In this section, we supplement our gymnastic rings-only core stability workouts with the addition of the cable machine and a heavy set of dumbbells. Gymnastic rings, by their nature, are intended for gravity-based movements, which lends them to anterior stability and hip flexion exercises. Think of this as “north” and “south.” The cable machine specializes in the horizontal plane—“east” and “west”—which makes it perfect for training rotational stability. Dumbbells provide an option for single arm gravity-based movements and is perfect for training lateral stability.
How to fit these workouts into your current program:
Perform 3 sets of the following:
Cable Machine Kneeling Pallof Press (6 reps of 3 seconds each per side)
Perform with your back knee resting on the ground.
Kneeling Front Plank Fallouts (12 reps)
Perform kneeling, facing away from the anchor point with your hands on the handles.
Farmer’s Walk (30 yards each direction, down and back)
Perform holding two dumbbells at your sides.
Double Crunch (20 reps)
Lay supine with both hands on the handles. This movement combines the Crunch with the Reverse Crunch.
Perform 3 sets of the following:
Cable Machine Lunging Pallof Press (6 reps of 3 seconds each per side)
Perform with your back knee resting off the ground.
Double Leg Raise (15 reps)
Perform laying supine with both hands on the handles.
Single Arm Farmer’s Walk (30 yards each arm, down and back)
Perform holding a dumbbell at your side.
Saws (15 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position, facing away from the anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
Perform 3 sets of the following:
Cable Machine Lunging Pallof Overhead Press (6 reps of 3 seconds each per side)
Perform with your back knee resting off the ground.
Pike (10 reps)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with feet in the cradles and hands on the floor.
Single Arm Front Rack Farmer’s Walk (30 yards each direction, down and back)
Perform holding one dumbbell like you are about to do a Shoulder Press.
Front Plank Alternate Fallouts (12 reps each side)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with both hands on the handles.
Perform 3 sets of the following:
Cable Machine Lateral Walking Pallof Press (5 reps each direction)
1 rep is equal to 3 shuffles/lateral walks.
Elbow Push-ups (8–12 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position facing away from anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
Cross Body Farmer’s Carry (30 yards each direction, down and back)
Hold one dumbbell overhead and one dumbbell at your side.
Double Leg Circle (15 reps)
Lay supine with both hands on the handles.
Perform 3 sets of the following:
Cable Machine Standing Pallof Press (6 reps of 3 seconds each per side)
Single Arm Overhead Farmer’s Walk (30 yards each arm, down and back)
Perform holding one dumbbell like you are about to do an Overhead Press.
Push-up Knee Tuck (15 reps)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with feet in the cradles and hands on the floor.
Double Leg Circle (8 reps each direction)
Lay supine with both hands on the handles.