun, 1973; Costello, 1887; Ginsberg, 1968; Mandlebaum, 1965; Moehring, 1981; Mohr, 1973
Health: Corey, 1994; Duffy, 1968-74; Goldman, 1997; Hershkowitz, 1977; Kaplan, 1975; Kaplan, 1979; Mandlebaum, 1965; Mohr, 1973; Peterson, 1979; Rosenberg, 1962; Rosner, 1995; Scobey, 1989; Williams, 1991
Housing: Bender, 1987; Costello, 1967; Cromley, 1990; Lane, 1974; Lubove, 1962; Moehring, 1981; Plunz, 1990; Schiesl, 1977; Simon, 1978
City Building: Boyer, 1985; Cooke, 1995; Foord, 1913; Hall, 1898; Kaplan, 1975; Kaplan, 1979; Lane, 1942; Leng and Davis, 1930-33; MacCracken, 1905; Mazaraki, 1966; Real Estate Record, 1898; Roper, 1973; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Salwen, 1989; Schwarz, 1972; Schyuler, 1986; Scobey, 1989; Simon, 1972; Steinmeyer, 1975; Stone, 1969; Syrett, 1944
White Men Shall Rule America!: Field, 1982; Foner, 1988; Mohr, 1973; Scheiner, 1965
The End of Radical Reconstruction in New York”. Beckett, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Coben, 1962; Cohen, 1976; Field, 1982; Foner, 1988; Gordon, 1993; Henderson, 1976; Katz, 1968; Kolchin, 1967; Migliore, 1975; Mohr, 1973; Mushkat, 1988; Scheiner, 1965
Bernstein, 1984; Boyer, 1985; Gardner, 1979; Goldman, 1997; Gordon, 1977; Harvey, 1981; Hood, 1993; Lane, 1942; Lockwood, 1976; Mandlebaum, 1965; McCullough, 1972; Moehring, 1981; Mohr, 1973; Morris, 1975; Real Estate Record, 1898; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Scobey, 1989; Shanor, 1988; Simon, 1978; Teaford, 1984; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trager, 1987; Trager, 1990
Rapid Transit: Boyer, 1985; Derrick, 1979; Fischler, 1976; Hood, 1993; McCullough, 1972; Sullivan, 1995; Walker, 1970
Bosses, Boosters, and Bridgemakers: Chandler, 1977; Cooke, 1995; Hershkowitz, 1977; Lightfoot, 1981; Mandlebaum, 1965; McCullough, 1972; Schoenebaum, 1977; Schuyler, 1986; Simon, 1972; Syrett, 1944
Constructing Queens; Condit, 1980-81; Diamond and Ricciardi, 1983; Hecht, 1978; Kroessler, 1991; Lieberman, 1995; Seyfried, 1986; Seyfried, 1985; Seyfried, 1984; Singer, 1986
High Finance: Earth, 1982; Bender, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Costello, 1967; Czitrom, 1982; Gabler, 1988; Gardner, 1979; Garside, 1939; Gayle, 1974; Hariow, 1936; Henderson, 1986; Herskowitz, 1977; Klein, 1986; Kluger, 1986; Landau and Condit, 1996; Lane, 1942; Lockwood, 1976; Mandlebaum, 1965; Markham, 1987; McCullough, 1972; Moehring, 1981; Papke, 1987; Real Estate Record, 1898; Scobey, 1989; Silver, 1967; Syrett, 1944; Trager, 1990
Communication Giants: Gardner, 1979; Harlow, 1936; Klein, 1986; Landau and Condit, 1996; Mandlebaum, 1965; Papke, 1987; Real Estate Record, 1898; Scobey, 1989; Weisman, 1970; Weisman, 1953
Rail Complex: Condit, 1980-81; Lane, 1942; Scobey, 1989; Trager, 1990
Ladies’ Mile: Abelson, 1989; Earth, 1982; Boyer, 1985; Chandler, 1977; Cooke, 1995; Devorkin, 1987; Frick, 1983; Gardner, 1979; Hobsbawm, 1975; Hower, 1943; Lockwood, 1976; Montgomery, 1967; Scobey, 1989
Rialto: Boyer, 1985; Corey, 1994; Frick, 1983; Henderson, 1986; Lockwood, 1976; Morris, 1975; Scobey, 1989
Downtown Downsides: Bernstein, 1984; Mandlebaum, 1965; Moehring, 1981; Scobey, 1989
Beckert, 1995; Langenderfer, 1980; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992
Hot to Trot: Adelman, 1990; Asbury, 1938; Earth, 1982; Beckert, 1995; Birmingham, 1967; Boyer, 1985; Fabian, 1990; Leslie, 1954; Lockwood, 1976; McCullough, 1972; Morris, 1975; Riess, 1989; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Sante, 1991; Scobey, 1992; Sell and Weybright, 1955; Simon, 1978; Slotkin, 1985; Wecter, 1937; Wright, 1983
Les Girls: Allen, 1991; Gilfoyle, 1992; Lockwood, 1976; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Odell, 1927-49; Ross, 1963; Seyfried, 1986; Simon, 1978; Snyder, 1989
On the Avenue: Beckert, 1995; Birmingham, 1967; Boyer, 1985; Canton, 1975; Cromley, 1990; Frick, 1983; Gardner, 1979; Lockwood, 1972; Lockwood, 1976; Moehring, 1981; Real Estate Record, 1898; Ross, 1963; Scharnhorst, 1985; Simon, 1978; Steele, 1985
McCallister Among the Patriarchs: Beckert, 1995; Dudden, 1983; Frick, 1983; Gardner, 1979; Gates, 1981; Morris, 1975; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Thomas, 1967; Wecter, 1937
“still destitute of such an institution”: Bender, 1987; Blaugrund, 1982; Clark, 1954; Dizikes, 1993; Frick, 1983; Gardner, 1979; Hellman, 1969; Kennedy, 1968; Morris, 1975; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Simon, 1978; Trachtenberg, 1982
