Suspension training lends itself very naturally to full body circuits due to the ease with which one can move from one exercise to another (also known as metabolic strength training).These three workouts are among my all-time favorites because they work for everyone. Similar to the Fat Burn workouts, this series is ideal for the home gym/garage gym athlete. They can also be very beneficial for the person who travels frequently and whose workouts are often restricted to the hotel gym, or even their hotel room. Unlike the Fat Burn workouts, however, this series can work in a commercial gym setting with even a simple set-up in the racks or at the pull-up bars.
How to fit these workouts into your current program:
The following is the basic template being used for our circuit, to help you better customize your workout to your exact needs:
This template hits all the major muscles in circuit style training, resulting in more muscle and strength gain in less time.
We also suggest a Full Body Mobility Warm-up before each workout. Below is an example:
Perform 2 sets of 10 reps each for:
Rings Lunge to Chest Fly/Stretch (face away from the anchor point)
Lunging Yoga Rotations
Rings Single Leg RDL
As you can see, there are some minor differences between the two programs. These Full Body Strength Circuits are designed to get you strong in a short amount of time.
Perform 3–4 sets of the following:
1A. Glute Bridge (6–10 reps)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard).
1B. Incline Push-up (10 reps)
Perform with feet in cradles and both hands on the floor.
1C. Saw (15 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position facing away from anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
1D. Skater Squat (6–10 reps per leg)
Similar to the Reverse Lunge, but the back foot never touches the ground.
1E. Row (10 reps)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard).
1F. Elbow Push Ups (6–10 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position facing away from anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
Perform 3–4 sets of the following:
1A. Glute Bridge (6–10 reps)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard).
1B. Incline Push-up (10 reps)
Perform with feet in cradles and both hands on the floor.
1C. Saw (15 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position facing away from anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
1D. Skater Squat (6–10 reps per leg)
Similar to the Reverse Lunge, but the back foot never touches the ground.
1E. Row (10 reps)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard).
1F. Elbow Push Ups (6–10 reps)
Assume traditional Plank position facing away from anchor point with feet in the cradles and elbows on the floor.
Perform 3–4 sets of the following:
1A. Leg Curl (6–10 reps)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard). 1B. Spiderman Push-up (10 reps)
Perform with feet in cradles and both hands on the floor.
1C. Front Plank Alternate Fallouts (12 reps per side)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with both hands on the handles.
1D. Skater Squat (6–10 reps per leg)
Go hands-free (no gymnastic rings) if possible, hold your hands out in front for counterbalance.
1E. Chin-up/Pull-up (10 reps)
Transition to slow eccentrics (muscle stress) if you can get 10 clean reps.
1F. Pike (10 reps)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with feet in the cradles and hands on the floor.
Perform 3–4 sets of the following:
1A. Single Leg Glute Bridge (6–10 reps per leg)
Resist Pendulum position (really hard).
1B. Spiderman Push-ups (10 reps)
Perform with feet in cradles and both hands on the floor. Transition to slow eccentrics (muscle stress) if you can get 10 clean reps.
1C. Kneeling Front Plank Fallouts (12 reps)
Perform kneeling, facing away from the anchor point with your hands on the handles. These are really hard if you set up behind the anchor point (in Resist Pendulum position).
1D. Skater Squat (6–10 reps per leg)
Go hands-free (no gymnastic rings) if possible; hold at 25 lbs. (if possible) in front for counterbalance.
1E. Chin-up/Pull-up (10 reps)
Transition to slow eccentrics (muscle stress) if you can get 10 clean reps.
1F. Push-up Knee Tuck (15 reps)
Assume Push-up position facing away from the anchor point with feet in cradles and hands on the floor.