

Also known as “pre-hab,” a play on “rehabilitation,” healthy rehab exercises apply the recovery techniques used in physical therapy to promote injury prevention. In other words, think of these exercises as recovery from injuries you haven’t yet received—pre-habilitation.

Of course, you cannot prevent every injury; but by including prehab work in your program, you can help prevent muscle imbalances and offset the repetitive motion of your sport or lifting routine.

The workouts in this program combine physical therapy-based exercises and mobility exercises to restore proper function and help prevent nagging sprains and strains.

How to fit these workouts into your current program:

These workouts work well as:


The workouts in this program have been arranged purposefully, and progress from beginner to advanced through increasing intensity. Focus on maintaining slow and controlled reps throughout.

Disclaimer: These exercises are not intended to diagnose any medical condition/injury or to replace your healthcare professional. They are not intended to replace a rehabilitation program directed by a Physical Therapist or Athletic Trainer. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your health-care provider.


Workout #1

Perform 3–5 sets of the following:

ISO Glute Bridge (30 seconds)

Lay supine with both feet in the foot cradles. Hold hip extension, keeping glutes off the ground.

Front Plank (30–60 seconds)

Keep both hands on the handles

Single Leg RDL (8–12 reps per leg)


Workout #2

Perform 3–5 sets of the following:

Foam Roll Massage IT Band (60 seconds per leg)

Piriformis/Glute Stretch (8–12 reps per leg)

Grab the handles while facing the anchor point, cross your legs (ankle over knee) and sit back into a Single Leg Squat, feeling the stretch in your outer hips.

Supine Straight Leg Hip Extension (20 reps)

Keep both feet in the cradles.


Workout #3

Perform 3–5 sets of the following:

Glute Bridge (20 reps)

Lay supine with both feet in the foot cradles.

Front Plank (30–60 seconds)

Keep feet in cradles. Once complete, progress movement to ST Saw.

ISO Hold Cossack Stretch

Hold each side for 20 seconds.

Quick Progression: If your knees are feeling good, progress to the Cossack Squat for 8 reps per side, holding each rep for 3-5 seconds.


Workout #4

Perform 3–5 sets of the following:

Calf Stretch (15 reps each ankle)

Face away from the anchor point with handles at eye level and duplicate the standard Wall Calf Stretch. Hold each rep 3–5 seconds.

Standing IT Band Stretch (10 reps)

Hold each rep 3–5 seconds.

Leg Curl (20 reps)

Lay supine with both feet in the foot cradles.


Workout #5

Perform 3–5 sets of the following:

Piriformis/Glute Stretch (10 reps per leg)

Assume pigeon pose, facing the anchor with both hands on the handles. Lean your upper body forward while reaching your hands towards the anchor point. Hold each rep 3–5 seconds.

Lunge Stretch (10 reps per leg)

Keep one foot in the cradle with the same knee on the floor. Hold each rep 3–5 seconds.

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift (20 reps)