Beckert, 1995; Blumin, 1985; Blumin, 1989; Montgomery, 1967; Walker, 1979
Noble Professions: Beckert, 1995; Bledstein, 1976; Calhoun, 1960; Chandler, 1977; Coon, 1947; Duffy, 1990; Gardner, 1979; Goldman, 1997; Horlick, 1975; Lockwood, 1976; Martin, 1970; McAdam, 1897-99; McCullough, 1972; Montgomery, 1967; Noble, 1977; Powell, 1988; Scobey, 1989; Teaford, 1984
Home Sweet Apartment: Cromley, 1990; Hawes, 1993; Kroessler, 1991; Lockwood, 1976; McCullough, 1983; Morris, 1975; Plunz, 1990; Schemer, 1965; Schoenebaum, 1977; Scobey, 1989; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Syrett, 1944; Taylor, 1904; Wilder, 1994
Tie Cultivated Life: Adelman, 1990; Earth, 1982; Bledstein, 1976; Costello, 1967; Dudden, 1983; Foner, 1988; Frick, 1983; Goldstein, 1992; Kaufman, 1972; Morris, 1975; Riess, 1989; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Smith, 1967; Strasser, 1989; Trachtenberg, 1982; Turner, 1980; Ward, 1994
Rags to ‘Spectability Religion: Beckert, 1995; Cawelti, 1967; Clark, 1978; Douglas, 1977; Duduit, 1983; Findlay, 1969; Johnson, 1973; Klein, 1986; McCullough, 1983; McLoughlin, 1970; Scharnhorst, 1985; Simon, 1978; Slotkin, 1985; Syrett, 1944; Trachtenberg, 1982; Wagenknecht, 1972; Waller, 1982
The Politics of Decency: Bannister, 1979; Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Bernstein, 1984; Fine, 1964; Foner, 1988; Fredrickson, 1965; Haskell, 1977; Hobsbawm, 1975; Leach, 1980; Mandlebaum, 1965; Milne, 1956; Montgomery, 1987; Ross, 1991; Slotkin, 1985; Sproat, 1968; Teaford, 1984; Trachtenberg, 1982; Waugh, 1992; Whitman, 1949
“Women: Their Rights and Nothing Less”: Banner, 1980; Barry, 1988; Blair, 1980; Boyer, 1985; Buhle, 1981; Buhle, 1987; Cooke, 1995; Costello, 1967; D’Emilio and Freedman, 1988; Devorkin, 1987; DuBois, 1978; Foner, 1988; Gabriel, 1998; Gardner, 1979; Gardner, 1994; Goldsmith, 1998; Gordon, 1976; Griffith, 1984; Lane, 1942; Leach, 1980; Morris, 1975; Paterson, 1955; Ross, 1963; Sears, 1977; Solomon, 1985; Stanton, 1898; Stanton, Anthony and Gage, 1881-1922; Truax, 1952; Underhill, 1995
Beckert, 1995; Costello, 1967; McKivigan and Robertson, 1096
The Eight-Hour Day: American Social History Project, 1989; Aptheker, 1951; Bernstein, 1984; Costello, 1967; Foner, 1988; Malon, 1981; Mohr, 1973; Montgomery, 1967; Montgomery, 1987; Schneider, 1994; Scobey, 1989; Singer, 1986
Marxists, Feminists, and the Money Power. Banner, 1980; Barry, 1988; Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Boyer, 1985; Buhle, 1987; Costello, 1967; Foner, 1988; Gardner, 1979; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gordon, 1976; Lieberman, 1995; Malon, 1981; Morris, 1975; Schneider, 1994; Scobey, 1989; Sears, 1977; Sharkey, 1959; Unger, 1964
Walking to Work Bruce, 1877; Costello, 1967; Gardner, 1979; Harlow, 1931; Hecht, 1978; Moehring, 1981; Montgomery, 1967; O’Connor, 1958; Schoenebaum, 1977; Seyfried, 1984
Colored Quarters: Aptheker, 1951; Bernstein, 1984; Connolly, 1977; Costello, 1967; DuBois, 1978; Foner, 1988; Schemer, 1965; Seraile, 1991a; Seraile, 1991b; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Taylor, 1994; Wilder, 1994
Having Fun: Frick, 1983; Gilfoyle, 1992; Hecht, 1978; Kroessler, 1991; McCabe, 1868; McConachie, 1992; Morris, 1975; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Scobey, 1989; Seyfried, 1984; Snyder, 1989
Old Sleuth and Buffalo Bill: Denning, 1987; Papke, 1987; Trachtenberg, 1982 Underworld: Asbury, 1928; Bruce, 1877; Campbell, 1900; Crapsey, 1872; Harlow, 1931; Hartsfield, 1985; Johnson, 1979; Papke, 1987; Peterson, 1983; Richardson, 1970; Rovere, 1947; Sante, 1991; Scobey, 1989; Sutton, 1874; Van Every, 1930; Walling, 1887; Wunsch, 1976
Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Bruce, 1877; Castells, 1978; Cherry, 1950; Costello, 1967; Edwards, 1971; Harvey, 1985; Herreshoff, 1967; Montgomery, 1967; Scobey, 1989; Slotkin, 1985; Williams, 1968
Orange and Green: Brown, 1966; Buhle, 1987; Gordon, “977; Gordon, 1993; Mandlebaum, 1965; McKivigan and Robertson, 1996; Montgomery, 1967; Slotkin, 1985
Slaughter on Eighth Avenue: Bernstein, 1984; Clark, 1864; Costello, 1967; Gordon, 1993; Headley, 1970; Mandlebaum, 1965
Tweed Toppled: Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Bernstein, 1984; Callow, 1966; Carosso, 1987; Foner, 1988; Gardner, 1979; Hershkowitz, 1977; Katz, 1968; Klein, 1986; Mack, 1949; Mandlebaum, 1965; Mazaraki, 1966; McCullough, 1972; Moehring, 1981; Montgomery, 1967; Morris, 1975; Mushkat, 1988; Powell, 1988; Teaford, 1984; Trachtenberg, 1982
