These workouts focus on lower back strength and flexibility, core strength and stability, and hip flexibility.
How to fit these workouts into your current program:
These workouts work well as:
The workouts in this program have been arranged purposefully, and progress from beginner to advanced through increasing intensity. Focus on maintaining slow and controlled reps throughout.
The primary goals of these workouts are to:
Perform 3–5 sets of the following:
Single Leg Glute Bridge (8–12 reps per leg)
Lay supine with one foot in the foot cradles.
Supine Supported Leg Drive (8–12 reps per leg)
Similar to Bicycle Crunch with one foot on the ground (supported).
Good Mornings (20 reps)
Perform facing the anchor point with both hands on the handles.
Perform 3–5 sets of the following:
Supine Supported Leg Raise (8–12 reps per leg)
Similar to Leg Raise, with one foot on the ground (supported).
Single Leg RDL (8–12 reps per leg)
Lunge to Overhead Reach/Stretch (8–12 reps per leg)
Perform facing away from the anchor point.
Perform 3–5 sets of the following:
Supine Double Leg Drive
Drive both legs out to about 45 degrees.
Piriformis/Glute Stretch (8–12 reps per leg)
Grab the handles facing the anchor point, cross your legs (ankle over knee) and sit back into a single leg squat feeling the stretch in your outer hips.
Glute Bridge (20 reps)
Lay supine with both feet in the foot cradles.
Perform 3–5 sets of the following:
Supine Double Leg Raise (12–15 reps)
Foam Roll Massage Quad (30–60 seconds per leg)
Lunge Stretch (30 seconds per leg)
Perform 3–5 sets of the following:
Plank Fallouts
Foam Roll Massage Glute
Standing IT Band Stretch (10 reps)
Hold each rep 3–5 seconds.