Back to the Ten-Hour Day. Bernstein, 1984; Bruce, 1877; Costello, 1967; Lieberman, 1995; Mohr, 1973; Montgomery, 1967; Yellowitz, 1978
Special Agent Anthony Comstock: Beckert, 1995; Beisel, 1997; Boyer, 1968; Browder, 1988; Brown, 1993; D’Emilio and Freedman, 1988; Duduit, 1983; Johnson, 1973; Leach, 1980; Morris, 1975; Sears, 1977; Waller, 1982
“The Slaughter of the Innocents”: Browder, 1995; Buhle, 1981; Buhle, 1987; Costello, 1967; DuBois, 1978; Foner, 1977; Fox, 1993; Herreshoff, 1967; Leach, 1980; Mohr, 1973; Montgomery, 1967; Waller, 1982
Browder, 1985; Foner, 1988; Lane, 1942; Sobel, 1988; Sobel, 1965; Unger, 1964
Taking Stock: Beckert, 1995; Chernow, 1990; Pels, 1959; Gordon, 1982; Hobsbawm, 1975; Lane, 1942; Livingston, 1987; Livingston, 1994; Rezneck, 1968; Scobey, 1989; Slotkin, 1985; Sobel, 1988
Work or Bread!: Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Boyer, 1985; Carosso, 1987; Chernow, 1990; Feder, 1936; Folsom, 1991; Foner, 1988; Gutman, 1965; Mandlebaum, 1965; Moehring, 1981; O’Donnell, 1995; Real Estate Record, 1898; Rezneck, 1968; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Salwen, 1989; Seyfried, 1985; Sobel, 1988; Unger, 1964
Tompkins Square: Bender, 1987; Bernstein, 1956; Bruce, 1877; Gutman, 1965; Gutman, 1965; Montgomery, 1987; Rezneck, 1968; Ringenbach, 1973; Trachtenberg, 1982
Retrenchment: Bender, 1987; Cohen, 1976; Lui, 1993; Mandlebaum, 1965; Mazaraki, 1966; Moehring, 1981; Mushkat, 1988; Ringenbach, 1973; Scobey, 1989; Shelter, 1993; Teaford, 1984; Yearley, 1970
“Charity Rages Like an Epidemic”: Kaplan, 1978; Lui, 1993; Mandlebaum, 1965; Rezneck, 1968; Ringenbach, 1973; Slotkin, 1985; Waugh, 1992
Of Beggars and Tramps: Beckert, 1995; Bruce, 1877; Denning, 1987; Fitzgerald, 1992; Foner, 1988; Kaplan, 1978; Katz, 1983; Katz, 1986; Kurland, 1971; Lui, 1993; Mandlebaum, 1965; Moehring, 1981; Reznick, 1968; Ringenbach, 1973; Schneider, 1938-41; Slotkin, 1985; Stanley, 1992; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trattner, 1983; Waugh, 1992
Dispensing with Democracy. Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Bernstein, 1984; Erie, 1988; Foner, 1988; Kaplan, 1978; Mandlebaum, 1965; McGerr, 1986; Mushkat, 1988; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Slotkin, 1985; Teaford, 1984
A Monumental Aside: McCabe, 1868; Unrau, 1984
Farewell to Reconstruction: Cohen, 1976; Foner, 1988; Mushkat, 1988; Slotkin, 1985; Trachtenberg, 1982
The Gnat Strike: Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1956; Brown, 1966; Bruce, 1877; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Dark, 1864; Cohen, 1976; Duduit, 1983; Flick, 1939; Fogelson, 1989; Foner, 1977; Foner, 1988; Garmey, 1984; Hershkowitz, 1977; Kluger, 1986; Lane, 1942; Mack, 1949; Mandlebaum, 1965; Mushkat, 1988; Papke, 1987; Ringenbach, 1973; Roper, 1973; Scheiner, 1965; Scobey, 1989; Slotkin, 1985; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trager, 1990; Waugh, 1992; Woodward, 1951
Aronowitz, 1983; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Cohen, 1976; Pels, 1959; Hobsbawm, 1987; Livingston, 1986; Sklar, 1988; Slotkin, 1985; Sobel, 1988; Stokes, 1928; Trachtenberg, 1982
The Corporate Solution: Bannister, 1979; Beckert, 1995; Brown and Ment, 1980; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Chernow, 1990; Dean, 1957; Donnelly, 1982; Pels, 1959; Fine, 1964; Gordon, 1982; Hammack, 1982; Hower, 1943; Klein, 1986; Kluger, 1996; Kobler, 1988; Kroessler, 1991; Leopold, 1954; Lisagor, 1989; Livingston, 1986; McAdam, 1897-99; McCabe, 1868; Myers, 1931; Kevins, 1940; Sklar, 1988; Swaine, 1946; Tomsich, 1971; Trachtenberg, 1982; Wecter, 1937; Winkler, 1934
Associates and Agents: Barth, 1982; Beckert, 1995; Dean, 1957; Fox, 1984; Hammack, 1982; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hobson, 1984; Hodgson, 1990; Jaher, 1982; Kluger, 1996; Lears, 1995; Lisagor, 1989; Morris, 1990; Parrini, 1969; Pope, 1983; Powell, 1988; Schudson, 1984; Seyfried, 1984; Starrer, 1938; Strasser, 1989; Swaine, 1946; Trachtenberg, 1982; Winkler, 1934
Tall Towers: Beckert, 1995; Boyer, 1985; Burchard and Bush-Brown, 1961; Costello, 1887; Derrick, 1979; Domosh, 1985; Donner, 1990; Finney, 1970; Gibbs, 1976; Goldberger, 1981; Hammack, 1982; Hendin, 1993; Kessner, 1977; Klein, 1986; Landau and Condit, 1996; Lisagor, 1989; Lockwood, 1976; McCabe, 1868; McShane, 1979; Morris, 1975; Myers, 1974; New York Steam Corporation, 1932; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Starrett, 1928; Stern, 1900; Still, 1956; Van Leeuwen, 1988
High Rollers: Bobrick, 1981; Boyer, 1983; Bronx Museum, 1986; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Cheape, 1980; Derrick, 1979; Donnelly, 1982; Fischler, 1976; Fox, 1977; Hammack, 1982; Hirsch, 1948; Klein, 1986; Mandlebaum, 1965; McCabe, 1868; McCullough, 1981; Moerhing, 1981; Morris, 1975; Nye, 1990; Skolnik, 1971; Snyder Grenier, 1996; Stern, 1900; Sullivan, 1995; Tabb, 1984; Ultan, 1985; Walker, 1970; Wecter, 1937
Hello, Central: Barnouw, 1966; Chandler, 1977; Cleveland, 1985; Dean, 1957; Garnet, 1985; Green, 1990; Josephson, 1969; Klein, 1986; Landau and Condit, 1996; Lisagor, 1989; Lockwood, 1976; Morris, 1975; Pool, 1977; Rudolph, 1986; Schlesinger, 1933; Van Leeuwen, 1988
Let There Be Light. Abelson, 1989; Bruce, 1987; Carosso, 1987; Conot, 1979; Cromley, 1990; Harlow, 1936; Millard, 1990; Nye, 1990; Rudolph, 1986; Schivelbusch, 1988; Trachtenberg, 1982
Bright Lights: Abelson, 1989; Burchard and Bush-Brown, 1961; Cheape, 1980; Gilfoyle, 1992; Landau and Condit, 1996; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Nye, 1990; Trager, 1990
Useful and Unuseful Utilities: Earth, 1982; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Chernow, 1990; Cleveland, 1985; Collins, 1934; Daley, 1959; Hodas, 1976; Hurwitz, 1943; Lurkis, 1982; Myers, 1974; Novick, 1976; Nye, 1990; Rudolph, 1986; Stotz, 1948; Sullivan, 1995; Teaford, 1984
Beckert, 1995; Lasch, 1973; Livingston, 1986; Livingston, 1994; Morris, 1975; Nye, 1990; Wecter, 1937
From the Four Hundred to the Too Thousand: Amory, 1960; Beer, 1941; Chernow, 1990; Douglas, 1991; Hammack, 1982; Jaher, 1982; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Schiesl, 1977; Stern, 1900; Trachtenberg, 1982; Wecter, 1937
To the Opera House: Bannister, 1979; Dizikes, 1993; Henderson, 1973; Horowitz, 1987; Jaher, 1982; Kasson, 1990; Kolodin, 1966; Levine, 1988; Mayer, 1983; Mueller, 1951; Raynor, 1978; Schickel, 1960; Shanet, 1975; Trager, 1987; Wecter, 1937
Châteaux Country: Bacon, 1986; Baker, 1980; Baker, 1989; Boyer, 1985; Burchard and Bush-Brown, 1961; Chernow, 1990; Cooke, 1995; Cromley, 1990; Fairfield, 1985; Fogelson, 1989; Gowans, 1976; Hawes, 1993; Landau and Condit, 1996; Lockwood, 1976; Lowe, 1992; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Mumford, 1971; Norton, 1984; Presa, 1981; Roth, 1983; Stern, 1900; Trager, 1987; Wecter, 1937; Wilson, 1983
Manhattan Renaissance: Beard, 1993; Beer, 1941; Brooklyn Museum, 1979; Carosso, 1987; Conrad, 1984; Fogelson, 1989; Gowans, 1976; Hammack, 1982; Hoopes, 1979; Mayer, 1958; Mumford, 1971; Naifeh and Smith, 1976; Norton, 1984; Simpson, 1986; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trager, 1987; Watson, 1992; Weitzenhoffer, 1986
Pork into Porcelain: Ayres, 1993; Earth, 1982; Brown, 1955; Jaher, 1982; Kraus, 1980; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Simpson, 1986; Tompkins, 1970
Making History: Beard, 1993; Bender, 1987; Bernstein, 1989; Bluestone, 1991; Dayton, 1882; Gilmartin, 1994; Hammack, 1982; Harris, 1970; Harris, 1990; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hosmer, 1965; Jaher, 1982; Marling, 1988; McNamara, 1997; Page, 1995; Stern, 1900; Vail, 1954; Wecter, 1937
Inclusions: Baltzell, 1987; Beckert, 1995; Cookson and Persell, 1985; Fox and Lears, 1983; Hobsbawm, 1987; Jaher, 1982; Levine, 1988; Livingston, 1986; McCabe, 1868; McLachlin, 1970; Stern, 1983; Wecter, 1937
Exclusions: Beer, 1941; Diner, 1992; Gorelick, 1981; Hammack, 1982; Higham, 1988; Howe, 1976; Kobler, 1988; Mayo, 1988; McSeveney, 1972; McWilliams, 1948; Rischin, 1962; Wecter, 1937
Aronowitz, 1983; Barnes, 1915; Beckert, 1995; Buhle, 1987; Devlin, 1996; Fink, 1983; Foner, 1988; Foner, 1975; Gabler, 1988; Gompers, 1984; Gutman, 1977; Hurwitz, 1943; Klein, 1986; LaFeber, 1963; Lieberman, 1995; McSeveney, 1972; Mendel, 1989; Mollenkopf, 1992; O’Donnell, 1995; Ringenbach, 1973; Schneider, 1994; Scobey, 1989; Seretan, 1979; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trautmann, 1980; Walkowitz, 1993; Ware, 1929
The First Labor Day. Foner, 1973; McKivigan and Robertson, 1996; Montgomery, 1987; Watts, 1983
Progress and Poverty: Beckert, 1995; Blackmar, 1989; Blythe, 1983; Boyer, 1978; Bremner, 1956; Donnelly, 1982; Fine, 1964; Foner, 1980; George, 1900; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; O’Donnell, 1995; Rezneck, 1968; Scobey, 1989; Jones, 1971; Thomas, 1983; Trachtenberg, 1982
“Christ Himself Was But an Evicted Peasant”: Bell, 1937; Cohalan, 1983; Curran, 1978; Donnelly, 1982; Fairfield, 1985; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Howells, 1976; Mendel, 1989; Montgomery, 1987; O’Donnell, 1995; Shanaberger, 1993
Dynamite!: Avrich, 1988; Beckert, 1995; Donner, 1990; Fogelson, 1989; Glickman and Glickman, 1984; Harlow, 1931; Kosak, 1987; O’Donnell, 1995; Trautmann, 1980; Ware, 1929; Wexler, 1984
May Day!: Anderson, 1976; Avrich, 1984; Avrich, 1988; O’Donnell, 1995
“Honest Labor Against Thieving Landlords and Politicians”: Atkins, 1947; Beckert, 1995; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Mollenkopf, 1992; O’Donnell, 1995; Scobey, 1989; Sullivan, 1995; Trachtenberg, 1982
The “Tailboard” Campaign: Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Mollenkopf, 1992; O’Donnell, 1995; Post and Leubuscher, 1887; Rezneck, 1968; Scobey, 1984; Scobey, 1989; Speek, 1917
The College-Bred Tribune: Beckert, 1995; Bender, 1987; Collier, 1994; Donnelly, 1982; Fox and Lears, 1983; Gompers, 1984; Hammack, 1982; Hurwitz, 1943; Kurland, 1971; McCabe, 1868; McCullough, 1981; Morris, 1979; Roosevelt, 1891; Schiesl, 1977; Skolnik, 1971; Slotkin, 1985; Sullivan, 1995; Teaford, 1984; Tomsich, 1971; Wecter, 1937
Bosses, Bishops, and the Man of Iron: Allen, 1993; Beckert, 1995; Bernstein, 1984; Binder, 1995; Cohalan, 1983; Curran, 1978; Czitrom, 1991; Donnelly, 1982; Gibson, 1951; Gilfoyle, 1992; Hammack, 1982; Hurwitz, 1943; Marti, 1975; McCabe, 1868; McCullough, 1972; McGerr, 1986; McSeveney, 1972; Montgomery, 1987; Nadel, 1990; Nevins, 1935; O’Donnell, 1995; Post and Leubuscher, 1887; Rezneck, 1968; Rosenwaike, 1972; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Shefter, 1993; Speek, 1917; Stoddard, 1931; Trachtenberg, 1982; Werner, 1928
Denouement: Avrich, 1988; Beckert, 1995; Curran, 1978; Donnelly, 1982; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Higham, 1988; Marti, 1975; Mendel, 1989; Nevins, 1935; Norton, 1984; Rumbarger, 1989; Scobey, 1989; Speek, 1917; Sullivan, 1995; Trachtenberg, 1982; Ware, 1929; Werner, 1928
The New Tammany Hall: Beckert, 1995; Binder, 1995; Cheape, 1980; Donnelly, 1982; Donner, 1990; Erie, 1988; Fairfield, 1985; Fogelson, 1989; Gronowicz, 1991; Gronowicz, 1998; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Hirsch, 1948; Hirsch, 1978; Hurwitz, 1943; James, 1993; McNickle, 1993; McSeveney, 1972; O’Donnell, 1995; Riordon, 1948; Shefter, 1976; Shefter, 1978; Skolnik, 1971; Sullivan, 1995; Teaford, 1984; Thomas, 1932; Thomas, 1983; Trachtenberg, 1982; Waugh, 1992; Werner, 1928; Zeisloft, 1899
Aronowitz, 1973; Bayor and Meagher, 1996; Binder, 1995; Gordon, 1982; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Higham, 1988; Hobsbawm, 1987; Lapham, 1977; McCaffrey, 1996; McSeveney, 1972; Mendel, 1989; Miller, 1985; Nadel, 1990; Nilsen, 1996; Rosenwaike, 1972; Scheiner, 1965; Schneider, 1994; Schudson, 1978; Stokes, 1928; Trachtenberg, 1982; Unrau, 1984; Wilder, 1994
Shtetls under Siege: Binder, 1995; Ewen, 1985; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Hertzberg, 1989; Howe, 1976; Kessner, 1977; Kosak, 1987; Mendel, 1989; New York Historical Society, 1970; Rischin, 1962; Rosenwaike, 1972; Sanders, 1969; Sanders, 1988
Occidentals, Orientals: Binder, 1995; Cooke, 1995; Cremin, 1988; Dain, 1972; Fierstien, 1990; Goodman, 1979; Gorelick, 1981; Goren, 1970; Gurock, 1979; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Howe, 1976; Kosak, 1987; Mayo, 1988; McCabe, 1868; Mendel, 1989; Rischin, 1962; Rosner, 1982; Sanders, 1969
The Lower East Side: Binder, 1995; Bluestone, 1991; Cooke, 1995; Diner, 1992; Ewen, 1985; Fried, 1980; Gorelick, 1981; Gurock, 1979; Hammack, 1982; Harlow, 1931; Howe, 1976; Joselit, 1983; Kessner, 1977; Kosak, 1987; McNickle, 1993; Mendel, 1989; O’Donnell, 1995; Rischin, 1962; Rosenwaike, 1972; Sanders, 1969; Schudson, 1978; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Trautmann, 1980; Wexler, 1984
Mezzogiorno Miseria: Brown, 1986; Ewen, 1985; Fenton, 1957; Gabaccia, 1984; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Hendin, 1993; Hobsbawm, 1987; Mendel, 1989; Pozzetta, 1971; Tomasi, 1975; Unrau, 1984
Manhattan Colonia: Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Hendin, 1993; Kessner, 1977; McCullough, 1983; Mendel, 1989; Ment and Donovan, 1980; Montgomery, 1987; Orsi, 1985; Osofsky, 1966; Pozzetta, 1971; Rosenwaike, 1972; Snyder-Grenier, 1996
The Madonna of 115th Street: Brown, 1986; Cohalan, 1983; Curran, 1978; Di Giovanni, 1983; Donnelly, 1982; Hendin, 1993; Higham, 1988; McCabe, 1868; McCullough, 1983; Mendel, 1989; Orsi, 1985; Pozzetta, 1971; Sullivan, 1992; Tomasi, 1975; W.P.A., 1938b
Chinatown: Beck, 1898; Binder, 1995; Bonner, 1997; Chen, 1941; Gardner, 1894; Gong and Grant, 1930; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hsiong, 1939; Leinenweber, 1969; Light, 1974; Mendel, 1989; Tchen, 1990; Tchen, 1992; Tchen, 1996; Torres, 1995
Hammack, 1982; Kasson, 1978; Koolhaas, 1978; Marti, 1975; McCabe, 1868; Mendel, 1989; Pilat, 1941; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Stern, 1983; Weinstein, 1984
Pleasure and Commerce: Bronx Museum, 1986; Czitrom, 1991; Garrett, 1978; Kasson, 1978; Kroessler, 1991; Lieberman, 1995; Marti, 1975; Mendel, 1989; Pilat, 1941; Riess, 1989; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Seyfried, 1984; Snyder, 1989; Snyder Grenier, 1996; Thomas, 1969; Weinstein, 1984; Younger, 1978
All the World’s Onstage: Bonner, 1997; Harlow, 1931; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Heintze, 1990; Howe, 1976; Kaufman, 1990; McArthur, 1984; McConachie, 1992; Mendel, 1989; Rischin, 1962; Sanders, 1988; Slobin, 1982; Snyder-Grenier, 1996; Sogliuzzo, 1985
Variety: the Spice of Bowery Life: Allen, 1991; Barth, 1982; Gilbert, 1940; Gilfoyle, 1992; Corn, 1986; Harlow, 1931; Howe, 1976; Huggins, 1973; Marks, 1934; Mendel, 1989; Nasaw, 1993; Ottley and Weatherby, 1967; Pilat, 1941; Rischin, 1962; Snyder, 1989; Tchen, 1992; Toll, 1976; Woll, 1989; W.P.A., 1938b; Zellers, 1971
“Prominent Types Which Go to Make up Life in the Metropolis”: Allen, 1991; Alpert, 1991; Brown, 1966; Gilbert, 1940; Hamm, 1979; Henderson, 1986; Josephson, 1969; Kahn, 1955; Lott, 1993; Marks, 1934; Moody, 1980; Rischin, 1962; Snyder, 1989; Taylor, 1992; Tchen, 1992; Woll, 1989
Sex Redivivus: Chauncey, 1989; Erenberg, 1981; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gorn, 1986; Katz, 1983; Lewis, 1988; McCabe, 1868; Miller, 1990; Morris, 1975; Pivar, 1973; Same, 1991
Pastorized Variety: Allen, 1991; Barth, 1982; Beer, 1941; Gilbert, 1940; Hamm, 1979; Huggins, 1973; Marks, 1934; Morris, 1975; Snyder, 1989; Toll, 1976; W.P.A., 1938b; Zellers, 1971
The Roots of Tin Pan Alley: Bergreen, 1990; Erenberg, 1981; Furia, 1990; Goldberg, 1930; Hamm, 1979; Harlow, 1931; Huggins, 1973; Jasen, 1993; Johnson, 1933; McArthur, 1984; Meyer, 1977; Slobin, 1982; Snyder, 1989; Whitcomb, 1987
Big Tent on Madison Square: Asbury, 1938; Boyer, 1985; Chauncey, 1989; Durso, 1979; Garrett, 1978; Gilfoyle, 1992; Koolhaus, 1978; Lowe, 1992; Moody, 1980; Riess, 1989; Stern, 1983
Satan’s Circus: Asbury, 1928; Asbury, 1938; Erenberg, 1981; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gorn, 1986; Lewis, 1988; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Pivar, 1973; Same, 1991; Stern, 1983
Best of Broadway. Allen, 1991; Barth, 1982; Boyer, 1985; Burke, 1972; Frick, 1983; Hammack, 1982; Henderson, 1973; Henderson, 1989; McArthur, 1984; McCabe, 1868; Morris, 1975; Stern, 1983; Taylor, 1991; Trager, 1987; Wecter, 1937
Pulitzer’s World: Barth, 1982; Buhle, 1987; Chauncey, 1989; Cole, 1979; Filler, 1976; Fox, 1984; Fox and Lears, 1983; Gorn, 1986; Hofstadter, 1955; Juergens, 1966; Lewis, 1978; Pope, 1983; Ryan, 1990; Schudson, 1978; Schudson, 1984; Swanberg, 1967; Taylor, 1992; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trachtenberg, 1989
Bannister, 1979; Boyer, 1978; Donnelly, 1960; Jaher, 1964; Mayo, 1988; Miller, 1886; Strong, 1891; Trachtenberg, 1982
Armies of Salvation: Boyer, 1978; Campbell, 1900; Cross, 1967; Davis, 1967; Harlow, 1931; Magnuson, 1977; May, 1949; McKinley, 1980; McKinley, 1986
“Friendly Visitors”: Bender, 1987; Boyer, 1978; Bremner, 1956; Ehrenreich, 1985; Gordon, 1988; Hammack, 1982; Higham, 1988; Jaher, 1982; Kaplan, 1978; Katz, 1986; Kurland, 1971; Lubove, 1965; Lui, 1993; Ringenbach, 1973; Rischin, 1962; Stanley, 1992; Stewart, 1911; Taylor, 1963; Ward, 1989; Waugh, 1992; Zeisloft, 1899
Save the Children: Boyer, 1978; Comfort, 1906; DiDonato, 1960; Fitzgerald, 1992; Gilfoyle, 1992; Katz, 1986; O’Grady, 1930; Schneider, 1938-41; Waugh, 1992; Zeisloft, 1899
The War on Sin: Beer, 1941; Beisel, 1997; Bernstein, 1984; Bordin, 1981; Boyer, 1978; Chauncey, 1989; Chernow, 1990; Crane, 1979; Czitrom, 1991; Erie, 1988; Fabian, 1990; Fishman, 1980; Fox, 1989; Gilfoyle, 1986; Gilfoyle, 1992; Gordon, 1988; Hammack, 1982; Howe, 1976; Johnson, 1973; Kasson, 1978; Kasson, 1990; Katz, 1983; Lewis, 1988; Papke, 1987; Peiss, 1985; Pivar, 1973; Richardson, 1970; Riess, 1989; Ryan, 1990; Skolnik, 1971; Trachtenberg, 1982; Walkowitz, 1992; Weinstein, 1984; Wunsch, 1976
Decentest Nation: Barth, 1982; Beer, 1941; Bender, 1987; Bendroth, 1985; Blair, 1980; Bordin, 1981; Boyer, 1978; Brown, 1966; Conrad, 1984; Douglas, 1977; Ellmann, 1987; Fox and Lears, 1983; Fox, 1989; Gordon, 1976; Hammack, 1982; Hobsbawm, 1987; Kasson, 1990; Lasch, 1973a; Leonard, 1932; Levine, 1988; Livingston, 1986; May, 1959; McCullough, 1981; Morris, 1975; Perry, 1984; Pivar, 1973; Raleigh, 1957; Rubin, 1991; Smith-Rosenberg, 1985; Stern, 1983; Taylor, 1994; Tomsich, 1971; Trachtenberg, 1982
“Hey, Whiskers!”: Chauncey, 1989; Crane, 1979; Fox, 1977; Gardner, 1894; Gilfoyle, 1992; Greenberg, 1988; Katz, 1983; Knerr, 1957; Lewis, 1988; Reynolds, 1995; Trachtenberg, 1982; Werner, 1957
Boyer, 1978; Campbell, 1900; Carosso, 1987; Chernow, 1990; Fine, 1964; Fishburn, 1981; Fox and Lears, 1983; Hartsfield, 1985; Higham, 1988; Hurwitz, 1943; Jaher, 1982; Jaher, 1964; McCabe, 1868; Miller, 1985; Moulton, 1964; Rischin, 1962; Wagenknecht, 1972; Wecter, 1937
Christian Radicals: Fine, 1964; Hurwitz, 1943; Keyser, 1910; Rischin, 1962; Scudder, 1940; Waugh, 1992
Creed into Deed: Boyer, 1978; Cromley, 1990; Friess, 1981; Gurock, 1979; Guttchen, 1974; Kraus, 1980; Plunz, 1990; Rischin, 1962; Scobey, 1989; Trachtenberg, 1982
Supping Sorrow with the Poor. Bordin, 1981; Boyer, 1978; Brown, 1986; Cohalan, 1983; Cook, 1913; Davis, 1967; DiDonato, 1960; Ewen, 1986; Fox and Lears, 1983; Gorelick, 1981; Groshen, 1989; Hammack, 1982; Howe, 1976; Johnson and Wilentz, 1994; Katz, 1986; Kraus, 1980; Lubove, 1962; O’Donnell, 1995; Paulding, 1937; Quiroga, 1989; Rosenberg, 1987; Rousmaniere, 1980; Smith Rosenberg, 1985; Waugh, 1992
The White List: Barth, 1982; Bender, 1987; Benson, 1986; Bremner, 1956; Dye, 1980; Fitzgerald, 1992; Katz, 1986; Sklar, 1995; Stewart, 1911; Tax, 1980; Ward, 1989; Waugh, 1992
Realists: Avrich, 1984; Bender, 1987; Bremner, 1956; Conrad, 1984; Giamo, 1989; Howells, 1976; Kazin, 1942; May, 1959; Morris, 1975; Scobey, 1989; Slotkin, 1985
How the Other Half Lived: Boyer, 1978; Bremner, 1956; Conrad, 1984; Davis, 1967; Fried, 1990; Giamo, 1989; Harlow, 1931; Higham, 1988; Hurwitz, 1943; Katz, 1983; Kroessler, 1991; Lane, 1974; Page, 1995; Perry, 1984; Riis, 1890; Schudson, 1978; Trachtenberg, 1982; Trachtenberg, 1989; Ward, 1989
“Strike at a Given Signal”: Boyer, 1978; Hammack, 1982; Jaher, 1982; Kaplan, 1978; Knerr, 1957; Muccigrosso, 1968; Schiesl, 1977; Skolnik, 1971; Sullivan, 1995; Waugh, 1992
American Social History Project, 1989; Beer, 1941; Boyer, 1978; Chernow, 1990; Conrad, 1984; Feder, 1936; Fels, 1959; Hoffman, 1970; Howe, 1976; LaFeber, 1963; Navin and Scars, 1955; Osofsky, 1966; Painter, 1987; Rezneck, 1968; Rischin, 1962; Roth, 1983; Sklar, 1988; Sobel, 1965; Sobel, 1988; Waugh, 1992; White, 1982
Dealing with Hard Times: Barth, 1982; Boyer, 1978; Burgess, 1962; Carosso, 1987; Czitrom, 1991; Erie, 1988; Feder, 1936; Fine, 1964; Gordon, 1982; Higham, 1988; Hoffman, 1970; Jaher, 1982; Kaplan, 1978; Katz, 1986; Kosak, 1987; Lane, 1974; Leinenweber, 1969; Linderman, 1974; May, 1949; McCormick, 1981; Mendel, 1989; Museum of the City of New York, 1990; Osofsky, 1966; Painter, 1987; Presa, 1981; Rezneck, 1968; Ringenbach, 1973; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Skolnik, 1971; Stewart, 1911; Swanberg, 1967; Taylor, 1963; Waugh, 1992; Wexler, 1984; White, 1982; Zeisloft, 1899
Revolt of the Privileged: Beer, 1941; Boyer, 1983; Boyer, 1978; Corey, 1994; Czitrom, 1991; Donner, 1990; Finegold, 1985; Fox, 1977; Hammack, 1982; Howe, 1976; Jaher, 1982; Jeffers, 1994; Knerr, 1957; Lane, 1974; Lui, 1993; McCormick, 1981; McSeveney, 1972; Morris, 1975; Muccigrosso, 1968; Nevins and Krout, 1948; O’Connor, 1963; Rischin, 1962; Schiesl, 1977; Skolnik, 1971; Sullivan, 1995; Swanberg, 1967; Syrett, 1944; Taylor, 1963; Teaford, 1984; Thomas, 1969; Waugh, 1992; Weinstein, 1984; White, 1982; Williams, 1991
Colonel Waring Cleans the Streets: Armstrong, 1976; Corey, 1994; Knerr, 1957; Kroessler, 1991; Krogius, 1978; Loop, 1964; McSeveney, 1972; Melosi, 1981; O’Donnell, 1995; Pozzetta, 1971; Scobey, 1989; Skolnick, 1968; Skolnik, 1971; Teaford, 1984; Trachtenberg, 1982; Zeisloft, 1899
Germ Warfare: Duffy, 1990; Duffy, 1968-74; Fee, 1995; Kraus, 1980; Lubove, 1962; Rischin, 1962; Skolnik, 1971; Starr, 1957; Starr, 1982; Teaford, 1984; Williams, 1991
Housing Front: Bacon, 1986; Bender, 1987; Boyer, 1978; Carosso, 1987; Davis, 1967; Dolkart, 1988; Knerr, 1957; Lane, 1974; Lubove, 1962; Page, 1995; Plunz, 1990; Rischin, 1962; Rosenzweig and Blackmar, 1992; Schiesl, 1977; Stern, 1983; Teaford, 1984; Tomsich, 1971; Zeisloft, 1899
Roosevelt Cracks Doom: Asbury, 1938; Beer, 1941; Boyer, 1978; Filler, 1976; Fogelson, 1989; Gilfolyle, 1992; Hammack, 1982; Harbaugh, 1963; Henry, 1991; Howe, 1976; Hurwitz, 1943; Jeffers, 1994; Katz, 1986; Knerr, 1957; Kosak, 1987; Kraus, 1980; Lane, 1974; McCormick, 1981; McSeveney, 1972; Mendel, 1989; Moulton, 1964; Museum of the City of New York, 1990; Rischin, 1962; Schiesl, 1977; Sullivan, 1995; Swanberg, 1961; Swanberg, 1967; Syrett, 1944; Thomas, 1969
Populists and Goldbugs: Beer, 1941; Buhle, 1987; Carosso, 1987; Carosso, 1970; Fels, 1959; Goodwyn, 1976; Hammack, 1982; Hammond, 1970; Harvey, 1963; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hofstadter, 1955; Jones, 1964; LaFeber, 1963; Linderman, 1974; Livingston, 1986; May, 1959; McSeveney, 1972; Painter, 1987; Sklar, 1988; Sobel, 1988; Swanberg, 1961; Trachtenberg, 1982; White, 1982; Zeisloft, 1899
Fusion Defused: Boyer, 1978; Cerillo, 1969; Erie, 1988; Gordon, 1982; Hammack, 1982; Hellman, 1987; Hoffman, 1970; Knerr, 1957; Kurland, 1971; McSeveney, 1972; O’Connor, 1963; Schiesl, 1977; Skolnik, 1971; Swanberg, 1961; Thomas, 1969; Waugh, 1992; Wecter, 1937; Weiss, 1968; Zeisloft, 1899
Bannister, 1979; Beer, 1941; Bayer, 1978; Carosso, 1987; Chandler, 1977; Fels, 1959; Foner, 1972; Hall, 1898; Healy, 1988; Hirsch, 1948; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hofstadter, 1967; Kiernan, 1978; Klein, 1986; La Feber, 1963; Lears, 1981; Leopold, 1954; Linderman, 1974; Livingston, 1986; Magdoff, 1969; McCullough, 1981; Myers, 1931; Painter, 1987; Pratt, 1936; Rischin, 1962; Sanchez-Korrol, 1983; Sklar, 1988; Strong, 1891; Trachtenberg, 1982; Williams, 1969
Pro Patria: Foner, 1972; Harvard Encyclopedia, 1980; Healy, 1988; Kiernan, 1978; Linderman, 1974; Maldonado-Denis, 1972; Sanchez-Korrol, 1983; Sinnette, 1989; Turton, 1986; Vega, 1984; Wakefield, 1960
“Blood, Blood, Blood!”: Barth, 1982; Crane, 1979; Foner, 1972; Healy, 1988; Juergens, 1966; Leinenweber, 1969; Linderman, 1974; Pivar, 1973; Schudson, 1978; Swanberg, 1961
Winners and Losers: Beisner, 1968; Bogart, 1989; Brooklyn Museum, 1979; Carosso, 1987; Gucci, 1979; Fels, 1959; Foner, 1972; Gordon, 1982; Healy, 1988; Hobsbawm, 1987; Hodgson, 1990; Hoffman, 1970; Kiernan, 1978; Leopold, 1954; Linderman, 1974; Magdoff, 1969; May, 1959; McNamara, 1997; Morris, 1975; Painter, 1987; Sanchez-Korral, 1983; Shefter, 1993; Sklar, 1988; Skolnik, 1971; Starr, 1957; Vega, 1984; Waugh, 1992; Welch, 1979; White, 1982; Winkler, 1934; Zeisloft, 1899
Annexation and Its Enemies: Graves, 1894; Hall, 1898; Hammack, 1982; Kaplan, 1975; Kaplan, 1979; MacCracken, 1905; Mazaraki, 1966; Schroth, 1974; Scobey, 1989; Stiles, 1867-70; Stone, 1969
“Imperial Destiny”: Graves, 1894; Green, 1896; Hammack, 1982; Kaplan, 1975; Kroessler, 1991; Skolnik, 1971; Trachtenberg, 1982
Green’s Dream of New York: Foord, 1913; Green, 1896; Hammack, 1982; Kaplan, 1975; Kaplan, 1979; MacCracken, 1905; Mazaraki, 1966;
Imperium or Colony?: Bradford, 1894; Brooklyn League of Loyal Citizens, 1895; Costello, 1887; Fitzpatrick, 1927; Graves, 1894; Hall, 1898; Hammack, 1982; Jenkins, 1912; Kaplan, 1975; Knerr, 1957; Kroessler, 1991; Mazaraki, 1966; McCormick, 1981; Moehring, 1981; Rosenwaike, 1972; Skolnik, 1971; Sullivan, 1995; Syrett, 1944; Thomas, 1969; Weidner, 1974; Weinstein, 1984
The Great Debate: Bradford, 1894; Erie, 1988; Fitzpatrick, 1927; Graves, 1894; Hall, 1898; Hammack, 1982; Hirsch, 1948; Jenkins, 1912; Kaplan, 1975; Knerr, 1957; Kroessler, 1991; Mazaraki, 1966; McCormick, 1981; McSeveney, 1972; Moehring, 1981; Nevins and Krout, 1948; Rosenwaike, 1972; Skolnik, 1971; Sullivan, 1995; Syrett, 1944; Teaford, 1984; Thomas, 1969; Weinstein, 1984
Endgame: Backus, 1895; Bronx Museum, 1986; Cook, 1913; Fitzpatrick, 1927; Foord, 1903; Foord, 1913; Hall, 1898; Hammack, 1982; Jeffers, 1994; Kaplan, 1975; Kaplan, 1978; Kroessler, 1991; Krout, 1948; Lubove, 1962; Lui, 1993; MacCracken, 1905; Mazaraki, 1966; McCormick, 1981; Syrett, 1944; Waugh, 1992
Toward the Twentieth Century: Banker’s Magazine, 1902
Rendered maps throughout the text: Grumet, 1981; Homberger, 1996; Cohen and Augustyn, 1997.